Jennifer Lisa Vest, December 12, 2024
Also, click for the related pancocojams post entitled "What "F Around And Find Out" ("FAFO"; "Eff Around And Find Out") REALLY Means & Speculation About When & How That Saying Became Viral Online."
But the dreaming women said "Oh no no no no no no. This will not stand. This will not stand." And for days and weeks after the joust the dreaming woman kept telling everybody "Look, listen to us. You must understand. There were shenanigans behind the scenes. This is not a fair outcome. We must investigate. Something must be done." And several people began to rally behind the dreaming women- for there were many dreaming women and they lived in many different parts of the realm. Some of them were tall and some of them were short. And some of them were were black haired and some of them were blond haired. And they came from all different types of backgrounds, different religions, and cultures. But the one thing that all these dreaming women had in common was that they all were dreaming the same dream. And people were growing impatient. "When will we hear about the investigation? When would they tell us the truth? When will we get the revelation about what really happened?" But it wasn't possible to share the news just yet for, although there was this investigation behind the scenes and although it involved many different entities, many different courts, they had to be very careful about when they released the information. So there was a Judicial Court that was involved. And there was a legislative court that was involved. And then the Blue Emperor's Court was also involved . And then two there were foreign courts in involved. Foreign courts even had sent their own spies early on. But still, although all of these entities were working together, they could not tell the people what had happened. And they could not tell the people what had happened because they needed first for a special thing to happen: the FAFO- a special type of event called the FAFO had to happen and the FAFO event was something that had to happen because they needed the members of the Red Team who mistakenly believed that the Naked Emperor had won...they needed those people to come to some realizations about who he really was. They needed them to realize that indeed he did not have any clothes on and this was going to take time.".... -snip- Although "FAFO" is part of African American Vernacular English, the term "FAFO event" isn't. "A FAFO event" or "the FAFO event" is a product of Jennifer Lisa Vest's creativity. That said, there are a number of YouTube videos about the aftermath of the November 5, 2024 United States national elections that are titled or focus upon people having FAFO regrets, and/or experiencing FAFO times or FAFO season. **** SELECTED COMMENTS FROM THE DISCUSSION THREAD OF THIS YOUTUBE VIDEO (with numbers added for referencing purposes only) All of these comments are from December 13, 2024 1. @adlog1432 "This storytelling has piqued my interest! 😮😲🌋" ** 2. @IseeAllOfYou "A special event called the FAFO! 😂😂😂😂" ** Reply 3. @magdalinejackson954 "FAFO. What or who is this" ** Reply 4. @megakaren2160 "That made me snort" ** Reply 5. @yesstar6307 "FAFO = F around & find out" ** Reply 6. @yesstar6307 "There are many people realizing now that supporting him= F ing Around Finding Out Now, how he’s bad for everyone but himself"
** Reply 7. @azizip171 "@magdalinejackson954 "FAFO" means "f&&k around and find out". This is an African American Vernacular English saying that means that when you do something wrong, you will eventually have consequences for those actions. Those consequences are referred to as "the finding out" stage."
** 8. @TheycallmeMo1111 "It all makes so much sense now. I get excited each time I hear him speak of the plans he has in store. Since none of his cult members were interested in reading project 25 before they voted, he is telling them. 😅🤡"
** Reply 9. @thatswhatisaid8908 "We tried to tell them. What a waste of time. They just said, "oh, trump said that has nothing to do with him" like WE were the idiots."
** Reply 10. @falconbritt5461 "@magdalinejackson954 there are many FAFO videos around the net now documenting details in their lives, how many people are finding out how they voted against their own self-interest.
People just now learning how tariffs work and how their prices will go up. Families who voted against their family members, not realizing they would be deported or affected - disabled family and family on social security and family with learning disabilities and LGBTQ family and people of color in their family... Plus farmers who voted for the naked emperor whose migrant farm hands are now to be deported. Veterans who voted for him whose benefits are to be cut. In fact, is there any group whom he will not significantly harm if allowed to take office? Only the wealthy white male oligarchs, who can afford $5 for a toothbrush. Also termed the "Leopards Eating My Face" club (long story, kind of "I voted for these people to be hurt, but I didn't think it would hurt me").
** 11. @from4to5 "The "FAFO Event"
Freakin' brilliant.
😂 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼"
** Reply 12. @kellieh6798 "Loved that 😂"
** 13. @marylebaron3449 "The FAFO event can't come fast enough!!!"
** 14. @mylaineriobemd9623 "FAFO furreal!! Love these stories and can’t wait to hear the ending!"
** 15. @yesstar6307 "There are many people realizing now that supporting him= F ing Around Finding Out Now, how he’s bad for everyone but himself." ** 16. @spiritualone7 "Love your storytelling revealing the truth!❤"
** 17. @paulagilson6851 "Amazing story telling. The story is very vivid and well told. Thank you"
** Reply 18. @JenniferLisaVest "Thanks for listening"
** 19. @thatswhatisaid8908 "I think the FAFO is in progress, but sadly not for everyone."
** 20. @mikes01girl "Dear Jennifer, I love your stories. You have a wonderful way of weaving a tale so that we can all understand and appreciate your visions. I really enjoy how you present this material. I can’t wait for your next episode.❤🌊"
** 21. @lurklingX "honestly the congressional hearings on UAP kept me sane because it offered some respite for what had happened with the joust. (also, your storytelling, the cadence, everything is so compelling/good/all-words-at-once. i'm so glad i found your channel. even if it weren't for joust conditions. ty.)"
** 22. @lurklingX "omg not the 'fafo event' that took me out 😂😂😂😂😂
(i thought at first you were referencing this document/action thingy then realized and started laughing)" ** 23. @pattilaessig9473 "I love your stories! I'm so glad I found you! I knew it was not true that the naked emperor won as soon as I heard it, and was sick to my stomach --literally--knowing the falsehood, yet hearing the news, until I could no longer tolerate the news and stopped watching, and started praying for truth as I have always done when questioning things. Then I found you and others who felt the same way, and said exactly what I felt all along... and now we wait."
** 24. @Lovelylizzette "The FAFO. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂" ** 25. @crystaltornick9108 "What is FAFO Event, please?"
** Reply 26. @azizip171 "@crystaltornick9108, the "FAFO" event is the finding out stage of "f&&K around and find out". That is when people who voted for 45 face the imminent personal consequences of that vote such as learning that if 45 gets in office and repeals the Affordable Care Act that they will lose their health benefits because they didn't realize that Obamacare is the same as the Affordable Care Act. Another example is people losing their Christmas bonuses because their companies have to spend money on supplies because of 45's tariffs. And another example is people realizing that they are part of the populations that 45 plans to deport." **** Thanks for visiting pancocojams.
Visitor comments are welcome.
What storyteller/medium Jennifer Lisa Vest refers to as "the FAFO Event" is reflected in that fact that a number of Trump voters are feeling like they were duped by him because of his post election statement that it won't be easy for him to bring down the prize of groceries as he had repeatedly promised to do.
ReplyDeleteHere's a link to an article about this: "Trump lied about food prices. Now he says it's too 'hard' to bring down costs." published by Rex Huppke, December 13, 2024