Edited by Azizi Powell
Latest revision- February 10, 2024
This pancocojams post presents a definition, information, and examples of the saying "F--k* Around And Found Out" (also given as "FAFO" and "Eff around and find out").Pronunciation "FAH- foh"
This post also includes speculation about when & how that saying became viral online.
The content of this post is presented for linguistic, historical, and cultural purposes.
All copyrights remain with their owners.
Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post.
*Throughout this pancocojams post I substitute two dashes in place of the letters in the curse word "f--k". These substitutions in these quotes are indicated by an asterisk after that word.
Click https://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2024/12/the-fafo-event-in-chapter-of-jennifer.html for the related December 2024 pancocojams post entitled "The FAFO Event" -Part Of A Chapter In Jennifer Lisa Vest's "Emperor Has No Clothes" Story About The United States November 5, 2024 National Election & Its Aftermath"
From https://www.wikihow.com/Fafo-Meaning
"What Does the Slang Term “FAFO” Mean? (Plus How to Use It)
Learn more about this provocative social media term
Co-authored by Mason Martinez, BA
Last Updated: March 18, 2024 Fact Checked
Meaning |Usage |Origin & Spread |Related Slang Terms
Have you ever encountered a meme or a fail video and seen
“FAFO!” written in the comments? “FAFO” is an informal way of expressing a
warning or response to something ill-advised. In this guide, we’ll teach you
what the acronym means and how it’s gained traction on popular social media
FAFO” Meaning
The acronym “FAFO” stands for “F--k* Around and Find Out.”
It’s an informal way of warning someone not to mess with you or something bad
will happen. It’s the equivalent of saying, “If you play with fire, you’re
going to get burned.”
What does “FAFO” mean?
“FAFO” is short-hand for “F**k Around and Find Out.”
People on social media use FAFO to warn others not to mess
with them. It's also used as a response to videos or situations where someone
does something careless and then suffers the consequences.[1]
The phrase is the equivalent of the age-old saying, “If you
play with fire, you’re going to get burned.”
Use “FAFO” as a warning sign.
Has someone ever tried to get you heated? Or, in other
words, tried to push your buttons? A direct way to tell someone not to mess
with you is by saying,
“F--k* Around and Find Out.” It warns the other person
that you'll react if they continue to “test” you.[2]
Write “FAFO” on a caption for a TikTok, Snapchat, or
Instagram reel.
The term is often seen on popular social media sites to
respond to someone else’s behavior.[3]X
For instance, have you ever seen someone wind up in a
situation you know won't end well? Imagine a body-builder type of guy messes
with a petite guy at a bar, and suddenly, it’s the smaller guy who takes him
down—that’s the perfect scenario to use, “FAFO!”
The phrase can be used in nearly any scenario to respond to
someone else’s bizarre or disrespectful behavior.”…
Origin & Spread of FAFO
The phrase originated in 2007 as African American slang.
Originally, FAFO was commonly used in the African American
community in its full form rather than as an acronym.[4] However, the phrase
died out in the mid-2000s before finding its resurrection in 2022.
“FAFO” became a highly searched word in 2022 after Elon Musk
tweeted it.
After a series of controversial tweets by Kanye West
regarding his relationship with Elon Musk, the CEO of X, posted a simple,
“FAFO” tweet after suspending the rapper’s account. Users quickly scrambled to
understand the phrase—and the drama between the two.[5]
The phrase blew up on TikTok in 2022 after a “FAFO” chart
went viral.
A TikTok user, Roger Skaer, posted a short TikTok
demonstrating how much someone has to “f--k* around” to “find out” on a
mathematical chart. In just two days, the video gained 3.9 million views.[6]*
The term grew in popularity to express frustration towards
Before the 2020 presidential election between President Joe
Biden and Donald Trump, online leftists and sympathizers of the Democratic
party took to social media platforms like Reddit, X (Twitter), and TikTok to
create memes about the political landscape at the time.[7]
A common example was using “FAFO’” to refer to Michael
Bloomberg’s run as the Democrat candidate, who eventually pulled out in favor
of Joe Biden.[8]
“FAFO” is used as a slogan by the Proud Boys.
The Proud Boys are a far-right political organization
created in 2016. They’re known for promoting white nationalism, misogyny, and
other hateful beliefs.[9] Unfortunately, “FAFO” has been adopted by them in an
attempt to appear tough and threatening.[10]”…
Read the comments directly below that indicate that the saying "F--k Around and Find Out" is much older than the 2007 date that is given in thiswikihow.com article.
[Pancocojams Editor: These are selected comments from this reddit.com discussion thread. Numbers are added for referencing purposes only.]
From https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/15w9udc/any_particular_reason_why_fuck_around_and_find/
1. Every3Years, 2023
"Any particular reason why "f--k* around and find
out" is suddenly popular?
