
Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Fox Reporter Peter Doocy's Questions About Kamala Harris "Putting On A Southern Accent" During Her Two September 2, 2024 Presidential Campaign Rallies In Detroit & In Pittsburgh

Occupy Democrats, September 3, 2024
Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams series showcases an Occupy Democrats podcast that focuses on the questions that Fox News reporter Peter Doocy asked at the September 2, 2024 White House Press briefing. Those questions alluded to that reporter's opinion that  Vice President and Democratic Presidential candidate Kamala Harris was being fake because he felts that she was "putting on a Southern accent" at one or both of her Labor Day rallies in Detroit, Michigan and in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. 

This post includes two transcript excerpts from that podcasts as well as selected comments from that podcast's discussion thread.

The content of this post is presented for historical, socio-cultural, linguistic, and political purposes.

Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post and thanks to 
Occupy Democrats for this podcast.  
My opinion and the opinions of a number of commenters in this discussion thread that VP Kamala Harris wasn't speaking with any Southern accent.

For those who are unfamiliar with the United States, Kamala Harris is from Oakland, California. None of these cities (Oakland, Detroit, or Pittsburgh) are located in or near the Southern region of the United States. That fact debunks Fox reporter Peter Doocy's implication that VP Kamala Harris was putting on a Southern accent to curry favor with or pretend to talk like the considerable number of Black people who were in attendance at those rallies. 

This excerpt includes my addition of citations for who is speaking as well as added punctuations and capitalizations. from 0:00 t0 0.010 and from 2:30-3:49. 

[Podcast Host]
"Fox News' Peter Doocy is an absolute embarrassment to the field of journalism and he might have just asked what could be the stupidest question in the history of the White House Press conference.


but now Fox News Peter Doocy has decided to one up CNN and take the crown for asking the most ludicrous question to date. 

Peter was attending a White House Press briefing when he asked the Press Secretary a question that would not only be considered offensive but highly embarrassing for him.

And wait until you see Karine Jean Pierre's response watch this:

[Peter Doocy]
“A different topic…Since when does the Vice President have what sounds like a Southern accent?”

[Karine Jean Pierre]

“I have no idea what you're talking about.”

[Peter Doocy]

“Well, I mean this is she was talking about unions in Detroit using one tone of voice.
Is this something that same line”…

[Karine Jean Pierre]
“Okay, Peter that …

[Peter Doocy]
“She uh she used the same line in Pittsburgh and it sounded like she at least had some kind of a
Southern accent.”

[Karine Jean Pierre]
“Do you hear the question that I mean....Do you think Americans seriously think that this is an important question they care you know, what they care about?
They care about the economy.  They care about lowering costs. They care about
healthcare.  That's what Americans care about.  So that's what they want to hear.
You care about…Your colleague just asked me about democracy.  What basically we talked about went back and forth about democracy and freedom.  That's what they care about.

 I'm not even going to entertain some question about the Vice President. It's just…It it's just…Hearing it sounds so ridiculous."

[Peter Doocy]
"Well but hearing it…Is the question. I'm talking about the question is…

[Karine Jean Pierre]
is just insane…”

[Peter Doocy]
“is that how she talks in meetings here?.

[Karine Jean Pierre]
“I I'm just…Peter we're we're moving on”..


This excerpt includes my addition of citations for who is speaking as well as added punctuations and capitalizations.

This transcript excerpt begins at 4:39 and ends at 6:14 of that auto-generated transcript.  

[Podcast Host]
watch Kamala Harris delivers the exact same line in a speech earlier today in Detroit and again in Pittsburgh a few hours later. Let's see if you can spot the difference…

And what the Right is saying is that Kamala is lying to the American people by putting on a fake accent so we can't trust her about anything watch these two videos:

[Vice President Kamala Harris]
“You better thank a union member for sick leave.
You better thank a union member for paid leave.
You better thank a union member for vacation time
because what we know”…

[Podcast Host]
“So that was the first video and now here's the second video in which the Right claims Kamala has a totally different accent:

[Vice President Kamala Harris]
…“thank unions for sick leave.
Thank unions for pay family leave.
Thank unions for your vacation time.”

[Podcast Host]
“So, if you ask me, it just sounds like Kamala's feeling herself a little more in
that first clip and having a little more fun in her delivery. That's it.
I don't see some huge difference or that she's trying to put on a fake
accent. These guys are nuts.

