
Thursday, August 15, 2024

Why Are Some Black American Men Supporting Trump For President Of The United States In 2024? (podcast video, transcript excerpt & comments)

Defiant Lawyers - Nullifying Systemic Racism, August 15, 2024

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post showcase an August 2024 podcast published by Defiant Lawyers - Nullifying Systemic Racism. That podcast questions why certain African American men are supporting former United States President and 2024 Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump.  

This post also presents some comments from that podcast's discussion thread.

The content of this post is presented for historical, socio-cultural, and political purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to Attorney Augustus Corbett from Defiant Lawyers for this podcast and thanks to all those who are quoted in this post.


[Pancocojams Editor's Note: I added punctuation and capitalization to this excerpt of that podcast.]


"You know, I think a lot about what is it going to take for these African-American Trump supporters to realize how deeply, deeply racist that man is and that he's just playing them. He comes into our barber shops and our churches and he brags about being the best thing to happen to African-Americans since Abraham Lincoln- which is completely false and offensive. Yet some Black men just continue to follow him. And I'm not just talking about those conservatives Tim Scott and Byron Donalds and Ben Carson. I mean, they're going to do that.  I'm talking about a lot of these brothers out here in the neighborhood, in the community.  And no matter how racist Trump is, they just seem to just like him, gravitate toward him despite his racism.

It's almost like having a friend who's dating a girl and she is dogging him out.  She’s all over town, sleeping with other guys in front of everybody,  Everybody can see it except for your buddy  Except for him, nobody else, nobody else, is is in the darkness like he is.  But he just, for whatever reason, he just stays with that girl.  That's how this feel. 

But I got a photo today that I think can go a long way at convincing these guys that this man means African-American men no good. But I need your help  sharing this photo.


All right, so what photo am I talking about?  I'm talking about this racist photo [shown around 3:33 in this video].

Look at this.  Trump released this photo “Your neighborhood under Trump” and here's this plush neighborhood and this photo is obviously geared toward White people, right, White voters and then “Your neighborhood under Kamala”. And if you look closely there are mostly Black men In this crowd. So he is trying to create fear with White voters using these images of African American men men. They're not- I don't see, maybe somewhere there, I don't see any African-American women, all men all Black men.

And here we're talking about Black men supporting him.  How, how do you support a man who is that racist?  He’s literally using the image of Black men to scare White people.  He's using our image as Black men to make the point that if you vote for Kamala, Black men are going to be in your
neighborhoods robbing, stealing, killing and so on. That’s what that says.  That's the message that he's putting out there.

So again, the question is “How in the world does any sane African American man support someone this deeply racist and White supremacist? Tell me.  Explain it to me. I, I…Because I don't get it. I I I simply don't get it.

Now I know that we have been damaged and traumatized because of slavery.  And I know that having gone through slavery people- often times even their descendants- can become so broken, can come out of that situation so deeply broken that they have sort of a dependency on the enslaver and a deep nonsensical loyalty to the enslaver. I mean I I I don't know.  It's again it's almost like a woman who is just deeply connected with her abuser, right, she just can't seem to let it go. Or, as I said earlier, maybe like a man who has this unfaithful girlfriend and she just knows-no matter what she does- she knows that he's going to stay with her.  Right, so that that's again how it feels.

Just seeing this racist, deeply racist, KKK type racist-I mean it's, it's that level racism.  It's it's Nazi level racism, deeply deeply racist. And yet Black men see that -those who support him- and they will continue. They will find a reason why he's still not that bad a guy or this is -what often times happens- well Joe Biden this Joe Biden that, Kamala Harris this, Kamala Harris that…And compare them to this level of racism in other words find a a way, a reason to continue to be loyal to a man that despises you, a man who thinks of you as the lowest person on the the planet, a man who will use your image to scare White people that that is deep seated racism.


… isn't that offensive?   Look at it again.  Look at it.  This is what Trump released on his X account.  He released this or someone who works for him released this”


That picture, that picture is disgusting.  This picture should offend you. It should cause you to say “There's no way that I will vote for a man who will use images of Black men who look just like me to scare White people into voting for him.  That's really what he thinks of me.”


