
Monday, March 15, 2021

People From India & Other South Asian Nations Write About Colorism They Experience In Their Countries (comments from the YouTube discussion thread of the official video of Beyonce's song "Brown Skin Girl")

Beyoncé, Aug 24, 2020
With help from Wizkid, SAINt JHN and her own daughter Blue Ivy Carter, Beyoncé uses “BROWN SKIN GIRL” to tell young “brown skinned” girls to be proud of their skin and embrace it." -
The complete lyrics for that song are found on that link and in the summary of this embedded video.

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post presents a small number of comments from the discussion thread of the official YouTube video for Beyoncé's 2019 song "Brown Skin Girl". These comments specifically refer to the issue of colorism.* 

The content of this post is presented for socio-cultural purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to Beyoncé, SAINt JHN, WizKid, and Blue Ivy Carter who sung this song. Thanks to the composers of this song and thanks to all those who are quoted in this post.
*Here is a definition of "colorism" from
"prejudice or discrimination especially within a racial or ethnic group favoring people with lighter skin over those with darker skin"

Here are links to some other pancocojams posts about this song: for a March 15, 2021 pancocojams post entitled "Comments About The Lyrics "Your Skin Is Not Only Dark, It Shines And Tells Your Story" From Beyoncé's "Brown Skin Girl" Song".

** "Brown Skin Girls Throughout The World Comment About Beyoncé's Song "Brown Skin Girl" 

Article Excerpt & YouTube Discussion Comments About The Racist 2020 Bollywood Song "Beyoncé Sharma Jayegi" (later re-named "Duniya Sharma Jayegi")"


These comments are from the discussion thead for the official "Brown Skin Girl" video as well as two YouTube discussion threads about the Bollywood song "Beyoncé Sharma Jayegi" (original title).

These comments were published from  September 2020 to March 2021. They are given below in relative chronological order with the oldest comments presented first except for replies.

Numbers are added for referencing purposes only.

I did not read all of the comments in these videos' discussion threads.

From [discussion thread for the video that is embedded in this post] 


1, a.b
"Hello, I'm an indian and I want to thank beyonce for making this beautiful song. As some of you may know the Bollywood/Tollywood industry is harsh on color. In my entire life I have never seen one dark skinned girl in  any of the movies I watched. I remember crying to my sister one day and saying "Why do all the girls of my skin color get stuck as maids?" When I visit India on trips my aunts try to rub fair and lovely cream on my face. I've grown up thinking that my skin color was ugly and gross. I  wished I had paler skin. But I started to love my melanin thanks to all of you!"

2. Nancy Singh
"I think you confined india in terms of bollywood or film industry but we don't care about it coz we know what indian culture is that i think u aren't aware of, we indian pray to god which is dark skin (maa kali) and lord krishna so how can we say indian discriminate actually i am a dark skin living in india but when i look upon our god i feel happy and proud i am indian. Don't spread rumors about india as there are lot already☺"

3. a.b
" @Nancy Singh  I am Indian myself and of course I know all the gods and yes I know all of the culture. As I said I'm Indian. But now in modern times the standards of beauty have changed and it's pressuring for a lot a people. When I hear parents planning marriages I hear them talking if the girl is light skinned or not. Sure our culture is very accepting but our modern times aren't and that is a problem because now all of these children are growing up in modern times and unable to see their beauty."

4. Вимала Даршани
" @Nancy Singh  Well I wish that was true but we've got to accept the fact that colorism still exists in the society. Oh common, isn't 'Fair' the first preference ? It is not a rumour in my case. I'm medium complexioned and when I get tanned sometimes my mum starts her rant 'Put this and that to remove the tan'. It isn't a rumour, but the bitter truth. Kudos ✌🏻😊"

Вимала Даршани
"@Nancy Singh  Well people pray to dark skinned God's here, but that isn't reflected in terms of colorism in the society. We do pray to Godesses, but sexism is quite rampant. We say all are the one and same but Caste and religious distinctions still prevail. How I wish I could be proud to be an Indian... I love my country, but I'm not proud of what's happening within the country 😔"

Nancy Singh
"@Вимала Даршани  I agree with that they are some societal problems which prevails but that is present everywhere not only in india and for that we have to speak up and raise our voice for the injustice but hating your own origin  means just ignoring and doing nothing for improvement."

