
Friday, July 26, 2024

The Tremendous Paradigm Shift And Vibe Changes Since President Biden Withdrew From The 2024 Presidential Campaign And Endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris As The Democratic Presidential Candidate,

ABC News, Jul 23, 2024

A raucous Milwaukee crowd welcomed Vice President Harris has as she proclaimed that the road to the White House runs through Wisconsin.

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post showcases a YouTube video of Vice President Kamala Harris' first campaign rally since President Biden's withdrawal from the race for 2024 President of the United States.

This post also presents a podcast excerpt and a compilation of online comments about the paradigm shift and vibe changes that a number of podcasters have referred to and many people online have commented about since United States President Joe Biden withdrew from the 2024 Presidential campaign and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for the Democratic candidate for President. the United States.

The selected comments in this compilation are from one Australian tarot/astrology podcast and from four American (United States) political podcasts.

All of these comments were published between July 22, 1014 and July 25, 2024. (President Biden withdrew from the 2024 Presidential campaign on July 21, 2024.)  

The content of this post is presented for historical, socio-cultural, and political purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris and thanks to all those who are quoted in this post. 

This pancocojams blog isn't neutral about the 2024 national election in the United States. I strongly 
support Kamala Harris for President of the United States and will only publish content that is positive about Kamala Harris and the 2024 Democratic campaign for President/Vice President of the United States.

From "Trump FLEES from Debate Plans as Harris Breaks Fundraising Records! | #ResistanceLive (auto-generated transcript from about 3:42 to 4-53) by #ResistanceLive, July 36, 2024

(I added punctuation and corrected some spelling to this transcript excerpt.)

…”but I have to say that never in a million years what I have expected to see Donald Trump refuse to debate a nominee on the Democratic side who he

could you know arguably try to humiliate let alone with like racism and sexism=that's his brand right. So we really have a moment right now where things are turning. And you know I think we felt that way all week this week. But I just want to point out I mean the last 10 days. you guys I don't know. Man. it feels to me like it's been an absolutely epic century of time since the assassination attempt on Don Trump, the Republican National Convention, the withdrawal of Joe Biden the endorsement of Kamala Harris and then the delegate count making a shift to her within 36 hours. Now we've seen record-breaking fundraising -more on that in a minute- and now we have Donald Trump pulling out of the debate. That's the last 10 days in American history .

And the vibe is completely different -just absolutely completely different than it was even 10 days ago. It's been crazy.  And like good crazy.

I think we all are feeling-not that the assassination attempt was good. Please don't misread me. But you know the momentum that we have right now as Democrats is extraordinary. Uh and so you know I think he's scared.  And I think he should be.  And I think as long as we're all committed to getting past this honeymoon phase of the Harris moment and really doing the work for the next 101 days until we get to the election um, all bets are off about what could be possible coming down the pike”….

These online sources are presented in relative chronological order based on their publishing date Numbers are given for referencing purposes only.

From "Harris for president. Biden's legacy monumental", published by Revealing Light -Tarot, Astrology & Spirituality, Jul 21, 2024

@Sherspirit July 22, 2024
"You've said for years that it is a woman that will take trump down! She comes up in the cards frequently! We began as a wave, now we're the whole damn ocean! Vote Blue!

I've said it so many times, I can't imagine these years without your steady and strong spirit, your support, and your extraordinary spiritual gifts, Maryann!

Deepest thanks to you always and blessings upon blessings

Every little thing is going to be alright"

2. @Glad2CU,July 22, 2024
"I'm voting straight blue 2 make sure our 1st black female President is successful. There has been a 180° shift change in the energy. Kamala has been raking in donations delegates & endorsements. We will win this with historic numbers for Joe & Kamala. My retribution is against all corperate media. I haven't been watching them & will continue instead supporters independent sources."

3. @hads31,July 22, 2024
"It felt to me that Biden as a brilliant strategist may have played everyone, even the Dems trying to oust him. He waited until the RNC had picked their candidates and their platform saying Joe was old, sleepy, past it. Then he retired and the Republican candidate is the one who is old, sleepy, past it and the VP pick way too extreme to get the female vote. Brilliant, Joe! Crafty Scorpio."

4. @souliesinc1111, July 23, 2024
"I feel the energy and momentum!! It’s palpable! We got this! Go Kamala!"

5. @lakshmicostello900, July 23, 2024
"50 Million in small donations in less than 24 hours. That is Kamala’s war chest. The big money donors are in. We are unified. The energy here feels totally different.

