
Thursday, August 26, 2021

"Lemonade Crunchy Ice" (Hand Clap Rhyme Videos & Word Examples)

Canadian Queen 76, May 24, 2013  


Tana Romine, Feb. 7, 2013

Edited by Azizi Powell

Latest Update- January 20, 2024

This pancocojams post presents several examples of the children's hand clap rhymes 
"Lemonade Crunchy Ice".

This post also includes examples of the hand clap rhyme "Lemonade Ice Tea" as those rhymes are later, variant forms of "Lemonade Crunchy Ice".

The content of this post is presented for folkloric, cultural, and recreational purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those contributed examples of this rhyme. Thanks also to those who are featured in these showcase video.  
Click for information about and examples of the British hand clap rhyme "Ribena Sassatina". That rhyme has the same tune as "Lemonade Crunchy Ice" and also ends with children "freezing" in place.  


These versions are given in no particular order and are numbered for referencing purposes only.

The earliest date that I've found online for "Lemonade Crunchy Ice" is "the 1980s" [Version #8 below]. However, "Lemonade Crunchy Ice" may have been chanted before that decade,  probably while jumping rope. My guess is that "Lemonade Ice Tea" is a newer rhyme than "Lemonade Crunchy Ice".  Notice the difference in version #3's performance activity and the performance activity that is given for most of the other examples of "Lemonade Crunchy Ice". 

If you remember examples of these rhymes prior to the 1980s, please share that example in the comment section below. Please remember to add demographic information (geographic location-city/state or nation if outside of the USA, and when- year or decade, along with performance activity. Thanks!

Lemonade Crunchy Ice
Beat her once,
Beat her twice.

Lemonade Crunchy Ice
Beat her once,
Beat her twice.

Turn around,
Touch the ground,
Break it down,
-Ti and Naish, 2013, [embedded video presented above] published by CanadianQueen76. -snip- Here's my description of the performance activity: The girls do partner hand clap motions for the first part of this rhyme. They do criss cross jumping motions for the second part of this rhyme and then for the third part, they follow the instructions (turn around, touch the group, do a dance for "break it down", and then "freeze" in place. The first one who moves is the "loser" in this mildly competitive playground game. **** LEMONADE CRUNCY ICE (Version #2)

Lemonade, Crunchy Ice with Mrs. Alfaro

Mrs. Grimm’s 4th Grade class did a hand-clapping game in music class called “Lemonade, Crunchy Ice.”  This playground game was used to teach an ostinato rhythm pattern (ti-ti, ta, ti-ti, ta).  Instead of partners hand-clapping, we used our tables as “drums.” 

 Lemonade Crunchy Ice

“Lemonade Crunchy Ice” is a clapping game traditionally played either with 2 children or with several kids all together. To play the game in a group, the children clap three times after these words – “lemonade, crunchy ice, beat it once, beat it twice.” After that the lines are repeated except children do not need to clap three times at the end. The game ends by turning around, touching the ground, and then freezing. The first kid to move is out.

Lemonade, crunchy ice,
Sip it once. (Up Down Clap)
Sip it twice. (Up Down Clap)
Lemonade, (Up Down Clap)
Crunchy Ice, (Up Down Clap)
Made it once. (Up Down Clap)
Made it twice. (Up Down Clap)
Turn around, (Turn around)
Touch the ground, (Touch the ground)
Kick your boyfriend out of town!
-Bridgeport Elementary School (Hamilton, Ohio), , retrieved August 26, 2021

I work with kids everyday. Kids of both genders do them. I still hear "Miss Lucy," but the favorite this summer seemed to be:

Lemonade (clap, clap, clap)
Crunchy ice (clap, clap, clap)
Beat it once (clap, clap, clap)
Beat it twice (clap, clap, clap)
Lemonade, crunchy ice,
Beat it once, beat it twice,
Lemonade, crunchy ice,
Beat it once, beat it twice (gets faster and faster and continues until someone misses a clap)

Boys really like this one.
-Guest Sharyn, 22 Sept. 2003, Folklore: Do kids still do clapping rhymes?
"Miss Lucy" is probably the rhyme "Miss Lucy [or "Miss Susie"] Had A Steamboat".

