
Monday, May 20, 2024

What the Words "Bleach Blonde", " Bad Built', "Butch Body" Mean & How Those Words Became A Part Of The May 16, 2024 United States Congressional Rcordonal Record

CNN, May 17, 2024 

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) got locked in a heated back-and-forth during a House Oversight Committee hearing on holding Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt.
The portion of this video that is the focus of this pancocojams post occurs from the beginning of the video to 5:04 in this video. That period of time shows the footage that C-SPAN filmed when that hearing became "heated." 

Edited by Azizi Powell 

Latest Revision - May 24, 2024

This is Part I of a three part pancocojams series about the now infamous May 16, 2024 United States House Oversight Committee hearing. 

This post showcases C-SPAN footage of a portion of the May 17, 2024 House of Representatives Oversight committee hearing about the heated exchange that occurred at that hearing between Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (Republican-Georgia), Representative Jasmine Crockett (Democrat-Texas), and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (Democrat-New York).

This pancocojams post also presents explanations and comments about the vernacular meanings of the words "bleach blonde", "bad built', and "butch body" that was spoken by Representative Jasmine Crockett during that hearing. In addition, 

This pancocojams post also presents comments about the pejorative vernacular meaning of the words "Oh girl, baby girl, don't even play" that were directed to Marjorie Taylor Greene by AOL during that May 16, 2024 House Oversigh Committee hearing..  

Click for Part II of this pancocojams series.That post showcases a video of C-SPAN footage of that May 16, 2024 House of Representatives Oversight Committee hearing, with a focus on the portion of that hearing in which a female Republican House Representative tells two other female Democratic House Representatives to "calm down" and "control themselves".

Click for Part III of this pancocojams post.for Part III of this pancocojams post. That post showcases a country song that was composed and performed by Tennessee Brando entitled "Bleach Blonde, Bad Built, Butch Body". That song was inspired by the words that were spoken by Representatives Jasmine Crockett and Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez during the now infamous May 16, 2024 United States Congressional hearing.

The lyrics for that song and selected comments from that YouTube video's discussion thread are also included in that post.

The content of this post is presented for historical, socio-cultural, political,and educational purposes. 

Thanks to C-SPAN whose filming of the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate is used by all of this nation's television channels. Thanks to CNN for publishing a complete video of this portion of that now infamous May 16, 2024 House Oversight Committee hearing on YouTube. Thanks also to all those who are quoted in this pancocojams post.
Click "Greene called ‘bleach blonde bad-built butch body’ in House screaming match where ‘drinking was involved’" by Eric Garcia and James Liddell, May 17, 2024


Bleach Blonde
From " bleach blonde"

"Bleach Blonde

An obviously unnatural shade of blonde that many girls in today's society dye their hair because they think it makes them appear "hotter" and more appealing to men when in reality, it disgusts most men and turns them away. Hair that is bleach blonde is typically ratty looking with lots of split ends. Commonly seen on girls with carrott-orange "tans" and girls who wear way too much makeup.

Heidi Pratt is a bleach blonde, her hair color is obviously artificial.

Having bleach blonde hair makes you look like a fake Barbie doll. That's not what most guys want. Most guys prefer a honey blonde or a dirty blonde over a bleach blonde.

by diirtyblondesdoitbetterrx May 25, 2010
This is the top entry for that term as of May 20, 2024


Bad Built

Source #1
From "Crockett speaks out about fight in Congress with Marjorie Taylor Greene", CNN, May 17, 2024

[Pancocojams Editor's note: All of these quotes are from May 19, 2024, Numbers are added for referencing purposes only.]

!. @edemfiadonu2444
"Beach Blonde, Bad Built, Butch Body"

What an alliteration!!! High school English teachers everywhere would be proud"



2. @taniad2873
"The congresswoman should have said *Badly *


3. @andrewdobson813
"@taniad2873  I strongly disagree. The vernacular form is more appropriate."


4. @aa-ng4ot
"It should've been said, "badly built ", not bad built."


5."@taniad2873  No she should have said exactly what she did because she was using a phrase common in urban spaces "bad built". I don't know why it's so hard for people to accept language changes in different groups and locations. Stop assuming there is an issue on someone else's part just because something deviates from your expectations"

Source #2

[Pancocojams Editor's Note- One of the entries for this term contains profanity whose spelling is amended for this pancocojams post.]