7. Nancy Singh
"@a.b  yes I can totally agree with the situation of marriage you were talking but that's because of modernization or i could say westernization and for this our film industry has played a greater role. You know when whites people came for  colonization they saw black and brown skin as inferior and even brainwash them like white is beauty, So that not what india came up on its own. It was the ill effect of british colonization. For this I don't blame India and you know who are responsible. I must say this should be changed"

8. Вимала Даршани
"@Nancy Singh  I'm sorry to say but as an Indian I know most Indians are racists. I think you just haven't experienced it yet.  And as I've told you I'm trying to use my voice for a better India but we should also acknowledge the fact that problems such as colorism, racism and sexism exist. Only when we address and accept our problems, we can find a solution. Denying that it doesn't exist only cites ignorance. I appreciate your love for the country, but it is necessary that sometimes you need to be harsh with your child to make sure your child has a bright future."

9. Вимала Даршани
"@Nancy Singh  Haha I'm having a love hate relationship with my country. That would be pretty accurate. Plus I'm not blaming it, I'm just addressing the truth directly so that we can deal with it better. 😊✌🏻"

Snehal Bansode
@a.b  ikr !!! we'll one day end this racism but just like " Charity begins at Home " Racism also starts in a family first ( telling from my own experience ) like they want fair girl for marriage !! trust me even my own brother calls me Black !  well i don't take this seriously but still somehow this is racist ! and we need to stop it  !! XDD I Hope you Understand"

Komal Ameta
"Seriously  India's  obsession  to fair skin is really  too much

I wish soon this racist  mindset  will get destroyed without  any  violence."

12. Akkshaya Suresh
India does not have Racism, but has Colorism. I've faced so much because of my skin colour, still proud."

Also in Philippines. Some of my aunties want me lighter."

14. abhijith rajesh
"even gods are not spared krishna is drawn as blue in pictures instead of black."

15. shivansh singh chauhan
"Indians, usually, love to use brown skin victim card but the truth is that we're extremely racist as a society."

16. Shantanu warghade
"In India we deal with another type of skin color difference. There's a popular belief that being white or fare means you gonna get a good husband. being dark is a sin. that's what Indian media, Indian culture has depicted in their contents, many Bollywood music always portrayed a brown or black guy as comedic character ( there's even a popular song called ' Hum kale hai to kya hua dilwale hai ' which translates as ' i am man with a good heart even if i am black' ) . In Bollywood a majority of actresses are fair skinned and some even white. however the ideologies are changing. we see a variety of celebrities, fashion brands, cosmetic brands and even films on this matter. India may not have racism, but skin color difference still exists. i am proud of my skin color."

17. Heba Said
"I am a part of a recovery program: and I always include India without fail as a part of a country with many people of color. There are many people of color in India. And what you call racism and are colorism are the same thing: Please for your own growth, wisdom and knowledge looking into it

It is called colorism to soften "what it is" and give it to Indian people so they don't are confused: The Idea is Indian people accept a problem like racism that cannot be dealt with now because it is not solved overnight especially in country like India: the second most populous country in the world. Plus illiteracy being high in some places: villages etc. It easier to lie to people about the extent of the problem and for people of color in India to accept their own inferiority. Also this problem in India has been going for centuries, maybe, since ancient times, as you know India is one of the oldest civilizations in existence. Thanks for your comment because people, then, know that racism is a big problem in India. Please continue raising awareness about racism and the problems in India. Also thank you to Beyonce etc., Saint JHN, WizKid, for this amazing video!"

"@shivansh singh chauhan  One doesn't exclude the other. Diaspora Indians are discriminated against for their skin color and race but Indians in India are also prejudiced against darker complexions and other races. Nevertheless, I'd like to end with a positive note. India is also a welcoming country. Siddis who are from Africa (Bantu people) came here as merchants, slaves and sailors but were able to create princely states and become noblemen.

19. --
"@Heba Said  Racism and colorism are different in the sense that racism exists between races while colorism exists inside a community. Racism in India would more be like the caste system."

