
Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Showcasing A 2013 YouTube Example Of Cape Verdean (West African) Batuque Music & Madonna's 2019 YouTube Video "Batuka"

Sabrina S.S, Jan 29, 2013
If I'm not mistaken, I believe this song was sung by Tradison di Tierra featuring 
Tareza Fernades. Please correct this information if I'm wrong.

I showcased this particular YouTube video of Cape Verdean Batuque because it has the most views and the largest number of comments of any other Cape Verdean Batuque songs/videos that I've come across to date.

As of Oct. 25, 2022 at 4:28 PM ET, this video has a total of 1,086,915 views. 

Edited by Azizi Powell

This is Part I of a two part pancocojams series on Cape Verdean Batuque ("Batuku", "Batuka", "Batuco", and similar spelling) music and dance form.

This pancocojams post showcases a 2013 YouTube video of a Cape Verdean Batuque video "Forma Batuku" by radison di Tierra and the 2019 YouTube video entitled "Batuka" by United States Pop singer Madonna, featuring the Orquestra Batukadeiras

Selected comments from those videos' discussion thread are also included in this post.

Click for Part II of this pancocojams series. That post showcases seven additional YouTube videos of Cape Verdean Batuque music and dance. Selected comments about from a few of those videos' discussion threads are also included in that post. 

The content of this post is presented for historical, cultural, and entertainment purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who were associated with these showcased songs and their YouTube video. Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post and thanks to the publishers of this video on YouTube.  


The Batuque is a music and dance genre from Cape Verde.

As a music genre

As a music genre, the batuque is characterized by having an andante tempo, a 6/8[1] or 3/4 measure and traditionally it is just melodic, i.e., it is just sung, it has no polyphonic accompaniment. When compared with the other musical genres from Cape Verde, the batuque has a call and response structure,[2] and it is the only genre that is polyrhythmic. ..,

Rhythmic model of the batuque... 

In its traditional form, the batuque is organized as if it were an orchestral crescendo.[3] It possesses two movements (if we may call them so):

 In older times the music began with an introduction on the cimboa that provided the base musical line. Nowadays the usage of that instrument is extinct. The first movement is called, in Creole, galion [ɡɐliˈõ]. In this movement one of the performers (called batukaderas [bɐtukɐˈdeɾɐs]) executes a polyrhythmic hit, while the others execute a 2-beat hit, clapping hands or slapping a cloth.[2] The lead singer (called kantadera proféta [kɐ̃tɐˈdeɾɐ pɾoˈfɛtɐ]) sings a verse that is immediately repeated (called ronca baxon [ˈʀõkɐ bɐˈʃõ]) in unison by the remaining singers (called kantaderas di kunpanha [kɐ̃tɐˈdeɾɐs di kũˈpaɲɐ]). These verses, improvised proverbs that talk about a variety of subjects such as praising personalities, social criticism, quotidian scenes, are called finason [finɐˈsõ]. This call and response structure goes on until the second movement.

The second movement is called txabéta [tʃɐˈbɛtɐ]. This movement corresponds to an orchestral climax in which all the players execute the same polyrhythmic beat, and all the singers sing the same verse in unison that works as a refrain.

Nowadays, recent composers have composed the batuque in a different way. The music leans on a polyphonic support (chord sequences), and shows a similar structure to the other musical genres in Cape Verde, in which the musical strophes alternate with a refrain.


As a dance

As a dance, the traditional batuque follows a precise ritual.

In a batuque session, a group of performers (almost always just women) gather themselves in a circle in a scenario that is called terreru [teˈʀeɾu]. This scenario does not have to be a precise location, it may be a back yard in a house or it may be a public square, for instance.

The musical piece begins with the players (that may be simultaneously or not batukaderas and kantaderas) executing the first movement, while one of the players goes to the center to perform the dance. In this first movement the dance is made only with body swinging, with an alternate movement of the legs playing the downbeat.

In the second movement, while the players perform the rhythm and sing in unison, the dancer changes the dancing. Now, the dancing (called da ku tornu [dɐ ku ˈtoɾnu]) is made with a hip swing managed through the quick flexion of the knees, accompanying the rhythm.

When the song is over, the dancer pulls back and another takes her place, and a new song begins. These performings may last for hours until the end of the batuque session.


The batuque is probably the oldest musical genre in Cape Verde, but there are written records of it only from the 19th century. Presently, it is found only in Santiago, notably Tarrafal, however, there are clues that it existed in all the islands of Cape Verde.[6]


The Portuguese administration and the Church have always been hostile to the batuque, because it was considered “African”, but during the policy of Estado Novo this hostility was stronger. The batuque has even been forbidden in urban centers and it was a dying musical genre from the 1950s.