1. "Bad Built

being awkwardly shaped; upper body and lower body not equally proportionate to each other; having a gut and tiny legs.

Dave: You saw that sexy thing that just passed by?

Jeff: No , that girl was nasty looking.

Dave: Well , i admit she was kind of bad built."

by Maria Anna Bell May 3, 2011


2."Bad Built Bi-ch"
If she’s a B.B.B. It’s an acronym for a bad built b-tch*. When you see her, whether it’s with or without clothes the proportions are just mind boggling. No, not to be confused with a bbw or an ssbbw. This bi-ch is certifiably disproportionate. She may have an overly large chest but they’re deflated. Also a large midsection to go along with it with very small legs is common. They mostly look like Spongebob but can also look like Patrick. It is hard to focus on what they are saying because they will most likely be wearing something revealing. Thus further accentuating and displaying physical attributes you would rather not have seen. By all means let her be proud and confident. But make no mistake, She’s a b.b.b., triple b or 3b.

What she look like She bad? Nah bruh she a Bad Built Bi-ch. Her upper body is big and her legs are small.

Don’t be fooled my boy she’s a triple b, she flat in all the good parts and wide."
by MeChi6 March 19, 2022
*This word is fully spelled out in this comment.


Source #3

From  "House Committee Meeting Erupts In Chaos" "The View", published by The View, May 17, 2024

 @Xav1298,May 19, 2024
"I think was she was saying is that MTG has a barrel shaped body"
The word "she" in this comment refers to Representative Jasmine Crockett and "MTG" refers to Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene.


Butch body

Source #1
From ""

a) "butch

A (traditionally) masculine man or woman, and especially a masculine lesbian. Often the "dominant" partner in a lesbian relationship, and especially of a butch/femme lesbian relationship.

Dressing masculinely does not make a woman into a lesbian, contrary to popular belief; it's usually more convenient.

Acting masculinely only means that's the gender role that the person identifies with; it has nothing to do with their sexual life. A highly masculine man could be gay for all we know and a very feminine man could be straight for all we know, and both of these cases are frequent.

Long, frilly dresses? Hair swept into a bun? Makeup? Silks and satins? Sweet, shy disposition? Definitely a femme.

Short hair? Denim? Leather jacket? Nose piercings? Motorcycles? Suits and ties? Loud and aggressive? How could that be more butch?

by Lorelili February 23, 2005
This is the top entry for this word as of May 20, 2024


b) "butch

Masculine or Macho dress and behavior, REGARDLESS of sex or gender indentity.

"wow, that person dresses and acts in ways that are steroetypically considered masculine or macho, they are butch."

by mistress tuesday February 4, 2006

This is the second highest entry for this word as of  May 20, 2024

A "butch body" means "a body that looks butch (masculine").


Source #2

Pancocojams Editor's note: All of these comments were written on May18, 2024. Numbers are added for referencing purposes only.]

1. @MH_6160
"@andrewdobson813  Using the term "butch" is a homophobic trope."


2. @qbalee8522
"And NO, it is not homophobic.  I'm a homo and it DID NOT bother me"


3. @zk4761
"@RhettaPeoples  That's the whole point she was trying to make, the inappropriateness of words.  It may or may not offend someone but the fact that it MAY offend someone it shouldn't be used.  I am not offended by butch because to me it's a woman with manly characteristics but I can understand to others it might offend."
"She" in this comment refers to Representative Jasmine Crockett.


Source #3

1. jojothecat1995, May 17, 2024
"Serious question: is “badly built butch body” a slur? Isn’t “butch” slang for a type of lesbian? Don’t get me wrong, I love seeing MTG get flamed, but I was surprised by the use of “butch” as an insult, to describe an unattractive body."

2. SilverPearlGirl, May 17, 2024
"As a butch lesbian, I approve this message wholeheartedly. MTG is a total asshole who deserves all the snap backs."


