Edited by Azizi Powell
This is Part I of a three part pancocojams series that focuses on comments from a discussion thread about a 1960 Saturday Night Beech-Nut Show television film clip of African American Rock and Roll/Rhythm & Blues (R&B) singer Frankie Lymon performing his record "Little Bitty Pretty One".
Part I presents information about Frankie Lymon and showcases a 1960 Saturday Night Beech-Nut Show television film clip of African American Rock and Roll/Rhythm & Blues (R&B) singer Frankie Lymon performing his record "Little Bitty Pretty One".
Part I also presents selected comments from that YouTube "video"'s discussion thread. Almost all of those comments refer to the close-up shots that were taken of various females who were watching that performance. However, these selected comments don't include the names "Becky" or "Karen" that are used as social referents for types of White women.
Click https://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2020/03/why-becky-and-karen-are-used-as.html for Part II of this pancocojams series. Part II presents information about the mocking/insulting social meanings of the names "Becky" and "Karen" as they refer to White women. Part II also presents selected comments that include the insulting names "Becky" or "Karen" from the discussion thread of the 1960 Saturday Night Beech-Nut Show television film clip of African American African American Rock and Roll/Rhythm & Blues (R&B) singer Frankie Lymon performing his record "Little Bitty Pretty One".
Click https://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2020/03/black-singers-or-white-singers.html for Part III of this pancocojams series. Part III presents several YouTube film clips of 1958-1960 Saturday Night Beech-Nut Show television film clips that include audience close ups that were prompted by comments from the 1960s film clip of Frankie Lymon singing "Little Bitty Pretty On" on the Saturday Night Beech-Nut Show. These film clips are presented to ascertain if those audience close-ups are similar to the audience shots that are found in the Saturday Night Beech-Nut Show television film clip of African American Rock and Roll/Rhythm & Blues (R&B) singer Frankie Lymon performing his record "Little Bitty Pretty One".
The content of this post is presented for historical, socio-cultural, and entertainment purposes.
All copyrights remain with their owners.
Thanks to Frankie Lymon for his musical legacy. Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post and thanks to the publisher of this film clip on YouTube.
From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frankie_Lymon
"Franklin Joseph "Frankie" Lymon (September 30, 1942[5][6] โ February 27, 1968[7]) was an American rock and roll/rhythm and blues singer and songwriter, best known as the boy soprano lead singer of the New York City-based early rock and roll group The Teenagers. The group was composed of five boys, all in their early to mid-teens. The original lineup of the Teenagers, an integrated group, included three African-American members, Frankie Lymon, Jimmy Merchant, and Sherman Garnes; and two Puerto Rican members, Joe Negroni and Herman Santiago. The Teenagers' first single, 1956's "Why Do Fools Fall in Love," was also their biggest hit. After Lymon went solo in mid-1957, both his career and that of the Teenagers fell into decline. He was found dead at the age of 25 on the floor of his grandmother's bathroom from a heroin overdose.[8] His life was dramatized in the 1998 film Why Do Fools Fall In Love."...
SHOWCASE YOUTUBE VIDEO: Frankie Lymon "Little Bitty Pretty One"
NRRArchives, Dec. 1, 2012
Saturday Night Beech-Nut Show. August 13, 1960. Re-posted by request. Correct audio and no gray bar.
Statistics as of March 3, 2020 at 9:00 AM
total views- 8,450,931
Total likes- 103K
Total dislikes-2K
Total comments 10,173
Click for information about Frankie Lymon.
Also, click https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m93WQ6KvCkw for a 1965 film clip of Frankie Lymon performing "Little Bitty Pretty One" on Hollywood A Go Go, another American television show that was filmed with an all White audience.
WARNING: Some of this discussion thread's comments include profanity and/or sexualized references. None of those comments are found in this pancocojams compilation.
Numbers are added for referencing purposes only.
1. MrEverSoBad, 2016
"These chicks was looking around at there girls wondering if they had permission to enjoy Frankie!!!! LoL"
2. Charmaine B, 2016
"I was thinking the same thing!"
3. Wayne nix, 2016
4. divedevil985, 2016
"I think they were just uncomfortable being on camera. None of them could make eye contact with it. It was a more innocent age unlike the attention seeking narcissists of today."
5. L.F. Thornton, 2016
"Agree. They look shy and unsure of themselves. Girls back then didn't want to be singled out or you were labeled a show-off."
6. D R I : DIVE RIGHT IN, 2016
"unless of course your Elvis."
7. Renee Taylor, 2016
"MrEverSoBad Exactly! Can't be showing falling out over a colored boy back then"
8. Blue Marvel, 2017
"They looked liked they were scared"
9. Malindays, 2017
"MrEverSoBad omg right"
10. Seneca Colbert, 2017
"MrEverSoBad. But frankie didnt care.he knew he was cool.go on witcho bad self!!"
"witcho" = "with your"; "Go on with your bad self" is a familiar complimentary African American saying.
11. lewisner, 2017
"I think they have the same expressions when they are watching white acts."