Lemonade (clap clap clap)
Crunchy ice (clap clap clap)
Beat it once (clap clap clap)
Beat it twice (clap clap clap)
Lemonade, crunchy ice
Beat it once
Beat it twice
Lemonade, crunchy ice
Beat it once,
beat it twice
-Guest, Anonymous, 22 June, 2013, Folklore: Do kids still do clapping rhymes? 
"Shush!" means "Be quiet". It may serve the same purpose in this rhyme performance as "Freeze".  

I remeber in kindergarden i would play this lemonade game that goes like:

lemonade (clap clap clap)
crunchy ice (clap clap clap)
sip it once (clap clap clap)
then sip it twice (clap clap clap)

lemonade, crunchy ice, sip it once, sip it twice, turn around, touch the ground, kick your boyfriend outta town, now freeze, and pose,( and for some reason my friends and i would add) like american cheese!

and sometimes it could be different and go like this:

lemonade (clap clap clap)
ice tea (clap clap clap)
coca-cola (clap clap clap)
pepsi (clap clap clap)

lemonade, ice tea, coca-cola, pepsi, turn around, touch the ground, kick your boyfriend outta town, now freeze, and pose, like american cheese!
-Rhonda Robinson, 2021, [comment in discussion thread for]

lemonade 3clap crunchy ice 3 clap sip it once 3 clap sip it twice 3 clap (in both concentration and lemonade when you're saying the words you kinda clap/slide your hands on the other persons) after this part it went constant clap and hand sliding lemonade, crunchy ice, sip it once, sip it twice. stop clapping spin around spins touch the ground touches ground and freeze! freezes in whatever pose you're in and whoever moves first loses.
-*!* anime simp *!*, 2021, [comment in the discussion thread for]
The bold font was included in this comment.

Lemonade Crunchie ice Sip it once Sip it twice Lemonade ,crunchie ice, sip it once,sip it twice turn around, touch the ground, FREEZE(see who stays still the longest)

**** LEMONADE CRUNCHY ICE (Version #9) lemonade...😭 “lemonade... crunchy ice....sip it once... sip it twice... lemonade crunchy ice sip it once sip it twice turn around touch the ground kick you your boyfriend out of town!” *Go get some lashes
-@bigblinkzbyb (Brooklyn Stampley), 2021, [comment in the discussion thread for "90’s HAND GAMES WITH TAKEEYA LA’TI ( HILARIOUS 🤣 )"
The word "lashes" at the end of this example probably means "fake eye lashes" and is probably said as a "dig" (an insult about the way the person looks as longer eye lashes are considered an attractive feature.)

Lemonade, crunchy ice
Sip it once
ip it twice
Lemonade crunchy ice
ip it once
ip it twice
turn around touch the ground
iggle wiggle wiggle till your pants come down
-TearaE,2021, [comment in the discussion thread for "90’s HAND GAMES WITH TAKEEYA LA’TI ( HILARIOUS)
This example was given in response to version #9. The commenter wrote "I like your version better."


Lemonade (Up Down Clap)
(Triple Clap)
Crunchy ice (Up Down Clap)
(Triple Clap)
Sip it once (Up Down Clap)
(Triple Clap)
Sip it twice (Up Down Clap)
(Triple Clap)
Lemonade (Up Down Clap)
Crunchy Ice (Up Down Clap)
Made it once (Up Down Clap)
Made it twice (Up Down Clap)
Turn around (Turn around)
Touch the ground (Touch the ground)
Push your brother out of town!
And stomp! (Jump)
May 21, 2008
Here's more performance information that was given with this example:
*You can play this with two people. While you’re saying these lines you clap each other’s hands in the following way: one person’s left hand is clapping down and their right hand is clapping up while the second person faces the first and does the opposite. Then switch the hand that’s clapping up to clap down, and the one clapping down to clap up."