Source #4
From "Marjorie Taylor Greene is MELTING DOWN Because "Bad-Built Butch Body" Is Trademarked!!!", published by Jesse Dollomore, May 22, 2024

!.@DRChupacabrah, May 22, 2024
..."butch (in this context certainly) means manly, it's mean but not homophobic"....


2. @tchristianphoto, May 22, 2024
" @joeshoe6184  So when did you call out MTG's body shaming? 

And no, "butch" is not a "homophobic slur."  It can apply to any gender or orientation."



"Chiefly African American Vernacular (sometimes endearing, sometimes derogatory, Friendly or intimate term of address for a woman".


From "My Song BROKE THE INTERNET, Tennessee Brando, May 18, 2024

@venanziocalise946, May 19, 2024
"Raised in Bronx "don't even play baby girl is fight words."
Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (also known as "AOC") was born in the New York City borough of  the Bronx and has lived their periodically.

In African American Vernacular English, "Baby girl" is often used as a term of endearment. However, when Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said "Oh girl, baby girl, don't even play" during that May 16, 2024 House Oversight hearing, "baby girl" was a pejorative referent that minimizes and insults the female who is being addressed.

Also, in the context that she used those words, "Don't even play" is both a warning and a statement of fact that means "Don't play games with me (don't mess with me) unless you are ready to face the consequences because I'm definitely NOT playing. (I am serious). An earlier form of "Don't even play" is "Don't even try it".

The letters "FAFO" (f--k around and [you will] find out) are often used to refer to the consequences a person will face when they do or say something that results in them experiencing negative consequences.

A comment exchange about Representative Ocasio-Cortez's statement "Oh girl, baby girl, don't even play" was included  in one of the YouTube discussion threads that I read about the "Bleach blonde bad built butch body clapback or song. However, I didn't retrieve it then and can'tfind it now. The gist of those comments was that it's common for "baby girl" to have a "put down" negative meaning in the Bronx and in other boroughs of  New York City.

Update: May 20, 2024: Here's another exchange about Rep. Ocasio-Cortez's (AOL's) statement (All of these comments were written on May 20, 2024, Numbers are added for referencing purposes only)

From "What’s The Real Reason Why MTG Verbally Attacked Jasmine Crockett?", published by Karen Hunter Show, May 20, 2024

"AOC is such a cornball oh baby gurl…gurl that was weak… get your dozens up"

"dozens" (usually written as "the dozens"  = the insult exchange "game" called "the dozens" and other names that is mostly associated with African Americans males, although African American females (and other people) also "play" the dozens

2. @lydiamathis6319
"That was not AOC."


3. @muadhnate
"Nah. She was swallowing a worse word than that. Baby girl saved her."


4. @gloriabrisco2810
"AOC was about to throw hands full Bronx style!! She's tired of MTG foolishness!!"
"throw hands" = physically fight


5. @Terry-lh8cn
"​ @lydiamathis6319 yes it was"


Update #2 (May20, 2024;10:22 PM)
I still can't find that comment exchange that I mentioned earlier in this section, but here's another comment exchange that mentions "baby girl", AOL, and the Bronx: "MY SONG BROKE THE INTERNET" Reactions* published by Tennessee Brando, May 19, 2024 

 *The song that is referenced in this title is Tennessee Brando's original country song entitled "Bleach Blonde Bad Built Butch Body".

1. @thudor1, May19, 2024
" "Girl, baby GIRL!! Don't even PLAY!!!" is my new favorite AOC quote!!!"


2. @lindap6006, May 24, 2024
"Me too!!"


4. @alanai1981, May 20,2024

This concludes Part I of this pancocojams series.

Thanks for visiting pancocojams.

Visitor comments are welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Click for this article:

    "Rep. Jasmine Crockett Files to Trademark ‘Bleach Blonde Bad Built Butch Body’ After Clash with Marjorie Taylor Greene

    Crockett filed a trademark to use the phrase on apparel after making the remark during an exchange with Greene at a House Oversight Committee meeting"
    By Charmaine Patterson, Published on May 21, 2024
    This action occurred in light of the fact that a number of other people were selling apparel online featuring the "bleach blonde bad built butch body" words that Rep. Crockett spoke during that May 16, 2024 United States Congressional Oversight Committee hearing.