Also this announcement made on Guru Purnima a very auspicious day for Hindus. "

6. @pamelavendetti1844, July 23, 2024
"I held it together until you read on Joe Biden’s legacy . I’m in Arizona. The full moon was yesterday and the energy shift was massive! I felt a little shocked and saddened when I heard the news but then I felt a bolt of energy light me up! All in for Harris and ready to work for her. Thank you Maryann. Already the GOP looks much weaker and grasping at silly things. Maybe the blinders will come off of their cult members. It is truly a new day!"

From "LIVE: Biden ENDS Re-Election, KAMALA SOARS, Trump PANICS", published by MeidasTouch, Jul 21, 2024

1. @cathykearns2147, July 22, 2024
"I cried tears of joy and relief when Joe Biden won the presidency. I cried today because I am saddened at how he has been treated the last few weeks. He has been the leader we needed for the past three and a half years. He is gracious, empathetic, honorable, caring, and a man of integrity. Thank you for your service, President Biden. We are forever grateful for your stewardship of our country at a critical time. You restored dignity, honor, and respect to the presidency.

Now, we need to unite and move forward to make sure Donald Trump never sets foot near the White House again."

2. @jillbartz, July 22, 2024
"I was also devastated when Joe dropped out. But then I remembered watching Kamala in the Carolinas last week and how proud I was of her in that moment , all the sudden I felt like a weight was lifted. She walked alongside Joe she has learned how to navigate the policies. She's young, intelligent,  and tough. I feel all new energy and positive vibes!! I wish Pete could be her vice president but there are alot of good choices!! Go girl go!!!"

3.@joannejohnson312,July 22, 2024
"I had a good cry today and then started feeling excited about the fact that we will have the first woman president in a few months"

** Reply
4. @deborahbrown2871, July 22, 2024
"It was once considered unbelievable for a Black Man to be president"

5. @rhondaunger1228, July 22, 2024
"Yes and look at the great legacy that Obama has he passed the affordable Care act that has helped millions of people"

6. @EricPhillips879,July 22, 2024
"Small-dollar donors raise over $27.5 million on ActBlue in the first 5 hours of Vice President Kamala Harris' presidential campaign. Grassroots supporters are energized and excited to support her as the Democratic nominee. AMAZING!"

7. @NailsbyAmbie, July 22, 2024
"It’s now 47 million!!"

8. @scorpiocara6798, July 24, 2024
"Now shes raised 100 million dollars

N 67 percent of that is from new donors"

And many thanks to the great President Joe Biden for all his amazing achievements, and his compassion"

@sfcdenBroncs, July 23, 2024
"I was initially heartbroken when I heard the news about Joe stepping down. However the day after I feel very much optimistic about the enthusiasm and positivity that the veep has brought to our country"

@dyanneo9660, July 23, 2024
"The heaviness of the past 8 years feels like it's going away. Dare I hope? Dare I allow myself to feel optimistic? Kamala FTW!"

13. @memesjewel2510, July 24, 2024
"I was sad at first that Joe was stepping down, but I realize a few things. One, that Joe deserves his retirement years now, and should not be denied as he has put in the year after year after year of service for our country, and 2, and that Joe intended that Kamala would take the helm when it was time.

And what a perfect play that old Trumpy never thought of or saw coming! Brilliant hats, off to Joe and Kamala!!!"

14. @buster9106, July 24, 2024
"I'm energized for Kamala Harris, I wasn't for Biden. I immediately donated to her campaign.  I hope she chooses Mark Kelly as her vice president.  When Barack Obama was running the first time, a major talking point was America is not ready for a black president. He got elected and then reelected. I think we're ready for a knowledgeable, intelligent, candidate who really cares about issues like women's health who is a woman of color."

From "GOP Suddenly IN SHAMBLES after Kamala SOARS (with Michael Steele) | PoliticsGirl", published by MeidasTouch, Jul 23, 2024  The PoliticsGirl Podcast
“There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.”

Joe Biden is no longer running for President and everything has changed. Join me and Michael Steele as we discuss what just happened, and what comes next."

1. @lornekay8948, July 24, 2024
"Three days ago I thought America was going to fall off the cliff and Trump was going to be the next president and democracy was going to end in America. Suddenly over the course of 48 hours America stepped back from the cliff and democracy has a chance."

2. @maishayangu9216, July 24, 2024
"I want to believe that the timing of Joe Biden's bowing out was strategic and a perfect blow that blindsides the other side for Maximum effect. Vote Blue because We Are Not Going Back!!!!!"

3. @laralaralara7335, July 24, 2024
"and just like that... We stand in a different world. Progress. Just when it feels like its being erased, Kamala saves the day!!!"

4. @chengjieliu873, July 24, 2024
"I was waiting to see a younger and enthusiastic Democratic candidate to take on the convicted felon to make donation.  I was so excited to see Harris’s candidacy and looking forward to watching the debate between an experienced prosecutor and a criminal!"