After independence there has been an interest in the revival of some musical genres. It was in the nineties that the batuque experienced a true rebirth with young composers (such as Orlando Pantera, Tcheka, Vadú) doing research work and giving a new form to the batuque, now sung by young singers (such as Lura, Mayra Andrade, Nancy Vieira).


In ancient times the batuque had a precise social meaning. It was performed in holy days, in certain ceremonial occasions, in feasts, before and during weddings. There are some scholars who speculate that the dance movement of the batuque has a sexual meaning and the goal was to promote the fertility of the bride.

Nowadays, the batuque has lost its original meaning. It has been transformed in a stage performance,[7] and it is performed in official acts, in parties or it is used by some groups to give an example of Cape Verdean folklore.”…
This Wikipedia page also includes this portion:
"In 2019, Madonna incorporates the genre on "Batuka" from her album Madame X. For the song's official music video (which was shot in Lisbon) she dances and plays drums with the Orquestra Batukadeiras, who are also featured as the track's background vocalists.[4][5]"

Click for a YouTube video of Madonna's song "Batuka" and that video's discussion thread.


Numbers are added for referencing purposes only. 

1. Guessy, 2014
"Can anyone write out the words of the main chant in the language?"

2. Ildo Correia, 2017
"E ka so mi que staba la" ( i wasn't alone there ) i believe the chanting is referring to a witness... witness of family dispute and same time she is the witness of old good days...great times that went by and also she is not the only one who witness great old culture.

Ps. Thats Cape Verdean Criolu. ou so called "Kriolu di Kabu Verdi"

3. Zezinha Santos, 2016
"Lindo dimassss... ami é fidjo de Caboverdianos nascido na Portugal, mas un guarda tudo k é cultura e  tradição de Cabo-Verde. Ami é Caboverdiana !!!"
Google translate from Portuguese to English:
"Beautiful dimassss... ami is a Cape Verdean fidjo born in Portugal, but [s]he doesn't keep everything that is Cape Verde's culture and tradition. Ami is Cape Verdean !!!"
This comment may be in Cape Verdean Kriolu. It may refer to this song's composer/singer. I think that composer/ singer may be Tareza Fernades. Please correct this information if I'm wrong.

4. Riana Lopez, 2019
"Thank you for so much beauty!!! This is so powerful. Please, please, please translate."

5. Nilda Correia, 2020
"This is traditional music and dance from Cape Verde island, the song is talking about some men in Cape Verde didn't liked their wifes to participate on the group, but she explained that the songs talks about things that happens in our daily lives and educational lirycs as well. Did you know that Madona made a song with our traditional music? She is in love with it"

6. Philadelphia Church Of Christ's Disciples, 2020
" @Nilda Correia  They don't need or want Madonna's endorsement of their music."

7. Nilda Correia, 2020
"Yes, even if Madona wanted to put or change anything in our music she can't and it would not be the same because this music is our traditional song and dance, but is good Madona has interest in it and many other artists too, our interested is making people know of capeverdian people and his culture"

8. Nedylia, 2019
"LYRICS - not 100%, approximate  translation


*Compadre/ Compadre - someone that’s close friends with the family or someone you know well. In English can be translated to God-father, but it’s not really accurate.

Oh yeah yeah
Oh yeah yeah
Oh yeah yeah

It wasn’t only me that was there x2

Ohh young people (I was not the only one there)
Let me tell you all a story (I was not the only one there)
When I was building my batuku (I was not the only one there)
Ohh people, I went through it (I was not the only one there)
I was counting on Mari’Diana (I was not the only one there)
She told me she liked batuku (I was not the only one there)
She told me talk with Compadre Chico (I was not the only one there)
When I when to his home (I was not the only one there
I found Compadre Chico at the door and Mari’Diana behind him (I was not the only one there)

I told him ‘good to see you Compadre’
He ‘Come in, get comfortable’
‘If it’s good news, then is welcomed’
 I told him ‘You know why I’m here? To you permission for you wife to join my batuku’
He said ‘Good lord have mercy, not on my watch’
‘You have gone crazy’
That is wife is not ‘crazy, a  thief, a drinker or careless’
That she as thing to do at home
I told him ‘Compadre I’m also not crazy, a  thief, a drinker or careless’
‘I also have what to do at home’

He slapped Mari’Diana with the back of his hands and Comadre fell under the table’
He said to her ‘go and feed the goats, they are hungry!’
I told him ‘Compadre, I was never expecting that from you’
He said ‘Get out of my house’
I told him ‘well, I’m not here to live with you’
‘I didn’t crew bulls, I’m not a ‘zoito pig’
‘As you see I’m my own person’

He said ‘get out of my place before I hit you with this stick’
I said ‘ ahh yes Compadre’
‘You better be sure of your actions’
‘Because I’m a grown woman’
‘My skirt doesn’t mean I’ll take you manners’
‘I you revolve to hit me with the stick, you will eat the devil’s bread’

He asked me if I didn’t knew who he was
I said ‘I don’t know and don’t need to know’
‘I despise you knows and wants to tell me know’
He said ‘I do what I say, my xerém (type of food) doesn’t spill, but that who spills it will have to catch it even if it is in Prego Ribeira.’

