PBS, Streamed live July 31, 2024
Edited by Azizi Powell
The content of this post is presented for historical, political. and socio-cultural purposes.
Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post, thanks to all those who are associated with the National Black Journalist Convention, and thanks to all those who are associated with the livestream video and fact check that was conducted for this session.
I'm a strong supporter of Vice President Kamala Harris for President of the United States.
After going back and forth on this subject, I've decided not to publish any pancocojams post in response to former President Donald Trump's comments at the Question & Answer session at the 2024 National Association of Black Journalist's convention that Kamala Harris identified as Indian and decided to turn Black". I'm fine with what I have read about Kamala Harris always self-identifying as a Black and South Asian (Indian) person.
Those people who want to debate about Kamala Harris' racial identity can do that elsewhere. Also, those people who want to look for proof of Kamala Harris' racial identity can look for that proof elsewhere.
Update: August 2, 2024
While I still chose not to write anything about Trump's racist statement about Kamala Harris turning Black, since I've published other post on people being mixed racial, it's likely that I will direct some attention in this blog to Kamaia Harris' life and opinions about being a person of Black/non-Black ancestry. When I publish such a post, I will add that link here.
From https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/article/2024/jul/31/trump-nabj-black-journalists-chicago "Incredulous laughter, audible gasps: Trump’s performance at Black journalists’ panel left him exposed" by Andrew Lawrence in Chicago, July 30, 2024
The former president snapped and snarled through his interview – and looked for all the world like an old crank
" After keeping an audience of interrogators waiting, Donald Trump finally arrived on stage for his Wednesday appearance at the convention for the National Association of Black Journalists over an hour late. He blamed the delay not on the furious behind-the-scenes between the NABJ and his campaign about whether he could be factchecked in real time, but on what he described as organizers’ inability to calibrate the audio equipment in time for his highly controversial panel discussion. “It’s a disgrace,” he snarled.
When ABC’s Rachel Scott opened the proceedings by asking the former president his impetus for addressing the Black journalists, women and Chicagoans in the crowd who have been regularly subject to his hostility, Trump dismissed the question as “horrible” and called Scott “nasty” before turning his bluster meter up to 11.
He declared himself the best president since Abraham Lincoln for “the Black population”. He pushed back on the idea that Kamala Harris would identify as Black. (“She was Indian, and then all of a sudden she made a turn and she went.”) He enunciated the word with such contempt, as if coughing up a hairball – buh-LAAAAA-kuh. All the while, crowd reactions whipsawed from incredulous laughter to deep groans. At one point the discussion shifted to Sonya Massey, the latest Black person to be unlawfully killed by police. “I don’t know the exact case … Are you talking [about the one] with the water?” Trump asked to audible gasps.
Before that, outright anger was the prevailing emotion among many NABJ members who saw the decision to have Trump at the annual conference and career fair as a betrayal of the association’s core values. The Washington Post’s Karen Attiah, who resigned her position as co-chair of the convention’s organizing committee in protest, was among a slew of Black journalists who spoke out about the association’s decision to even invite the presumptive Republican nominee.
Ken Lemon, NABJ’s president, defended the decision as part
of a tradition of questioning national party leaders – from Bill Clinton and
George W Bush, to nominees Barack Obama and Bob Dole. What’s more, Lemon said,
they had invited Harris, but her campaign would only commit to a video
interview. Trump, however, was happy to attend in person. How could he pass up
an opportunity for face time with “the Blacks”?
In theory, being interrogated by three Black women should have worked against Trump. Doubtless his many supporters will take his performance as confirmation of his fitness for the fight against Harris. But for the many in the room who could see past the bluster, Trump looked for all the world like an old crank who can barely hear or have a thought without somehow making it racist. Asked by Goba how he’d know if he was too old to stay in the job, Trump didn’t hesitate to take another shot at Scott. “Look, if I came on stage and got treated so rudely as this woman,” he said, still smarting from her pointed line of questioning. That was the payoff the NABJ had hoped for, and Trump never looked more exposed."
SHOWCASE VIDEO #2 - "Thoughts on Donald Trump’s Q&A At The Annual National Association of Black Journalists Conference!"
