
Wednesday, September 14, 2022

As An American I Recognize The Danger Of Someone Like Trump Having A Talented Praise Singer Like South Sudanese Artist Bilpam Akech

Bilpam Akech, Apr 10, 2021
Total # of views as of September 14, 2022 at 12:13 PM ET =  

This pancocojams post showcases the YouTube video "Kiir ee beny" by South Sudanese performing artist Bilpam Akech. 

Selected comments from the discussion thread for this embedded video are also included in this post.

This pancocojams post also includes my editorial comments about how it can be problematic if people like a song and video but don't understand the language the singer is singing in.

The content of this post is presented for historical, socio-cultural, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to Bilpam Akech for his music, and thanks to all those who are associated with this video. Thanks also to all those who are quoted in this post.

I happened upon YouTube videos of South Sudanese performing artist Bilpam Akech as a result of "surfing" YouTube for contemporary videos of South Sudanese music and dance. I'm African American and English is the only language that I understand. Furhermore, I know next to nothing about South Sudanese history, culture, or politics.

That said, I'm very interested in traditional and contemporary African music and dance, and I particularly love videos that have African people dressed in their traditional clothing. Bilpam Akech's video "Kiir ee beny" checks many of the boxes that I mentally have for a "fire" video/song (except that I don't like autotune).

Even though I didn't understand what he was singing and what language it is I was ready to hit the subscribe button and the like icon indicating that I approved of this song/video. However, I decided to read the video's discussion thread first since I've found that commenters sometimes share information about the song's language, explain what the song is about, and might even give English translations for the song's lyrics.

After reading all 165 comments in this discussion thread, I now basically know that the singer praises the South Sudanese President Kiir and/or encourages South Sudanese to support him. And reading that video's discussion thread (and then watching Bilpam Akech's July 5, 2020 video "
Kiir Must Stay" and reading that discussion thread ) I gather that Bilpam Akech praises the South Sudanese President in many (if not all) of his songs and YouTube videos. And that realization increased my concerns about liking videos of songs that are performed in a language that I don't understand just because the song has a good beat, the singer sounds good, and the song has an aesthetically pleasing video. 

"Africa to the world" is a great saying. But what if songs from Africa or from elsewhere is promoting something that I wouldn't support  or someone who I wouldn't support if I knew what the heck those singers are saying. And that goes double for religious or political songs.

Reading the comments in both of these above mentioned Bil[am Akechi discussion threads and the comments in the sound file for his "Kiir ee beny song" made me think about how dangerous it would be (or how dangerous it is) for politicans to have praise singers. 

What if a talented singer like Bilpam Akech who recorded banging, hot songs and had high quality videos of those songs recorded songs for Donald Trump (when Trump was the United States President and now when he won't publicly admit that he lost the election?) What if someone like Bilpam Akech sung praises to Trump in English and people who didn't understand English gave those songs thumbs up and fire emojis 'cause they liked the way they sounded. I cringe and shudder at that thought. That would be Dangerous with a capital D. 

I hasten to say that I don't know if the South Sudanese President is anything like Donald Trump. I sincerely hope not. This is my disclaimer that I still know next to nothing about South Sudanese politics. However, some of the comments in those Bilpam Akech discussion threads, sure did send out some red flags. 

And reading those comments has made me super duper cautious about liking any video in a language besides English where an English summary and/or English translation isn't given by the video publisher and/or at least one discussion thread commenter even if the song sounds great and the video looks great. 

A word to the wise is sufficient     


Numbers are added for referencing purposes only.


1. G-Benson Mathiang
"Very nice video big Artist of South Sudan
and very nice Song too"

2. Angilo karl, 2021
"Bro, I like the song. Good rhythm. I would still listen to it as a piece of music. Few people here have already advised you. Enough with praises and your continued flattering of a president that runs one of the top corrupt countries in the world. When people say “Kiir Must Go” it is not about his personality. Salva, as a person is different from Salva as a president of πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡Έ. We know he is a great man. Running a country requires great policies, strategies, that follow with actions.

