
Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Donald Trump's Weird Livestreamed Twitter Interview With Elon Musk August 12, 2024 (with a Meidas Touch video & comments from several discussion threads)

Meidas Touch, August 12, 2024

MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on Donald Trump’s disastrous interview with Elon Musk where Trump slurred his words and appears to be in steep cognitive decline.

**** Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post showcases a Meidas Touch podcast of former United States President and 2024 Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump's livestreamed Twitter interview with businessman and investor Elon Musk. That podcast includes sound file examples from that Twitter interview.

This post also presents an excerpt of the auto-generated transcript of the August 13, 2024 video of the political podcast ResistanceLive. That excerpt provides an alternative explanation for Donald Trump's slurring words and other mispronunciations during that Twitter interview rather than him not wearing his dentures.

In addition, this pancocojams post also presents some general comments about that interview from the discussion threads of that MeidasTouch podcast and six other political podcasts.

Click for a closely related pancocojams post entitled "D
onald Trump's Inauthentic Use Of The Outdated Saying "No Way. Yes Way." During His Livestreamed Twitter Interview With Elon Musk (August 12, 2024)"

The content of this post is presented for historical and political purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who are quoted in that post and thanks to Meidas Touch Network and other podcasters for publishing videos of that Twitter interview.


This transcript excerpt includes my addition of punctuation and capitalizations. This transcript excerpt also includes my explanations in brackets.

transcript excerpt from 0.33- to around 6:00 
from "Trump/Musk Interview Packed with SLURRING NONSENSE, and More Rs Go BLUE | #ResistanceLive" ,published by ResistanceLive, August 13, 2024

..."welcome to ResistanceLive it's ECM. [Elizabeth Cronise McLaughlin]. It is the 13th of August 2024 and I'm really glad you're here. Um, woo, we have had just like a nonsense uh type of event last night which we're going to talk about, uh. briefly. And, um, we've got a lot more to talk about with the looming DNC and a bunch of other developments in the last 24 hours.

[ECM gives a description of herself and the room that she is in for visually challenged listeners

I'm, like, stoked that you're here today. So thank you for joining. Okay, so first things first. Um, and I'm gonna freely admit that I did not listen to this live [Twitter interview with Trump and Musk] because I just didn't have the bandwidth.  And it doesn't sound like I missed much. I mean, I will say I listened to some snippets after the fact and some highlights. But, for those who were not present, um, and have not followed the aftermath of this [Twitter interview], there was an absolute [no word given].

As you all saw from the thumbnail, today's show relates to Elon Musk and Donald Trump's [interview] ,uh, last night on Twitter (which I refuse to call "X"). And, uh, apparently, first of all there were enormous technical difficulties because, you know, the whole platform has no engineers anymore. Um, it was not a DDOS attack as Elon Musk represented.  And even someone on his own staff said there was a 9% chance that he was lying after he claimed that. But they couldn't get it to work technologically.  And then once they did, the entire interview was a freaking mess.

I know that a lot of us have been watching the very rapid decline of Donald Trump both in terms of his logic and his speech and his apparent, you know, decompensation narcissistic outbursts in public.  Last night had all of the above.

And I do want to point out that you know we [ResistanceLive] are a conspiracy theory free zone here. I always have to say this. Um, I do not entertain the random speculation that he was on Adderall or, you know, all this other nonsense that certain people seem to want to claim every time he acts out.  I  personally actually think that that kind of stuff takes away from the very obvious pathology related to his narcissistic sociopathy.

Um, you know, one of the things I want people to just be aware of here is that we have seen indications of aphasia which of course, for those of you who are aware- you maybe you follow pop culture- you know that [actor] Bruce Willis was diagnosed with this several years ago and he now no longer can speak- this is a form of or rather symptomology of a form of dementia.  Last night Donald Trump was slurring his words he seemed to be struggling very very much so with S's. And if you listen to the audio from it it's very very noticeable from the very beginning that there were certain words that he just simply couldn't pronounce, things that he couldn't find words for. 

And I have to say that I also think that this is not the moment to be claiming that this was an issue with like quote unquote "dentures" or something else like. This is actually consistent with a declination of speech pattern that we've seen since his days in the White House.  There were moments where he could not pronounce the word the words "United States", um, even when he was in office.  And it has gotten substantially worse than that since he left office. And one of the reasons why I think it's very important that we're cautious about how we talk about this is that, uh, one of the things that makes it easier for people to understand what's going on here is for folks to get a basic education about the way in which dementia can appear in terms of symptomology and also the way in which it intersects with his narcissism.  And that's one of the reasons why here [on this ResistanceLive podcast] we've been spending a lot of time over the past like almost eight years now talking about what narcissistic psychopathology looks like both in terms of how it manifests in his behavior and also how it might manifest in his logic.  And then also we have, you know, spent a lot of time here
discussing um the issues potentially related to dementia and what the indications are there.