PoliticsByTabitha, July 31, 2024
July 31, 2024
"I wasn't watching but listening to it. He made a fool of
himself and I'm glad. He was late because he didn't want to be fact check live
and he was arguing about it"
2. @claudiataylor8445
"His 1st mistake was going to a convention of Educated,
Intelligent Black people. He will get onto his platform and say horrible things
about the NABJ. He should stay in his lane & go among ignorant Black
rappers, criminals, & sell outs. Those are his people."
3. @feliciacooper4630
"Look at Rachel Scott's interview question to Putin. She
ain't new to this, she's true to this. SHe tried her best to keep Trump
4. @CFBMcKinn4475
"I watched it in its entirety! It was a CATASTROPHE! NABJ
deserved what they got for inviting that clown"
5. @garmick8297
"I think it went better than expected, in that Trump
completely blew it, and the msm is having a field day reporting on his
belligerent, barely concealed misogynistic, behavior.
This along with his crazy interview with Laura Ingraham is a
nice one-two punch to the head of his campaign."
6. @KoRntech
"I honestly believe this was great, he demonstrated just how
much of a POS he is and how corporate media doesn't treat Trump the same way
with their kids gloves, I mean Harris was doing what she could without making
it look too damn obvious."
7. @CFBMcKinn4475
" @KoRntech Rachel Scott was on point...."
"Gosh, Trump is really sensitive."
9. @c4l977
"It was not a catastrophe!
NABJ did really well!"
10. @tamarasimmons6695
"I agree 100%!! I don’t even know why they invited him."
11, @sherricason1548
12. @johnlyndsay
"NABJ is behind the curve.
All those intelligent people and no one saw this coming?"
13. @sherricason1548
"His boys pulled him when Project 2025 was about to come up!"
"WHY, WHY, WHY in the heck was he invited? U guys have lost
all credibility."
15. @bunchielove6893
"@NeoRambo-fw2ce no they didn't. This made him look
16. @KJ-wh8fu
" @KoRntech EXACTLY!
It was an opportunity for him to show what a reprehensible %#@! he is, and he
17. @KJ-wh8fu
"@kathay12 Yup. Snowflake-in-chief"
18. d so did he!!!
"They laughed him off the stage. It was hilarious. You
humiliated him. To me it looked like he got played and fell into a trap."
" @KoRntech And the way
they laughed at him.made him look like a buffoon."
21. @thaliahall4599
"So glad the NABJ members were dissatisfied with him and knew
he would do nothing but lie! He deserved
to have been laughed at like a clown and presented with tough questions!"
22. @neetsdomination
"The embarrassment of that ish show! He knew it, his team
knew it, and that’s why they fled!"
23. @audye9645
"Kudos to Rachel Scott! She left Trump cognitively impaired."
24. @margaretbaskerville5188
"That CLOWN…CLOWNED, from the beginning! He was so bad, his Team bought it to an end!!"
August 1, 2024
25. @vapx0075
"The clips are hilarious i dont know who started that before the clip, but Rachel Scott started out of the gate on fire. She gets a new fan today.
I'm gonna be giggling for days."
26. @hevabmore
"Yup, cause Fox cut that tape up so much and called it a
victory for him. Said he was in "the Lion's Den" and survived."
27. @carolhofhine560
"And they said afterwards that the journalist from ABC was
biased. That's Trump news reporters for you."
28. @TheaBerdie
"I hope that performance, and what is written about it, will
turn some of his black male fans against him. I have a number of neighbors
who've shocked me lately: black men who actually believe his lies. It's deeply
disorienting when I run into that--I can't begin to understand it."
29. @rmorgan3858
"I see several comments stating the appearance accomplished
nothing. Although it was painful and hurtful I think it sharply focused
everyone on just how horrible this man is at the same time Kamala is showing
class and backbone. The contrast will help her across the spectrum or at least
most of it."