5. @DayhawkSilverstar,July 24, 2024
"President Biden did a fantastic job. But many people were not voting for him. They were voting against Trump. With VP Harris, there is actually a large number of people being excited again. The problem is that most of these people are the same people who were voting Biden anyways. The hope is that she will get the people who were going to vote 3rd party or just not vote. And I must admit I am excited. Crossing fingers Trump loses."

6. @pamalajerry9065,July 24, 2024
"This happened and it would not have been possible for the county to unite with out the bad debate. God has a way to push us in his direction and not hurt US.    It would have not been possible without the debate.  Joe was big enough to get up and fight.   We Love him and The Glory goes to God   He did what God planned.  We all healed with him. And will rejoice with him."

7. @ToddRobin-lb5bk,July 24, 2024
"Now it's fun. They have to do a 360,and start from scratch. Let the games begin"

@user-zf7pc9by5e,July 24, 2024
"One thing I like about Biden bowing out as he did...he waited until Trump had already locked in Vance as his VP pick. Perfect timing!"

@IamwhoIam333,July 24, 2024
"The year of CHANGE"

@elizabethalexander6528, July 24, 2024
"Love you both. Great vibe going on here, I was crushed then hopeful and now THRILLED.  Perfect - it is simply perfect."

@karenbell4279, July 24, 2024
"I feel this was a GREAT chess move by President Biden. Bow out after the GOP is stuck with #funkydumpytrumpy  and whoever he picks for VP. Talk about checkmate" 

@bradhoward2410,July 24, 2024
"Steele is wise but wrong about the base. The base was sadly resigned to imminent failure. The base is now energized in a manner previously unseen.

$100 million in 24 hours! Go Kamala!!! Go blue!!!"

From "OH MY GOD! Kamala's First Rally is Euphoric! | JVL's Take" published by The Bulwark, Jul 23, 2024

1. @galynnzitnik4600, July 24, 2024
"Everyone was depressed, expecting Trump to win. The rebound from that depression is now euphoria and hope."

2. @melindajudy8742, July 24, 2024
"I was one of those people. I have hope now"

3. @beta_cygni1950,July 24, 2024
On Sunday, I was the sole person in my family who was predicting chaos & division & doom & gloom when Biden dropped out. I glad to say im eating my words now. I think Joe had one of the most successful administrations that I can remember, but ill say it: I was wrong. This change is a good thing!"

4. @moxmann, July 24, 2024
She has fired up this base. I can feel the energy and momentum shifting. The Repubs can too and they're starting to panic."

5. @poneill65, July 24, 2024
"This is going to swing away from DT fast.  So so many people were completely tuned out of this insulting, backward looking rematch from the very beginning.

Millions are gonna pay attention now that it's not a choice between good grandpa and bad grandpa having a food fight at the pudding cart.

A hated criminal and sex offfender on a personal revenge tour versus an articulate, sharp, accomplished prosecutor slapping him aside and looking forward,.. No Contest."

6. @patlynch6517, July 24, 2024
"Agreed! I (like many of my Democratic friends) went from deep depression to euphoria in this last week! The number of new donations is remarkable!"

7. @darlenegriffith6186, July 24, 2024
"​ @patlynch6517 Same here. I feel re-energized and hopeful."

8. @tada8092, July 24, 2024
"America needed a revival, Kamala brought a revival.  I waited 18 years to hear her give this speech."

9. @angelic4112, July 24, 2024
"Great description, totally fits the moment!"

10. @madsl501. July 24, 2024
"I’m feeling hope for the first time in ages! I forgot what this feels like"

11. @EyeAmSpiritual, July 24, 2024
"Divine intervention at its finest."

@jeffyoung3635, July 24, 2024

13. @monharris28, July 24, 2024
"Yes finally the universe heard everyone's prayers lol"

14. @Vick_Lagina. July 24, 2024
"In a span of 5 minutes, she literally did and said everything I’ve been screaming at the tv for Biden to say and do for months. I never thought my disgust could go away, but then this weekend happened and poof!"

15. @TheHSIHP, July 24, 2024
"I couldn't agree more"

16. @therealdarrenlwilliams2183, July 24, 2024
"I am re-energized and hopeful again about Election Day 2024.  KAMALA HARRIS 2024"

17. @pcbacklash_3261, July 24, 2024
"Sunday night was the first time I've been optimistic all year.  And now, the more I see of Kamala's campaigning, I'm feeling even more optimistic.  I realize we still have one hell of a fight ahead, but right now I'm freaking PUMPED!"