20. Edgardo Taneo
"In the Philippines too. I think western culture really influenced the standard of beauty and your sentiment is one of the few that testify that media on the other parts of the world also is unfair towards darker toned people"

21. Suzanne Flynn
" @666 BRLN 999  The racist and brutal Indian Caste System FAR precedes British Colonialism in India and goes back to ancient and medieval times and still survives to this day there. Read some history before you spout off."

22. Jazz Borah
"As an indian I completely agree with you. Infact even in recent bollywood films fair skinned Bollywood actors and actresses just smear their faces with make up to look darker. (Bhumi Pednekar in dream girl, Hrithik Roshan in every other film) why not employ actors/actresses with dark skin colour. What's wrong in that? And regarding the negative stereotypes associated with the South indian people portrayed in media and Bollywood movies. The South indians have black or dark brown skin colour!!! So how is it even a topic a discussion or something to be frowned upon. And don't get me started on fair and lovely 😒. One of my friends has a dark skin colour and the way that her mother taunts her and her family members give her stupid advices to use fair and lovely, milk, dahi and everything... Just sick mentality really and I don't think so it's ever going to change especially for girls!!"

23. Pingu Nootson
"That can’t be easy. Dark skin is gorgeous.  Unfortunately the world is late on this truth. We gotta instil the self love into our children that we didn’t get. That’s the only way 🥰 Best wishes to you."

24. Dheeraj Sai
"Same sis I'm an Indian too to be more specific the typical south Indian who is always considered to be dark and ugly by many north Indians and all the fair looking south Indians.Yes ! Men also face colorism and it's more in India dark men like me always becomes the centre in the conversation to crack any jokes to make fun off just to make others happy joking about my skin colour,will I be visible in dark or when lights are off and laughing pointlessly and taking me for granted even by my own best friends all these things are very common to dark looking men in India. And it all boils down to show the empathy for my skin colour that is all making me go through this suffering and I'm unlucky is what the conclusion they give.SH*TTTTT!!!!* I'm done with this...and the worst part is it runs with in the family too..."
*This word is fully spelled out in this comment.

25. Purvi
"With fairness cream ads portraying only women fair women as successful, being named "fair and lovely" what else can we expect? Media plays a major role in brainwashing people, casting fairer people as lead roles and people with darker skin tones as ugly, automatically associating them with poverty. It's slowly getting better, but it's so deeply engraved in our minds that it's gonna take a long while to treat everyone equally!"

26. Annastaysha8D
"Unfortunately, I can vouch for this even as a white girl. I visited India to see my friends, the culture, & the history. The first thing I saw getting off of the plane we're make up aisles in the airport. EVERYTHING advertised skin lightening in the products! I even had a talk with my friend telling her that light skin like mine isn't everything. She should be proud of her skin. It is so saddening. We spoke about it a lot"

27. S.
"No offesnce to you, but it is your personal not include INDIA - India is a large place and has variety of mindset..may be you are unlucky to have that kind people around you. It is not about India as my experience says, being an Indian too I have never got these types of comments whereas my skin colour is also Indian-brown. Even I have not heard any other commenting BADLY or being racist for others whose skin complexion is darker than me, atleast not in my locality.

First of all, India was basically a BLACK PEOPLE's Land. Then the Aryans came. We got Brown varient. Colour was never our enemy. Yes, we cna not deny that many people has this fair-dark issue but my point is the whole India is not about all of these."

28. Shafira N
"Same here in Indonesia, apparently most of Asian countries experience the same thing. When i heard this i feel proud and wanna embrace my tan skin. This song makes me really happy and feel appreciated."

29.. Zeynab Ahmad
"I'm Pakistani and it's taken me a long time to love my skin colour and be proud of it. More power to you!!!"

