
Tuesday, March 19, 2024

The United States Marines' Unofficial Custom Of Using "Dark Green", "Light Green", & Other Shades Of Green In Place Of Racial Referents

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post presents some comments from several online discussion threads about the United States Marines' unofficial use of "dark green", "light green", and other shades of the color green in place of racial reference.

The content of this post is presented for historical and socio-cultural purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post.


These sources are given in no particular order  Numbers are given for referencing purposes only.

WARNING - A number of these comments include profanity.

Because pancocojams is a family friendly blog, words that are considered profanity are given with amended spelling and those amended words are identified by an asterisk.

Online Source #1


1. @williegoodman7909, 2017
"The dark green marines always have the best cadences"


2. @soldat2501, 2019
"The dark green Marines always added that soul that reached you. It made you miss home and proud to be a Marine too. Not an easy feat."


3. @finnmccool684, 2020
"Semper Fi."


4. @coporal4, 2021
"You can say Black Marines It's acceptable GEEZ"


5. @soldat2501, 2021
"coporal4  I am guessing you weren’t a Marine in the last 35 years."


6. @XploreAz, 2021
"coporal4  over your head."


7. @sevinstorey4365, 2021
"Dark green is the only way to say it. Marines are big on tradition and that’s tradition son."


8. @Kemetology2020, 2021
"It’s Marine period. The “Dark green Marine” and “Light green Marine” labels were ignorant but no one realized it. A Marine is not a race or color. Marines are distinguished by their mission, their training, their history, their uniform and their esprit de corps not colors or race."


9. @jermainallen7176, 2021
"coporal4  There's no such thing as a Black Marine. Only Green or Marine."

10. @Shiloh8548, 2020
"All of us knew the dark green guys could do it best!"


11. @Im2Old4ThisShite, 2021
"Mcrd San Diego,  1st battalion, Delta company,  platoon 1053, summer of 84.

We had a dark green giant Drill instructor called Sargeant Jones. Man.....that Marine just HAD it and made our drill time on the grinder like a daily vacation. Then one morning we found that he'd been transferred upstairs to another platoon and we got this short, dirty fingernails, unsat buffoon called Koons (Not the one in this video) and he not only couldn't call cadence,  he couldn't even present us correctly for inspections. We were CRUSHED."


12. @markyahuaca4777, 2022
"Leave it to our dark green marines to have the best rhythm!!!"


13. @justanotherotrguy, 2022
"The black drills just hit different. Have always loved how good so many of them can sing so amazingly"

14. @bangryman100, 2023
"That would be the dark green Marine"


Online Source #2
From  [ 
r/USMC  [ discussion portal for the United States Marine Corp]
topic: "Dark Green vs Light Green"

1. 03devilneck, 2017
"dark green vs light green


Been out of the Corps for 20 years now, but have a question for current active duty Marines. Is there a problem with race relations in the Corps. Reason I ask is, I have a new guy at work (African American) who left the USAF after 10 years active duty. Says he would have gone for 20 but racism has gotten much worse in the armed forces in the last few years. I always felt like the Corps handled it well, and above all we were Marines looking out for each other. Maybe just a problem with his branch"


2. OutlawOperator, 2017
"I’ve never experienced anyone complain about someone because of their race. The universal complaint is typically incompetence and stupidity. Those transcend race.

We do joke around about certain things (I.e Asians and math) but nothing gets pushed to the extreme like the swastika example another user posted about. Whether it’s moral decency or fear of repercussion, people tend not to go down that path."


3. 03devilneck, OP, 2017
"I always felt great pride in being a Marine, and in a leadership role never saw color. Still to this day, I feel the spirit of the Corps is stronger than 'institutional' racism that my new employee referred to"


4. 1st_Gen_Charizard, 2017
"While I can't really say that both my 1st Sgt and Sgt Major were racist (due to lack of evidence), it was pretty apparent that they preffered Marines of their own shade of green. Funny thing is that one was white and the other black but both had only Marines workin in their office from their own color spectrum."


5. Primtricky, 2017
"I didn’t see racism but I definitely seen A LOT of favoritism"


6. NewUsernameWhoDis9, 2017
"I just EAS'd September of 2017. From what I experienced while in yes there is. It's not open it's very subtle. I saw a lot of favor given to dark green Marines. They'd be able to shirk out of responsibility for no apparent reason of course I only saw everything from my level. Asking if race relations are bad off is a hard question to answer because we only see from our perspective."