Now I always have to point out I'm not a psychological professional. I just have an enormous really abundant trauma history with narcissists. Um, but also you know there are plenty of people out there who are credential doctors who have pointed out that his [Trump's] speech patterns- in the last couple of years in particular- indicate some form of a larger issue. And so, um, I have, um,- yes and somebody [in the ResistanceLive podcast chat] is pointing this out here as well- you know dysarthria is (and this is correct is the slurring of phasia) [is] the loss of language. But the two of those things can go together when dementia is present. And I did research on this last night because I was really curious about it myself while I was listening to the footage [of the Trump/Musk Twitter interview.]

Um, and so again, you know, please remember, like please remember that when we minimize what we are seeing with our own eyes and ears, when we refer to it as, like, you know, "an issue of his dentures not fitting well" without proof, um one of the things that we're doing is we're taking away from the seriousness of the situation. Right, we don't want to normalize not only his obvious ongoing mental collapse but also the way in which what we're seeing and hearing reflect on our views of the political lay of the land"...


These online sources are given in no particular order. These podcasts and the selected comments from their discussion threads and are numbered for referencing purposes only.

DISCUSSION THREAD #1 From "SLURRING Trump Makes FOOL OF HIMSELF in Elon Interview" Meidas Touch,August 12, 2024 [This is the video that is embedded in this pancocojams post.]

1. @belindaperal1061, August 12, 2024 "Trump talks over Musk the entire conversation! He cannot shut up. The only time he gave pause was when he asked Musk if he would be getting paid for this interview! Unbelievable!"

** 2.@angiedearburin9810, August 13, 2024 "Elon , you must feel so embarrassed, having someone like this on your show. Sounds like he’s on strong medication or something. Surely this hadn’t helped Trump with his campaign, or your show either?"

** 3. @bluestarfishmurphy6372,August 13, 2024 "In Trump's Elon interview , he says, " If I lose the Election we should move to Venezuela " which has no extradition treaty with the US. This proves he only wants to stay out off prison. And constantly runs the country into the ground."

** Reply 4.@mimiviva, August 13, 2024 "Yes ,he mentioned exactly this before , must be on his mind as a plan B.

** 5.@njay4361, August 13, 2024 "Wait is he talking about fleeing the country while he's on trial? Pretty sure he's not allowed to leave the United States while so many criminal cases are going on against him."

** 6.@sherribrawn3757, August 13, 2024 "Trump is his own worst enemy... Then you've got Musk, Fox, and the GOP trying to babysit him through an interview... Ughh" ** 7. @ruthdevisser6632, August 13, 2024 "What a disaster of a conversation!He sounds DRUNK .We know he doesn’t drink so what’s the reason he is doing this?No ,You will NOT have more beachfront,You’ll have less ,Genius .Holy crap .This is awful .He’s unhinged ,babbling incompetently,Saying negative horrible things .Not ever a positive spin on anything,but a threatening stance towards it .He cannot be allowed to take the office of POTUS ,No way .Listen to that and their response ,Telling all of US we have shitty hearing ,YA, ALL OF US !"

** 8. @danielmosley7893, August 13, 2024 "It’s sickening how much Elon was passively agreeing with everything Trump said during this interview. He hyped up the foolishness by repeatedly saying yeah to all the ridiculous claims."

** 9. @richardflynn5741, August 13, 2024 "Its very embarrassing to think this man was President of the USA. Vote blue up & down the ticket lets get rid of these clowns once & for all 2024."

** 10. @belindazabcic7303, August 13, 2024 "Why the hell was it called an interview? No questions asked, just the usual airing of Trump's verbal diarrhea!!"

** 11. @homelessballoon,August 13, 2024 "The bigger fool here is Elon Musk who is agreeing and saying «yes» whatever Donald Trump is saying. What is his motivation for being Trump’s best, loyal friend? The love of easy money? "

** 12. @DanceForLife2024, August 13, 2024 "OMG, we’re in big trouble if Trump wins! We all know he is nuts and this interview was scary! VOTE Harris/Walz!"