I told him ‘ I have no fear, I’m not scared’
‘I’m the daughter to Archangel Micheal’
‘The men who suppresses me is the like satan in hell’
He said ‘Christ woman, what’s batuku after all’
I told him ‘if you listen, you will know’
‘Batuku is sentiment and happiness, is peace and love, is solidarity, is sending a message, Batuku is the ‘’good live’’, its everything we feel inside of us’

Oh yeah yeah
Oh yeah yeah
Oh yeah yeah
I hope you can change

Ohh Compadre
Why you doing me like that
Why are you treating me badly
Why you only think about war
That the made the world, made it big so we can all fit in it
The world have a head and a feet
The world have half and middle
The world have a road and a route
You tell me the way
He (God) send us his white Lamb with long wool and someone already sheared him
That’s why is was killed (possibly meaning Jesus)

(Goes to explain that the world is not in harmony anymore because of how people act. She talks in detail about her crops not being abundant and her chicks being killed by birds of prey)

Oh yeah yeah
Oh yeah yeah
Oh yeah yeah
It wasn’t only me that was there
It wasn’t only me (That was there) x8

I went up the hill
I came down the hill
I cross all of this
Is no big deal
 It wasn’t only me (That was there) x24"

9. Lurdes Pereira, 2021
"Bonito prima, sabi di mas! Nha Tareza grande batucadera 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👌🏽"
Google translate from Portuguese to English:
"Cute cousin, you know! Nha Tareza great batucadera 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👌🏽"

SHOWCASE VIDEO #2: Madonna - "Batuka"

Madonna, Jul 19, 2019 You’re watching the official music video for "Batuka" starring the Orquestra Batukadeiras with special thanks to Dino D’ Santiago.



It's a long way (it's a long way)

It's a long way (it's a long way)

It's a long day (it's a long day)

It's a long day (it's a long day)

Lord have Mercy (Lord have Mercy)

Things have got to change (things have got to change)

There's a storm ahead (there's a storm ahead)

I hear the wind blowing (I hear the wind blowing)

Let me catch my breath (let me catch my breath)

Will we win this race? (Will we win this race?)

Swear the road is long (swear the road is long)

And the highway listens (and the highway listens)

'Cause it's a long way ('cause it's a long way)

It's a long way (it's a long way)

'Cause it's a long day ('cause it's a long day)

It's a long day (it's a long day)

I was up all night

I said a little prayer

Get that old man

Put him in a jail

Where he can't stop us (where he can't stop us)

Where he can't hurt us (where he can't hurt us)

We will stand tall (we will stand tall)

Underneath this tree (underneath this tree)

'Cause it's a

'Cause it's a long way ('cause it's a long way)

It's a long way (it's a long way)

'Cause it's a long day ('cause it's a long day)

It's a long day

But when we can stop it all (but when we can stop it all)

In the right way (in the right way)

Will we stand together? (Will we stand together?)

It's a new day (it's a new day)

So don't judge a human (so don't judge a human)

'Til you're in their shoes ('til you're in their shoes)

If you have a dream (if you have a dream)

Then you can't stop us (then you can't stop us)

Sing, "Hallelujah" (sing, "Hallelujah")

Say, "Amen" (say, "Amen")

Sing, "Hallelujah" (sing, "Hallelujah")

And say, "Amen" (and say, "Amen")

I say, "Oh, yeah" (I say, "Oh, yeah")

I said, "Oh, yeah" (I said, "Oh, yeah")

I say, "Amen" (I say, "Amen")

I sing, "Hallelujah" (I sing, "Hallelujah")

'Cause it's a long way ('cause it's a long way)

It's a long way (it's a long way)

'Cause it's a long day ('cause it's a long day)

It's a long day
As of Oct. 25, 2022 at 4:21 PM ET, Madonna's YouTube video Batuka has a total of 5,348,404 views. 


Numbers are included for referencing purposes only.

1. gi10 S, 2019
"There is so much of power in this song, these women and the simplicity. 6 minutes seemed too short. Thanks Madonna ❤❤❤❤"

2. sazeracnoles, 2019
"A real standout track from a truly great record. Radio execs should be ashamed for boycotting this. Very sad. Love this period of Madonna as MadameX . Music as art , music and videos from the heart vs plastic artists. This deserves so many views and listens. Thank you Madonna ! Grammy please !"

3. Sasha .t, 2019
"Not much of a fan of Madonna. But I am impressed by this work of art. So different from mainstream pop. Very beautiful and unique and bold."

