
Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Sources, Meaning, & Some Examples Of The Saying "Moz We On" That Is Found In A Number Of Discussion Threads of Mozambique's "Yaba Kulubu" Songs

Edited by Azizi Powell

Latest Update: Feb. 2, 2022

This is Part IV of a four part pancocojams series on the hit Amapiano song "Yaba Buluku".

This pancocojams series presents some examples of the phrase "Moz we on" (and similar phrases) from various discussion threads of YouTube videos about the song "Yaba Buluku". Information about the Mozambican songs "Moz We On" that I believe are the probable sources for this phrase is also included in that post.

This post showcases five YouTube videos of dance performances or dance challenges of the original video or of the remix video of "Yaba Buluku". 

for Part I of this pancocojams series. That post showcases the official YouTube video of the original Mozambican original song "Yaba Buluku" and the official YouTube video of the remix of Yaba Buluku with Nigerian artist Burna Boy.

Selected comments from the discussion thead for the original official YouTube video of this song are also included in this post.  

for Part II of this pancocojams series. That post showcases an audio file of the original song "Yaba Buluku and presents partial lyrics for the original & the remix versions of that hit song..

for Part III of this pancocojams series. That post showcases five YouTube videos of dance performances or dance challenges of the original video or of the remix video of "Yaba Buluku". 

The content of this post is presented for cultural, entertainment, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to the composers and singers of the "Moz We On" songs. Thanks to the composers and singers for the "Yaba Buluka" songs and for other songs that are by or that include Mozambican recording artists.Thanks also to all those who are quoted in this post. 

This post grew out of my curiosity about the source and meaning of the saying "Moz we on" and similarly worded sayings that I read in a number of discussion threads for the Mozambican and the Mozambican/Nigerian Amapiano (music genre) song "Yaba Kulubu". 

The original video of that song was published by Dj Tarico on YouTube Dec, 29, 2020. "Yaba Kulubu" was composed by Nelson Tivane and is credited to Dj Tarico featuring Preck and Nelson Tivane. All of these men are from the Southern African nation of Mozambique. The remix of "Yabu Kulubu" was released in June 22, 2021. The producer was for the remix of "Yaba Kulubu" was Dj Tarico and that song/video is credited to Dj Tarico and (Nigerian artist) Burna Boy, featuring Preck and Nelson Tivane. 

As of the date of this pancocojams post, almost all of the examples of "Moz we on" and similar sayings that I've come across have been in YouTube discussion threads of videos or sound files related to the song "Yaba Kuluba" (including reaction videos and dance videos). I've also found examples of the saying "Moz we on" and similar sayings in the discussion thread for the Jan 2022 video "Tell Somebody" by Nigerian singer Yemi Alade and the 
Yaba Buluku Boyz. The Yaba Buluku Boyz are the aforementioned Mozambican artists Dj Tarico, Preck, and Nelson Trivane.  I haven't come across that saying using any other nation's name or nickname besides "Mozambique" or "Moz". 

I think that the source for the "Moz we on" saying is the 2011 Hip Hop/Rap song "Moz We On" by Laylizzy. Here's information about that song 
From    [This site includes a short sound clip of that song]
"Unsigned" was the first all English mixtape released by the Portuguese speaking Hip hop/rap artist Laylizzy, it was recorded in 2011 at the Sameblood Studio in Maputo. The hit song, ‘Moz We On’ (featuring Simba) left a timeless impact on the Mozambican music industry. Hope you enjoy, LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE... #MozWeOn.

Release date: 10 February 2011"

In 2013 Gpro, Duas Caras, Trez Agah, Blaze released another Mozambican song entitled "Moz We On" but with different lyrics. [?]  Here is an excerpt of the lyrics to that song from  

Warning: This song contains some profanity and the four letter form of the n word. 


Trez Agah:
Eu sou de Moçambique, país onde o dinheiro não é para todos
É para quem trabalha duro então se não és trabalhador
Só podes sentir tamanha dor, aperta o atador
Vá em frente, vai a luta man, tu és o matador
E a guerra só termina quando houver bandeiras
Brancas içadas, nada de espadas, malta agitada,
armas de caça, balas cruzadas, lanças e facas
E sumirem-se as fronteiras
Não desistas de lutar
Não te rendas facilmente, é difícil conquistar
Mas agente está ciente que o momento vai chegar
Mais a frente de repente o sorriso vai mudar
Acredita em ti e no poder de God
Há que reflectir de onde vem a sorte
E nunca desistir de ser o tal
Ser que cai mas depois levanta bem forte

Hot Blaze:
Leggo (Moz we on)
Teu abraço, teu sorriso é que põe me on
Leggo (Moz we on)
Do meu sonho não desisto eu sou um champion