18. @captainjustin,July 24, 2024
"Today am I struck by how emotional this feels. We've all been through so much and life has felt like a nightmare for the past 8 years. And the depth of fear about Trump and Project 2025 was beginning to feel unbeatable. Kamala makes you feel like the fever is breaking, the light is coming through the clouds. It's real hope."

19. @4rah46, July 25, 2024
"Great to feel positive about the future again, thank you Kamala (I mean President Harris)"

20. @bobs4115, July 24, 2024
"In the spirit of Dinah Washington, I sing What a Difference a Day sweet"

21. @goittoog7563, July 24, 2024
"The energy and enthusiasm is going to be off the charts...Joe did his part with a stable steady hand, and passing the baton was the right move, right on time."

22. @DG-2323, July 24, 2024
"Gotta say, I am liking what I’m seeing so far, the campaign suddenly shifted into a new dynamic that could actually be extremely effective. Crazy what 48 hours has done."

23. @jasonnugent963,July 24, 2024
"I've teared up quite a few times over the past couple days seeing all the smiles and the explosion of positive energy. It's pretty clear Harris is the woman for this moment. Couldn't be more excited to look forward to voting for her."

24. @patriciaheflin4518,July 24, 2024
"I watched the speech and also thought it was great.  I would add one analysis...she ended with a call to action with simple ways for anyone to join in this fight. She has given me hope and faith that I haven't had since 2008. For me, she is stronger than Obama just because she's a woman.  VOTE Harris 2024"

@jeffwalther, July 24, 2024
"Out with the stuffy old past, the future will be a blast!"

26. @prastish1, July 24, 2024
"After all these 3 years , I finally feel energized ! She is exactly what we need to bring America together ! She is definitely a rockstar!"

27. @kerrybyers257,July 25, 2024
"Strategically Brilliant move, Brilliant timing, Mr President!

Nothing wrong with your executive decision making, Joe."


1. @babybijou969,July 26, 2024
"Big Kamala Energy. Harris 2024! 🇺🇸"

2. @noelle1225, July 26, 2024
"It’s shaping up to be an awesome, energized campaign, just like the 2008 Obama campaign. How refreshing!"

3. @btbarbarathompson, July 24, 2024
"The Obamas actually endorsed Harrus in the July 24th... the Harris campain held back the endorsement on purpose abd the RNC fell for it... NewYork Post did too, lol (notice Kamala's outfit ? It's the one she wore when she spoke on the 24th)"

4. @jeremiahdaniels941,July 26, 2024
"These moves by Kamala and the Democratic Party are a Master Class in Political Chess.  Kudos to them.  This is what happens when smart/educated people do it.  I haven't been this excited for a Presidential Election since both times when Obama ran"

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Visitor comments are welcome.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Kamala Harris And The British Slang Terms "Brat" And "Brat Summer" (videos & information)

India Today, Jul 25, 2024  #KamalaHarris #uspresidentialelections #memes

Brat is the latest song by British pop star Charli XCX.

But why has the 'Brat Girl' buzz surrounded Kamala Harris? Let us break it down for you.

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post showcases three YouTube videos and presents several article excerpts about the contemporary British slang term "brat", with a focus on how that term has become associated with presumptive United States Democratic Presidential nominee Kamala Harris.

The content of this post is presented for socio-cultural, linguistics, and political purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to Kamala Harris, Charli XCX, all those who are associated with theses showcase videos and all those who are quoted in this post.
Click for the related pancocojams post entitled "Kamala Harris And The Terms "Coconut Tree" & "Coconut Pill" "

This pancocojams blog isn't neutral about the 2024 national election in the United States. I strongly support Kamala Harris for President of the United States and will only publish content that is positive about Kamala Harris and the 2024 Democratic campaign for President/Vice President of the United States.

SHOWCASE VIDEO #2 - What is 'Brat summer'? Kamala Harris campaign using phrase to connect with Gen Z voters

KVUE, July 24, 2024

Harris has been using memes to connect to young voters as she kicks off her campaign trail.

SHOWCASE VIDEO #3 - Kamala Harris' 2024 campaign embraces Charli xcx "brat" memes

Face the Nation, Jul 23, 2024

Multiple videos have surfaced online over the last two days referring to likely Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris as a "brat." So how did this viral sensation begin, and why is her campaign embracing it? Abigail De Kosnik, associate professor for the Berkeley Center for New Media, joins "America Decides" to explain how British pop star Charli xcx's album has become a part of the 2024 race.

This is the complete auto-generated transcript of the first video that is embedded in this pancocojams post. This transcript includes my additions of punctuation, capitalizations, and corrected spelling.