7. DocCrow1957, 2021
"Devilnevk Light Green or Dark Green was a typical thin when I was in . As a Corpsman that spent 15 of my 30 with Marine Units and 3 combat zones I never ran into race issues. Yea the Brothers ribbing the cracker trying to dance or eating different foods but shit nobody gave a crap. All I gave a damn about because I was a fighting doc was who the hell covered my 6. Is there racism hell yes it’s everywhere always has been and always will be every part of society has it. The key is if you let it interfere. If you have good Sgt’s, Staff Sgt’s and Gunny’s the trouble maker will resolve it and that ass is gone. The Navy we had NCO office hours. The NCO’s called the individual to the head and took care of it. I served with black, Latino, Asian etc I didn’t see color I saw a Marine who my job was to save this man if he was hit and drag him or any man or woman out of the line of fire"


8. WM84PI, 2024
"I am aware of the history behind all Marines being Green, some light and some dark according to skin color. However, I feel this was an obvious racial undercurrent. In 84 while in bootcamp only the black recruits were referred to as Dark Green, all other recruits many of Latin decent were simply recruits. I was never referred to as Light Green, ever and I have brown skin, Is this term still used?


Online Source #3

topic: a very true statement:

quote: "The Marines don't have any race problems. They treat everybody like they're black." - General Daniel "Chappie" James

1. [deleted], 2019
"I was at 29 Palms one time. I think it was around 2015. I was parked at the PX and I came out to see three guys in uniform around my car. Some Comm Boot had sideswiped my car and drove off. One of the three men was a SgtMaj. He looked at me and said "I saw it happen. It was a young, dark green Marine that did this. I know what his car looks like. I'll get him for you." The very next day, I got a phone call from SgtMaj telling me they found him and it turned out the dark green Marine was driving his buddy's car and panicked. Not sure what happened to him, but the fact that even a SgtMaj used the phrase "dark green Marine" made me laugh in that parking lot that day even though I should have been pissed."


2. obadiah24, 2019
"We were taught to call them that in boot camp in 78"

3. Abu-alassad, 2019
"Hasn’t changed in 40 years"

4. Wopaloni, 2019

"Green is the best color!!"


5. Offal_is_Awful, 2019
"I remember when we were told to stop using "light green" and "dark green". It was in 1992. I don't have a clue where the order came from tho.

Edit: I think I remember now. It was right after the Los Angeles riots"

6. Gray_side_Jedi, 2019

"My Hispanic Marines always made sure to offer me their brown cammie paint any time we had to don that

sh-t* (which was a lot with the motivated platoon commander we had). “Hey Corporal, you need any of this? I’m already brown, and no disrespect but you’re pretty f--king* pale”. Sunscreen too, because “white people get sunburned Corporal, don’t want you being all red and white like a candy cane or something.” I found it amusing, honestly."


7. [deleted], 2019
"Dark green"

8. Grunt0302, 2019
"Forest green"

9. lolipophalfdollar, 2019
"Where are my yellow-green marines at?"

10. Grunt0302, 2019
"Actually The Old Corps say all of us as green."


11. LhandChuke, 2019
"Green. Dark green. That’s it. We’re all green."


12. itsallalittleblurry, 2019
"Shared misery knows no race, creed, or color."


Online Source #4

r/USMC [ discussion portal for the United States Marine Corp]

topic: MCRDPICWO Yarborough states that using light green and dark green is racist

Pancocojams Editor's Note: This discussion thread comments include uses the Marine terms "Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island (often abbreviated as MCRD PI]", and "CWO"= chief warrant officer.". Information about those terms can be found at   and at

1. OkChampionship2246, 2020
"MCRD PI CWO Yarborough states that using light green and dark green is racist."


2. [deleted], 2020
"Sh-t*, it’s only a problem if you’re being an asshole about it and if you’re being an asshole about it, it’s time to take off rank. Those jokes were the best part of my friend group because everyone was different."


3. Beer_Hand_Actual, 2020
"How hard would one have to work to make an inclusive term to then exclude people? I mean I guess to be fair there are all shades of assholes and everyone can be one. But how do you do be an asshole about being brothers born anew green?"


4. nola_fan, 2020
"It is often used to ignore racism within Marine Corps."


5. Beer_Hand_Actual, 2020
"Isnt racism destroyed when one's expected outcomes are proven false?"


6. nola_fan, 2020
"Maybe. But just often people ignore that evidence evidence or explain it away, especially when it comes to race. There are plenty of racists out there with one or two friends from the racial group they are bigoted towards. They just believe their friends are the "good ones." "


7. Beer_Hand_Actual, 2020
"Like racism can't be racism because they are the same shade of green?"


8. OkChampionship2246 in response to OP, 2020
"As a black man, one of the things I’ve always liked about the Marine Corps was saying dark green and light green Marine because it always implied that we are all green! Just different shades. Would CWO Yarborough like to tell me how saying white or black is better than saying that light green or dark green? I would’ve posted this on Facebook but because I’m still active, I didn’t want to get in trouble. Someone please tell me if I’m wrong here, but I see this as a step backward."