Donald Trump is…You got to you got to take him for what he shows you, right. Maya Angelou said “When someone shows you who they are. you believe them the first time”.

Come on, brothers, Come on. Come on.  Come on.  Come on. Come on. Let's do better than this.  Let's do better than this. He does not deserve the privilege of representing African-American people.

All right. I am attorney Augustus Corbett. I'm one half of the Defiant Lawyers. Thank you for watching this video. And until the next time, peace out!

With the exception of comment #8, these comments are given without explanations.

These comments are presented in no particular order and are numbered for referencing purposes only. 

All of these comments were published on August 15, 2024

1. @ellentaylor4351
"There's non so blind as those who will not see.🇺🇸VOTE BLUE Vote DEMOCRATS.🇺🇸"

2. @billysimpson6213
"If they voting for Trump they obviously don't think at all so sad "

"Most of them probably don’t/won’t ever vote️"

4. @ShaGod-nd4eh
"you know we have always been the boogie man. when you can be charged with reckless eyeballing come on!!"
5. @SG-ci1vg
"It's Birth of a Nation all over again... smh "

6. @LifestylesWithAjikeWilliams
"The more I look at that picture the more I shake my head, poor Africans from the Continent of Africa who came into this country for a better life for themselves and family back home. Imperialism is nothing but a form of Racism/Colonialism by a country that has colonized your country, after they stole Africans enslaved them in the Caribbean and what was to became the United States of America. These unread Blacks need to pick up a book/books and read about our enslavement, so that when people like a tRump comes around trying to sell them some snake oil they will recognize them. Thanks for all of your informative video presentations."

7. @rwhite789
"Most of these Black Trump Supporters are grifting.  Some of these black youtubers have also re-formatted their platforms to Trump-friendly programming.  They're getting that MAGA check."

8. @Rod-w1g
Tariq Nasheed, Phil from The Advise Show."
Tariq Nasheed is a Black American film producer and internet personality who founded and promotes the movement/lineage he calls "Foundational Black American (FBA)". FBAs are  Black Americans who have at least one ancestor who was an enslaved Black person in the United States. FBAs differentiate themselves from and are opposed to Black immigrants to the United States from the Caribbean, Africa, and elsewhere and their descendants.

Foundational Black Americans refer to Black people living in the United States who aren't "lineage Black Americans" (meaning "FBAs) as "tethers". Reparations is one of FBAs' core demands. Those reparations would only be for Black Americans who can identify an ancestor who was enslaved in the United States (FBAs) and not for immigrant Black Americans and/or their descendants.

Click for the pancocojams post entitled "
Article Excerpts About The Population Referents "ADOS" (American Descendants Of Slaves) And "FBA" (Foundational Black Americans)."

9. @preciouspearl487
"Exactly what I thought.. they are getting paid.."

10. @selmaallen7476
"As a Black Man who knows a few people like this and I just be like come on bruh you can't be serious.. It's like that without massa, they wouldn't know what to do#stockholmsyndrome"

11. @ghostriderx916
"The FBA LOVE him… please explain why this is so"

12. @sampsonlittle7368
"The black men for Trump are giving up the fight against racism so they can hang onto their misogyny, Kamala Harris and women.  Make no mistake."

13. @ajfisher1459
Tariq nasheed  boyce Watkins.  Phillip scott. Judge joe brown.  Yvette carnell. Professor  black truth.   The black authority.   Anton daniels... just to name  a few"

14. @tctopcat1981
approved by tim scott and douglas, and all those black trump supporters. Uncle ruckuses all over"

15. @CharlesDorsey-ov2ht
"Those arent even FBA blackfolks"

16. @rj8457
Yeah I saw this photo.  I will say, you have to also pay attention to the number of black women who say they aren't supporting VP Harris.  Also don't think its a coincidence that the Trump campaign is questioning VP Harris's ethnicity.  They are getting this rhetoric from a number of black youtube content creators.  Real Talk"

17. @rodeanabean4019
This the new " Willie Horton" play."

18. @RaMahUganda
I was told ... i should rather have the foe i know... all i could do is laugh...all i can tell them attention to the policy....more than the people.."

