
Wednesday, February 26, 2020

YouTube Videos About African American Jalaiah Harmon Teenager Finally Getting Credit & Recognition For Creating The Viral Hip Hop Dance "Renegade"

Edited by Azizi Powell

This is Part II of a two part pancocojams series about the viral Hip Hop dance "Renegade" as an example of how White people profit off of Black creativity.

Part II of this series showcases a video of the Hip Hop song "Lottery" which is the record used for the "Renegade dance. Part II also showcases some videos about Jalaiah Harmon's finally receiving credit for creating the Renegade dance after a number of White cultural influencers on TikTok have profited off of that dance.

Selected comments from one of these video's discussion threads are included in this post.

Click of this series. Part I presents information about how the experience of Jalaiah Harmon, the African American teenager who created the viral Hip Hop dance "Renegade" finally is getting some credit for her creative work.

The content of this post is presented for socio-cultural purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to Jalaiah Harmon for her creativity. Thanks to K Camp for his Hip Hop song "Lottery" ("Renegade"). t Thanks also to all those who are quoted in this post and all those who are featured in these videos. Thanks to the publishers of these videos and vlogs on YouTube.
Click for the closely related pancocojams post "Information About The Woah Dance & YouTube Examples Of That Dance"

Video #1: K Camp - Lottery (Renegade) (Official Video)

K Camp, Jun 20, 2019

Listen to Lottery from the album "Wayy 2 Kritical".
This official video for K Camp's Hip Hop song "Lottery" ("Renegade") was produced and published before the Jalaiah Harmon created her "Renegade" dance and thus before that dance was modified on Tiktok as "the Renegade Challenge".

Click for the lyrics for this song.

Warning: The lyrics for this song includes the word "bi&tch" and the word "ho".

Video #2: Original ‘Renegade’ Jalaiah Dances with tWitch! [Jailah dancing "Renegade" on The Ellen Show]

TheEllenShow, Feb 20, 2020

The biggest dance trend on the internet right now is called “The Renegade,” and a 14-year-old named Jalaiah choreographed the viral dance. She not only took the stage to dance with tWitch, she also chatted with Ellen and received a very special gift made just for her!
Here are selected comments from this video's discussion thread (with numbers added for referencing purposes only).

All these comments are from Feb 20, 2020 through Feb. 26, 2020
1. M m
"She’s literally the reasons so many tik tokers are famous, she deserves this and more, so talented"

2. maya b.
"Totally, she deserves so much more .. and she does it the best!"

3. Liam
"If it wasn’t for charli the dance wouldn’t be famous. (edit): the girl deserves the attention but charli still made the dance famous. (another edit): for the people who are saying charli only got famous because of the dance, you’re wrong. She had around 1 million followers before she posted the dance."

4. Grxcie
"Liam Charli got most of her attention from Jalaiah’s dance."

5. Eva Pack
"Liam True, but this girl should still get her credit"

6. Oceane Camile
"Maybe tiktokers got famous because of the dance but the dance wouldn't have been famous without the tiktokers"

7. zion- x -mxchelle
"@Liam if it wasn't for jalaiah the dance wouldn't exist which means charli wouldn't have made it famous"

8. VisionGirl News
"@zion- x -mxchelle Exactly, I concur..Its so humorous that Charli had the nerve to steal a dance that she couldn't even duplicate right😆"

9. Roonster
"@_xjahxsehx_ Charli wouldn't be anywhere without her dance so don't even make it look like Charli helped her get to Ellen. Charli stole all the moments and opportunities from her because everyone invites Charli for renegade although she's just doing a cover from someone else's choreography."

10. Chanel Gold
"Oceane Camile the dance wouldn’t have even existed with her. so without HER dance, those tik tokers wouldn’t even be as big as they are. so once again, everything goes back to JALAIAH. she’s getting the credit she most absolutely deserves. if someone stole your dance and got famous and getting paid and given life changing opportunities off of YOUR dance without giving you credit while you got nothing, you’d be mad and you know it."

11. CA_Gizelle
"@Liam because shes pretty, white, & made a watered down, gentrified "version" of it"

12. Irene An
"I mean it's not exactly the same dance that Charlie does but anyways Charlie got the idea from her and she should've credited her"

13. Addalyn Wooldrik
"IM SPRITE bro exactly my point!! this girl was making it complicated for people to remember, Charli just made it a lot easier for people. And yes if it wasn’t for her y’all wouldn’t know this girl"

14. Bruno NotMars
"Good thing Ellen brought her and not Charli, this girl needs the Hype, she made the dance"

15. Khadija Guled
"So glad she’s finally getting her recognition as the og renegade dancer"
"og" = "original"

16. Daniel 0220
"Khadija Guled you say “finally” like you been knew it was her"

17. Melissa Stani
"Fr.I actually thought it was charli.😂"
"Fr" = "for real"

18. KawaiiAsEmmie

19. katelynn Vargas
SHE DESERVES IT unlike others..."

20. No U
"Dunno how this is so hyped, I've seen so much more dances that deserved more hype but people be people and copy this"

21. Prpuñeta
"About time she got her spot light everybody doing her dance go girl"

22. TF10 alicia
"Prpuñeta I mean if you think about it no one was doing HER dance they were all doing charlis and tik toks remake of it"

23. Prpuñeta
"TF10 alicia um well to tell you the true this little girl did the dance before Charlie and Charlie then did it so yea it is her dance because it’s her Chorography"

24. •That one short kid•
"Prpuñeta no, they said Charli mashed it up, as you can see Jalaiah did way more movements and actually created the base, but Charli I guess changed up some of it and that got famous"

25. kxllstx
"TF10 alicia
u mean they were doing the white washed version of her dance."

