
Monday, July 1, 2024

Comments About Donald Trump's Phone Call Into An Atlanta Barbershop "Black Business Round Table Event" (June 2024)

Reese Waters, Jul 1, 2024 

The Trump campaign has responded to a Black business owner’s claim that he was blindsided by an event they held at his barbershop this week, featuring Trump surrogates Byron Donalds & Ben Carson – by posting to social media a purported contract between the owner and the campaign for “a political event” at the shop.

The campaign held an event they called the Black American Business Leaders Barbershop Roundtable at Rocky’s Barbershop in Buckhead on Wednesday, the day before the highly anticipated debate between former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden.

Days later, owner Rocky Jones said a political event is not what he signed up for, saying “I feel like I have been betrayed.”

Days before the debate, Jones said someone he considered a friend reached out to him about being the host site for a small Black business roundtable. Jones said there was never any mention this was a political event. He added he never heard from a Trump campaign representative, either. Who do you believe? I mean... BYRON DONALDS and BEN CARSON weren't a dead giveaway?

#blackpeople #blackconsciousness #blackconservative

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post showcases a video from Reese Water's YouTube political/comedy vlog. This  episode fpcuses on a Black barber in Atlanta, Georgia's experience with Donald Trump calling into his barbershop during a  Black businessmen round table at his barbershop. 

This post also presents of comments from this video's discussion thread. Most of these selected comments include African American Vernacular English words and sayings and other American vernacular words and sayings. This is only a small sub-section of these types of comments from that discussion thread. 

The content of this post is presented for historical, cultural, and linguistic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to Reese Waters for his commentary and thanks to all those who are quoted in this post.


Pancocojams Editor's Note:
These comments are given in no particular order. All of these comments were published on July 1, 2024.

 The African American Vernacular English words and sayings/ other American words and sayings aren't identified or defined in this compilation. No identifying information is given regarding any people who are mentioned in these comments. 

Numbers are assigned for referencing purposes only.

1. @patriciacollins4951
"Mr Rocky we’re going to call it like it is and the title of ‘sell out’! Do you honestly think they were there to talk about black businesses! Man please!!!"


2. @pbyrd2081
"So that black Americans for trump sign just jumped up on your wall huh!"

3. @gregorynewsome8094
I knew this Cat was lying all along."

4. @fredjones364
"What people do for money"


5. @ReapermanUK
"In my opinion he ignored way too many red flags not to know what was going on, and could have shut it down at any point, deserves what he reaped(non violent only to be clear!), the one thing he may have is in his contract, I saw the text of what seemed to be some sort of  nda clause in that contract that in my opinion was to try to make sure the contract was never seen by anyone, stopping him or the other party publishing it, I couldn't see the final parts so it may have been written to give trumpy a way out loophole in  someway. so technically he might have a case, to sue the org the contracts name was in, as the paper work was never really meant to be shown publicly, that is if he has enough money left to try suing.

but i suppose we will never really know the truth of it, everything is just too murky and messy with no morals involved whenever trump is involved"


6. @michaelbyrd3880
"Rocky signed a contract with this felons campaign! Who put trump banners up in yo shop brother? You got his mug shot up in your shop, and a blacks for trump sign up too! Who you with Rocky?"

7. @titusnixon
"Rocy, brother you had all the candidates for the 'Uncle Rukus award show up at your shop and you didn't think anything about it. if I saw Ben Carson, Shelly Winters, Byron Donnell, and the head scratcher from Texas come into my shop with a TV camera from Right Side broadcast. I would have known what was up and told them to leave."

8. @joycejohnson9760
"Rocky, really needs to stop. That Blacks for Trump sign. And, we’ve seen the contract he signed for $4800 and Trump’s name on the contract️️ We see you Rocky. Boy bye!!!"


9. @ccole2262
"The contract had Donald Trump for President on it. REALLY?"

10. @dramonmaster222
"He HAD to know what was going on. I think this is just an attempt to save face."

11. @dwayneparrett7133
"Yo Resse, did you notice the black Americans for Trump sign in the background...

And he wasnt aware ...??