19. @efechief2659
Not only did trump not apologize for the Central Park 5, he doubled down and basically said he has doubts about any new evidence that exonerated these 5 men."

Also, if any black person thinks this photo is distinguishing Africans from Black Americans, you are kidding yourselves.  When t. carlson said they are coming for your homes, immigration wasn't a talking point.  He was referring to black Americans.

20. @afanaobeba7876
Tariq Nasheed and his ilk will say that those are “tethers” "

21. @joshuahawkins2743
That photo is about immigrants not black Americans"

22. @Nancy-om9ep
Why not show Hispanic immigrants?"

"Those are black immigrants so that’s how they will justify it! It’s not Americans it’s immigrants"

"Remember what he did to the Central Park Five."

25. @andretraylor7418
"Trump's pulling a "Willie Horton" campaign ad tactic? Is there anyone old enough to remember that George Bush/ Willie Horton campaign ad? It was utterly racist! Vote blue!"

26. @errolalmiral
"I often wonder: do they not hear the words that's coming out of his mouth?"

27. @victorrobles4985
They drank the Trump Kool-Aid"

28. @Trash-Panda-1one
"Make tRump's Kongressional Klutz Klown show go away"

29. @gigjoy1994
"Shaking my head at any of MY People voting for this Criminal....#wenotgoingback Some Youturbers I listen to talking BS about not Voting, thats crazy."

30. @LifestylesWithAjikeWilliams
"The more I look at that picture the more I shake my head, poor Africans from the Continent of Africa who came into this country for a better life for themselves and family back home. Imperialism is nothing but a form of Racism/Colonialism by a country that has colonized your country, after they stole Africans enslaved them in the Caribbean and what was to became the United States of America. These unread Blacks need to pick up a book/books and read about our enslavement, so that when people like a tRump comes around trying to sell them some snake oil they will recognize them.  Thanks for all of your informative video presentations."

31. @albertnorris2912
MY.  Brother U keep it REAL."

32. @Nancy-om9ep
Those are refugees in Manhattan"

33. @Vivalarosa45
That's a picture of African refugees somewhere in Italy, Spain or France."

34. @rodneybrown9580
"Many base their decision to like him based on the stimulus check they received during COVID."

35. @MsHotcook
"Have to laugh at those black men who support trump they need to download project 2025 and educate themselves with what trump has in store for them"

36. @PrettyBones-ho4rq
"I was reading an article that was saying that a lot of these black men that are voting Republican and Voting for Trump are doing so because they are with white women and living in white communities and are voting WP preferences choice."

37. @Aceman52
"This is the willie horton formula, yet again"

38. @solomoon3083
"What is it going to take? It doesn’t matter. If they don’t have the consciousness to get it as adults, like the rest of us - then they get left behind. Having to be out here re-raising and educating grown ass people ain’t it. Of all ethnic backgrounds. I came from an abusive, poverty stricken, horrible family - and I served these ungrateful citizens  in the army, and rescue and feed animals DESPITE that upbringing. It isn’t on us to be missionaries to force a mind into some sort of alignment. Walk your walk, and hope that a like minded, ready to learn soul, will follow. Stressin over these folks should not be your whole goal. Screw them."

39. @curtbengal7910
"Got give it to em... He's been playing chess... While brothers think it's ok to play checkers... As soon as  he freed a rapper... I knew that was a chess move... All he had to do is contribute to what's contributing to our demise... "RAP" and ninjas would be sold... Saw it coming the moment I heard about the freeing of Kodak. This the point no one is addressing."

40. @BrianBurnett-py5el
They never stopped breeding Tom, we need to recognize that fact"

41. @timothybrown5802
Gotta remember that we were sold out by our own kind into slavery"

42. @keithclanton7634
"A variation of the "Battered Woman's Symdrome" ...plantation mentality...massa was good to me"

43. @gregoryhall9310
"There lost listening other lost black men’s They still think there getting a stimulus check"

44. @tenstevens9021
In my personal experience,  Blk Men & Women support Trump for two reasons: 1. Money.  Either they believe Trump will fatten their pockets OR they are currently receiving monies from Trump or his cronies; 2. Self-hate.  There are many Ruckus (Boondocks), Stephan (Jango), candace owens, etc."

