
Sunday, July 7, 2024

Information & Comments About The Saying "God Is Good" / "All The Time"

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post presents information about the African American originated call & response saying "God is good" / "All The Time". 

This post also presents selected comments from the Black discussion thread lipstick about the saying "God is good" / "All the time".

The content of this post is presented for historical and cultural purposes.  

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post.

"God is good" / "All the time" is a call and response saying that is most likely of African American origin although no one has been identified as its originator. A number of commentators on discussion threads for various YouTube videos and in some online articles specifically indicate that  "God is good" /"All the time" originally comes from African American Protestant churches in the United States South.

During church services, a pastor or some other leader says "God is good" and the congregation automatically responds "All the time". Traditionally, the pastor or leader then says "All the time" and the congregation automatically says "God is good".

The first part of this call and response saying is also sometimes used in non-religious settings, for instance as a response to hearing good news. For instance, a person tells her friend some good news. The friend may then say "God is good" and the first person responds "All the time".  

The earliest documentation that I have found for this call and response saying is a 1995 Gospel record by Pastor Alvin Darling entitled "God Is Good"/ All The Time". However, it's likely that that saying was in use before that song was composed, recorded, and released.

Here are hyperlinks for pancocojams posts that showcase African American Gospel records with the itle "God Is Good" / "All The Time" or with the title "God Is Good", but which also include those words and the response "All the time": "God Is Good All The Time" recorded by Pastor Alvin Darling 1995)
"God Is Good" (2000) recorded by Chester D. T. Baldwin. "God Is Good" (2008) by Regina Belle.  

In addition, a Gospel song entitled "God Is Good All The Time" was recorded in 1998 by (White American) Don Moen. Click for a YouTube video of that song.

On March 25, 2024 controversial Black Conservative commentator Candace Owens was interviewed on the popular radio show "The Breakfast Club". 

As is the custom of the hosts of that radio show, toward the end of that interview, Candace Owens was asked several questions about "Black culture". When she was asked for the response to the saying "God is good", Candace said "Amen" instead of saying "All the time". The hosts then gave the correct response and indicated that response is something that almost all Black people know. time stamp:1:06:23 

The video clip of that interview has been widely circulated on African American podcasts. Some podcasters and/or commenters have facetiously or seriously indicated that knowing the correct answer to that  saying is part of a "test" that determines whether a person in the United States is Black or not.


This is one of many online discussion thread of online videos about the saying "God is Good All The Time" that were published because of the March 2024 The Breakfast Club segment with Candace Owens.

These selected comments are given in no particular order and are numbered for referencing purposes only.

From So is “God is Good” really a Black American test? lol, April 19, 2024

Pancocojams Editor's Note- Lipstick was started in the United States as an online discussion thread for Black people. Almost all of the commenters are Black and it appears that most of those commenters are still from the United States. 

1.Sundaedinner, thread starter

So I’m sure y’all saw Candace Owens try and fail the “God is Good” test, right?

So why I was listening to the Joe Budden podcast and they were talking about this being a Black test.

 They had Melissa Ford, who’s a biracial Canadian, and Queenzflip, I’m not sure his background but he’s not ADOS, to try to finish the phrase and they couldn’t!!! Lmaooooo

They started saying the God is great, Good is good. Let us thank him for our food, prayer.

And they were really confused and I was dying because I did not know why I thought this saying was as universal as that prayer.

Don’t finish the phrase!!!!!

But tell me if you CAN you finish the phrase!!!

I want to know if you know the phrase lmaoooo"
"ADOS" = "Americans Descendants of Slaves", a relatively recently formed movement/ideology/lineage; Foundational Black American (FBA) is a very similar movement, ideology, lineage. Click "Article Excerpts About The Population Referents "ADOS" (American Descendants Of Slaves) And "FBA" (Foundational Black Americans)".

2. Sundaedinner, April 19, 2024
"awayzright said:

All sayings like this aren't completely universal in black culture. Black Catholics don't do this call response in Mass, lol

But even if you didn’t grow up saying this, you had to have heard this before.

It’s so common."

3. Alleybux, April 19, 2024
"Sundaedinner said:

lol it’s not a prayer.