12. @user-ws3pt4rm8j
"The crowd of Steppin Fetchits, Uncle Remus', and Ole Doc Carsons are getting on my LAST nerve.  It would please me no end if DJT actually showed up to an event without the Travelling Minstrel Show (20 Black people paid to show up at events) and none of the Red Hat League.  Of course, since he's talking to the "Black Job" holders, I am sure that he could hold such a meeting at Trump Tower, or Bedminster Golf Club, since it is probably fully staffed with janitors, cooks, groundskeepers, parking lot attendants, etc.  I am deeply ashamed that the Albino MAGA crowd is complicit with this almost weekly farce.  Stop worrying about Joe Biden's age and Taylor Swift's activities and consider what you will have if the GOP/MAGA world and the Subpar Court have their way!!!!!

13. @sharj7583
"He knew he signed a contract!!! I can't with himmmmmmm."

14. @tas7571
"If it was just a round table for talking about supporting and encouraging small businesses, why oh why were there cameras there then?"

15. @jerronmoone8243
"Maybe the brother isn’t up on who is doing what in politics.Maybe he was misled by someone."

16. @gaynellehughes4442
"This shop owner knew exactly what he was getting into.  I hope he looses black support.  Let him ask byron and ben for help and see how they throw him under the bus.  The owner signed their contract HE KNEW."

17. @gavinhenry8671
"Faded in the back [followed by smiley face emoji]"

18. @sbath2714
"Donald Trump never fails to mention his mugshot when he talks to Black people."

19. @roberttaylor6435
"No questions about the Blacks For  Trump sign. I noticed it waas not panned in shots after the event."

20. @hollyu48
Good grief how in the world could that dude be that obviously dense"

21, @kevinreese8224
"He had those sellouts as guests in his barbershop - no excuses, except that one for, “I can do wtf I want in my barbershop and vote for whoever I want to, no matter how bat  crazy the candidate is.”"

22. @yondalejones2606
"He's Lying"

"Has to be the most embarrassing, humiliating photo op of compliant Uncles listening to Massa ever. Dudes had their heads bowed! Yikes! And you are spot on, Reese, when you ask how these men didn't know what was coming when Donalds and Carson did their soft-shoe into the barbershop. Ludicrous, ridiculous and utterly embarrassing."

24. @karenmajor-zain3740
"He's crying and lying cause it's hitting that pocketbook"

25, @sjd283
"That owner wasn’t misled. He’s just back tracking now because he’s losing customers. The writing is on the wall - literally."

26. @Djturnt
"To be fair the average person don’t know who Ben Carson is"



27. @Between_the_numbers
"Black keeps getting played by Trump"

28. @ombra711
"The Damage Control was outright hilarious"

29. @michaelbyrd3880
" reesewaters51  I really want to believe Rocky. He should know Wesley Hunt, Carson and especially Byron Donald's don't have his best interest at Heart!"

30. @TheCreoleVegan
"Red Flags literally…..,"

31. @tamril4938
"Rocky is a goofy, hope he’s still a barbershop owner after this You messed up Rocky, your greed and lack of discernment may cost you."

32. @takeysha2332
"He better start giving free haircuts!"

33. @janeiromiller5696
"I have been to Rocky' shop a few times and he's cut my hair most of them. But I will never go there again and I never bought his bs excuse. Rocky is not dumb but he thinks we are."

34. @ezzb
"The call maybe was unexpected but he knew exactly what he was doing. He's just not happy about yhee outcome"

35. @bridgettejones4865
"He f-cked* around and found out!"
*This word is fully spelled out in this comment.

36. @darkmankind
"Rocky signed a contract. He gets no love."

37. @pentacleman1000
"I agree, this is perplexing. He definitely looks a little pissed off and like he doesn’t want to be there. He definitely doesn’t look enthusiastic or engaged, nor does that other guy with the hat and overalls. The contract is damning, making it look like he must have known what was up. But that signing date you point out being the day of the event is also suspicious that he might have been forced into it on that day. One thing you did not mention is what a large and intimidating presence Byron Donalds can be. And Rocky looks like a much more mild mannered person who might easily be pushed around by someone like Donalds. So when people say they would have shut it down as soon as they saw Donalds and Carson, Rocky might have already felt intimidated enough to just go along, rather than trying to assert himself and order them to leave. I can totally see Donalds swooping in and taking control of the situation, smooth talking Rocky into singing, (with a promise of payment) and Rocky being too nice to back out, once it got started. Or, you could go the other way and think that he thought associating with MAGA would be a good thing, and is only pretending to feel scammed after finding out that is was not a good idea."