LEMONADE ICE TEA (Version #12)
Ice Tea,
Coca Cola,

Lemonde, Ice Tea, Coca Cola, Pep-si
Drink ‘em up
chug ‘em down
Kick Dr. Pepper
Out of town.
-goofy, July 13, 2009,

his is how i say it lemonade (clap clap clap) crunchy ice (clap clap clap) sip it once sip it 2s turn around touch the ground dance around FREEZE!

Kasper, March 21, 2010,


i reamember
(clap clap clap)
cruchy ice
(clap clap clap)
beat it once
(clap clap clap)
beat it twice
(clap clap clap)
Lemonade, cruchy ice, beat it once, beat it twice
turn around
touch the ground
kick your boyfriend out of town
American Cheese
-Olivia, May 16, 2010,

i reamember
(clap clap clap)
cruchy ice
(clap clap clap)
beat it once
(clap clap clap)
beat it twice
(clap clap clap)
Lemonade, cruchy ice, beat it once, beat it twice
turn around
touch the ground
kick your boyfriend out of town
bunny ears FREEZE
-Lexi, June 3, 2010,

(clap clap clap)
ice tea
(clap clap clap)
coco cola
(clap clap clap)
iced tea
coco cola
turn around
touch the ground
kick your boyfriend out of town
american cheese
i think i got to sneeze
bless you
-Taylor, Oct. 18, 2015,
Click that blog page to read several other examples of "Lemonade Crunchy Ice" and "Lemonade Ice Tea".


Context: The informant is an 11 year old girl of Pakistani descent. She is a 6th grader at a public school in Torrance, CA.  Her social groups include friends of many different religious and ethnic backgrounds. The following clapping rhyme is a two-person game she learned in first grade.


iced tea
Lemonade, iced tea, Coca-cola, Pepsi,
turn around, touch the ground, kick your boyfriend out of town, freeze”

Another version from the same informant begins with the same line:

crunchy ice
Beat it once,
beat it twice,
Lemonade, crunchy ice, beat it once, beat it twice,
turn around, touch the ground, kick your boyfriend out of town, freeze”

In the last line of both versions, the players may perform the actions sung: they turn in a circle, drop to a crouch to touch the ground, and may even stand up and make a kicking motion. At the word “freeze,” both players must stop moving, and the first to move loses.

Analysis: I learned a version of this game, similar to the second version recorded, from cousins who went to the same school district as the informant. Instead of the words “beat it,” however, the words “pour it” were used, and the last line was completely omitted. The rhyme ended with the players crying “Statue!” and the first person to move, lost. Somehow, however, a player was allowed to tickle the other person to get them to move, even though tickling would seemingly count as moving."...

Thanks for visiting pancocojams.

Visitor comments are welcome.


  1. The version I’ve heard from my kids at school in Virginia, United States goes as follows: lemonade. crunchy ice. sip it once. sip it twice. lemonade crunchy ice sip it once sip it twice. Turn around, touch the ground, kick your boyfriend out of town. Freeze. American cheese. I think I need to sneeze. Achoo. Bless you. Thank you. Peace!

    1. Hello, Anonymous. Thanks for sharing that version of "Lemonade Crunchy Ice".

      Are the words "Bless you.Thank you. Peace" part of the rhyme?

  2. Teach me one without boyfriend

    1. Hello, Anonymous. Thanks for your comment.

      People compose versions of these rhymes all the time. You can make up one yourself without the boyfriend words.

      Have fun!

  3. I got taught: lemonade crunchy ice etc then kick ur boyfriend outta town, and pose, and pose, and toes and toes and toes

    1. Anonymous, thanks for sharing that version of "Lemonade Crunchy Ice".

      This is the first time I "heard" that version. I wonder if the "toes and toes" words refer to pointing your toes like ballerinas do.

  4. As I mentioned in the beginning of this pancocojams post, the hand clap rhymes "Lemonade Crunchy Ice" and the (mostly British) hand clap rhyme "Ribena Sassatina" have the same tune and end with the chanters freezing in place.

    I'm curious which of these rhymes came first. When and where do you remember chanting either or both of these rhymes?
