Edited by Azizi Powell
This is Part I of a two part pancocojams series on the March 2020 Hip Hop track "Corona Clap" by Dee-1.
Part I showcases the video of that track and presents its lyrics. Information about that song and explanations about some of its lyrics are also given in this post.
Click https://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2020/04/corona-clap-by-dee-1-part-ii-youtube.html for Part II of this pancocojams series. Part II showcases the YouTube video "Corona Clap" by Dee-1 and presents some comments from that video's discussion thread.
The content of this post is presented for health education, entertainment, and aesthetic purpose.
All copyrights remain with their owners.
Thanks to Dee-1 and all those who are associated with this song and video. Thanks also to all those who are quoted in this post and thanks to the publisher of this video on YouTube.
SHOWCASE VIDEO- CORONA CLAP - Dee-1 - (Music Video) (Dir. by Daniel IV)
Dee1music, Mar 20, 2020
Learn more about Coronavirus" https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html
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1, 2, 3, 4, bust it
Remix, remix, remix
I got them squirts for the low
I got them squirts for the low
Corona, Corona
Dee-1, look
[Chorus 1]
Where Italy at? USA at?
Canada, China, we don't play that
This that corona clap
This that corona clap
I said I'm tryna stay safe woadie, please believe
But that corona make it hard for a player to breath
Don't wash your hands, you might catch woadie then you are stuck
Right now them tickets to Jamaica only 15 bucks
I'm tryna quarantine myself, I'm staying inside
The NBA cancelled on me, man I'm feeling deprived
I'm out of toilet paper but they ain't got none in the store
Man that corona wild, you can't wipe your butt no more
And ain't no more school for students, it's just classes online
[?] about to have their graduation on FaceTime
Man they trying to cancel God, I can't go into church
Got hand sanitizle on deck and I'm selling squirts
My concerts getting cancelled man I'm really so drove
But if you start coughing around me I'm walking clean out the door
I'm telling all my people stay home, it's real, that's real
Don't play with that coronavirus man, cool out and just chill
[Chorus 2]
Where France at? Where Spain at?
Africa, Philippines, we don't play that
This that corona clap
Where Japan at? Where Brazil at?
Mexico, let 'em know, we don't feel that
This that corona clap
This that corona clap
Man y'all be safe, man
Y'all stay inside, dog
Don't let that corona get you, dog
You heard me, it's your boy Dee-1
Mission vision all day
[Mayor LaToya Cantrell Sample]
This is, in fact, a crisis, make no mistake about that. This is real. And we’re asking everyone to pay full attention
Source: https://genius.com/Dee-1-corona-clap-lyrics
Here's some information about this song from that page:
About "Corona Clap"
Dee-1’s “Corona Clap” is about the resulting in the 2019–20 coronavirus CODVID-19 pandemic. The song is a remix of the New Orleans anthem “Nolia Clap” by U.T.P. “Corona Clap” has been tweeted by a few New Orleans government officials, like Mayor LaToya Cantrell & Mitch Landrieu.
"Corona Clap"
Written By Dee-1
Release Date: March 17, 2020
Remix Of: Nolia Clap by U.T.P
Several commenters in the YouTube discussion thread for "Corona Clap" wrote that this is a remix of "Nolia Clap" and that "Nolia clap" was named after the housing development (projects; government managed low income housing) called "Magnolia Housing Projects" in New Orleans, Louisiana.
(given in no particular order and numbered for referencing purposes only)
1. "I got them squirts for the low" - I have some squirted sanitizer for the palms of the hands
2. "Where Italy at? USA at?" (and other nations) - Instead of asking for the actual locations of these nations, these questions are calls (commands, requests) for people to give a shout out to their nation of origin or to where they are living now.
When someone writes "[nation or city/region] where you at?" on certain YouTube discussion threads. people from that place "sign in" (write their names or their nation's name). For one example of a pancocojams "nation signing in" post, click http://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2019/04/nation-signing-in-comments-from-youtube.html for the April 2019 pancocojams post entitled "Nation Signing In" Comments From The YouTube Video Discussion Thread For "Eloko Oyo" by Fally Ipupa"
3. Woadie
From https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Woadie
Def: Term of endearment, usually platonic, between ghetto-ites. Originally slang for "Wardie", which is slang for someone living in a certain Ward, or district in the inner city, woadie has been popularized by Southern Rappers in the past few years.
e.g. What's up woadie? What you got on my forty?
by Doombot October 20, 2003
4. dog- a colloquial, usually positive or neutral term for a male similar to man or dude
5. "We don't play that; we don't feel that" - both of these sayings mean the same thing, that people (in the nations mentioned) aren't interested in (don't want to be involved with, don't want to get) "that". In the context of the Corona Clap" track, "that" means "the coronavirus".)
6. "I'm selling squirts" - selling squirts from a bottle of hand sanitizer
7. I'm really so drove - I'm really angry, upset, ready to act out -perhaps from the American idiom "being driven [to do something] Click https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=drove for a 2007 list of urban dictionary entries for "drove" that include "crazy", "funny", "silly", "actin a fool" and more.
8. "I'm walking clean out the door" (clean out" means [walking] completely (all the way) out of the door; another way of saying this is "I'm walking right out the door"
9. "cool out and chill" - both mean don't get angry or upset. The vernacular meanings of these verbs are the opposite of "getting hot (angry) about something or someone". However "Let's chill" can also mean "let's relax". Therefore, the line "cool out and chill" in this rap probably means "Don't get angry or upset. Just relax".
This could also be given as "chill and cool out.
10. "The NBA cancelled on me" -the National Basketball Association (NBA) cancelled its season because of the coronavirus.
11. Got hand sanitizle on deck = I've got [a bottle of] hand sanitizer close to me.
The "izle" (izzle) ending is a form of "Pig Latin" which was re-introduced in Hip Hop recordings by Snoop Dog (who is erroneously credited with its creation in the article quoted below):
" "izzle A suffix added onto the first sound in a word. The word "sure" becomes "shizzle" by adding -izzle to the sound "sh." "Book" can become "bizzle", "fork" becomes "fizzle" etc. This slang most likely originates with hip-hop artist Snoop Dogg. Last edited on Nov 05 2001. Submitted by Philippe B. from Flagstaff, AZ, USA on Nov 05 2001." From http://onlineslangdictionary.com/meaning-definition-of/-izzle Submitted by Philippe B. from Flagstaff, AZ, USA on Nov 05 2001.
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