Tuesday, March 17, 2015

List Of Chants & Songs from Historically Black Fraternities & Sororities (G - J)

Edited by Azizi Powell

Latest Update: June 16, 2024

This is the third page of a seven page alphabetical collection of chants and songs from historically Black Greek letter organizations (BGLOS).

This page includes examples beginning with G-J.
http://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2015/03/examples-of-historically-black.html for Numbers to B

http://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2015/03/examples-of-historically-black_16.html for C-F

http://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2015/03/examples-of-historically-black_14.html for K-N

http://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2015/03/examples-of-historically-black_53.html for O-R

http://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2015/03/examples-of-historically-black_75.html for S-V

http://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2015/03/examples-of-historically-black_65.html for W-Z

The majority of these chants are from the nine university based, historically Black Greek fraternities and sororities that are informally referred to as "the Divine Nine". Click http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Pan-Hellenic_Council for information about the fraternities and sororities which are referred to by this term.

Examples in this compilation that are given without attribution are from visitors to my now retired cultural website cocojams.com.

The content of this post is presented for folkloric and cultural purposes.

Thanks to all those organizations whose chants and songs are featured in this collection. Also, thanks to all those who directly contributed examples of these chants & songs to my now retired website.

DISCLAIMER: This series is not meant to be a complete list of Black Greek letter organization chants and songs.

More information about these examples and additional selected examples of historically Black Greek organization chants, songs, and culture can be found in other pancocojams posts which can be assessed by clicking the tags found below.

Note: Greek letter organization chants should only be recited or performed by persons who are affiliated with the specific organization from which the chant comes.

Examples with the same title or first line are given in relative chronological order based on their posting date, their retrieval online or collection date by me, or the date that I recall learning or hearing the examples.

G, H

Give me that Old Alpha Spirit
Give me that Old Alpha Spirit
Give me that oooooooold Alpha Spirit.
It's good enough for me.

It was good for Brother [insert Jewel las t name]*
It was good for Brother [insert Jewel las t name]*
It was gooooood for Brother [insert Jewel last name]*
It's good enough for me.
-Brian A Jackson; Alpha Phi Alpha collection; permission granted to post on Cocojams.com 3/20/2010
This song was musically inspired by the African American Spiritual "Give Me That Old Time Religion".

Go Down, Brother
Way down to Egypt Land

Tell the people
The light has come.

(Back in 06)
Back in 06
Many years ago

7 Black men
Couldn't take no more

They professed to have seen the light
The Light Of The World

They journed to
The motherland

Where they crossed
Those burning sands

Marching onward
They had to see

Just what
The end would bring
(What the end would bring)
-Brian A. Jackson Alpha Phi Alpha collection, permission granted to post on Cocojams.com, 3/20/2010
The first part of this chant or song was inspired by the African American Spiritual "Go Down Moses". "The motherland" either refers to Africa or ancient Egypt.


Uploaded by M3trisjm92 on Apr 11, 2011

Claflin University
Spr. 11' Yard Show
This video documents several Greek chants, including
1. 06 - Alpha Phi Alpha [the year that organization was founded]
2. 08 - Alpha Kappa Alpha [the year that organization was founded]
3. What is a Delta [Delta Sigma Theta]

Other commenters on this video's discussion thread mention that there were no Kappas or Zetas and that "the Iotas blasted the Sigmas". (blasted = really talked [bad] about that organization.)

He's not your brother,

He's not your frat.

You're not related,

So stop all that

If you weren't founded

One by the other,

He's not your bro, he's not your frat, he's not your brother.

If you wear red, (OOOOO-OOOOPs)

And he wears gold (Q-Bark)

He's not your brother

Haven't you been told?

If you do this (Sigma Rho sign)

And he does that (Kappa sign)

He's not your brother, he's not your bro, he's not your frat.

If you're a pearl, (skeee-wee)

And he's a jewel, (06)

He's not your brother,

You silly fool

We're here to tell you

One simple fact

That we're the sorors

That have true frat.


This is a Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc chant. The chant mocks other sororities that claim that a particular fraternity are their brothers. Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc is only historically Black Greek letter sorority that is constitutionally bounded to a brother fraternity, Sigma Phi Beta Fraternity Inc.