Not just that phrase, but wordplay using that phrase is all
over the place. I don't use social media (I go to old.reddit.com to use reddit,
it's message board to me) and I haven't heard quite as much of it in the real
world. But in every sub on Reddit there's always comments about f--king* around
and finding out. Or getting to the find out phase, or utilizing a flashlight to
find a f--k* with in the dark, or catching a case of FAFO, or a million other
Did something or somebody famous use the phrase recently and now everybody is saying it?
It reminds me of when "legit" became the go-to
term in my 20s. I'm a few weeks away from 40 and
"F--k* Around and Find
Out" has always been something people have said. But recently it is THE
thing to comment, enough to make me take notice and eventually ask this
2. Slide-Impressive, 2023
“Honestly f--k* around and find out is old.”
3. DependentDangerous28, 2023
“It is, i remember it being used in my childhood by adults and im 47.”
4. Comfortable_Key_6904, 2023
“Same. I'm 45, and I remember this this from when I was a kid. It was mainly
centered around fighting, but people have found a lot more uses for it today.”
"I'm 41 and was raised in and around the Atlanta area, and
"F--k* Around and Find Out" was used somewhat interchangeably with
"Play Stupid Games, Win Stupid Prizes" (or some variation thereof)
It didn't seem to be aimed any more specifically at fighting
than anything else, at least in my area. Although for a long time our version
of FAFO was a bit longer, the full saying we had was: "[They are/(S)He is]
about to f--k* around and find out the hard way."
6. Sidewalk_Tomato, 2023
"That's actually really interesting. I've only heard the
phrase in the last 5 years.
7. DependentDangerous28, 2023
"Im from Northern Ireland its been about for years and years."
8. KindAwareness3073, 2023
"You recently found out about FAFO. It's been around for
9. Jurtaani, 2023
"There's nothing implying that OP just found out about it.
They are saying it has suddenly became popular. And it has. I don't remember
hearing it as much as I have heard it this year probably ever."
10.DudeEngineer, 2023
"For a long time AAVE developed mostly separately from
mainstream american English, but it has been crossing over more since the 90s
and it's really taken off with Gen Z.
There is no debate about if white people should use the N
word, they should FAFO if they desire."
-snip-AAVE= African American Vernacular English
11. GreenTravelBadger, 2023
"You reap what you sow. Chickens always come home to roost.
Actions have consequences. F--k* around and find out is just another way of
saying what's always been said."
12. LittleCupcake01, 2023
YouTube video title: "The FA Axis Will get Rocked", published by rogerskaer, oct. 10, 2022
13. GamerGirl_9, 2023
"Yes I am shocked this hasn’t been mentioned more. Ever since
this video, the term skyrocketed. Not saying it wasn’t around before, it was.
But this video went viral and got in front of everyone’s eyes, so whether
they’d heard or used it before, they are using it now"
14. LittleCupcake01, 2023
"Yaas, same. I scrolled way too far without anyone mentioning
it. It existed before but even since that video it skyrocketed. Dunno if its
because of tiktok or what tho."
15. Cerulean_IsFancyBlue, 2023
"I don’t think this 10 month old video explains how something
has been popular for a couple of years now.
“How I learned about X” isn’t the same as how X got popular
in the first place."
16. BhristopherL, 2023
"Yep, this video is what propelled the phrase into the
average Gen Zs vernacular"
17.Upstairs_Equipment95, 2023
"I can’t even get through the first 30 seconds of this video,
y’all watched the entire thing?"
18, Anonmouse119, 2023
"Ah yes, the completely fictional scenario he just made up
off the top of his head. He’s very quick on his feet. I too enjoy his entirely
fabricated situation involving notorious actor Bill Pith and comedian Chris
19. [deleted], 2023
"It's just a word-meme which is sweeping through our
consciousness. It sounds kind of clever, so it gets endlessly repeated by
non-clever people. It'll eventually sweep through and mostly disappear except
for die-hards who continue to cling to it."
20. PvtSherlockObvious, 2023
"For an example of this, we can just look at how completely
it supplanted "play stupid games, win stupid prizes," an earlier
expression that meant effectively the same thing."
21. Billypillgrim, 2023
"Well for one thing, a lot of people have, in actuality been
f--king* around a lot lately. And many of them are, in fact, starting to find
22. loopygargoyle6392, 2023
"The only people that I recall using it with any appreciable
frequency would be MAGAs, up to and surrounding the events of J6. Since then
it's been pretty heavily and ironically used against them, since unbeknownst to
them, they were actually the ones FA-ing and have since FO-ed."
23. mexchiwa, 2023
"It was a proud boys motto. I have no idea why they’re
downvoting you - you’re right.