38. @renaissanceinblack
"To be fair, the barber shop owner was in a tricky position, I imagine.  He wouldn't want to be on the enemy/retaliation list."

39. @zblackness2510
"Trump couldn’t even bother showing up smdh lmaoo"

40. @desireegriffin8473
"His saying he thought it would be private says it all! He signed the contract that said it was the trump campaign. All those cameras and he's surprised it got out? No politics in his shop? I smell  lies."

41. @monique_7073
"Yea, Rocky is real shady."

42. @Junior-ty5uh
"Now mind you! He signed the paperwork. And he's starting to know now that the money they gave him to use the shop was not a great investment for the amount of business he's about to lose cuz trust me, he's going to lose business in Black Atlanta"

43. @dimpleface2163
" “Oh, I say and I say it again. You’ve been had! Ya been took! Ya been hoodwinked! Bamboozled! Led astray! Run amok! This is what he does!”  - Malcolm X"

44. @ladye1777
"There was no friend who took the initial call from Trump people, Rocky is the friend who took the call and said ok sounds cool"

45. @emilyrandall9968
"Hello from NJ

It was okay for Carson or Donaldson to come to the barbershop to solicit votes, but when the call from Frump got put on speaker, then that would've been the time to shut it down and take that poster off the wall.

It would've looked better if one of them got a haircut"

"He lied he knew what all was going on because when SAMBO Richardson Trump big black  buck was sitting in that barber shop you should have known they was up to no good. He just playing like he don't know."

47. @errolking3113
"There you go again, combining Comedy with TRUTH. Stop It!"

48. @catperez315.
"Oh, so he doesn’t know who was coming hummmm"

49. @dimpleface2163
"AND....he has a damn red tie on!  Sickening.  Go kick it with Tapdancing Timmy 'Gums' Scott."

50. @elliotjackson3414
What I don’t understand.  Why didn’t he end it?  If he felt like he was being lied to just stop it.  But yet he went along with it."

51. @tinasan3870
"So he doesn't talk politics or tell people WHO to vote for ?  Really ?  So that huge "Black Americans for Trump" sign is just for decoration ?  uh huh......"

52. @GoddessLadyRei
"I think he was tricked."

53. @laurajarrell6187
Reese, I couldn't read much of the contract, but he might really not have thought it a bad, scammy,scummy, meeting. They all kinda looked like a bit grossed out? Rocky may not be  that knowledgeable of them. Like, 'I'll tolerate the two drumf dummies, if it helps for black businesses and community.' Sort of , you know?"

54. @demean2798
Rocky is doing a Stephen A Smith apolpogy's tour"

55. @brousswayne1
"Cmon Man U gotta be smarter than this…"

56. @TheCreoleVegan
"Trust but Verify Now you Know…."

57. @MyLoganTreks
"Poor Rocky, he looks so sad looks like he got robbed by the church and wanted his money back during that interview..  We all know he was bought but give Bruh blessings for shout out to CNN  we all get knocked down but we all gonna get back up and vote Blue.   Reese we all love and keep up the good work! Everyone help him get 100k Subscribers ATL show him some love he speaks the truth!"

58. @jasonwhite6463
"Trump supporters need haircuts too maybe they come go to the brbershop in the Blackest city in the country."

59. @yungsm11
"Javier Jones are you serious bro? So you did know the whole time what it was all about but still went ahead and went on TV and lied. Damn you just like Trump. You didn’t think any of this would get out. And to think when i heard you i believed you but DAMN."

60. @rodgibson5697
"Dude they Played you, and you fail for the bait!"

61. @djash7161
"He a sellout barber"

62. @adimaa8
"THIS is what it looks like when a man sells his soul for a quarter."