30. @stephaniek2913
"I really resent all of the other channels and comments I
have seen elsewhere that say the first moderator came out as too aggressive and
deserved Trump's slams. She spoke
nothing but the truth, was clear-voiced, even-toned & articulate, & did
not exaggerate or use hyperbole. All she
did was present a mirror of the vile things he has said and done. Her question
was legitimate! It's funny that he finds his own words and behavior offensive
and nasty. I'm white and I lose my mind with his obvious racism and disdain for
women. I'm also sick of people who claim that women are too aggressive when in
reality, they are merely assertive, objective, and unapologetic when making a
31. @YvonneNicole248
"What was bothersome to me was that he wasn't booed. He said
despicable things, lied repeatedly & was very disrespectful! That shouldn't
have been tolerated. The crowd made some responses, but should have stood up
more for the panel.
Secondly, watching local news stations interview attendees afterwards, some of them defended him & felt the journalists were to aggressive with him. Cmon people, really?"
32. @GenieBee
"Rump couldn't even hit any of those softballs Harris tossed
over to try and help him sound human."
The name"Harris" in this comment refers to Fox News host Harris Faulkner.
33. @user-vl4xq3mt4e
"His minions pulled him off when he was asked about Project
2025. Punk! He had no business being
there in the first place. Absolutely! He
was confirming his bona fides with the Trumpanzees!"
34. @cherylynl.tompkins7049
"The sole purpose of him speaking disrespectfully to NAJB is
to shift the media coverage back to him. Full stop. He & his campaign staff
are in panic mode b/c Kamala has received so much positive media coverage. This
is a specific tactic he uses to keep media coverage on himself. He doesn't care
if it's negative just as long as it's focused on him. Please stop falling for
this. The outrage is the point for him. He loves this b/c people are talking
about him again. He doesn't care about us or anyone for that matter. This is
35. @hideem1
"I heard he was mad because they told him he would be fact
checked during the interview. He threw a tantrum."
36. @hoost3056
"The NABJ did something that was needed, and that
was to get Trump on the record. That was it. The footage can be used by the
Harris campaign, Meidas Touch, The Lincoln Project and others. Brilliant"
37. @DeeLynn
"Yes, I believe you are right. Didn't he show up at NAACP in
2016 and do something similar? He was there to demonstrate to yt folks that he
was tough on Black folk. Dog whistle then, but straight up whistle today.
NABJ should lose members bc they catered
to DJT, but couldn't be bothered to accommodate VP Harris."
38. @AndreaMartinez-qu1be
"As usual, doesn’t answer the question and points the finger
to blame."
39. @ohis4real
"It was necessary he was interviewed,it was needed for the
world to see him for who he is"
40. @olw0987
"OMG the spontaneous laughter from the audience at his absurd
claims was hilarious. He got his **s"
handed to him. Laughed off the stage'
This is the way this comment was written on that discussion thread.
41. @lamekajones6228
"When somebody shows you who they are believed them. Donald Trump has been shown the world who he is for a very long time. So, any person of color who watched that and votes for him needs their head examine. "
42. @meanderer121
"I commented this on your original post about the invite. It
went perfectly. It showed exactly how Felon 45 thinks. It was on full display.
The universe is guiding events as they need to go so that people vote Felon 45
and his cult into oblivion."
"All women panel with this disrespectful felon. So glad NABJ
members called out their leaders.
Especially April Ryan and Roland Martin."
44. @guybeleeve
"Can you imagine what would’ve happened if Roland Martin was on that stage? When he was complaining about the late start it wasn’t because they couldn’t get the equipment set up correctly, it was because trump didn’t want to have a fact checker on stage. Trump was throwing a fit about a fact checker . The whole world is roasting him for not knowing that a person can be biracial. What a total clown. As for the don’t vote black people
45. @dacallah1
"I told my friend the same thing about black jobs. Black jobs to Trump means jobs of
service. Trump thinks we don’t know all
the codes of racism."
46. @sherrydunn2022
"@politicsbytabitha From my understanding, he was late to the
stage because he was backstage debating with the producers to not let the
moderators 'fact check' him in real time. (they tweeted it out, beforehand)."
47. @jeannettebradley2606
"He also used it to get himself back into the headlines. He
hated that Kamala was sucking up all the oxygen. He did exactly what he did at
the debate with Biden. His comments are intentional to get a certain response
that gets the media’s attention. Any publicity is better than no publicity. He
accomplished what he set out to do."
48. @deemo5245
"Of course he wasn’t going to answer questions.
