Edited by Azizi Powell
Latest revision - February 28, 2025
This is Part III of a four part series that provides an alphabetized list of all of the words only examples of foot stomping cheers that mention zodiac (astrological) signs that I have come across [as of November 13, 2024]. As such, this compilation isn't an alphabetical listing of all of the foot stomping cheers that I have come across.
Click https://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2021/11/astrology-zodiac-signs-mentioned-in.html for Part I (Numbers- I of this series.
Click https://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2021/11/astrology-zodiac-signs-mentioned-in_19.html for Part II (J - P). of this series.
Click https://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2021/11/astrology-zodiac-signs-mentioned-in_24.html for Part IV (T - Z)
These examples aren't numbered as additional examples may be added if I come across them.
This series is a sub-set of a larger compilation entitled "Foot Stomping Cheers Alphabetical List". Click http://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2016/09/foot-stomping-cheers-alphabetical-list.html for Part I of that series. The links to the other part of that series are included in that post. That post also includes additional notes about the general topic of foot stomping cheers.
Additional information about a specific cheer may be found after that example in its entry in the foot stomping cheer alphabetical list.
Also, click http://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2013/05/an-overview-of-foot-stomping-cheers.html for the pancocojams post entitled "An Overview Of Foot Stomping Cheers (Part I- Characteristic & Sources)".
These examples are presented in alphabetical order based on the first number or the first letter of the first letter of the first word.
The source (i.e. book, direct collection, or website) is given below the example along with demographic information and/or comments.
The numbers fthat are given below for the versions of a specific cheer in this serie may not be the same as the numbers for that cheer in the Pancocojams Foot Stomping Cheers Alphabetical List compilation.
REALLY (Version #1)
All: Really
Ah Hah.
Ah Hah.
Soloist #1: Really my name is Lisa.
Really my sign is Aries.
Group: Say what?
Soloist #1: Ah Aries.
Group: Say what?
Soloist #1: Cause I’m F-I-N-E fine.
Like a D-I-M-E. dime.
Don’t waste my T-I-M-E. time.
I’ll blow your M-I-N-D mind.
Cause I’m a pro.
Group: Say what?
Soloist #1: A P-R-O.
Group: Say what?
Soloist #1: Cause I’m a triple P.
Triple R.
Triple O.
Sexy pro.
(Repeat entire cheer with next soloist until everyone has
had a turn as soloist)
-Lillian Taylor Camp, AA girls 5-13 years old; AA boys 5-7
years from various Pittsburgh neighborhoods, PA, 1991, 1992
REALLY (Version #2)
Hey Yall are takin me back!!!
Does anyone remeber the cheers we used to do?
Really uh uh really uh uh
Really my name is kisses
really my sign is scopio
say what
say what
cause I'm more than a dollar I can make your boyfriend
holler cause I'm sweet and fine like a bottle of wine cause I'm a pro
say what
a P R O
say what
I'm a triple P triple R triple O
a sexy pro.
- kisses (Milton, Florida USA); http://www.greekchat.com/gcforums/showthread.php?t=4123&page=3;
REALLY (Version #3)
Really uh huh really uh huh really my name is
(say your name) really my sign is (say your sign)
say what a (say your sign) say what cause Im
f I n e fine like an d i m e dime dont waste my t i me
time Ill blow your m i n d mind
-Deajaih; Pittsburgh, PA, 2/21/06, cocojams.com
REALLY (Version #4)
Really, Really,
Really my name's_________
Really my sign is ________
more than a dollar
makes my man holla
he's a pro, P-R-O
http://www.lipstickalley.com/showthread.php/43158-Hood-Cheers/page 3, 8/18/2006
REALLY (Version #5)
My boyfriend really did it!!
He really really really took me to the ocean!!!
He really really really showed me commotion!!!
He really really really!
I said really!
Say what now!
Really my name is ____
Really my sign is ____
Really etc etc.!!!!!!
-Yolanda Wells, 2015, (comment in discussion thread for vlog
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KfzHL_1PdbY; Let's Discuss: Black Girl Childhood Hand Games and Sing
This example was reformatted from sentence form to line form
for this post. It was part of the following comment:
"So interesting! Wow I was just talking about the same thing!
I thought it was just me and one other person! I am so happy you posted this! I
was wondering if we and other black girls were some how connected on some level
like radio waves or something? I didn't know what to think! Because as you were
saying, "How were these songs transmitted?! We just played singing
ROCK THE BOAT (Version #1)
Rock the boat,
Rock, rock the boat
My name is Yasmin (rock the boat)
I know I'm fine (rock the boat)
Just like my sign (rock the boat)
My sign is Leo
I go bang-bang choo choo train
Wind me up and I do my thing
Reeses pieces butter cup
Don't mess with me, cause I'll mess you up,
Rock the boat, rock rock the boat...
-Yasmin H. (Latina female; memories of East Brooklyn, New
York, in the late 1980s), 2/25/04
Yasmin noted that the words in parenthesis were chanted by
the other members of the cheerleading squad.
SCORPIO (Fragment)
...what about just standing in the school yard @ recess time
saying cheers:
Scorpio, sco scorpio...
My name is _______ "scorpiooo, sco scorpio.."
And I'm a Taurus "scorpio..." (why we called it
scorpio, I'll never know...)
- tickledpink,
http://www.greekchat.com/gcforums/showthread.php?t=4123&page=3; 12-30-2000
Each girl gives her sun sign and then the other say
“Scorpio-oo scor scror piooo”
This cheer probably has the same tune as “Gigalo”. This reflects interest general public had in sun sign astrology.
Words ----------------------------------Basic Motion
Shoo shoo Sharida ------------------------step, step clap, rock, clap
My name is Violet --------------step, step clap, rock clap
Shoo shoo Sharida
That’s what they call me
Shoo shoo Sharida
My sign is Pisces
Shoo shoo Sharida
And I can break it down-------------------------improvise
Shoo shoo Sharida
Real sexy now
Shoo shoo Sharida
Now take my goal post
-From Recess Battles: Playing Fighting, and Storytelling by Anna R. Beresin (University Press of Mississippi, Jackson, 2010, page 106, in the section of that book whose sub-title is "Steps"), performed by African American girls in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 1992
Group: Stop, Look, and Listen
Soloist #1: My name is Shana
Group: Stop, Look, and Listen
Soloist #1: My sign is Aries
Group: Stop, Look, and Listen
Soloist #1: Mighty, Mighty Aries
Group: Stop *
and Listen
*These words were chanted
Super Superstar
Akira is my name
Kickball is my game
Winning on my mind
Scorpio is my number one sign
Super Superstar
Super Superstar
Nathalee is my name
Basketball is my game
Winning on my mind
Leo is my number one sign
Super Superstar
- Barbara Mitchells & Bettye White, Apples On A Stick, The Folklore of Black Children (New York, Coward -McCann, Inc, 1983, p. 12)
This concludes Part III of this four part pancocojams series on astrology in children's foot stomping cheers.
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Visitor comments are welcome.
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