**** DISCUSSION THREAD #2 From  "Trump’s SALIVA FILLED RANT Leaves Elon Musk GAGGING" published by Adam Mockler, August 12, 2024

Adam Mockler with MeidasTouch breaks down Donald Trump being interviewed by Elon Musk live. 1 @janmaly4635,August 12, 2024 "Weird, he does sound like his dentures are missing!! "

** 2. @Chaoslorden, August 12, 2024 "This is amazing that this actually happened. It's hilarious and also scary. These two shmucks should have exactly zero to do with power." ** 3. @gullyweaver1714, August 12, 2024 "The interview might even be worse than Trump's rallies. Definitely not winning any young voters from that."

** 4. @billwalsh388, August 12, 2024 "If Trump was giving a fourth grade book report on what he thinks he's talking about he would get an F."

** 5. @MissCandy350, August 12, 2024
"Sad, sad interview. He did himself no favors Oh well vote "

** 6. @kelst75, August 12, 2024 "This was not a conversation. This was just Trump rambling, with minimal input from Elon(which was pointless)."

** 7. @crystalcleary, August 13, 2024, "He sounds like a muppet. Hey, Diaper Don!! Put your teeth in before you shout at clouds, grampa... smh... Weirdo." ** 8. @janberthelsen7377, August 13, 2024 "Trump does not know the difference between seeking asylum and asylums as mental institutions. Like the difference between having an immigration visa" and VISA credit cards. Trump's mental decline is disastrous."

**** DISCUSSION THREAD #3 From "Elon Musk BLOWS Big Trump Interview! Trump Can't Form Coherent Sentence! | Bulwark Reacts" published by The Bulwark, August 12, 2024

Tim Miller, Sam Stein, and Marc Caputo recap Donald Trump's ranting conversation with sleepy, uninterested Elon Musk.

1.@debraasher1752, August 12, 2024 "That's 2 hours of your life you will never get back ️" ** 2. @johnmartin7158, August 13, 2024 "Not an interview, Trump just rambled and slurred.

All Elon said is yeah, yeah"

** 3. @jayward8237, August 13, 2024 "I don’t know how you can listen to him slur his words, rambling speech, & incoherent thoughts & think yes he should be President." ** 4. @Jlee-turn, August 13, 2024 "This "interview" = another nail in the coffin. His candidacy is dying."

** 5. @antuskydancer9728, August 12, 2024 "Oh wow, I read on Reddit people saying he sounded like Daffy Duck, but to hear it.... Yeah, he's increasingly unwell." ** 6. @LynnnnnnnnN, August 13, 2024 "You guys are being very generous. He sounded like he forgot to put his teeth back in. I haven't laughed this hard in a long time. That's the weakest he's ever sounded. He's just humiliating himself at this point and I'm here for it "

** 7. @LuciDefluff,August 13, 2024 "This nonsense talk from Elon and Trump is gold for the Harris campaign."

**** DISCUSSION THREAD #4 From "Slurring Trump Tried Hiding THIS During Livestream... I CAUGHT It" published by Keith Edwards, August 13, 2024

1. @Sherry-mi7zr, August 13, 2024
I couldn’t listen to the entire thing, two rich men doing nothing but stroking each others egos…Trump was slurring, low energy, and on constant repeat of all his greatest hits. Im interested in seeing how the media will play this one off…"

** 2. @MichaelSplatkins,August 13, 2024 "An hour late... Did he attack Musk for having crappy audio like he did NABJ? Or was that just reserved for black women who had his number?" -snip- "An hour late" refers to the fact that this livestreamTwitter interview started one hour late.

** 3. @TicTac27, August 13, 2024 ""Trump and Elon musk, what were y’all expecting "

** 4. @sparkle3000, August 13, 2024 "That interview was weird.

tRump didn't have his teeth in. He's too old and is not well."

** 5. @bev3520, August 13, 2024 "This is so crazy. These two are very dangerous!"

** 6.@fr57ujf, August 13, 2024 "Both of them laughed about laying off thousands of workers. What creeps. I'm fed up with mainstream media giving Trump a break and letting him lie endlessly." ** 7. U.S.G., August 13, 2024 "Can't wait for the Silence of the Trumps."

**** DISCUSSION THREAD #5 From "Trump SLURS through UNHINGED Twitter interview with Elon Musk" published by BrianTyler Cohen, August 13, 2024

1. @michaelrobinson1905, August 13, 2024
Elon was trying so hard, but ineptly to lead Trump. It was obvious so many times that Trump had no idea what he was talking about."

** Reply 2. @surfmanfish, August 13, 2024 "Elon often has no clue either...or he's lying."

** 3.@jackeagleeye3453, August 13, 2024 " "MAKE POLIGRIP GREAT AGAIN!" '

** 4. @jananders1351, August 13, 2024 "How could anybody ever think that an interview between Trump and Musk was going to go well." ** 5. __,August 13, 2024 "The walls are closing in on trump. As for Musk, he needs to STAY OUT OF POLITICS!!!"

