Marcel West, Dec 11, 2011
Turner Hughes leads "Lord Help Me To Hold Out"
with the Detroit Mass Choir
Total # of views as of September 20, 2024 at 9:24 PM = 7,479,481
Edited by Azizi Powell
This post is part of an ongoing pancocojams series on African American Vernacular English.
This pancocojams post showcases a YouTube video of the Detroit Mass Choir singing Rev. James Cleveland's 1973 song "Lord, Help Me To Hold Out".
This post presents the lyrics for this song and my explanations of the African American Vernacular English words "hold out" and "until my change come" in the context of that Gospel song.
Some comments from this video's discussion thread are also included in this post.
The content of this post is presented for religious, historical, linguistic, and aesthetic purposes.
Thanks to Rev. James Cleveland, the composer of this song for his musical legacy and thanks to the Detroit Mss Choir that is showcased in this post. Thanks also to all those who are quoted in this post, and thanks to the publishers of these examples.
Click for the 2015 pancocojams post entitled "Rev. James Cleveland - "Lord, Help Me To Hold Out" (YouTube sound file, information, & lyrics)".
Lord, help me to hold out (3X)
Until my change come
I believe we ought to say that one more time
Lord help me to hold out , please Lord wont you help me
I begging you Lord pleaset Jesus Help Me to to Hold out
Until my Until My change come,
Verse 2:
My way may not easy
You did not say that it would be
But when it gets dark
I can't see my way
You told me to put my trust in Thee
That's why I'm asking you
Lord Jesus Lord Jesus Help me to Hold out I am just
about to make it over I need a little help help the
Devil tryn to stop me
Verse 1:
Lord I need you to help me to hold out
though the mountain tops too high
I need you to help me to hold out
Give me the patience I need to hold out
Thank you Jesus---Until
until my change come
Lord help me to hold out (8X)
I believe I can hold out (sopranos,altos) (4-6X)
Hold out (tenors)
Lord Jesus Help Me to hold out , believe i can make
master Lord help me , been cryn in the mid night hour
if i can only hear from heaven, Lord
Until my change come (3X)
*I corrected the spelling of the word "believe" and the word "too" in this transcription..
In the context of the Gospel song "Lord, Help Me To Hold Out", the African American Vernacular English meaning of the phrase "hold out" is "to endure" while experiencing trouble (difficulties). Other synonyms for that meaning are "to persevere", "to keep going on", "to hold on", and "to not give up". Hold out" has other Vernacular English meanings than these meanings.
I believe that most people interpret the words "until my change come" in the Gospel song "Lord, Help Me To Hold Out" to mean "when things change (improve) for the better" i.e. "when a difficult situation ends or is resolved. This interpretation of those words is supported by many of the comments in discussion threads of YouTube examples of that song, including many of the comments that are quoted in the compilation that is found below.
However, that isn't the Biblical meaning of the phrase "til my change come".
The Biblical source for the words "until my change comes" is Job 14:15 (King James Version)
"If a man die, shall he live again? all the days of my
appointed time will I wait, till my change come."
I've only come across a few online examples where the commenter interprets "until my change come" to mean "when I die."
One of the comments in the compilation below (comment #__) interprets "when my change come" to be the last days prophesied in Revelations when the trumpet sounds and all those who have ever died, rise from their graves, and everyone faces a final judgment.
(with numbers added for referencing purposes only)
1.@bricktothehead, 2012
"This church is like my church was I a little boy. You can see the steadfast-ness of the saints."
2. @mrtyroneb,2012
"I'm just asking, but does any choir sing the verse to this classic James Cleveland song anymore??? "Lord, I need you to help me hold out. Cause the mountains are too high...I need you to help me to hold out. Give me the patience, I need to hold out..until my change come" Don't get me wrong...THIS IS AWESOME!!!!!! Just asking a fair question! Sing, Turner!!!"
3. @konata1229, 2012
"I don't care what they say Detroit is the gospel capital....."
4. @RandleEichelberger, 2011
"Sopranos! YES!"
5. @renitasmith2720, 2014
"The Lord is giving me the strength to hod out, the devil is trying to get me to fall. I shall have the VICTORY."
, 2020
7. @OakVisionz, 2020
"Yes you shall. We all shall"
"30 years ago i listened to rev. james cleveland sing this and thought it was just a great choir jam. but now, it resonates deeply. when i was a child, i thought as a child..."
9. @love100057, 2015
10. @Donshel4, 2015
"I wish I could find an old school church like this......"
11. @MountMoriahBaptistChurch, 2015
12. @gcmproductions3499, 2017
"this newer stuff dont do nothing for me"
13. @msnat61, 2018
"You got THAT right! Old School Gospel songs are TIMELESS unlike this fluff that comes and quickly fades.."
14. @sandrafranks7627, 2016
"It's amazing how many thumbs down this video received old classic of James Cleveland and James Ford and they sound fantastic , how can you possibly give this a thumbs down , they sound fantastic . These are real bonafide voices , no computerized voices nor computerized instruments . Nothing digital going on here ."
Since around 2022 the thumbs down icon on YouTube is still shown but no longer is an option.