Hot Blaze:
Leggo (Moz we on)
Teu abraço, teu sorriso é que põe me on
Leggo (Moz we on)
Do meu sonho não desisto eu sou um champion

Moz we on

Duas Caras:
Yeah, e como dizia o lendário Bob Marley
A vida apesar de bruta é mágica
Está sempre a tirar um coelho da cartola
Moz we on
We out


Google translate from Portuguese to English

'Trez Agah:
I am from Mozambique, a country where money is not for everyone
It's for those who work hard so if you're not a worker
You can only feel so much pain, tighten the tie
Go ahead, fight man, you are the killer
And the war only ends when there are flags
Whites hoisted, no swords, agitated crowd,
hunting weapons, crossed bullets, spears and knives
And the borders disappear
don't give up the fight
You don't give up easily, it's hard to conquer
But agent is aware that the moment will come
Later on, suddenly the smile will change
Believe in yourself and in the power of God
You have to think about where luck comes from
And never give up being the one
Maybe you fall but then get up really strong


hot blaze:
Leggo (Moz we on)
Your hug, your smile is what puts me on
Leggo (Moz we on)
From my dream I don't give up I'm a champion

Moz we on

Duas Caras: 
Yeah, and as the legendary Bob Marley said
Life despite being rough is magic
You're always pulling a rabbit out of a hat
Moz we on
We out"

-end of quote-

Based on those lyrics, I believe that "Moz we on" is a statement of encouragement in the face of difficulties and/or adversity (i.e. Moz we on" is an affirmation statement). I think that "Moz we on" means the same thing or is very similar to the English phrase "onward and upward". That English phrase means "[moving] t
oward a better condition or higher level".

Additions and corrections about this meaning are very welcome.


These examples are given in no particular order. Numbers are added for referencing purposes only.

Note that there are many examples of "Moz we on" that aren't included in this brief compilation.

Excerpt #1
Valdimiro Sigauque, May 23, 2020

Gpro, Duas Caras, Trez Agah, Blaze - Moz We On

1.  Raul Dombo, 2021
"moz we on 2021"

2. Arnaldo pedro Chilusse, 2022
"MOZ we on, much love to my friends out there"

Excerpt #2

Chaf Aboubakar, 2021
"Mozambique we on dj tarico yaba buluku from Moz 🔥🇲🇿

Excerpt #3

1. Domingas Chauque,  2021
"Savela é a Cena. DJ TARICO Sabe bem das coisa. Força meu ídolo Deus abençoe continua nos alegrando com uma boa vaibs. MOZWEON🇲🇿🇲🇿🇲🇿❤❤"
"Savela is the Scene. DJ TARICO Knows his stuff. Strength my idol God bless you continue to cheer us up with a good vaibs"
“Vaibs: is probably a typo for “vibes”

"🔥🔥🔥🔥💪👌 Moz we on"

3. Emerson Liputa, 2021
"Dj Tarico é  o melhor de todos mapinistas de África, Moz we one🇲🇿👏" 

One love #Djtarico"
Google translate from Portuguese to English:
"Dj Tarico is the best of all mapinistas in Africa, Moz we one🇲🇿👏"
mapinistas= machinist =DJ (Disc Jockey)

Excerpt #4

Yaba Buluku Boyz - Live Performance At AFRIMA 2021, published by Yaba Buluku Boyz, Nov 28, 2021

 dercio dzimba, 2021
"Moçambicano é outro nível.

Estão de parabéns por representar muito bem a pátria 🇲🇿🇲🇿🇲🇿🇲🇿🇲🇿🇲🇿🇲🇿"
Google translate from Portuguese to English:
"Mozambican is another level.

Congratulations on representing the homeland very well 🇲🇿🇲🇿🇲🇿🇲🇿🇲🇿🇲🇿🇲🇿"

Excerpt #5
From "Yemi Alade, Yaba Buluku Boyz, Effyzzie Music - Tell Somebody", Yemi Alade & Yaba Buluku Boyz, Jan. 24, 2022

 Andre Cristina Chacame, 2022
"Good sound, Moz on"

Joaquim Antonio Supiao, 2022
"Moz we ON🇲🇿"

Henrique Naungi jonas NTAVE Ntave, 2022
"mozambique we on"

Marcelo Mulhanga, 2022
"Moz we on 🇲🇿🔥💪🏾 Bela colaboração"
Google translate from Portuguese to English: "Bela colaboração" = "Nice collaboration"


This concludes Part IV of this four part pancocojams series.

Thanks for visiting pancocojams.

Visitor comments are welcome.

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