
Friday, April 14, 2023

Eight Videos of Nation Of Islam (NOI) Drill Teams From 2011 To 2023 (with information & comments)

Jaleel Muhammad, Feb 26, 2018

Saturday, February 24, 2018 // Chicago, IL

This was the 40th Anniversary of leadership by The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan for the Nation of Islam after the departure of The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad. The East Coast Regional Drill Team created a drill showcase of both the FOI and Jr. FOI honoring The Minister for his dedicated service and obedience.

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post showcases eight YouTube videos of Nation of Islam drills.

This post also includes selected comments from one of these videos' discussion threads as well as a Final Call 2019 article excerpt and other information about the Nation of Islam and its drills.

The content of this post is presented for religious, cultural, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who are associated with these Nation of Islam drills and thanks to all those who are quoted in this post. Thanks also to the publishers of these videos on YouTube.  
This post is part of an ongoing pancocojams series about African American drill teams.

Click for a 2012 pancocojams post about the Nation Of Islam drill teams.

Also, click  the tab below or google pancocojams: African American church drill teams to find other pancocojams posts on this subject.

From "Annual Saviours’ Day drill competition excites the crowd"
by Anisah Muhammad, last update Feb 20, 2019 
"CHICAGO—The Nation of Islam’s annual Saviours’ Day Drill Competition took place February 16 at the McCormick Place here.
Drill, as described by the Nation of Islam, is the exercise of the Gods. Its purpose is to instill discipline and to teach the idea of moving as a unit.

Like previous years, the competition started with students from Muhammad University of Islam praying in Arabic. Rapper Neelam Hakim followed with a performance of her song “I’ll Be the King.”

The competition was co-hosted by Ilia Rashad Muhammad from Memphis and Qadir Hakim, also known by his rap name “Goalden Chyld.”

“This is no anger type of competition. You’re looking at different brothers and sisters from different cities, but they’re all one team,” Ilia Muhammad said.

The categories by which teams were judged were military posture, creativity, precision, degree of difficulty, appearance and the voice of the drill instructor.

Judges consisted of student MGT and FOI captains, student ministers and former drill champions.


The Jr. MGT of the Nation of Islam were the first up to perform. Teams from Detroit, Miami, Chicago and Atlanta lit up the crowd.

Teams have three minutes to perform. At two minutes and 45 seconds, a warning is given. If they go past the three-minute mark, they are penalized.

Jr. FOI teams from Houston, Los Angeles and Miami were next on the stage, followed by MGT from Richmond, Va., and Detroit.


The Vanguard is a highly contested category every year. Teams from Newark, Atlanta and Chicago performed their drill routine. Following them were FOI from Detroit, New York and Chicago.

After the drill executions, martial artists demonstrated during intermission, the period when the judges deliberate about winners. The intermission also included a rap cypher featuring Goalden Chyld, AK47 and Kenny Muhammad, also known as the Nation of Islam “Human Beat Box.”

First place winners were Chicago Jr. MGT, Houston Jr. FOI, Detroit MGT, Chicago Vanguard and Chicago FOI.

Ruqaya Muhammad competed on the Chicago Vanguard team. In the past, she competed as a Jr. MGT.

“I got on the Vanguard team. This my first time drilling with them. I was very nervous because I’ve never drilled with a hat on,” she said.

She said when she’s on the stage, nothing goes through her head.

“I literally zone everything out,” she said.

Lakeisha Muhammad from Houston was attracted to the energy and the spirit of all of the drillers.

“Just to see them gave me tears to know that we are here to push forward and represent the Minister and let the Minister know we got his back. He got some warriors,” she said."...
This article also includes photographs of the winning teams in this competition.


Numbers are added for referencing purposes only.

1. Lany Ken, 2018
" "Can you stand the test, 40 years no rest, our leader is the best" BARS!"

2. Brown Knoo, 2020
"Real BARS"
In the context of this comment, the word "bars" is a high compliment that refers to the creativity of the lyrics hitting the beats. The word "bars" as a compliment is closely associated with Rap/High Hop. Click for more information about "bar" particularly in reference to Rap/Hip Hop. 

3. Michelle Hunter, 2018
"Stepping with the NOI in Word and Deed Leadership of Justice for All.👏 Bravo"

4. George T Davis, 2018
"I like how the new generation FOI are doing there thing im looking looking forward towards the saviours Day 2019 drill competition"

5. 3089280288, 2019
"Modern step s show with hardly any basic commands"

6. L E, 2018
"Way better and more significant than the Greek fraternities."

7. David Quinn, 2022
"That's exactly what I was thinking!"

8. Qiydaar Yanaan, 2018
"That's some steppin there"

9. Curtis Knight, 2022
"That's Military drill, not steppin, we don't step, we perform complex military drill maneuvers."

10. Ahmad Majid, 2020
"One of the best exhibitions of all I’ve seen. 🤲🏿✨💪🏿"

11. MEANMUG713, 2019
"Jaleel Muhammad this isn’t the Islam prophet Muhammad pbuh taught us

Female and women together laughing and clapping, no segregation; where in the Quran or Hadith did it say you should meet up and do funny soldier dances"

12. Jaleel Muhammad
"Zuljanah Raspect First of all, the proper term is drilling(the exercise of the gods). This instills disciple, unity, submission, and precision. Secondly, during prayer and mosque meetings genders are separated. Not all occasions call for separation but we do show respect at all times. Thirdly, where in the Quran does it forbid what I just stated? Which is what you see here."