The internet has spoken and Kamala Harris is officially a brat.

Soon after British pop star Charlie XCX posted "Kamala Is brat" the official Biden HQ campaign
account [was] rebranded to "Kamala hq" using green color and brat font.

Looks like the administration understood the assignment.

"Brat" is the name of Charlie's recent album whose cover has a lime green background with the word "brat" in simple font. The "#brat summer" trend has taken social media bi a storm with many adopting the lime green theme. This has become a symbol of rebellion against the clean girl aesthetic.

Now netizens are editing viral videos and memes using songs from the album with clips of Harris throughout her career. The Kamala campaign is embracing memes and pop culture appealing to younger voters who now see her as the cool girl option. This rebranding has fully embraced Harris'
internet appeal and her campaign raised a record-breaking $81 million in its first 24 hour.

Maybe it's brat girl Summer after all. What do you think? Tell us in the comments.

For more informative videos like this keep watching India Today news".


These excerpts are presented in no particular order and are numbered for referencing purposes only.

From  "What does ‘brat summer’ mean and why’s the internet obsessed with it?" by: Russell Falcon, : Jul 23, 2024 / 02:17 PM PDT

"(NEXSTAR) — You may feel out of the loop if you’ve been on X, Instagram, TikTok and Reddit as of late, wondering: “Why do people keep talking about brats?” Other new catchphrases you might have come across include “So Julia,” “365 party girl,” “bumpin’ that” and last but not least, the pop culture moniker of summer 2024: “brat summer.”

If all of this sounds like gibberish, it is.

But it’s brought the internet — particularly Millennials and Gen Zs — a much-needed sense of frivolous fun and glamour.

The concept began with the June 7 release of “brat,” the bold and brash club-pop/hyperpop sixth album by British musician Charli XCX. Though she’s been very successful — and influential — in the decade since her debut, “brat” marks a significant mainstream success for the 31 year-old best known for hits like “Boom Clap” and “Boys.”

The tracklist of “brat” features a variety of dance-pop and electronic songs, often reminiscent of techno music from the 1990s and early 2000s. The album’s iconic but polarizing neon green cover also helped propel “brat” into meme-status, with several online generators created that mimic the album’s somewhat visually offensive shade of green and black Arial font (see the featured image on this very story for a visual example).

The album received much critical acclaim, including the prized “Best New Music” label by music outlet Pitchfork, and shot to no. 3 on the U.S. Billboard 200 charts. The album and its themes of empowerment through friendship, having fun and partying particularly resonated with women and the LGBTQ community, especially amid ongoing political turmoil that directly affects them. Though it should be noted that listeners of all sexual identities and genders have notably been excited by this album.

Over the weeks since the release of “brat,” the music, the memes and the club aesthetics it references morphed into “brat summer” — which is kind of this year’s big internet phrase named after a kind of mindset and outlook on life. One notable previous version of this is the Megan Thee Stallion-inspired “Hot Girl Summer,” which encouraged everyone (not just girls) to feel confident and proud of the way that they look.

The concept of “brat summer” is much the same, though with a slightly very-Millennial bent. As with anything relating to Millennials’ lives, there’s also a darker meaning behind the partying, too. Essentially, “brat summer” encourages enjoying life as much as you can in spite of the struggles you’re facing.


Kamala is brat’

Finally, this past weekend, VP Kamala Harris — now presidential nominee Harris — became a major fixture in the world of “brat.”

The Harris-XCX connection occurred after three things happened: 1) social media users began making edited videos (also called fancams) of Harris’ various viral moments with songs from “brat” laid over them 2) the videos spreading so far they made it onto national news broadcasts and eventually the actual Harris campaign embraced the memes and 3) Charli herself repaying the favor by posting on X: “Kamala IS brat.”

The Charli post only sent the memes and videos into overdrive (cue Charli’s previous hit “Vroom Vroom”), with a seemingly endless stream of “coconut tree” and “existing in the context” content taking over social media sites.”…

From 'Brat summer' is upon us. What does that mean? Kamala Harris is game for it., by Alyssa Goldberg, July 18, 2024, update July 23, 2024 USA TODAY
" “Brat summer” is upon us. We're dancing at the club until sunrise − unabashedly, of course. Painting our nails neon green. Working it out on the remix. Staying up late having an existential crisis and loving our lives anyway. We’re everywhere, we’re so Julia.

Even Vice President Kamala Harris is embracing it.

Confused? For those of you who are not chronically online, we can clue you in to the phenomenon that has taken over pop listeners since the release of Charli XCX’s album "BRAT" on June 7, which has fans declaring this is a "Brat summer." USA TODAY called the album an embrace of “a hot-mess pop star aesthetic, prioritizing club culture at its core but still offering introspective lyrics on aging, womanhood, grief and anxiety.” That's a good starting place to understanding what this trend is all about.