But when you don't have anything of substance to question about Kamala Harris, then you're going to resort to these kind of questions. So Peter Doocy and the Right are continuing to uphold their terrible reputation for asking offensive and ridiculous questions. Karine Jean Pierre, the Press Secretary handled that question beautifully. And I'm glad to see that Kamala Harris is not playing along with these clowns either."


These comments were published on September 3 and September 4, 2024. Numbers are added for referencing purposes only


*This word is fully spelled out in this comment.

"I only hear a change in tone, not accent I hope he continues to embarrass himself with dumb questions


5. user-gn9vt9hs2q

"It has nothing to do with switching accents. It’s just like you said she was more relaxed and into the moment with the first crowd and was free to not be as poised as with the second."


Trump should attack her on policy issues, not her appearance or her laugh. Also Fox News commentators: Why was her voice slightly different? "


I think we just have all knew what he meant when he said she used a southern accent. He wanted to say she sounded more black but didn't wanna go too far with his stupid racist question"

"He was trying to dog whistle the Indian/Black BS. Yes its just the variance of endless repetition of the same speech line. Tone of voice is tone of voice. We're allowed to vary it. Like Trump does when he says "Black" as (pause)"Bleck". Kamala's tone is passion in both speeches, the second one + a little fatigue. Trump's is racist sarcasm. And sometimes Trump's racist sarcasm sounds a little tired."


"All I heard was the preaching of sweet truth! At last! Vote Blue! Up and Down the Ticket! "




17. name
"That's how Kamala always speaks.  I'm from California, so I know. 

That's Kamala being full of spirit.  So if you have nothing BETTER to criticize Kamala on,

just shut up and go away.  Maybe come back when you decide to be REAL journalists"

"I don't hear any southern accent from Kamala. I'm southern and she certainly does not sound southern"




22. @ElChingonFPV
"It's code switching. A superpower among people of color. We have learned to do it and love it."

23. @slylett167
Exactly. I speak differently at work than I speak when I go home to East Texas!"

24. @edwsc3
uld someone please explain what it is ? I Think I know...and its FUN and I do it to if its what I think it is"

25, @soutinefan
"It's not a "superpower" of people of color.  It's what most people of EVERY color do -- adjust diction, grammar, vocabulary depending on whom they are talking to.  I used to marvel at my mother's subdued, refined word choice when talking to my teachers.  Very different than convo with family.  I speak very differently in a job interview than I do hanging out with close friends."

26. @elsierodgers4874
I call it home voice, phone voice, business voice, and family and friends voice. But never southern accent. That's silly."

27, @monsterglo
"@soutinefan You are correct! I have done it intentionally as well as unintentionally,  depending upon the situation,  along with street smarts it has tremendous benefits

28, @ElChingonFPV
@edwsc3  Code switching is an ability to change your dialect, speech pattern, etc. to meet the requirements of a particular social situation and better connect with your audience. I teasingly said people of color have it as a superpower because we navigate different worlds between cultures, language, and social "expectations." In reality, it is a class tactic as well. Many white people who have worked their way through class structures do it as well. It is something we take pride in. It's why you hear some people change their speech to better connect to their "homies," work mates, etc. depending on situation. Doocey does not understand this or probably has had little need to know about it."

29, @BrittanyKrasutsky-su2bn
@edwsc3  yes, and sometimes it's just because you are feeling it differently in front of a different audience."

30. @lorannamoody7011
I know. I could always tell if my college roommate was talking to a white person or black person or rich or middle class person. She didn’t even know she was doing it."

31. @karendorsey4780
It’s called code switching! It’s what people of color are taught to do!  It’s how we can enter many rooms!  It’s our super power! Vote" 

32. @larryrowe5259
Could you expound on this subject a little more?"

33, @knighthawk3749
"Not just people of color. Any minority often does it. Jews often speak differently when they are among other Jews. LGBTIA individuals often have to code switch to protect their lives."

34. @starshine46
@larryrowe5259  in the corporate world as a person of color, you make a point to be professional, monotone. When we're more relaxed, the tone can change.  It's the perception if you're lively, you're being "ghetto" or unprofessional."

