
Wednesday, October 26, 2022

Seven YouTube Examples Of & Comments About The Traditional Waist Winding Batuko (Batuque) Dance From Cape Verdes, West Africa

NobidadeTV, Feb 13, 2007

The Original forbiden Dance, Batuko of Cabo Verde, The Dance is called Tornu. You should enjoy it,  Have fun with it

Edited by Azizi Powell

This is Part II of a two part pancocojams series on Cape Verdean Batuque ("Batuku", "Batuka", "Batuco", and similar spelling) music and dance form.

This post showcases seven additional YouTube videos of Cape Verdean Batuque music and dance.

Selected comments from the discussion thread for Showcase Video #1 are also included in that post. A number of those commenters wrote that traditional dances like Batuko are found in other African nations as well as in a number of African Diaspora cultures. 

Click  for Part I of this pancocojams series. That pancocojams post showcases a 2013 YouTube video of a Cape Verdean Batuque video "Forma Batuku" by radison di Tierra and the 2019 YouTube video entitled "Batuka" by United States Pop singer Madonna, featuring the Orquestra Batukadeiras

Selected comments from those videos' discussion thread are also included in this post.

The content of this post is presented for historical, cultural, and entertainment purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who were associated with these showcased songs and their YouTube videos. Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post and thanks to the publishers of these videos on YouTube.


Numbers are added for referencing purposes only

1. Leo Annorzie, 2007
"Batuko attaches importance to butt gyration as soukouss, girls mostly invovled. You women really know how to shake the thing!"

2. Angela Fonseca, 2008

lembro me quando era bem pequena que o meu avo nos punha a dancar batuko eu e as minhas irmas em troca de gelado meu Deus aquilo era uma competicao rsrs me emociono muito so de ouvir o toque muitas saudades desses tempos. "
Google translate from Portuguese to English:

I remember when I was very little that my grandfather used to make us dance batuko me and my sisters in exchange for ice cream oh my God that was a competition lol I get very emotional just hearing the touch I miss those times so much."

3. Catherine83, 2008
"she says that when you think of forbidden dance brazil,and africa come to mind,so does this mena that cape verde is not an african country.?"

4. NobidadeTV, 2008

It should've been said various Country in the main land of Africa comes to mind, expression mistake, Cape Verde is one of the African Country

thank you for noticing"

5. Andre Soleil, 2008
"this dance and music reminds of that of the Garifuna people of Central America"

6. Jah Will fulfill, 2009
"This is roots and culture ..

Love & respect"

7. mizzpoetrics, 2010
"The drums sound very similar to the drums played for Haitian voodoo, and some folkloric music. Also other islands in the Carribean have music that sounds like this, too. It's all part of our African ancestery. The African Americans fared the worst in terms of what they lost during slavery for tradition. Regardless, we're one. We have different cultures, but we're one!

8. soucounjan, 2010
"of course the church has always been afraid of this  because when a woman begins to shake her booty like this everybody get a good idea of deity.

there is something awsome about the feminine essenz that come out and we get

a glimpse of what a real god could be.

think of hula, bellydance, gwoka soukouss soca bomba....joie de vivre"

9. VeraDonna, 2011
"@yeyobb Forbidden, because it used to be forbidden by colonial authorities and the Church. My mom never got to dance batuko because it was forbidden in her village, just 40 years ago. Didn't you hear the description?"

10. Jum, 2010
"I loooooove this. Damnnnn. It reminds me of my village. All the runaway slave have (almost) the same tradition. I had to cry seeing this. We have this in Suriname, the village I'm from. Only we call it Banamba. I miss my place. Love the ladies on the drums. This is tradition. I feel free!"

11. GD, 2020
We are connected je weet zelf"

12. alona love, 2014
"what African dialect is being spoken ?"

13. y g, 2014

14. y g, 2014
"basicly portuguese we really like the word creole  better"

15. Mario Coelho, 2015
"Batuko: musica/dança rítmica que conheci em angola"
Google translate from Portuguese to English
"Batuko: music/rhythmic dance I met in Angola"

SHOWCASE VIDEO #2 : Batucadeiras tradiçon de terra

Isleide Pretta,  Aug 28, 2008 Melhor grupo de batuku do mundo!!!!

SHOWCASE VIDEO #3:   Batuque

Philippe Moroux,  Mar 30, 2014 O grupo de batuque Terrero São Lourenço dos Órgãos **** SHOWCASE VIDEO #4: Batuco Cabo Verde/ Sima Nos e So Nos(live @TivoliVredenburg Utrecht

vrije geluiden, Apr 30, 2017

Sima Nos e So Nos is a Rotterdam based Batuco group performing ae Medley of traditional Batuco music pieces: Familia, Despedida & Sima Nos è So Nos. Batuco is a traditional music genre from Santiago (Cabo Verde) dating back to slavery. The slaves used this type of singing to communicate with eachother. Hence this genre was formbidden by the Portugese Kolonisers. A group of women singing and using simple percussion using a bag filled with cotton clothes.

(Pa fans de batuku)...

ź.p. 10ilha maravilha, Mar 14, 2018

Batucadeiras Delta Ramantxadas - RAMANTXADA
(Video Oficial)

Batucadeiras Delta Ramantxadas, Jul 21, 2022
Letra: Marisa Correia Voz principal: Marisa Correia, Miliana Moreno (Kutxinha) Coro: Batucadeiras Delta Ramantxadas [...] Grupo Batuco Delta Cultura, Batucadeiras Delta Ramantxadas. grupo de Tarrafal de Santiago

Stribilim na Mundo - Batucadeiras Rabenta Trabessa Baixo


Batucadeiras Rabenta Trabessa Baixo

Letra e Voz - Mima Corros - Batucadeiras Rabenta Trabessa Baixo Captação, Mix e Master - Alphoria Music (Dj100Juiz) Video - Alphoria Movie

This concludes Part II of this two part pancocojams series.

Thanks for visiting Pancocojams.

Visitor comments re welcome.

1 comment:

  1. The showcase video given as #6 in this pancocojams post shows two women competing against each other by dancing Batuko.

    Prior to those different dancing scenes, the women do one or more body gestures that show contempt or disdain for the other person.
    One example is one of the women waving the back of her hand at the woman as she walks past her. Another body gesture is one woman standing in front of the other woman and looking up and down at her in disdain.

    It's interesting to see how these and other confrontational "getting ready to fight" gestures that are so familiar in the United States are also found in that Cape Verde video.