45. @everydy
He doubled down AFTER the Central Park Five had been exonerated. See: New York Times, "Trump Will Not Apologize for Calling for Death Penalty Over Central Park Five," June 18, 2019"

46. @ferdalehuey6550
"It's a shame, and we need to call them out to their face and help educate them."

"Everyone forgets about the late 1990's discrimination lawsuit trump lost in Atlantic City. Having blacks move off floor of casino when he arrives."

48. @sweetcynic6539
"The black men who support trump are self-loathing misogynists. They hate themselves and they hate black women."

49. @malinpin4518
"Black men dont want accountability. The democrats will hold them to a certain standard. Why do you think a lot of men gravitate to toxic republicans? It's easy to blame someone else. Showing them the racism against them isn't the solution. Its a community problem. Its a victim mindset issue. Then hoping the proximity to white men will elevate them and save them from themselves."

"Those are not American Israelite people (African American). Those are all immigrants.  That being said, I get the gist."

51. @haeuptlingaberja4927
"Okay, and Stupid is a very deep well. But, and call me cynical, but I'm thinking that very few people are really that stupid. And it's not just Tim Scott, Byron Donalds and Uncle Clarence--who absolutely know better. What black man does not know that Mark Robinson is dancing for chicken? What black woman does not recognize Candace Owens for what she is? They know, dude, they know."

"I'm an old white guy, and I can assure you that racism is a CORNERSTONE of the republican way of life, and has been all of my nearly 70 years.  Any Black man that can't see this is just a useful tool for those that believe in minority rule, regardless of the Constitution."

53. @byronaf6508
"You are overly optimistic. Some black people are just more comfortable, when the Master is in charge."

54. @ScottAJones
"Vote Blue. Vote for Kamala Harris!  I am, for certain, voting for her. No racist should become president. Trump should never have been president in 2016 and cannot be at any other point. He is, for sure, a racist. He infuriates me to my core!  Take seriously Project 2025c too!"

"We got a population of brothas who are straight up wm bootlickers."

"Slavery and Jim Crow did a terrible thing to the minds of some Black Americans. Shame. The  self hatred runs through the blood."

57. @blacdanno4574
"If Donald Trump wins it will be open season on black and brown people due to total immunity he grants to these racist cops!"

Race is all you think about and that is really unhealthy."

59. @TheDefiantLawyers
"That's one of the most ridiculous gaslighting statements you can make to an African American male when we live in a country and amongst a people that weaponized race against Blacks for the last six or seven centuries."

60. @zettakennedy2928
"Especially these rappers. Like DT gives a rats behind about Kenye...50 .Little Wayne, Ice cube, and the list goes on. He is at home laughing hysterically about these Koo Koo for Co Co puffs black men. They've mastered the art of music and idiocy. (Respectfully)"

61. @QcWilliams
"As an older Black man it sad to say. Especially today our Black women are Still carrying our young Black men. Whites has beaten every sense of pride out of the Black man till there's fight left in him. He has turn to a complete " BOOTLICKER ' for the white man.

As for all these Black man who's successful, their names need to be printed out so we can see who they're."

62. @mousebr549
"This white  woman isn't afraid. I am married to a proud wonderful black man. He is the best thing that ever happened to me. I love your content. Keep up the good work.

Yusef Salaam, one of the Cental Park Five, was elected to a seat on the New York City Council. He is an example of the type of person we need to support. Elect these people of character to government positions to represent us, not Trump or others like him. Trump only truly cares about himself."

63. @user-xc1xp2mv1l
"I don’t get it either.  It makes my blood boil to see a Black Man supporting him."

64. @MissRed92837
"🇺🇸 We need to get rid of Trump, project 2025 and MAGA for good! VOTE blue, VOTE Harris-Walz! 🇺🇸"

65. @user-sx7ue8ho3o
"The question is how can any African American whose ancestors were so brutally and savagely slaughtered by white supremacy and yet you have some of them who will vote for white supremacy, imagine that?"

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