It’s a saying.

Like your grandma or auntie would say it. Or really anybody.

It is said in church but most times it’s just said if something good happens.

ohhh ya I associate it w prayer cuz only my religious fam say stuff like that fr

u gotta forgive me I’m in the South I love God but allat extra is exhausting

alwayzright, Apr 19, 2024
"Sundaedinner said:

But even if you didn’t grow up saying this, you had to have heard this before.

It’s so common.

It depends on a lot of factors. It's very possible for black people to have not been exposed to this and a lot of other sayings assumed to be universal in black culture. Yes there are a lot of sayings and customs that are deeply embedded in black culture, but to say knowing or not knowing any one of them is proof that you are or aren't really black is ridiculous."

5. Sundaedinner, Apr 19, 2024
"alwayzright said:

It depends on a lot of factors. It's very possible for black people to have not been exposed to this and a lot of other sayings assumed to be universal in black culture. Yes there are a lot of sayings and customs that are deeply embedded in black culture, but to say knowing or not knowing any one of them is proof that you are or aren't really black is ridiculous.

If you read my original post and the fact that the title was a question you can tell it was tongue in cheek.

However there are universal sayings that 90-95% of Black Americans know."

6. Sundaedinner, Apr 19, 2024
New Miracles said:

I didn't learn of this until I was an adult. It had to originate in the deep south tho. Now that it's being promoted the Kardashian's will probably start saying it


Lmaoooooo yea I think it probably did originate in the south but so many people migrated to the North and West I know it’s said there too."

7.  1soluvly. Apr 19, 2024
"Beverly417 said:

Preacher: God is good

Congregation: All the time

Preacher: And all the time

Congregation: God is good


And the preacher usually says it right before the sermon.


It's like a call to attention sometimes to end a fellowship period or to close out a spontaneous praise and worship outbreak.

But some people will also use it in day to day speech.

Like did you hear Sally is home from the hospital...God is good...

...all the time..."

8. Buffalo Butt, Apr 19, 2024
"Today I posted about how a lot of people today are godless. They don’t know anything about interactions and greetings in church.

Someone gives you good news “I got a promotion” the response depending on their generation will be “God is good” and you respond “all the time” somebody who only heard that part the interaction might chime in “I know that’s right” and you all end up praising the lord for a minute.

I want to go back down south! These heathens don’t know anything!"

9. Applesauce1978, Apr 19, 2024
"Imo or the way I was raised to use it was: it isn’t a test but a TESTIMONY. You stated it after something positive happened or with faith that something positive would happen."

10.alwayzright, Apr 19, 2024
"Sundaedinner said:

If you read my original post and the fact that the title was a question you can tell it was tongue in cheek.

However there are universal sayings that 90-95% of Black Americans know.

Lol, I get it. Of course it's not a serious test, but some people will act like it is. And culturisms have changed and evolved drastically in the internet/social media age. There was a time when different cultures were segregated from each other and we bonded through our use of language and colloquialisms. Now everyone is exposed to everything, so sayings that meant something to everyone in our community 50 years ago don't even register with people who were born after the internet and smart phones were commonplace. Their great-grandmother may have said "God is good, all the time", but they mama and them is talking about how many likes they got."


11.  chiwe, Apr 19, 2024
"Buffalo Butt said:

ALL THE TIME!!!! My migraine is worsening just reading this thread.

Who raised these people?!

My husband is catholic, deep in Catholicism and still responded correctly to God is good.

I was raised Catholic too, and I know it! I'm surprised by the black people who don't, lol."

12. Stormy_Weather, Apr 19, 2024
"It’s a generational/cultural thing. If you’re at least older Gen Z, and you grew up with a real grandmother—old school, God fearing, gospel listening, went to church every Sunday regardless of denomination—or you were raised in the church, you’d be more familiar with that saying. These youngins got grandmothers who are 46 and who haven’t been inside a church since Easter Sunday 1998. Furthermore, when they are around the old folks, they’re not eavesdropping and acting like they’re not like how we did back in the day, which is how we picked up the sayings of our elders. They’re too busy in their phones, with their headphones on, that they’re not paying attention to what’s going on around them"

13. nevershoutnever, Apr 19, 2024
"My parents aren't even from America but my grandmother had us all in church from a young age so I'd heard it since I was young. The other day an older BM said it to me and it stopped me in my tracks lol. Reminded me of my granny. I really only hear it from older black people unfortunately."