What is a brat summer?

Brat summer is the lifestyle associated with being a "brat," and not in the way you may think. Charli XCX fans aren't throwing tantrums like a badly behaved child; being a brat to them means indulging in pleasure and not concerning yourself with societal expectations. Rather than conforming to the status quo − on matters of aging, clean living or etiquette − brats focus more on having fun, embracing their community and unapologetically embracing individuality.

One of the trademark mantras of brat summer is to be "so Julia," a reference to Charli's song "360" and actress and model Julia Fox, who was featured in the single's music video. On the Zach Sang Show, Fox said being "so Julia" means "just being that girl."

It's "being confident, putting yourself out there, being out, being about, being the center of attention.


Dressing for a brat summer: Y2K fashion and green galore

Brat summer also uses fashion as cultural signifiers, uplifting styles that are bold, colorful and sometimes provocative, often inspired by Gen Z’s revival of Y2K fashion."

ONLINE SOURCE #3 "How Kamala Harris became part of Charli XCX's 'Brat' summer" By Kat Tenbarge and Daysia Tolentino,  July 22, 2024, 8:43 PM EDT

Charli XCX’s very online fanbase has quickly embraced Vice President Kamala Harris.

"Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign for the Democratic presidential nomination has been bolstered by an unexpected group of supporters: Charli XCX fans.

Excitement around the Harris campaign grew on social media after people began editing viral videos and memes fusing songs from British pop star Charli XCX’s album “Brat” with clips of Harris throughout her career.

After Charli XCX appeared to endorse Harris on Sunday, writing “Kamala IS Brat,” Harris’ campaign embraced the moment, reposting the show of support, using the album’s signature green color and typeface in one of its social media profiles and posting “Brat”-themed memes.

“Brat,” which touches on womanhood, insecurity, competition, motherhood, relationships, partying and other topics, debuted June 7. Since then, social media users have declared that they are celebrating a “brat summer,” meaning they are embracing being earnest and unapologetically themselves.

The pairing of Harris memes with “Brat” fandom has surged since Sunday, when President Joe Biden announced he was dropping out of the race, but the idea had been percolating for at least the last several weeks.


The “Brat”-Harris crossover trend was popularized by creators like University of Delaware senior Ryan Long, who went viral after he posted a mashup of the Charli XCX song “Von Dutch” with clips of Harris on July 3.


“I’ve never seen people so excited for a candidate,” said Long, who described himself as an enthusiastic Harris supporter for years. “People were pessimistic about Joe Biden, but there is so much enthusiasm right now over Kamala. I really hope that she can capitalize off of it and get a landslide win.”

Long said he believes the Harris memes signal that young voters embraced her as a candidate even before Biden endorsed her presidential campaign.

The “Brat” Harris edits have taken over TikTok, X and Instagram, sometimes paired with the hashtag “Brat election.” Sound bites of Harris laughing have been used in video edits, as well as her memorable quotes like “I love Venn diagrams” and “You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?”


“‘Brat’ is one of the top albums in the world, and it’s been going super big online,” Long said. “Kamala does such a good job at embodying what people call ‘Brat summer.’ The way she presents herself, she’s happy, laughing, she’ll dance. She is like a walking content farm.”…

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Visitor comments are welcome.

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Kamala Harris And The Terms "Coconut Tree" & "Coconut Pill" (definitions and comments)


GOP War Room, May 10, 2023

Edited by Azizi Powell

Updated July 26, 2024

This pancocojams post showcases a brief 2023 video clip of United States Vice President Kamala Harris giving a speech that includes the now viral quote "Do you think you just fell out of a coconut tree". 

This post presents an article excerpt explaining that "fell out of a coconut tree" statement and selected comments about that "coconut tree" and some other "coconut" that are related to Kamala Harris.

The content of this post is presented for historical, socio-cultural, and political purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to Kamala Harris and thanks to all those who are quoted in this post.
Click  for the related pancocojams post entitled "
Kamala Harris And The British Slang Terms "Brat" And "Brat Summer" (videos & information)."

This pancocojams blog isn't neutral about the 2024 national election in the United States. I strongly support Kamala Harris for President of the United States and will only publish content that is positive about Kamala Harris and the 2024 Democratic campaign for President/Vice President of the United States.   

From, "The Obamas Endorse Kamala Harris, posted by Kamala Harris, July 26, 2024
@AlfCalson, July 26, 2024
Kamala Harris made her “coconut tree” remarks on May 10, 2023 at the White House while swearing in the President’s Advisory Commission on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity for Hispanics.