35. @karate357
If we have to Explain or Expound “code switching” to you, then it’s not for you to know. Some things are better kept close to the vest!"

"@karate357  no need to be rude the question was the German lullaby people codes which we have one style speaking around our family and close friends but in the corporate setting we use what's considered a more neutral less expressive tone of voice."

37. @origamisteve
"​@karate357  I don't particularly agree with that opinion. I think it's important for those either not in the know or of certain privileges should know. Code-switching further expands on the lengths minorities have to go to just get by. It's a necessary "evil" to be taken seriously in many environments when that shouldn't be the case. It might help them realize that minorities can't feel free to be ourselves without the high potential of being ostracized."

38. @danielleivy8180
As someone who grew up in NYC, surrounded by Black, Caribbean, Italian, Chinese, Jewish and Indian friends - who has spent the past decade in the South - do you know how many times my accent slides?"



"It not at all uncommon, for people to speak in a different manner depending the audience. Very common for peoole to speak one way at work, and another way at home. One way when out with their friends and another way with their parents. One way in a bar and another way at church. I see no issue."

"Yeah, not an accent difference, just an exhaustion issue. I know I and others will pick up the accents of those we are with. It's not meant to offend or ingratiate ourselves, we are just very empathetic people and we mirror those we are with to make them comfortable. I do it with realising. This is not adopting an accent, this is just a more tired Kamala vs a fresh and energised Kamala."

"Both authentic for the place and time.🇺🇸"

"Perhaps they don't know we Black people do this all the time!"

45. @bub7961
"Kamala was hype in the first clip, I believe she almost caught the Holy Ghost u better preach girl"

"As a Black person, I understand that first dialect; it’s like when a Black person says, “you better recognize.” What she’s saying is relevant and important! Nothing to do with a southern accent "

47. @jeanmurray1387
"All they can do is pile on racist innuendos. Poor babies."


"the core party of the 'chatter' now on the right about her 'accent' is essentially saying "she's not white!!!".... ugh..."

"Her answer should have been “if you have time to worry about someone’s accent than you have too much time on your hands and I better not hear you complaining about the economy”


52, @bentley684
Im a Londoner, if im talking to what we would call posh people i use R.P. recieved pronunciation. My colloquial accent is very London. Almost but not quite cockney. Even if she did alter her accent a little its irrelevant. Its what she saiď that matters. People need to grow up."
"She speaking her soul to a pumped crowd.... go Harris"
That wasn't an accent, that was preaching. I'm not surprised Doucy was unfamiliar.
"Look she talking in a preachy tone, Obama does it alot. It's when you want someone to talk back while you're giving a speach. People who go to black churches or southern Baptist churches understand what's she's doing. It's sad we have to teach yall everything. Like Kendrick said "They Not Like Us"

58. @josephdavid3081
"Good for KJP. And good for Vice President Harris asking Dana Bash for the "next question please". We people of color must never let these MAGA men put us on our back feet over our identities. They have zero right to define us. HARRIS WALZ 2024!"
"KJP" =  the initials for the White House Press Secretary Karine Jean Pierre.

"The "weird" thing is you can tell by Doocy's snarky attitude he had himself "convinced" that crap was a "gotcha" moment."

60. @Darth.Shredder
"It's called feeding off the energy of the crowd during a fiery speech. It couldn't be any more real."

61. @1619SjSjT
"The racist micro aggression is disgusting."

This concludes Part I of this two part pancocojams series.

Thanks for visiting pancocojams.

Visitor comments are welcome.


  1. For what it's worth, comments #53 through comment #57 may be the ones in this compilation that best word my opinion about the differences between Vice President (and soon to be President) Kamala Harris' speech in Detroit compared with her delivery of almost the same words in Pittsburgh (both on Sept. 2, 2024).

  2. After publishing this pancocojams post on this subject, I came across what I consider to be another very well done podcast on this same topic:
    White House Puts Fox Reporter IN HIS PLACE! Shuts Down Ridiculous Question | Bulwark Takes, Tim Miller, Sep 3, 2024

    1. Here are a few comments from that podcast's discussion thread (All these comments were published on Sept. 3, 2024. Iadded numbers for referencing purposes only)

      1. @cscotet4202
      "She was kinder than I would have been! It was best. Who knows what sort of path FOX"NEWS" is gonna try and spin that answer to their viewers. Most likely along the lines they've already helped promote..."Is she black or Indian"? I would have definitely called him childish and I would have questioned his "journalism".
      "She" =White House Press Secretary Karine jean Pierre

      2. @danielgloverpiano7693
      "She should have turned it around and said: “are you always racist, or just in press conferences!” The place would have erupted into applause."