His propaganda machine will say he was so brave to go into a
room of all those scary people,
But notice they put three flags for him to sit in front of,
and his little flag pin of course,
That’s his marketing trick since 2015"
49. @warmwomyn
"I saw the whole thing.
Woman in coral jump suit was from FOX News. First Lady wearing blue from ABC asked the
hard questions he got snarly, woman from Fox asked softball open ended
questions giving him a forum to lie and mislead."
50. @renegadechic5839
"I thought it was brilliant, they brought Trump on so
everyone could see him as the racist he truly is… now the black forks who were
on the fence and get off and Vote Blue!"
51. @glennw7118
"I was very disappointed at the choice of
"journalists." Harris Faulkner acted as Donald Drumpf's buffer. One
young did try to be aggressive, but failed and the 3rd young lady didn't do
much. This was a waste of time. He lied, he avoided questions and he was
disrespectful to them except Faulkner. Where were male journalists. If you're
black and support this racist, you reap what you sow."
52. @phillipbeasley3140
"He went there to pander to his base and call us the N word
to our faces. Which is what he did, basically."
53. @lowandatucker7901
"I wonder if the Asian/Pacific Islander, Hispanic, LGBTQ+
press associations have extended him an invitation?"
54. @es4242
"Harris Faulkner did what she always does to Trump - licked
his boots."
55. @londonfog5835
"The fact checking was almost non existent!!!"
56. @jenna2431
"Talking 'black jobs" in a room full of black
professionals. OMG..... That team couldn't get him off the stage fast enough."
57. @ginay4878
"I’m glad he did this interview so more people can see him
for who and what he is. He can’t handle strong women especially strong women of
color. This interview was a disaster. He sounds inarticulate, combative, and
racist and many will see this"
58. @jennifermiller7986
"I think it was not only to solidify his base but also to get
him back in the news cycle. He doesn’t care what people say so much as long as
they are talking about him. He makes me want to vomit."
59. @Ohmygatos35
"Your so right! I saw those comments and they were doubling down in the comments saying the women were rude to him and that he dominated. I was like did we watch the same interview? But people’s perception will be what they want it to be. Those of us who know what he is saw the reality of the situation where the cult followers he has will double down on the bullsh-t"
*This word is fully spelled out in this comment.
60. @alicehenry6935
"When will we stop trying to beg people to respect us. It’s sickening. Disgraceful. A waste of time and an opportunity to float lies about Kamala
Harris while people laughed. How
61. @dudleyhardial2273
"I wonder if the Trump shill from Fox propaganda network -
Harris Faulkner - went back to Fox and defended Trump to her audience."
62. @connieanderson2281
"People need to see him as much as possible until Nov 5 - he
needs to be questioned by real journalists like Rachel Scott"
63. @dwaynebell7705
"I look at this differently. He was given the correct platform to show his TRUE SELF! And he did not disappoint! His lies, incompetence, rage and disrespect was on full display for all to see. And guess what everyone in media is talking about this morning:)! He's toast! BYE DONNIE!!"
"Yep! He was being his TRUE self . He didn't even try to fake it."
"This man was President of the United States and needed a
definition of DEI! Just as when he was in office and likely through out his
life he couldn’t be bothered to be informed."
66. @hawkhm97
"The reason why he said he was disrespected is because most
journalists don't come with the hard questions. He just didn't want to answer
the questions at all and he wants to act like people going to lay down so he
can walk over them"
67. @azuma909
"I think it was incrediby eye opening to see trump being
grilled like that, his weakness, lack of any real knowledge, and insecurity
were all exposed. I think he thought he would just swoop in there and charm
everyone, this was getting punched in the gut and it showed on his face"
68. @Rosiegarten
"Donald trump is a snake and those journalists played with
and pet the snake. Sometimes our wanting
to be fair and equal in in our treatment of people you cannot be that way with
a snake.
If he felt attacked then that is what you do to a
bully. You bully the bully."
69. @Scortd
"He answered 1 question. Said yes, he would free the jan 6
insurrectionist. Everything else was ramblings of lies and disrespectful
comments to the lady in blue."