26. angelynn brianna
"TF10 alicia renegade wouldn’t have happened without jalaiah so idk what else to tell u"

27, Prpuñeta
"•That one short kid• she did the whole dance and Charlie did her dance with her own movement because that’s what you do put your style into a dance but this little girl created it that not the only dance Charlie has said she made up and then other people before her did it"

28. ItsWelli
"ℝ𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥, 𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕝𝕚 𝕥𝕠𝕠𝕜 𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕤𝕡𝕠𝕥𝕝𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥"

29. who cares
"@TF10 alicia Charlie didn't remake it tho"

30. Cee Jay
"@TF10 alicia Its sad that ppl like you were raised to think this is OK. You are a product of a society that says its OK to TAKE TAKE & TAKE more from ppl who 'don't matter' You feel emboldened to make such an ignorant comment which further confirms that you were raised NOT to pay homage where homage is due. Some would call this Stealing. For arguments sake, I digress.

31. Bella Nicole
"She deserves this AND MORE. Have you seen how much gigs and publicity the two girls were getting before Jalaiah publicly claimed her place as the originator of this dance? Can't wait to see what the future holds for her!"

32. Rose Xx
"Who claimed to create the dance?"

33. Sarah
"@Rose Xx doesn't matter, they dont deserve more online traffic for this tbh. They did try doing damage control once it all came to light but Jalaiah was saying for MONTHS she made this dance"

34. Rose Xx
"Sarah can you just tell me? Otherwise it cab come across like what you're saying is false."

35. Tea Doll
"Rose Xx charli damelio (probably spelt it wrong) and this girl named Addison they didn’t claim it but they got a lot of opportunities off of it so technically they didn’t claim it but they also didn’t deny it"

36. MzzThang
"@Tea Doll they didnt claim they didnt create it tho and if they recieved money because ppl believed they originated it is wrong and that is stealing and plagiarism"

37. Gezel !
"she created ONE 15 second dance, you guys are being dramatic. the famous tik tokers make way more than one 15 second dance and work wayyy harder than her. “Can’t wait to see what the future holds for her”- HAHAH"

38. Lin Pristell
"@Gezel ! Those two white girls, are the perfect example, of white people having a history of stealing from Black people and profiting off of them. It took her 5-10 minutes and multiple tries to perfect the dance and only 5 seconds for two white girls to come along and get credited for her work 🙄"

39. Meme Boi
"infiniteHames XD charli didn’t steal the the dance some other dude on TikTok stole it she was doing a trend she didn’t know who made the dance:

40. Fantabulous Meera
"@Gezel ! Oh wait-
It's actually more than a minute! So that's x4 of Charli D'amelio's effort. Charli Copied the dance and made it easier for herself, while Jalaiah used her unique style and killed it!"

41. Lora Reyn
"Bella Nicole i just wanted to mention that they did not claim her place , they never said they were the creators, and they credited her eventually so .."

42. derty QWERTY42
"Nobody remembers this dance.. it is going to bw forgotten in 2 months for a new better one people remember.. this girl is good but the dance is basic as basic can be"

43. Coco C
"infiniteHames XD don’t worry not all white people are like that I don’t like Addison or Charlie and I think it’s so wrong that they got clout from her dance"

44. 1pimpafro
"@Rose Xx A white girl tried to claim she created the dance. Another culture vulture, but we set the story straight."

45. Lauren Cameron
"Tea Doll If they didn’t deny it that leaves everything open to interpretation so they claimed it by default 🤷🏾‍♀‍"

46. Lauren Cameron
"Gezel ! rrriiigghhttt! Whatever helps you sleep at night! Those girls gained hundreds of thousands of dollars “not denying” they were the originators of their dance but sure, it’s no big deal! 😂😂😂😂😂😂"

47. appleheadsPYT
"infiniteHames XD they actually didn’t steal it , a black guy did and didn’t credit jalaiah lol"

48. Sandra Ho
"you shouldn't JUST on charli and addison because 1. they never claimed it was theirs 2. they DIDINT steal the dance from Jalaiah, they didn't know it was hers because the person who posted it on tiktok first without giving credit to Jalaiah was @global.jones"

49. Sadaf Zadan
"I think Charli got a lot of opportunities and her TIL too blew up cause of this dance and the other girl Addison, I saw online she was holding classes (paid classes) to teach people the Dance!"

50. Heather
"Well, basically they changed the moves a bit to fit more TikTok and made it shorter. But yes, they have no right to claim to og."

51. Leena
"You do realize that these TikTokers don’t make these dances most of them originate off of Dubsmash and the “hard work” they are doing is just copying trends and dances. It’s obvious you’re not a creator or artist in anyway because you’d understand how damaging not giving credit or acknowledging a persons work is"

Video #3: ORIGINAL "RENEGADE" Dance Creator FINALLY Gets Her Credit for Her Viral Dance FULL STORY

GoldenBaby, Feb 18, 2020

Heeeeey babies. Today we're going to get into this story about Jalaiah Harmon and how she created the biggest viral dance out right now, but had her credit was given to someone else named Charli D'Amelio and she missed out on possible opportunities. Watch the whole video to get the full story!

✨Thanks for watching ✨

This concludes Part II of this pancocojams series.

Thanks for visiting pancocojams.

Visitor comments are welcome.

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