12. Mrs Jones, 2017
"MrEverSoBad Beckys weren't allowed to show what they were feeling back then. Oh but they were definitely feelin' Frankie ๐๐๐"
Click the tag for Part II of this pancocojams series for information about the referent "Becky".
13. Annelie SE, 2017
"MrEverSoBad best comment ever lmao you honestly made me cry for half the video"
14. Rant Therapist, 2017
"Hahahahha glad I'm not the only one who noticed. They're like damn, my papa gonna kill me for enjoying a black man singing LOL!"
15. mackjeez, 2017
"Everything has to be racial OMG.
Frankie Lymon was a household name in 1960, you can clearly see the girls going crazy when his name is announced, the awkwardness had nothing to do with the fact that Frankie was black but because the girls were "weirded" out by the the camera that was aimed at them."
16. Darrall Shamar Williams, 2018
"Yea when the camera was on them they had to look like they didn't enjoy it, such a shameful time in America"
17. Ma1nguy, 2018
"Oh it was scandalous for White girls to show that they found Black boys attractive back in the day"
18. Marcia Cardoso, 2019
"They are uncomfortable with camera and being on TV, nothing related to the singer!"
19. Pat Downs, 2019
"I don't think the girls were being shy. Except for the blonde, they didn't even notice that the camera was on them. Maybe they were new to the show and just not sure of what to expect. They don't look shy. They look nervous."
20. Melissa Xavier, 2019
"The look on the white peoples face is makin me feel uncomfortable"
21. Sarah McGee, 2019
"If that was a Black audience, they'd be dancing ALL OVER THE PLACE!!"
22. Voltaire Venerium, 2019
"Sarah McGee they also wouldnโt have been allowed in"
23. Michael Ramos, 2019
"They allowed frankie"
24. Mr. Steel Roots, 2019
"@Voltaire Venerium true unfortunately"
25. HotWax93, 2019
"@Sarah McGee If it was more up tempo like the original by Thurston Harris, they'd be dancing all over the place. Every video I've seen of the Beech Nut Show has the kids sitting in place, sometimes clapping to the music, but never dancing. As for Bandstand, Dick Clark always made a point of having black and white dancers together on that show."
26. Cocoa Renay, 2020
"You're absolutely right, they would've showed him lotta love!!๐๐ฟ"
27. Tammy T, 2020
"No, they were upset with him as well. He had been revealed to be a drug addict and a criminal in the news papers"
28. AfroLatino 89, 2020
"@Michael Ramos because he was working of course. Please tell me you're not that stupid to not know or see that black people weren't allowed in the same place as whites unless they we're working."
29. Nomi Williams, 2019
"The audience absolutely freaks me out... imagine standing in front of them performing gosh... Frankie was simply fantastic non the less and so handsome."
30. steveom59, 2019
"this was not a performance. it was an artist near the end of his life, suffering physical effects of drug abuse, lip-syncing to a record he released several years earlier at the height of his success. It was part of his last ditch effort to restart his career. It had to be painful to be in the audience and see this "live"."
31. Nomi Williams, 2019
"@steveom59 regardless of his personal deficiencies this was indeed a performance. All artists lip synced to tracks on these kinds of shows.. that was indeed the dynamics of these broadcasts. Furthermore, I won't judge him on his personal demons, I made my statement based on the performance and I thought it was great given the circumstances, he was an outstanding performance regardless of his personal life."
32. Original_Native_american, 2020
"Honestly People just weren't used to camera's back then. That's what I say.
Plus for all the people saying most of the crowd was suprised to see an African American walk out on stage. He was a long time member of (the teenager's.)"
33. Chat With Chi, 2020
"Seems like the audience weren't expecting a black man."
34. Its Not Me, 2020
"It didnโt have much to do with racism. It was most likely the camera pointing right at them so they probably found that really awkward."
35. CeeGramz, 2020
"0:48 When you find out your favorite song is by a black dude"
36. H.E. Edwards, 2020
"Ok, they knew he was black. They were told beforehand to act respectable, they were not able to enjoy it like they would as if was Elvis or the Beatles."
37. Freak Nasty creep, 2020
"Those girls are just waiting for him to hurry the hell up and finish so the next white singer can come on so they can jump up and down and hysterically scream crying ๐"
38. Jeremy Esters, 2020
"Such brave souls performing in those horrific racist lynch era times."
39. SHAWN owen, 2020
"...."Check out the audiences of this show when the song searchin is performed, or Chuck Berry of Sam Cook. Get over yourself"
This comment begins with an expletive. The performance searches that are suggested are found in the third post to this series whose link is given above.
40. Mr. Cornbread, 2020
"Why is that one girl at 1:16 only the one that is excited about it and also, why do I think that all the people in the audience are happy after the song stops and when he goes backstage, is everyone liking the performance or are they happy that he's done and happy that he is finally not singing anymore?"
41. Nicole Mouser, 2020
"I donโt even know what to say about this audience.smh. But the performance was awesome!
This concludes Part I of this three part pancocojams series.
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