“My mother used to — she would give us a hard time sometimes, and she would say to us, ‘I don’t know what’s wrong with you young people. You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?’” Harris said, while laughing. “You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you.” "

From "Kamala Harris’ ‘Coconut Tree’ Quote, Explained: What She Meant And Why It’s Going Viral As Biden Drops Out"

Conor Murray, Jul 21, 2024,02:48pm EDT

Murray is a Forbes news reporter covering entertainment trends.
"TOPLINE A bizarre quote by Vice President Kamala Harris—“You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?”—is going viral once again as President Joe Biden drops out of the race following his rough debate performance, adopting coconut emojis and other memes inspired by the quote on social media to (possibly ironically) demonstrate support for Harris.

Harris’ quote: “You think you just fell out of a coconut tree? You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you,” which she said at a White House event last year, has become an ironic slogan in support of the vice president as various Democrats, newspaper editorial boards and more call for Biden to step out of the race.

Supporters of Harris taking over the ticket have embraced the long-viral meme, even referring to her potential presidential candidacy as “Operation Coconut Tree.”

Several users used the meme to defend Harris as their pick over Biden, instead of a different candidate at a possible open convention, pointing out another candidate “can't just fall out of a coconut tree.”

Some supporting Harris over Biden have said they’re “coconut-pilled,” even using the coconut emoji in social media posts or their display names on X, formerly known as Twitter, to demonstrate support for the vice president.



Harris made her “coconut tree” remarks on May 10, 2023 at the White House while swearing in the President’s Advisory Commission on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity for Hispanics. Harris spoke about the importance of equity in education policy, noting that not all students are offered the same opportunities to succeed, depending on financial resources and the environments they are raised in. She said “none of us just live in a silo” and “everything is in context,” adding that creating educational equity also depends on providing for the needs of parents, grandparents and communities, before telling a personal anecdote near the conclusion of her speech. “My mother used to — she would give us a hard time sometimes, and she would say to us, ‘I don’t know what’s wrong with you young people. You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?’” Harris said, while laughing. “You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you.”


The “coconut tree” quote had already gone viral on social media, particularly TikTok, on which thousands of users have posted videos using Harris’ remarks as the audio. Users made jokes about Harris’ change in tone from lighthearted to serious before and after the “coconut tree” sentence and how the quote makes little sense out of context…. One user said the clip sounds like “me and my friend having two separate conversations on two different apps at the same time,” poking fun at how the quote is seemingly nonsensical out of context. Rapper Doja Cat tweeted part of Harris’ quote last month. The quote has also been used by Republicans and Harris’ detractors as a point of criticism. The GOP War Room YouTube account, which posts clips of Democratic politicians appearing to make gaffes or slip-ups, posted a video of Harris’ “coconut tree” quote on the day she made the remarks, which has since garnered more than 137,000 views."...

The saying "You didn't just fall out of a coconut tree" has a different etymology (origin) than the use of the word "coconut" as an racial or ethnic slur.

Here's a quote from a 2020 United Kingdom article entitled "
Calling someone a “coconut” or an “Oreo” is unbelievably offensive, but it still happens all the time", written by Priyankaa Joshi

Terms like “coconut” and “Oreo” – meaning brown on the outside, “white on the inside” – are still thrown around to describe Black and brown people who don’t conform to reductive cultural stereotypes.


While 77% of Britons who took part in the aforementioned YouGov poll said making assumptions about someone’s behaviour based on their race is a form of racial discrimination, people of colour in the UK are still constantly reduced to outdated racial stereotypes. Terms such as “coconut” and “Oreo” are glaring examples of this.

A “coconut” or an “Oreo” is someone who is Black or brown on the outside and “white on the inside”... These terms are levelled at people of colour who don’t act, speak or dress in a way that’s considered “authentic” to their race. They might seem harmless, unlike the N-word or P-word which are well-established as racial slurs, but they’re reductive, demeaning and they propagate the idea that there’s only one correct way to be a person of colour."...


(This is the YouTube account whose publication of Kamala Harris' "coconut tree" quote is used in this blog post.)
Here's the "About" statement for that GOP War Room account:
GOP War Room: “Exposing the lies, hypocrisy, and failed far-left policies of Joe Biden and the Democrat Party. Managed by the Republican National Committee.”

-end of quote-

This GOP War Room post was published to poke fun at VP Kamala Harris. It appears to me that prior to July 21, 2024 (the date that President Joe Biden dropped out of the race for 2024 President of the United States and endorsed Vice President (VP) Kamala Harris as the 2024 Democratic nominee for President) most of the commenters in this discussion thread were Republicans. However, after July 21, 2024, a significant number of Democratic commenters and people who are sympathetic to Democratic positions began commenting in that discussion thread. These commenters "flipped the script",  turning what Republicans intended to be a derisive video and a derisive use of "coconut tree" to something that they (and I) consider to be quite positive. 