14. dailylife, Apr 19, 2024
"I feel like if you’ve been in this country a long time, you ought to know it. I’m not ADOS and I knew it."

15. TSquared, Apr 19, 2024
"Of course I know the phrase.

 If you didn't come up in Black American Protestant churches I can see why you wouldn't though.

 It's very IYKYK"
IYKYK=”If you know, you know”

Hi5Perry, April 19, 2024
"A lot of non-Black people would pass that test and a lot of Black people would not. It's a Southern Protestant thing. Of course, Southern Protestantism (and Southern culture in general) is heavily influenced by Southern Black Americans. I wouldn't expect all Black Americans to know something that's a part of such a specific group"

17. Sundaedinner, April 19, 2024
"I never heard white people say this and this is said all over the US. It’s probably said more in the South. But I think it’s said other areas too."

18. nocturnalis, April 19, 2024
"If you are ADOS, and don’t know this, I’m going to give you a side eye, idc."

19. TSquared, April 19, 2024

I didn't grow up with the phrase in church. I'm 45. I don't think I started hearing it in church til I was in my 20s. But maybe this varies by location?"

20. BlaqAmethyst, Apr 19, 2024
"Well I guess I failed too! When I saw the Candace video I was confused as to why everyone was clowning her. Like I was watching it thinking what was she supposed to say because I didn't immediately get it either."

21. Earthenware Kitt, April 19, 2024
"Sundaedinner said:

Yall really disappointing me.

 I’m bout to start pulling Black cards!!!!


At least it's being revealed who's a Foundational Black American and who's not.

And yes, I've even heard African people say "God is good, all the time."

If someone Black hasn't heard it at least once?

That's at least...Odd."

22. Lurkin2020, Apr 20, 2024
"I think it’s universally FBA. It’s so commonly said that even I know what it is and I wasn’t raised in The Black Church. If you grew up in FBA culture, you know it’s so ubiquitous, that it’s part of the everyday lexicon of idioms within the various regional AAVE dialects across the country.

ETA: As far as it being a test —no. It’s not like it’s something we test each other on to see if they’re FBA or anything.

Do Caribbeans say this to test FBAs, Afro-Latinos, or Africans and their direct diaspora?

And yes, of course I know the proper response. "

23. Haitian1, Apr 20, 2024
"im Not African American and knew this cause i visited many African American churchs when i was a kid lol"

24. Hi5Perry, April 20, 2024
 Accurate! And throw in "May not come when you want Him" if you want to catch a Black Christian

Sundaedinner said:

I never heard white people say this and this is said all over the US. It’s probably said more in the South. But I think it’s said other areas too.

I've always attended "white"/mixed churches. I've heard Black/white/Latino people say it all my life.

It's said more in the South because it comes from Southern Protestant culture. It's said in other places because of the Great Migration
The correct response to the African American call “He may not come when you want Him” is “But He’s always right on time”.

25. Elowen, Apr 20, 2024
"Damn. I would have failed this.

I don't know it at all.

I'm 100% FBA both sides of my family.

Oh well. Lol!"

26. alwayzright, Apr 20, 2024
"Elowen said:

Damn. I would have failed this.

I don't know it at all.

I'm 100% FBA both sides of my family.

Oh well. Lol!

Lol you good. They always saying the BC is not a monolith but claim “you ain’t black” if you ever fall out of step with what they consider the norm. Lol"
"BC"= "the Black community"

27. SAFE184, Apr 20, 2024
"I’m Canadian.. this is standard in the West Indian and multicultural SDA churches I’ve been to, and I can imagine beyond.

Some people didn’t grow up in church like that, a church that says that, or may even just have a brain fart when put on the spot. I don’t think the results of this test prove or disprove what the tester is intending."

28. Sundaedinner, Apr 20, 2024
TSquared said:


I didn't grow up with the phrase in church. I'm 45. I don't think I started hearing it in church til I was in my 20s. But maybe this varies by location?