13. Aziatic B1ack, 2023
"This ain't a dance! This is a show of discipline. Peace."

14. Darlene Rahaman, 2021
"@MEANMUG713  The "dances" are not a dance. Plus, the Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan has women to speak from the podium. There are female ministers. If your Islam is so correct, then how come there are no female Imams, ministers in your way of Islam? TALK TO ME!"



These videos are presented in chronological order based on the video's publishing date..

Numbers are added for referencing purposes only.

SHOWCASE VIDEO #2 - 2012 Saviour's Day Drill Competition/Chicago FOI

jewels4 dmind, Apr 5, 2012
Here's information about the meaning of "Saviour's Day" in the Nation of Islam:


"Saviours' Day is a holiday of the Nation of Islam commemorating the birth of its founder, Master Wallace Fard Muhammad (W. D. Fard), officially stated to be February 26, 1877. It was established by Elijah Muhammad.


Louis Farrakhan reconvened Saviours' Day in 1981 when he reestablished the Nation of Islam under his leadership.[4] Under Farrakhan's leadership, the annual commemoration has become a three-day gathering with speakers, seminars and workshops"..
"Fruit of Islam" (FOI) is the name of the male Nation of Islam drill teams.
Here are some comments from this video's discussion thread (WARNING- One of these comments includes the pejorative referent "hymie") Numbers are added for referencing purposes only.

1.Arvence Muhammad, 2021
"I miss those days. We had so much fun performing this routine. It was so emotional and spiritual. All praise is due to Allah! 🙏🏾"

2. 24Adrian24, 2021
"Crisp, sharp, movement!  With great discipline comes great success!"

3. Charles Coderre, 2022
"success at what?"

4. 24Adrian24, 2022

5. Charles Coderre, 2022
"@24Adrian24  When I was about 9 yrs old (early '60s) I wanted to join the boy/cub scouts. My dad no way-I fought in WW2 against a nation that had little boys marching around in uniforms (hitler youth). Why is being being repeated today? BTW does "anything" include nuclear physics, neurosurgery, quantum mechanics, anything useful at all?"

6. 24Adrian24, 2022
"Hitler's youth praised Hitler.  These young brothers praise God.  Huge difference.  Anything means everything."

SHOWCASE VIDEO #3 - Nation Of Islam Drill Teams

Creative Truth Seeker, Feb 18, 2013

SHOWCASE VIDEO #4 - Detroit M.G.T and G.C.C/ Vanguard at mosque #1

Donna Muhammad, Mar 4, 2017
Here's an excerpt about the Nation Of Islam's MGT and GCC

"Muslim Girls Training & General Civilization Class (MGT & GCC) is the all-female training program of the Nation of Islam. It is often considered to be the counterpart for girls and women to the Fruit of Islam.


The Muslim Girls Training & General Civilization Class is one of the institutions established in 1933 by Wallace Fard Muhammad, founder of the Nation of Islam.[1] He also established the University of Islam schools and the Fruit of Islam in that year before vanishing in 1934.[2] The classes were developed to teach domestic duties like cooking and nutrition, sewing, cleaning, housekeeping, child-rearing, religious instruction and the role of women in Muslim life and even personal hygiene and self-defense. Classes are generally held at least once a week. [3]"

SHOWCASE VIDEO #5 - Drill Competition Saviours' Day 2011 Part 1

The Official Final Call Inc. Store House of Truth, Feb 8, 2018


SHOWCASE VIDEO #6 - Drill Competition Saviours' Day 2012 Part 3

The Official Final Call Inc. Store House of Truth, Feb 5, 2018
Here is a comment exchange from this video's discussion thread:

1. Ms. Prissy. 2019
"Sorry for my lack of knowing, but where or when are these drills used? Do they just do it for saviors day?"

2. Naajia M., 2020
"Don't apologize, thank you for asking. Drill is the exercise of the Gods, it teaches you to hear and obey and is also a form of military training. During Saviours' Day, we (in the Nation of Islam) do have a drill competition but this is not just something we do during Saviours' Day.  We do drill exhibitions for events in the community and as overall exercise to practice hearing and obeying just like other militaries. The Nation of Islam is not an organization, its absolute military."

SHOWCASE VIDEO #7 -Youth Sunday Drill 4/21/19

Dinand Muhammad. Apr 21, 2019

Jr. MGT Drill
Here's a comment from this YouTube video's discussion thread:
Islamic Shinobi. 2023

"To those who dont know what this is, the NOI drills to train/prepare themselves (I mean OURselves. Junior FOI here. >:D to listen and take instructions. Now there's just something about the THUNDER that drilling that people love, now we have drill competitions, and shows. These sistas right here, they did REAL good! Why is Atlanta never mentioned with how outstanding they are? 😅I wish I could drill like that instead of the basics. SOMEBODY needs to host junior FOI class where im from, cause I dont want anything to be overwhelming when I turn 16 and register as an actual FOI.😅


SHOWCASE VIDEO #8 -  2023 Saviours' Day Drill Competition - Los Angeles FOI WEST POINT - February 26, 2023

OGMFG TV, Mar 3, 2023  #FOI


We Are The Man Manufacturing Plant

We Stand On The Shoulders Of Giants

This Is Only The Beginning

The Takeover Is Here.

Here are some comments from this video's discussion thread:

March 2023

1. Destiny Bomar
"My favorite drill from Saviours’ Day weekend!"

2. Bilal Manj
"Absolutely Awesome ❤"

"Done deal in the name of the Lord 🤲🏾

4. Gorrilla T.O.

April 2023

5. Pamela K Muhammad
"Allah U Akbar! F.O. I."

6. A K
"Did they win ?"



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