70. @MrDrkNoir
"Damn Harris Faulkner. She like juking for Trump. Shout out
to Miss Scott"
71. @barbarafoster1908
"Roland Martin was there as he’s been a NABJ member for 35yrs and has served on the board. He said the reason why the meeting started late was because #45’s team was demanding there would be no fact checking to what he was going to say. Clearly his team won that because there was no fact checking involved with his plethora of LIES!! VOTE "
Thanks for visiting pancocojams.
Visitor comments are welcome.
Here are some comments about Donald Trump's Question & Answer session at the July 21, 2024 National Association of Black Journalist's convention (All of these comments were published on July 31, 2024. Numbers are added for referencing purposes only.)
ReplyDeletefrom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m0-andixrRw "WOAH… Trump’s SCARY SIGN Of Cognitive DECLINE You MISSED" by Adam Mockler, July 31, 2024
1. @Alastriona
"NABJ has been criticized for inviting Trump. I think it was a genius move. In her Atlanta rally Harris said “if you have something to me say it to my face” Today Trump said all his hateful comments to Black journalists faces live on camera. All these clips are going to resonate and inform voters of his true character. '
2. @lmarislmarislmaris4271
"Exactly. Operation Let Him Talk is a rousing success."
3. @RM_VFX
"How does he say the words "black person" and make it sound like a legit slur?"
4. @81654
"The journalist in blue, she’s a hero calling Trump out. I’m so impressed with her"
5. @margaretmarshall3645
"And it was a fair question, too! Giving him a chance to respond."
6. @skippydugan6848
"Rachel Scott with ABC News... she is at the top of her game"
"I saw the whole thing. Woman in coral jump suit was from FOX News. First Lady wearing blue from ABC asked the hard questions he got snarly, woman from Fox asked softball open ended questions giving him a forum to lie and mislead."
Here are some comments about Trump's Question & Answer session at the July 31, 2024 National Association of Black Journalist convention from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uGqWDRlcFW4 Trump THROWS TANTRUM All Day after INTERVIEW FAIL, Meidas Touch, August 1, 2024 (All of these comments were published on August 1, 2024. Numbers are added for referencing purposes only.)
ReplyDelete1. @ranrod8641
"Kudos to Rachel Scott for having the guts to do what her colleagues couldn't do in corporate media and that's fact check dumb-witted Trump."
2. @RecklessDrunkenMedic
"When Trump said he was the best President for blacks since Lincoln, the crowd laughed at him. Trump winced. He said recently that he hates to be laughed at. He felt humiliated in that moment. It was beautiful."
3. @chloekey8043
"Keep mocking him. Keep laughing at him. Show him how “rude and nasty” he actually is"
4. @WMofM
"Rachel Scott needs a raise!!! That interview wouldn't have gone the way it did without her!"
5. @claywalker1980
"The way trump says black makes me cringe so bad. It may be the most racist way to say the word black."
6. @dianep6791
"I hate it too. He says "blaaack" like it leaves a bad taste in his mouth just saying the word."
7. @BMALB2023
"He is disgusted by just saying the word out loud. He core belief is showing. Racist to the max."
8. @JamieByrne1977
"Yes, I picked up on that too. There is disdain in the way he uses the word".
9. @lisatrout-porrini2699
"He’s mad his racism and chauvinism was displayed in front of all to see. His true colors"
10. @yolieswitzer9466
"He was directly confronted with his own words and actions so he avoided accountability by directing attention to the tone of the question being asked and again becoming a victim."
11. @glennpenna4079
"There was no cheering for Donny, they were however LAUGHING at him. Laughing AT HIM not with him. Donny is a pitiful brat that was never chided as a child, and it shows"
12. @lesleyphillips8146
"What was asked was about his OWN statements and vile rhetoric..
Everything he was asked was because he is the one who said it.
So the person being rude, nasty, repulsive and disgusting is HIM.
This is how he manipulates the media and has done it for decades, he deflects to make him appear the victim and lobs insults in an attempt to take the focus off of his despicable foul behavior.
Media needs to interview him like this ALL THE TIME.
He needs to be STOPPED NOW people are sick of his arrogance lies and BS.
Enough of him controlling the interviews, refusing to answer questions, changing the subject and talking over people..STOP HIM."