30. Reply
Adam Black
"I know that’s I’m African Sudanese livening in India 🤦🏽🤦🏽🤦🏽️nightmare"

31. Bhavana Raj
"so trueee,my girl,and in India we have these commercial on skin care cream in  which they shun you for being dark skined, ,aunties tell us not to stand near the sun or else we will get tanned and no one is gonna marry us,well for your kind information aunti ji  i so dont need a man who will just marry for me for my complexion ..WORD!!!,,they tell us to  use lemon ,turmeric,or any of those fucking homemade remedies so that you can become fair.God why dont society  just  accept you for you are,they just  increase your goddamn  insecurities ,that you just dont feel proud  about yourself  and dont realise the beautiful person you are....


well  to  all the people out there i just want  to say you are beautiful,you are strong,you are a wonderful soul,and no one in this world  can take it from you,the only reason why people judge us is because we are insecure about are self ,rather we should prove them wrong by showing them that we love ourselves ….

32. Reply
Everything Everything
" @Eva Attocknie  light is also beautiful ,and so is dark ,the issue goes wrong when one color tries to be superior over other colors ,I appreciate light as I do to dark

33. Sweta Mohapatra
"I can feel you girl. I used to hate my skin tone too, but after watching the influence of people in colour in western pop culture, made me feel proud of myself too, now when my mom told me to use this or that to look fair, I proudly say I don't need anything, I am good just the way I am. And to say, I am just yellowish tone, can't even imagine what girls with even darker skin tone face regularly."

34. Lisa
"omg, i never knew that.... that's so sad... beauty has no color. everyone in the world should know this. school need to educate small children so they will learn to love all colors

35. mxd-asian1990
"@Smokey the Kidd  Actually this is not just the case with india, its the same in all of south asia and also southeast asia, AND south china (the ppl there are mainly on the brown or even very darkbrown skintone side, unlike east/northern chinese ppl). Thailand is the only non colonized country in southeast asia ,still they have the same mindset as indians do about lighter skin. Theres several reasons why they think light skin is better."

36.  DIY with Cassie
"My Indian sister our brown skin rocks. Never hate who you are. The darker the berry the sweeter the juice. Love you"

37. Silky Walia
"Not at all happening in India, most population is black here, plus many of stars are brown colour, so stop spreading this for India. Also South state is utmost over-proud of there color and they ain’t letting anyone discriminate. Don’t know which part of India you reside in

38. so fetch
"@Sayantani Bhattacharjee.  Do you live in India? I am from New Delhi which is the capital of the country. Have you seen any Indian movie? Advertisements? IT IS ALLL OVER INDIA are you kidding me. The pressure to be light skinned is much more on the girls than it is on the boys. And mind you I never even realised that I was dark skinned untill i started got bullied by kids in school (6 th grade) for being dark skinned. Then i realised how it was everywhere. The media, advertisements... literally everywhere. It is a problem in

India, and it is because of oblivious people like you that it cant be brought up to the forefront. I guess ignorance is bliss in your case"

39. s.
"Same in bangladesh. As one of the darkest girls in my class I feel you."

40. so fetch
"... I am from northern part of the India. Which I think is even worse because majority of the people here are light skinned"

41. Deborah Vieira
"so fetch Isn’t it sad that we in America think we are the only black people going through this hatred the the Europeans has spread all over the world. How can one people who are in the minority of the world do so much damage to the majority of colored peoples. From Africa to India."

Samriddhi Soperna
To the people saying this song isn't for South Asian people, there's literally South Asian girls in this song and it's titled "Brown Skin Girl"

To all my brown and black women, stay winning!🥺"



43. ahqnaaa
"I cried when she included a south Asian girl, she understands us better than

The soceity 🥺"

44. Shasthra Jayakody
"I'm dark and I'm from Sri Lanka 💞"

pretty B
"It's so sad how our own countries don't want to show our real skin tone."

46. 101 4ever
"I am from south east asia and my moms grandfather had really dark color not like the others in my moms family and i got it from him and i'm proud😏"

"As a brown skinned Indian humiliated because Indians have this standard that pale and fair skinned is beautiful. The fairness inducing cosmetic industry is a billion dollar industry even though the majority of Indians are not 'pale' or 'fair'. Even in matrimonial adds, we see men demanding 'fair skinned brides' with poor representation of dark skinned women in the film industry. Racism need not be between two different races, internal racism is a thing where people put down their own people"
This comment was written in bold font on that discussion thread.

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