15. @gospmusluver, 2016
"Probably a bunch of young people who rather hear gospel rap or some mess like that"
16. @carolenejackson2686, 2018
"People now a day's do not understand the power these song have, they usher in the presence of God"
17. @alorebay2593, 2018
"What 202 thumbs down? They must don’t know, God can bring you through the tough times if you repent from your wrong doin(sin), pray read His word to strengthen you and trust that at the proper time you will look back on that time through eyes of victory! I been through hard times all around in marriage, on job situations, raising children, but in (not for), in everything I gave thanks and did not fail to praise God and I have the victory. I’m waiting on one more thing (no three), but I know I got that too, Lord helps me to hold out"
18. @rhondaamber1680, 2017
"♪'Lord help me to hold out'♪ Brilliant UK 15/03/2017 8:55am (right back to work ;-) ) Thanks Marcel West for upload!"
28. @nonaberry1453, 2019
29. @Onlyone-m6f, 2019
30. @russellyajaira, 2019
32. @bettystubbs6083, 2019
"Not putting Todays Gospel songs down but they just don't touch the spirit like old school Gospel something is missing."
34. @LindaLMGatGMAILCOM, 2019
"You Better Sang, For Jesus Detroit 

35. @judawar6318, 2019
"It's a powerful praise"
37. @johnyoung7734, 2020
"My brothers & sisters soon & very soon help is on the way, so hold on a little bit longer."
38. @frantzolfert2661, 2020
"The Gospel to the world ! - Frantz Olfert / Denmark"
"The young people of today dont understand the deep meaning and message of these songs, they are part of the foundation of the church! there is a history behind these songs. When i read the book 101 Hymn stories it opened my eyes. people wrote these songs out of their joys and sorrows their lifes story! These songs will stand the test of time until Jesus comes! There is message in these songs just listen and you will recieve, the Holy Spirit is powerful!"
40. @tosin9731, 2020
"I love this song. It really a good song to listen to in this trying period."
41.@lindalyte7307, 2020
"There is nothing like" Classic" Old School....Gospel
42.@kennethjones3580, 2020
"He’s been helping me each day ...until my change comes 2020"
43. @wandafields-piepho7066, 2020
"My God the musicians! Praise Him band!"
45. @floydbrice2205, 2020
"Yes, Lord. Help Me to Hold Out. A married man's go-to song. A great classic from the '70s. Thank God for the musical talents of the great late James Cleveland."
46. @scooby15143, 2020
"THIS is what I needed this morning!!! Praise God"
47. @nilacurry4230, 2020
"That bass was real stanky... they don’t make music like this no more"
48. @tanyatoliver8398, 2020
"Thank you Jesus for helping me to hold out!!"
49. @pattyj7101, 2020
"This song will always make a hard day better "
50. @bethcause5526, 2020
"Old school! Yes! ️
️ The Detroit Mass Choir! Praise the Lord!"
51. @Pisces3370, 2021
"Yess I needed to hear this "
52. @CandyCaneLane5678, 2021
"My THEME song for this pandemic "
53. @thescatman5029, 2021
54. @unitedbankofmuneh6247,2021
"I aint even from this religion but when i see these people singing makes me want to be"
56. @missmaddy4024, 2021
"I'm with you"
57. @cathyjones1446, 2021
"OH Lord My God help us as a black people to hold out until our change comes. Keep us Strong, Keep us Faithful, Keep us fighting on the battlefield."
58. @carolina_peach1, 2021
"In Jesus’ Name, Amen ️."
59. @DavidLopez-qi9zr,2021
"Thank You Thank You Lord for our brethren with the Detroit Mass choir. What a wonderful blessing and encouragement. All Glory and Honor to Jesus amen ."
60. @savvycha, 2021
"Love this and Storm Is Passing Over. Detroit Mass is up there w the best of the best. Thank you YouTube!"
61. @badgalruth, 2021
62. @traceywright3974, 2021
"Now this is having church!!!!"
63. @ledricsherman3777, 2021
"The Lord is still helping us hold out in 2022! "
64. @phylliswilliams6336, 2021
"They don't sing like this in church no more"
66. @googlereviewer4039
"I found and listened to this in the nick of time. Thank God and this choir."
67. @lindahubbard-brinston6741, 2021
68. @ramonarichardson68, 2021
"This song was in my Spirit this morning and I had to hear. Thank You Jesus! Thank You Lord for helping me to Hold Out!!! Yes Lord!!!"
69. @love100057, 2022
"Love Seeing the Use to Be Choirs, gradually coming back after the crucial phase of the Pandemic. We have these old videos to cherished, God is Good 05/01/2022.
71. @cherokeejames963, 2023
"Lord help me to hold on and out."
72. @anthonymoore4243, 2023
74. @jobsithole9017, 2023
"It warms the heart completely from Zimbabwe with Love"
76.@marybracy8087, 2023
"Woke up with this song in my spirit."
78. @sharriegreen3959,2024
"When I was a Child My Youth Choir use To Rock The Church With This Song "
80. @mikegonzales3286, 2024
82. @kathrynbullock3128,2024
84. @marciaross7786, 2024
85. @patriciaayers4648, 2024
86. @joshuahickman3878,2024
87. @deborahlee2944, 2024
"They don't sing songs like these anymore. Let go back to the old time song when it really met something. I was raised on songs like these. Oops let me not tell me age. LOL
88. @waderose5258, 2024
"Lord i am Holding unto your unchanging Hands..."
90. @ProsperousWoman1210, 2024
"oooweeee!!! I NEEDED to hear this timeless song!, I cut my spiritual warfare teeth on THIS song... in an OLD BAPTIST church in a small Arkansas city! Thank GOD for teaching me how to WORSHIP! Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah!! #untilMYchangecomes #sendIT_LORD 

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