63. @marvintaylor5332
"I don't really know what happened here  but if this guy was really mislead,  all that I can say is,  my brother's and sister's stay current on politics and know who these people are before letting them into your businesses and homes!!!! And if a contract is involved do your due diligence to contact someone whom has knowledge about contracts!!!! As well as Google words ,  abbreviations etc , which can help shine a light on the truth as well as persons involved!!!!! And furthermore,  "buck dancing byron daniel's" and "uncle ben carson" should have given you a clue in which direction the conversation was heading!!!! Now he's probably going to lose a lot of customers and a business that he has worked hard for,  and "uncle ben" and "buck dancing byron " are no where to be found !!!!Operation "find a black sucker " was a complete success!!!! They have succeeded and are in the company of their massah , getting their head rubbed for doing a fine job for good ol massah chump!!!! And this guy will be wondering how to save his business and pay his bills !!!!"

64. @Spankyduke2682
The big old sign saying "Blacks for Trump" wasn't a clue Rocky?  Just stop!"

65. @muhammadshakoor8745
"I didn't believe that dude BS excuses when I heard it, he signed a contract GTHOH"

66. @morehyeshiahtorahlessons5545
"I'm done at you thought Carson came to get faded in the back."

67. @theresaturner8340
"That owner took that check along with those other black businesse owners and then crying they didn't know they knew i hope ppl don't go to his shop show him better then tell him"

68. @babenathaniel1091
"I'm surprised you didn't mention that they referred to him as President during the phone call and  not former president Trump"

69. @larryharris7541
"Like my grandma used to say rest her soul... Lie down with dogs, you will end up with fleas. This is a textbook example of those words!"

70. @arlotate830

71. @GirlCode007
"Reese, as we all knew he was in on this. He signed the contract and look at the sign up on the wall - Black Americans for Trump. He was and still is full of ish and now he’s lost business and glad to hear it."

72. @grumpykat2909
"It’s all about the Benjamins, baby.  Rocky suddenly changed his tune after he found out he was losing customers.   Well, that's what Trump does to small businesses."

73. @ivybee347
"When the owner did that interview, I called bs. I said he's changing his mind because of the backlash. He knew it was Republican conservative blacks for trump affiliated even if he didn't expect a call from trump. If all of thise black Republicans showed up with a blacks for trump sign..... Im canceling the event. They probably didn't pay him."

74. @desireegriffin8473
"Sold out for $4000. Smh

Did he not see the blacks for trump display on the wall in his shop? He just didn't expect the backlash!"

75. @Helmuesi911

76. @jenniferhumphrey2304
Shoe shine boy don't expect much"

77. @ButterfliLoe1380
"Rocky was mad about the phone call. He didn't expect that and at that point, Rocky had stepped in it"


78. @luckygirl4321
"Then they called him the President"

79. @dewittgeorge9242
"Boycott his ass out of business..pick a side."

80. @jairoemilianovargassoto5024
You rode the snake and got bite my friend. FAFO"

81. @Alonzo2k8
"Yep, pretty much"

82. @julinicholas7117
" @Alonzo2k8    This is frightening that we can be taken sooo easily.  We need to wake up....."

83. @Alonzo2k8
"@julinicholas7117  you won’t get any arguments from me on that statement"

84. @MyLoganTreks
"@julinicholas7117 FACTS!"

85. @user-dh4jl1nw1v
"If FAFO was a person."

86. @vuksgitau
"He seemed sus from the beginning didn't believe him. He knew."

87. @SergeantMcClain
See they didn't try that nonsense in DC"

88. @user-fv7hy7qb7g
He is saying this because he had lost business and has been treated like Steve Harvy was whn he stood up with Trump.  Also keep in mind, he got paid to host the event in his place.  Big B.S."

89. @taneishar1994
"I need to have a conversation with the blacks. We need to organize"

90. @user-dh4jl1nw1v
"You are hereby assigned the black job of organizing the “blacks.” "

91. @taneishar1994
"@user-dh4jl1nw1v  I will be like the Jamaicans on In Living Color and have 32 jobs all of them will be black jobs"

92. @buyvibe
"Rocky's defense sounds a bit rocky."

93. @tracysample6942
He thought it was going to be something real private. Busted!!"

94. @cheyennetapiasmith9056


95. @bethonetwo
"If he was mad, then, he should have told them to get the hell up out of there and definitely you can't put that sign up on my wall."

96. @Helmuesi911
"Not only that but it said Donald Trump for president right on the contract in big letters where he signed his name"

97. @Columbiana777
"He looks uncomfortable; it’s not what he thought. When Stinky called in thats when he knew he f’d up.️"

98. @dcrogers15
" “You thought Ben Carson was coming to get faded in the back?!”"