The phrase has been around a long time, but the PB we’re
using it on J6"
24. Fantastic_Sea_853, 2023
"The phrase was made popular by Trump, who has
made a point of doing just that on a daily basis"
25. Every3Years, OP (Original Poster) 2023
"News regarding that human anal wart is definitely how I
first starting noticing this. He did indeed fuck around, in between rounds of
golf and normalizing unnecessary lies, but i really dont think hes going to
receive anything substantial in terms of finding out.
But yeah this phrase has definitely been mentioned by half of Reddit whenever another indictment is handed out, which led me to realizing that it's all over the place!
Maybe the fact that phones and recording life are so common nowadays, catching people on the act of f--king* around has also widened the possibility of more finding out. 🤔"
(Sources are numbered for referencing purposes only)
"F--k* Around and Find Out
A warning given when someone is acting
foolishly and about to face consequences, commonly used in the setting of a bar
or street fight.
Ex. 1: When a person is provoked they
might respond to the aggressor with "F--k* Around and Find Out."
Ex. 2: "Kind of a bummer to have
been born at the very end of the F--k* Around century just to live the rest of
my life in the Find Out century." - Twitter User @Merman_Melville"
by responsible_falcon February 16, 2022
2. https://www.wikihow.com/Fafo-Meaning "What Does the Slang Term “FAFO” Mean? (Plus How to Use It), 2024 [This article is given as Excerpt #1 in this pancocojams post.
“I already told you to leave me alone. Keep this up, you’re gonna FAFO!”
“I totally forgot to study for the test this afternoon. Guess I’m gonna FAFO!”
3. @carolb.6350, October 5, 2024,
"Some of these American people are going to eff around and
find out. I'm going to vote blue, I'm going to help to save America's
4. @4lizlemon, October 9, 2024, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwQYztm--dM
"LMOA is this a joke, you think you are gonna get up and get
a mountain Ebike in a cat 5 hurricane . you are delusional. good luck you are seriously under estimating mother
nature but go on and FAFO"
5. @SpaceForceCommander, October 10, 2024, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E2WRlu5Lg_Y
"Trump is effing around, and he's going to find out (because Judge Chutkan doesn't play games)."
Thanks for visiting pancocojams.
Visitor comments are welcome.
"Mess around and find out" is a more socially acceptable way of saying "F--k around and find out".
ReplyDeleteHere's an example of that saying in this exchange from an episode of Reese Waters' YouTube channel:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yU5y7k4ja8, "Byron Donalds Needs an INTERVENTION", published by Reese Waters, October 4, 2024
This isn't this entire comment exchange.
Numbers added for referencing purposes only.
1. @TheBlackPanther05, October 4, 2024
"I don't like going after other people for who they choose to vote for, but I'm sorry, ANY fully-functioning Black Person who can look at a guy like Donald Trump and say, "That's my President!" genuinely needs to have their brains examined."
2. @Neka-nn7zx, October 4, 2024
"Please say it again but they are going to mess around and find out."
Here's a link to a news video in which Philadelphia, Pennsylvania's District Attorney warns people that they will "f around and find out" if they attempt to interfere at Philadelphia's voting polls:
ReplyDeletehttps://www.nbcnews.com/video/philadelphia-district-attorney-says-f-around-and-find-out-to-election-day-interference-223553605883 "Philadelphia district attorney says 'f around and find out' to Election Day interference", NBC News, Nov. 5, 2024 [video]
Here are some comments about that from the discussion thread of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKrcElX_JNw "Тrumр VІЅТЅ РОLLІΝG ЅТАТІОΝ, ВООЕD bу VОТЕRЅ Wаіtіng Іn Lіnе!" by Vote Blue. Nov 5, 2024
[Numbers added for referencing purposes only.]
1. @freakinfrugal5268
"I love Philly's new motto. F around and find out."
2. @peggyrunyon4230
"Me too."
3. @georgerigberg4335
"We mean it!"
Here's a comment from apodcast ofr an Australian tarot card reader https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMKNj__5q8Y Will the US Constitution survive?, published by Maighstir Tarot, Nov 13, 2024
ReplyDelete@Annacares63, November 14, 2024
"On TikTok they are saying to Rtump supporters are finding out what F.A.&F.O it stands for F$&k around and Find Out! 😅"
Here's a comment exchange from this discussion thread
ReplyDelete"Biden Declares Military Strike on Russia: He is Coming for Putin! #remoteview", published by The Oracle of Whimsy, November 18, 2024
[I added numbers for referencing purposes only.]
1. @mystonygh5, Nov. 18, 2024
2. @The Oracle of Whimsy, November 18, 2024
3. @azizip171, November 19, 2024
"@TheOracleofWhimsy (new subscriber here. Thumbs up big time).
"FAFO" is an African American Vernacular English acronym that means "F..k around and find out".
That means: "You messed up and now you're facing the consequences." "
*"Remote view" means "channeling". Here's the AI results for the word "channeling" as per Google results:
"In spirituality, channeling is the practice of communicating with beings in spiritual realms, such as angels, spirit guides, or ascended masters"...