President Salva, along with Riak and their entire entourage must go. South Sudan needs new leadership and we have enough qualified to do the job. We need visionary leaders, less selfish but selfless leaders. Less corrupt, leaders who love πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡Έ and want to do everything possible to develop it. Leaders who would passionately serve their nation and the people who entrusted them to hold the constitutional posts. You are a young person. Salva may cling to power by force but nature will take him away in not long. You will still be strong and young if you stay healthy. You will live few decades in the absence of President Salva.

Are you going to continue praising and flattering the next president? What personal attachment do you have for Salva? Don't contradict yourself. You claim to love πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡Έ but always praising a man who led πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡Έ to ever keep sinking deep into Valley of death. If we are proud South Sudanese, who loves our country and want to develop and be progressive like other progressive nations, we must stop praising and glorifying leaders. Leaders who can't even build one pave road for easy transportation after decades in power.

We understand artists in πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡Έ praise leaders as a way to indirectly beg them for money, but it should not be at the expense of our beautiful country πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡Έ. We have enough resources in South Sudan. We all need to work and those resources are 3 fold enough for all of us and even outsiders. South Sudanese in Diaspora can't even invest at home because small businesses require the existence of good security in a nation to thrive.

I don't know if it makes you feel good to see South Sudanese leaders always beg outsiders for hands out and outdated goods to feed South Sudanese? Does it make you feel good South Sudan has always been known for everything bad? Does it make you feel good that South Sudanese still have no good health facilities, no running electricity in those fake corrupted hospitals that always neglect private citizens and treat a son/ daughter of a big man/ woman first? Does it make you feel good that a South Sudanese must die (Trisha C) because they have run out of blood and the blood bank has closed at 11 am because of no electricity to keep it running half a day or 24/7 as it should be?

Stop with your selfish songs that glorify corrupt leaders that get praised just as they are about to get selected and praised after being selected and end up being a liability stealing all national assets with nothing done during their tenure. Think about the interest of πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡Έ and how to make it a better country/ place for all of South Sudanese. That way, South Sudanese will be proud of their leaders and country and will not regret separating from the Arabs.✌️🏾

3. university Ab, 2021
"The Song  Is To Encourage Kiir  To  Do  Alot Of Things In The Country!  Not because The Singer Is Dinka Tribe. But Also He Has Love All South Sudanese.

4. Pantueng Apiath, 2021
he artist doesn’t understand what being President means; Juba is not the whole South Sudan; people are starving to death due insecurity with no peace insight"

5. Amal Majuec, 2021
"Very great song from Bilpam Akechdit music he always praise our president Kiir him and president be bless plus's the people's of the nation South Sudan panda"

6. Cush TV, 2021
"I just wanna say the song is dope since it's base on our culture πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡Έ but why always praise kiirdit πŸ˜’πŸ’―"

7. Bilpam Akech, 2021
"Do you have problems with Kiirdit?"

8. Cush TV, 2021
"@Bilpam Akech  personal I have no problem with him but at least some changement in the country"

9. Bilpam Akech, 2021
"@Akol Deng Akol  thanks for mentioning opinion,you have answered yourself."

"He get reason about kiir he is doing work"

13. university Ab, 2021
"@Cush TV  Exactly"

14. Dau Mabil, 2021
"Seems like people always have silly opinions about nothing they know off.  Most of these opinions come from those abroad who are afraid to come back home to South Sudan.  Great song!!!"

15. Siddig Adam, 2021
"amazing song from south Sudan"

16. Bilpam Akech, 2021
"Thank you"

17. Chol Akuany, 2022
"To President Salva Kiir and the South Sudanese People, my people, to love is to respect and vice versa and I think we need an "intensive" Peace educational programs across South Sudan. Why? Because I have a few family members left and I do not want them to die."

18. Bior Kur, 2021
"this song it just interduce  how poor we are

Akech you always  glorified  your God Kiir Mayardit   like a Dog"

19. Akuol Abut Deng, 2021
"Love the song though but Kiir is responsible for the suffering of our people because of his wrong decisions. Try to puts yourself on other people shores."