99. @silverfox5732
"Why didn't he get up or stop the BS and then give the dame money back, this dude is full of sh-t* anytime you hear trump anything run."
* This word is fully spelled out in this comment.

100. @lindajohnson9058
"The owner of Rocky's barber shop is a liar. He knew about it. Look at his wall inside the shop. It says blacks for trump. Dam. Get a clue, people.  Rocky tap dance for trump.  Rocky lies harder than trump"

101. @jb44448
"Rocky is mad oblivious.  How can you possibly be so unaware.  Jeez.

Byron Donalds is so cringe.  No shame whatsoever.  Dude is just straight toxic."

102. @andrehyman7814
"Correct, my brother. Rocky, who are you trying to fool. I never called for canceling African American small business, but this one I will."

103. @twalrus1
"Talk about a HUGE misstep. He thought being on video was going to bring in new business. He forgot that he has a BLACK barbershop."

104. @bernicejackson42
"Ben hasn't worn a fad since he was a teenager growing up on the Westside of Detroit."

105. @313moneyteamp3
"I'm wondering if those wealthy Republicans got themselves a $200 cut or left a respectable tip."

106. @toddroebuck3214
"Wow brother you are caught in dump bs and rightfully so. My cousin own a barbershop in DC and he would told them to get out"

107. @briellescott9656
"Naaah. He got blowback from the neighborhood and now he's trying to cover his butt."

108. @jesuslover8
"I love how, regauedless of the barber, Reese still gets in on Trump."

109. @jayd3337
Result of buck dancing Buddy didn't know...ok. Nobody getting their haircut there."

110. @judithcharles9847
nother one bites the dust! When will people learn especially our Black brothers and sisters, you can't trust making a deal with the devil, it will always COST  You! Everything he touches or is involved with goes south , THAT GUY IS POISON ,"

111. @valeriareed7234
"When he saw trump’s flunkies led by the Jim Crow expert and Gifted Hands...he still didn’t have a clue…….And is that not a Black Americans for trump sign posted?……."

112. @cliveklg7739
"His advisor's wouldn't warn against bringing up the mugshot, because they are just as clueless about racism as he is."

113. @moweems5802
"That was probably the most black people Uncle Ben has been around since he lived in the Projects."

114. @SpecialKMCLuv
"Don't see Trump or Republicans going into any Black Hair Salon,  too scared Black Women will  Strongly Rock the Vote, and we will strive hard to Save America"

115. @ms.h8730
"What barbershop don't talk about politics."


116. @berk7888
"Bull sh-t*, you don’t talk politics in barbershop. That’s the only place politics get spoken about in our community."
*This word is fully spelled out in this comment.


117. @ThomasNiemann-qe5fo
"Sorry but I call BS on that barbershop owner. All he had to do was politely say this is not what I thought it was/I'm not interested and send Byron Donalds and Ben Carson on their merry way. Instead he entertained this BS."

118. @rhondacaldwell6423
"They're sitting there like fools being pandered to...sigh"

119. @techno370
Rocky lying through his teeth !"

120. @lauritacarr1294
"Me and my Cat frank are both giving Rocky the side eye  , we're like really bruh."

121. @sideeye579
"The way they keep referring to him as "Mr. President" is annoying."

122. @moweems5802
"When Buckdancing Byron said, "okay guys you're on with the president," I was hoping one of the brothers would  have had the guts to say, "Really?  Well how are you doing, Mr. Biden?

123. @19samson32
"He just didn’t realize the aftermath of his decision. I wonder who hung up those signs on the wall of his barber shop if it’s non political."

124. @brendamartin7119
"You cannot believe those two Lawn Jockeys.  Ask him about the New York Five."

"The expression on this face while trump was speaking could be interpreted as not being aware of what is going on BUT... He said NOTHING!!! If he was genuinely blindsided I would think he would have interrupted for the sake of his business, but he didn't.  He continued to engage in the publicity stunt. 

So sad, too bad!  You reap what you sow."

126. @Filmation77
"Rocky is trying to GRIFT , and then hes trying to do this "Playing Dumb" act."

"He saw dollar signs. Now his business has slowed down. Should’ve known better dude."

128. @kmitchell3008

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