      3. @Yasminescookingshow
      "I'm a proud Haitian American here. I appreciate Karine for answering this foolish question with class and honesty. Fox "News"!! I code switch my Haitian accent all the time as most of us immigrants do depending on where I am. Also, we must understand that black is universal. Black Americans are just a fraction of the black culture."

      4. @Msfrejo58
      "Great explanation! I noticed Obama did the same thing. When he was in a black church he spoke more like the congregation"

      5. @terriv9002
      "It isn’t just a black thing. I’m white and the vocabulary and accent I have around family (East Texas) is different than the way I sound at work in Dallas which is still different than how I speak when doing a presentation elsewhere in the country. As you said, it’s a human thing."

      [A few more selected comments are quoted in my next comment below.]

    2. [continued]

      White House Puts Fox Reporter IN HIS PLACE! Shuts Down Ridiculous Question | Bulwark Takes, Tim Miller, Sep 3, 2024

      6. @kathysmith7466
      "I think she’s being herself and in the courtroom she speaks differently which she should. She’s so real! I’ve taught in so many diverse schools and loved every minute of every child"

      7. @tdanielmidgley
      "I'm a linguist, and your comments about code switching are 100% right. Everyone has command over a range of styles — even English monolinguals — and we all sound different depending on whom we're talking to, and even what we're talking about."

      "If you've ever been blessed to worship in a traditional black church, you will recognize what Kamala is doing. It is a truly joyous enterprise! And everyone is welcome, including this now 79-yo white lady."

      "I'm a blk woman and a journalist. It's not just done in the church, but in every day speech when one wants to emphasize something. I do it myself and I'm from the North. It's cultural. So now they know, Kamala Harris is blk."
      10. @wendyscott8425
      "KJP should have looked at him askance, smiled, and said, “Same old tired playbook…”

  3. Cole Emhoff, stepson of Vice President and Democratic Presidential candidate Kamala Harris, said this about "the look" that Harris sometimes gives to people who she's not happy with:

    ..."we all know cowards are weak and Kamala Harris can smell weakness she doesn't tolerate any BS. You've all seen that look and you know that look I'm talking about. That look is not just a meme. It reflects her true belief in honest and direct leadership and it's also why she will not be distracted by nonsense."

    from "Trump REACTS to Viral Melania Pic", published by RebelHQ, Sept. 5, 2024

    (This voice over is found at 3:05-3:37 in that video's auto-generated transcript. That portion of that transcript is given with my added punctuations, corrected capitalizations, and spelling.)

  4. Here are some comments that I just happened upon about the allegation that Vice President & Democratic Presidential candidate Harris talked with a Southern accent during her Labor Day speech in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania:
    Fox News Gets the KARMA IT DESERVES as Trump NOSEDIVES published by Meidas Touch, Sept. 4, 2024

    [All these comments are from Sept. 4, 2024. I added numbers for referencing purposes only.]

    "I love how they claim she switched to a southern accent for a crowd in… Pittsburgh?"
    In the context of this sentence, the words "I love" means the opposite.

    2. @youngwolf024
    " @JB-lp9xr as a pittsburgh native, that sh-t* made NO sense it'd be different if she was randomly pulling out a yinz** or something but naw not even that
    *This word is fully spelled out in this comment.
    **"Yinz" is a word that some Pittsburghers use instead of "y'all". In my experience of living in Pittsburgh for 54 years, when speaking colloquially, most Black Pittsburghers say "y'all" and most White Pittsburghers say "yinz".
    3. @Phoenix-pm2qr
    ""Which is funny, because Pittsburgh is not at all southern"

    1. Here's a comment from that same discussion threads in which the commenter shares why he thinks the Fox News reporter and others are focusing on the way that Kamala Harris talks:
      @quarkybill, September 4, 2024
      "They're literally trying to throw some shade on Harris and Walz as somehow not genuine, while running a guy who has changed his name three times for VP along with one who puts on orange spray makeup in the morning for P."