9. [deleted], 2020
"Yeah this former light green is gonna to beg to differ with the CWO on this one as well."


10. SeenSomeThangs, 2020
"Have you since become dark green?"


11. Jaded-Tax3467, 2020
"Once you go black, you never go back"


12. [deleted], 2020
"It’s how I identify now"


13. blueblarg, 2020
"As a black man, anyone on the internet can be a black man, and anyone who points it out almost certainly isn't a black man."


14. snarky_answer, 2020
"I’ve been black on the internet ever since my shocking 23 and me results."


15. [deleted], 2020
"If I recall when this changed it was a new Sergeant Major of the Corps came in, he didn’t like the terminology….he was on the darker spectrum of green.

I thought the “we are all green” approach was good. But nothing is going to solve for racism."


16. 0331exmc, 2020
"We are all green..."

17. CatchingRays, 2020
"Been out since 95. Light/dark green was common terminology then. If it’s out of sorts by today’s higher standards, that’s fine, but IMHO should be looked upon as a great step in the advancement of brotherhood.'


Online Source #5


topic: Talking About The Racism I Faced While Serving

1. throwthrow-awayaway

OP, 2023

"Hi everybody

I have been posting here on my main account for years now and I've become pretty popular with the content I've shared with you all. But right now, I want to remain anonymous because I'm not ready yet to share this information as myself.

I was in from 2018 to 2022 so to a lot of us on here, I'm just a youngster. I left as a Cpl.

I am ethnically Chinese and I was born in China and I moved to the United States when I was very little. “]

It wasn't my peers or subordinates, it was my superiors. It was my SNCOs, people who I was told I was supposed to count on. People who I was supposed to rely on to have my back.

… I was the only Marine of my race in my platoon….This was the biggest reason I chose to not re enlist. I felt like I had nowhere else or nobody else to go with this. I'm still having a hard time coping sometimes.”…


2. ChiliWithCornBread, 2023
And your not pork fried rice, your yellowish green. We are all green, just different shades brother. Love you, and never forget those assholes showed you how to never lead, not what comprises leadership."
Pancocojams Editor - I can't find the comment in this discussion from the original poster (OP) or about the OP being called "pork fried rice".

"I always see some stupid moto quote that’s goes kinda like “all marines are green, there’s no color” but I have noticed only white people and wanna be white Mexicans share that sh-t* cause it’s not true.

I’m from Southern California so I’m used to interacting with people of different backgrounds and being Mexican myself my group was in the majority. It was a huge culture shock coming into the Marines.

The most racist people I’ve ever met were Marines. I don’t mean just “wow you actually speak English good” racist I mean “I can’t wait to get out and join the border patrol to kill Mexicans” racist (true story).

I’m all for a good joke. I have taken and dished out with Marines of all races in good fun. But I’ve noticed that sh-t* can get really not funny and full of hate with some of these Mississippi mother—kers*. It’s a big (but not only) reason I got out. Why would I want to have these guys back in a combat situation if I don’t know if they’ll have mine. Even more than that why would I want to die or get f—ked* up mentally if a small but significant portion of the country is still backwards like that.

Aye but now that you out f—k* them, tell your story. I’m proud to be a Marine it’s the most proud 4 years of my life, but I am disappointed in what I learned about the rest of the country. I definitely will discourage anyone in my family from joining any branch.

Do I have it worse than my great grandpa who got a Purple Heart in WWII just to not be able to cross the train tracks at a certain time or could only go to the swimming pools or movie theatres with his family during “Mexican day” of course not but progress doesn’t mean it’s all better.

Sorry for the rant I’ve just never talked to another Marine about this so I felt like I related. I hope you don’t let it make you feel bitter about your service too much cause we proud of you."

4. Rusty_Ferberger, 2023
"That's pretty f—ked* up.

Unfortunately, there are bigots in the world, and the military is no different.

You did the right thing by getting away from it. Civdiv is better anyway."


5. throwthrow-awayaway
OP , 2023
"I gotta say, getting out of the Marine Corps seems to have instantly and permanently cured all my mental illness."


6. AFXC1, 2023
"Yeah that different shades of green cliche is bs the amount of f==kery* I've seen from Marines throws that sh-t* out of the window.

What gets me is that these morons go on and ask for help from us with trade skills like we want to do sh-t* for free for them considering all of the bs we went through with them. Like f—k* you dude go fix your own water heater or ask your dependa when you stuck your noses up at us because of your rank."

7. throwthrow-awayaway
OP, 2023
"Thank you for the support, I had a lot of great friends when I was in who weren't racist at all thankfully. I loved that when I was in I became friends with types of people I likely would have never met before, people from all backgrounds and beliefs. I'm keeping my head up and I'm proud of who I am but not sure how I feel about how I served as of late."


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