20. Jamo D, 2021
"There are some pple who deserve to be praised like former president Magufuli of Tanzania coz his work was seen by both citizens and outsiders but Kiir only death and stealing of our money πŸ’° has been seen under his leadership so my brother you are a good musician but you have to stop praising him .Just put yourself in the shore of those suffering and you will know know one has personal problems with neither you nor kiirdit."


21. debbie gabriels, 2021
"What is Kiir feeding this man?πŸ™„πŸ™„πŸ™„

Are you choosing to pay a blind eye to the country’s suffering?

Our capital city Juba has 80% of it looking like a village.

The economy is collapsed.

No good schools and hospitals.

Alot of insecurities and starvation.. a very long list. Anyway you do you."

22. Zakaria Deng, 2021
"Facts πŸ’―"

23. Blessed 2b A Blessing, 2021
"Everyone commenting here what Kiir has not done. Even if tomorrow there is a new president who brings all this things you all want. People will still complain against them. The question should be what can I contribute as a n individual. The country is not made up of the president only."

24. Kur Ezekiel, 2021
"It's only a blind eye which can't see the suffering of the common citizens. Such songs are selfish, tribalic and only intended for personal gains."

25. The Real Aladeen, 2021
"Bro that’s a voice of sycophancy

Not a great for a career in music, you could make money through tips but not crowd. If you don’t know what citizens want from a president then pay a visit to other countries you will see why South Sudanese are not happy with their president. You could have a great future in music industry if you avoid these tribals affiliated songs."

26. Bilpam Akech, 2021
"Did you asked people of Libiya"

27. The Real Aladeen, 2021
"@Bilpam Akech  well You can’t compare in that situation, The people of Libya were getting the salary for being citizens, Libya was by far a developed country by a mile and Gadafi was at a level were he was competing with Western leaders and Liberate Africa from Neo colonialism, this was the actual problem. Gadafi had a lot to justify to the people of Libya, what do our leaders have to show us other than giving tips to the individuals who appease them like you.

1.Why are we seeking medication in foreign countries? No good hospital

2. Where are the modern roads

3. Why are we hating one another? Divide and rule policy

4. People like you still do not understand their rights due to poor or inadequate education system.

There is so much to tell you if you didn’t know bro. Open your mind a little!

These kind of songs will hound you one day , you will regret."

28, A Y A N G, 2021
"Good video but please be creative bro, compose songs about something else, you becoming boring."

29. Ruai makender, 2021
"You’re a great artist but why do you sing about President always? …not that I hate Kiir but legends like you should make sure they sing songs that will last for years. Tomorrow Kiir will go and if all your songs are about Kiir then your music will die as soon as Kiir steps down. Please don’t misunderstand my advice. Am your fan and I have to advice you also brother"

30. Bilpam Akech
"Thanks for advice brotherπŸ™πŸ€"

31. Gum Makoi, 2021
"Go back to your "V8" song, you'll find out why Kiir is not praised by everyone as you want them to."

32. Pantueng Apiath, 2021
"I gloriously worship Jesus Christ to save me eternally!! Bilpam Akech is always worship Kiir’s?????. Nation is not about positions but economic opportunities"

33. James Social, 2021
"I like the song we need really to first Love our country and the one govern it."

34. Alang Black, 2021
"Love the song great work brother we most respect our president no matter what πŸ’•❤"

35. Hr Bluestar, 2021
"Woo, it's really a great song although i don't understand the meaning . keep it up  please"

36. Chol Akuany, 2022
"Brother Salva Kiir has done nothing wrong but he can do better. South Sudan needs great leaders and we seem to let our people down. Our people need us and we need out people. That is the basic Human thought across the Globe. We need each other for better of ourselves and our communities. So, please let respect reign in South Sudan because I know you're capable of that. If the old ways do not work, then why not try new ways and keep our great culture at the same time, eh?"

37. Chol Akuany, 2022
"To support is to be active and spread South Sudan love and kindness across the globe...m"

38. Nyajima Stephen, 2022
"Good good music"

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