6. @lab4389, August 13, 2024 "All Elon does is say "yeah." Two malignant narcissists. Sickening."

** 7. @florence843, August 13, 2024 "The slurred speech is the worst I’ve ever heard out of Trump." ** Reply 8. @mememelane7170, August 13, 2024 "HE also sounds like he forgot to put his teeth on." ** Reply 9. @frankpentangeli7945, August 13, 2024 "@mememelane7170, Agreed. I never considered that Trump might wear dentures, but it certainly sounded like it here." ** Reply 10. @geebster,August 13, 2024 "@frankpentangeli7945, There are clips of his dentures coming out of place during speeches and him slurring. Its happened many times.

** 11.@brendaedwards8132, August 13, 2024 "He sounds like maybe he's had a recent stroke or heart attack. Something is very off." ** 12. @Quagma-b2i, August 13, 2024 "Yeah, Trump is deteriorating fast. Slobbering slurring speech..."

** 13. @user-pg1hw3kk3k, August 13, 2024 "He actually sounds like he took his false teeth out. Or he's doing an impression of Sylvester the cat from the tweety bird cartoons. Vote blue so we can get some real work done in this country!!"

**** DISCUSSION THREAD #6 From "Trump BRUTALLY Mocked By Kamala After DISASTER Musk Interview!" published by Jack Cocchiarella, Aug 13, 2024

Political commentator Jack Cocchiarella reacts to Donald Trump being mocked by Kamala Harris after his disaster interview with Elon Musk.

1.@EastCoastGee, August 13, 2024
"I did not listen to it and I have been seeking some feedback concerning this Musk and Trump meet up. Thank you for for this video."

2. @G
iraffeCrab,August 13, 2024
"It was the ramblings of a confused resentful and angry old man.

Talking points went in circles and brought me back to when i worked in a care home for the elderly."

@KathleenHammett-hr1gy,August 13, 2024
"Elon Musk just saying "yeah," and "yes," to whatever ramblings fell out of Trumps mouth, no matter how ridiculous Trump was. Like Trump saying the magazine cover of Kamala Harris, a black/Asian woman , looked like Melania. "Yeah," said Musk ...."

4. @nickiv.o.1215, August 13, 2024
"This is a coup? That’s rich, coming from the man who actually attempted a coup!" ** 5. @STUDD_Music,August 13, 2024 " "The biggest threat isn’t GLOBAL warming, it’s NUCLEAR warming” Donald, WHAT??????"

** Reply 6. @paulholmaniii9691,August 13, 2024 "We have witnessed the tipping point these past to weeks! Chump will never recover his lead in this race." ** Reply 7. @donhoverson6348,August 13, 2024 "@paulholmaniii9691, Will be surprised if he makes it to November."

** 8. @marylyn3081,August 13, 2024
"The Emperor Has No Clothes! Finally. People are waking up."

9. @skinskink,August 13, 2024
"don't forget to bring your teeth to the debate vote blue "

10. @puppybasket3906, August 13, 2024
"I called that. Knew it was going to be a rain wreck but even I was shocked by how bad it was. Put your dentures in grandpa Donnie. Also I want him to explain in detail with scientific receipts what Nuclear Warming is."

** 11. @tenthousandquills1774, August 13, 2024 "Between the trump lisp and the Musk stutter, they have no business AT ALL mocking others for their communication skills. Absolutely painful!"

**** DISCUSSION THREAD #7 From "Why didn't he leave his teeth in?"
published by PoliticalSis, August 12, 2024

@DidiWaDidi,August 13, 2024 "They told him to stop lying through his teeth.

So he took them out."

2. @jhhjams1234, August 13, 2024
OMG!!! Thank you needed that "


3. @estellej705,August 13, 2024

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Visitor comments are welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Have you come across any mainstream media (newspapers or television channels) that refer to Donald Trump slurring his words, having difficulty pronouncing words beginning with the letter "s", and/or talking with a lisp?

    An African American woman podcaster TabithaSpeaksPolitics published one of her brief podcasts about this subject: "Donald Trump Speaks With A Lisp And Slurs His Words During His Interview With Elon Musk!!",TabithaSpeaksPolitics,August 13, 2024

    Here's one of the comments from that podcast's discussion thread:

    @Thenexusultimate,August 13, 2024
    "Thank you Tabitha nobody talking about his Lisp in the main stream media, I think he is wearing dentures or something, or maybe , he has small stroke they kept it hidden from the public."