Maybe it is a south thing but I know I’ve heard it up north and in the Midwest. So idk."

29. Sundaedinner, Apr 20, 2024
"The test part was tongue in cheek because I honestly did think this was a universal saying and was shocked with the amount of people who didn’t know it."

30. ugfrogishere, Apr 20, 2024
"I know the phrase, but I was bought up in the church by a pious West African father and they'd say this at KICC."
Here's information about KICC:
"Kingsway International Christian Centre (KICC) is based in London, England and was established in 1992 with 200 adults and 100 children. It currently has up to 12,000 people in attendance at the main church every Sunday.[1] The church is pastored by Matthew Ashimolowo.

The church, whose majority membership is under 50 years of age, is predominantly of West African origin but claims that worshippers come from 46 nations.[2] It was located for nine years on a 9.5-acre (38,000 m2) site in Hackney, London, close to the site of the 2012 Olympics Village.”…

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Visitor comments are welcome.


  1. I knew that "all the time" is the correct response to the call & response saying "God is good", but I don't know when I first said it or heard it said. I don't have any recollection of that call & response saying to any church service/s, church songs, movies, or television shows. As I read in a number of the comments about that saying, it's just something that you know.

  2. Here's a comment exchange from about the saying "God is good" / "All the time" (with numbers added for referencing purposes only)
    1. "It's in the movie God's not Dead but I don't know if it came from somewhere else first."
    God’s Not dead is a Christian film that was released in the USA in 2014.

    2. deleted, 2017
    "“I think Don Moen came up with it before God's Not Dead the movie.”
    (White American singer) Don Moen recorded a song entitled "God Is Good All The Time" in 1998. However, (Black American) Alvin Darling recorded a song with the same title but with different lyrics and tune in 1995.

    3. Studyabroadquestio2, 2017
    "I know it's featured on God's not dead, but I used to hear it at churches when I was a kid. Maybe it was a rural saying amongst older Christians, fell out of fashion, and then came back for the movie?"

    End of quoted comments.

    As an aside, from my online reading about this saying, it appears that non-Black Americans may not be familiar with Alvin Darling's "God is good" song and Black Americans may not be familiar with Don Moen's "God is good" song.

  3. Here are some comments about Black conservative commenter Candace Owens not knowing the correct response to the call & response saying "God is good" / "All the time" from Candace Owens Told On Herself, published by Reese Waters, Jul 5, 2024

    These comments are from July 5 and July 6, 2024. Numbers are added for referencing purposes only.

    1. @thehulk1177
    "God is good. That’s like a black challenge and password. And she failed horribly."

    2. @AnMuiren
    "I'm with you 99% of the way, but stumble every time you add in these petty digs that suggest only people raised with the call-and-response of the Black church are authentically Black, that a hairstyle unique to Black women of one out of many Black cultures is authentic. Klandace Owens gives you enough material to use without that jive in the mix. There are many distinctly different Back cultures and faith traditions just within the US and all of them feel the lash of white supremacy."
    "Every black person knows when someone says God is good!!! To respond with all of the time
    She not like us"

    4. @ssgtblackmamba7991
    "Oh Lord I'm an atheist, and even I know how you should respond to "God is good". Who raised this woman?"

    5. @heyheyhey40
    "Candace, wait a minute…. GOD IS GOOD! This is Black church talk that even white people know how to speak."

    6. @Nik110512
    "God is good: All the time."

    7. @ubuntuawakening4577
    "Bruh! I'm in South Afrika and I know "God is good... all the time!" come on, even I could pass that test SMH I actually thought she was trolling, like for real. And I don't even go to church! ️:

    'Her response to “God is Good” said it all Where is Dave Chappelle’s “Trade off” skit please

    And the blank look on her face..... OMG"

    9. @malijaqueline7625
    "Why were you in disbelief? Not all black people are the same or grew up around other black people. Black people are not a monolith. Yes, the majority of black people grow up in black culture but there are some who do not - and there is nothing wrong with that."

    10. @DaninMaine
    "I am an old white guy from the whitest state in the US, and even I know the answer is "all the time!" Does that make me blacker than Candice?"