Democrats also appear to have created other positive terms/memes from VP Harris' "Coconut tree" comment such as "coconut pill” and coconut army”.


1. @user-cr1iz8fw6h, July 12, 2024
"It’s a very common saying in South India lol. There’s a lot of coconut trees there."

2. @balala5430, July 21, 2024
"Can someone PLEASE tell me the meaning of her quote? I don't quite understand it"

3. @dylanholm9995,July 22, 2024
"@PatrickS.Tomlinson that’s not the point my guy… she’s saying that everything has context and happens because of something that has happened in the past. It’s the basis for dialectical materialism"

4. @P0l1ux, July 23, 2024
"@balala5430  Basically its saying that all aspects of human existence, the way we feel, think, act, the conditions we live in and the conditions others live in, are based upon the events that happen in and around us. We don't just suddenly spawn on the planet, the planet and its history moulds who we are.

5. @CJShrader< July 22, 2024
"This is so funny that you posted this thinking it's an attack on her, when it's become a rallying cry."

6.@videoselections3421,July 22, 2024
"Literally love how dumb the RNC is that they consider this oppo research instead of the most kickass clip of all time"

7. @franklinbadge1215,July 22, 2024
"The right doesn't have any dirt on her, so expect clips like these to circulate while they grasp desperately at things to criticize, like her laugh or her use of analogies"

8. @waytoobiased, July 22, 2024
"also expect boatloads of sexism and racism"

9. @ksommerh12, July 22, 2024
"I love that this line of attack is completely backfiring"

10. @tadeas_uncut, July 22, 2024
"i dont get the coconut tree part somebody explain pls"

11. @gladigatorrawr1480,July 22, 2024
"Basically saying you didn't just "pop into existence"

1. @IceFire9yt
"Americans are about the to realize that they exist in the context of what they live and what came before them"

2. @mikerains9520
"I exist in the context of all in which I live and what came before me."


These selected comments don't include any examples before July 22, 2024, the day after President Joe Biden dropped out of the campaign for the 2024 United States Presidency and endorsed his Vice President Kamala Harris.

This comments are presented in relative chronological order with the oldest comments given first except for replies. 

Numbers are added for referencing purposes only.

July 22, 2024

1. @timidcrayonbox

2. @oakwood1041

3. @lovenara1

4. @thefIyingace
"i’m joining the coconut army"

5. @IDoThings490
"Billions must take the coconut pill"

6. @mmps18
"I'm officially coconut pilled"

7. @w0000z
"It's happening, y'all. It's time to take the coconut pill."

8. @AlexanderM.-rm6lu
Just fell out of the tree"

9. @astrobabecosmicwaves7587
Coconut pill already taken

10. @milandalosur1850

11. @thewolfPrince

12. @meredith15832
"Coconut Head 2024"

13. @BrandonConrady
"Coconut regimers rise up"

14. @afriendofepicproportions
"I have taken the coconut pill

Kamala 2024"

15. @kilomillensimus9379
"Sounds about right to me, whose mom doesn't use weird folksy metaphors to lecture them about something important? I'd vote for her."

16. @Lucy-fn9rj
"it’s so weird that a video from gop war room made me like kamala harris"

17. @MeatGoblin88
"I like it how the GOP uploads this out of context to make her look silly but in reality it just makes her more likeable"

18. @Elim95-ot5di
"Get ready for what can be, unburdened by what has been.

19. @djathome2915
"Coconut army REPRESENT"
20. @Elim95-0t5di

21. @only-mint

22. @unlucky46th
"The arc of the coconut tree Is long but It bends towards Justice."

23. @hugocruz1889

24. @user-cn8vj5rs5c
"Take the coconut pill"

25. @sleepygirr
"Coconut Tree 2024"

26. @HyperionGamingTOPKEK
"Im such a contextpilled coconutcel its insane"

27. @CemeteryDriveClown

28. @illegalpants

29. @margaretemuller8345
"Who else will choose the withered ? Choose coconut!"

30. @slurmophidalfellatroskob
"Sound the Kamalarm!!

I am so coconut-pilled for MADAME PRESIDENT!!

31. @joachim5080
"Haha this is Backfiring big time for MAGA - people love it. No problem with "

July 23, 2024




1.@maga7155, July 23, 2024
@@DasMartins You think you just fell out of a coconut tree? You exist in the context of all in which you live and what came before you