4. saulgo8, 2019
"Now that I saw the video, the song makes way more sense & once again, I’m learning about a different culture thanks to Madonna. Thank u madame x for taking me on all these amazing journeys! 😍"

5. EDM, 2019
"I had no idea about these incredible women and this history. I'm so happy Madonna used her platform to shine a much deserved light on these beautiful ladies. The video is stunning! Bravo!"

6. Eliot García, 2019
"This video gives me chills. What a strong and tragic history for this archipelago, the background and the context. And seeing Madonna somehow empowering this people. The caravels scenes are just everything, think of them as a hurricane approaching to the coast and then, disappearing.

What a beautiful video with a beautiful message. I’m so proud of Madonna, and I’ll always be.

7. Kate, 2019
"Yea... they don't need Madonna to empower them, they've been rebelling for decades now. What's great is showing them so kudos to her regardless"

8, Eliot García, 2019
"Kate I know they don’t need that, it’s obvious.

What I’m saying is the way Madonna presents them in the video,  seems all dedicated to them."

9. Smart.Robot, 2019
"@Eliot García  As a white portuguese myself I wouldn't have put it better as you did...Cabo Verde (Cape Vert) was CENTRAL to the slave trade for the Americas, sadly. And capevertians are 1 of the most BEAUTIFUL peoples in the world due to race, this song/video is so important because it conveys sadness, fear but at the same time togetherness and the future...very positive message indeed..."

10. Russel Contreras, 2019
" @Kate  don't be a hater! Madonna is just showing to the world this Beautiful ladies and their history.  Many people don't know nothing about Cape Verde. So Thank u Madonna . Who  Superstar is doing this now? Nobody.. thank u."

11.  joao saraiva, 2019
"Video recorded in Lisbon and São Julião Beach near Ericeira (40 km north of Lisbon) with the magnificent Batuqueiras of Cape Verde who live in Lisbon. Fantastic work and song, very underrated"

12.  Claudia Cristina Dos Santos, 2019
"Just as I moved and cried when I saw the video "God Control", the clip "Batuka" moved me emotionally in my soul and my ancestor's history. My great - grandfather was a Portuguese from the Algarve and came to Minas Gerais, Brazil, to be able to invest. He met my great-grandmother, who was the slave of a farm in a town in the interior of MG. He asked for his manumission and they went to live together. They had six children, and my great-grandfather left my great-grandmother, a black woman, a former slave, abandoned by her big-money husband in the early 1900s. She suffered a lot to raise her children, but she fulfilled her mission in this reincarnation. She played Batuque that her mother taught her. Seeing her clip, my Queen Madonna , I remembered this story of my ancestor and I cried a lot to see this Masterpiece of art that is this clip! Congratulations, Queen @madonna! I love you! #Batuque #MadameX #VivaPortugal"

13. Leandro Guedes, 2019
"I'm crying with this work of art !!! Batuka is the soul of the album, it's a prayer, it's belief, it's faith ❤"

14. Ajay Monteiro, 2019
"Just wanted to clarify something. Madonna was the one to do it because before this, barely anyone in the states knows what Cape Verde is unless you're from New England. She's had a connection to Cape Verde since the 90's as she was a fan of our most famous singer, Cesaria Evora. I'm glad she made this video and bring awareness not only to our history but now we've been exposed to a broader audience and now more people in America should know about Cape Verde. Hopefully it opens doors for native Cape Verdean artists here in the states. The video was dope but it in no way sounds like a real batuque song, definitely a Madonna song with an African twist."

15. Jesse Garibay, 2020
"Madame X videos are beautiful and have a strong message they deserve a lot more views than the ones they have. Seeing the Batukadeiras live during the Madame X Tour was unbelievable the spirit of joy and passion that they transmit to the people that saw the show."

16. Adelber Amaral, 2020
"Esse vídeo ficou mto bacana, a exaltação da cultura, poderosa a mensagem, A Batuka então sobreviveu a esse banimento que fala no início, um símbolo forte de resistência que viajou séculos 👏🏻 da pra sentir os resquícios do impacto da colonização no final com as caravelas... trabalho bem legal."
Google translate from Portuguese to English:
"This video was very cool, the exaltation of culture, powerful the message, Batuka then survived this ban that speaks at the beginning, a strong symbol of resistance that traveled centuries 👏🏻 you can feel the remnants of the impact of colonization in the end with the caravels... very nice work. 10/10"

17. john ice, 2021
"it is incomprehensible that the batuko is not listed in the intangible heritage of Unesco like the morna, the batuko is the oldest musical genre in Cape Verde with a rich and painful history"

18. Ana Ribeiro, 2022
"Proud that this video was shooted in Portugal, near my town, also proud of the cultural diversity we have here, and we have in our blood and our souls."  

This concludes Part I of this pancocojams post.

Thanks for visiting pancocojams.

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