Source: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2201099269&ref=nf [As of August 24, 2016, this link is no longer active or may now be private. I retrieved this chant on that date from http://www.indiana.edu/~f351jmcd/greeklore.html#megan. That website includes examples of songs, chants, and other folk cultural material from and customs of (mostly predominately White) fraternities and sororities at Indiana University.

Hey you sorors over there
With your noses up in the air
If you feel it like a soror
Say it like a soror
-PrettyPhenomenal; http://www.stophazing.org/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=7;t=000243, 10/02/2005
This is an Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority chant. It was posted to that stomphazing.org discussion thread as part of an ongoing contentious conversation between members of AKA and members of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. It's possible that this is a clip from a longer chant.

The post started with a comment about "passing the mirror". "Passing the mirror" is a familiar Alpha Kappa ALpha pantomime action that is done during their step routines. A soror holds up a pretend mirror or passing a pretend mirror to another AKA soror (member) so that they can fix their hair or makeup or just reflect on how pretty they look. Read my comment about AKAs imitating holding a mirror in version #2 of the chant "In 1908". Also, see a reference to "noses up in the air" (as a sign of being conceited") in version #4 of "This Is A Serious Matter" in the "T" page of this series.

Soror over there,
with your nose up in the air!
to cute to be a DST, somebody say Skee Wee!!!

This is my pinkie (hold up pinkie)
And this is my hand (hold out hand)
It's just like an AKA to take your man

You're mad about your boyfriend
And that's no lie
It takes a real ALPHA Woman to keep him satisfied

So get yourself together and put your man on a leash because he'd rather be with beauty (sorors hold up your pinkie)

Than to be with the beast!
(sorors do the Delta's hand sign upside down. Should be an upside down triangle)

-soulforealAKA; ttp://www.stophazing.org/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=7;t=000243, 10-24-2005
This is a Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. diss chant directed toward their arch rival sorority Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.

The lyric "to cute to be a DST" should read "too cute"...
["Skee Wee is the AKA call"; doing the Delta Sigma Theta hand signal wrong on purpose as a diss… the actual Delta's sign is a triangle made with both hands;
"Soror" means "sorority sister", an AKA holding up her pinky is part of that sorority's hand sign]

Hiro Hiro-o Hip ah ray
Hiro Hiro-o Hip ah ray.

Sad and lonely girls are we
Working-ing striving for to see
Alpha Kappa Al-alpha light
Working striving day-ay and night
Oh hiro hiro
Oh hip ah ray
Oh hiro hiro
Oh hip ah ray
-Azizi Powell, New Jersey; AKA pledge song (Gamma Zeta Chapter, New Jersey, 1967)
"Hiro Hiro" is a pledge song that I remember from pledging Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc (AKA) Gama Zeta chapter in New Jersey, 1967. "Hiro" is pronounced "High Row". I don't think it means anything. AKA pledges were called 'Ivies" [because the official plant of Alpha Kappa Alpha,Sorority, Inc. is an ivy. I believe there are other verses to this song, but I can't remember them. We performed a 'step routine' while singing this song in a program with other fraternities and sororities (We wore pink and green dresses of course!)

Ohh I can’t slow down when Sigma comes to town
I can’t let go… that Sigma Gamma Rho
Ohh how sweet the beat it knocks me off of my (foot tap 2x) feet
I can’t let go that Sigma Gamma Rho
S-I-G-M-A GA-M-M-A R-H-O that Sigma Gamma Rho
-http://ms_quiet.tripod.com/chants.html, retreived on 12/8/2012

I said “Ooh it's cold in here”.
I said “There must be some Alphas in the atmosphere”.
I said “Ooh it's cold in here”.
I said “There must be some Alphas in the atmosphere”
It’s like ice ice ice,
too cold too cold.
Ice ice ice,
the black and gold
Ice ice ice,
too cold too cold.
Ice ice ice.
Ice ice ice,
too cold too cold.
Ice ice ice,
the black and gold.
-transcription from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EajhKrRrlpk Alpha Phi Alpha stepping , video uploaded in 2009

Here's that video which shows two Alphas chanting a version of "Ice Ice Too Cold Too Cold" and other chants:

Alpha Phi Alpha stepping

Uploaded by sarkazm69 on Mar 19, 2009

Alpha's from Mu Chi, Gamma Xi and orgs. from Dominguez Hills spoke about college, education and the future to H.S. students.
Comments about the "Ice Ice Too Cold Too Cold" chant:
"Ice Ice Ice Too Cold Too Cold" is a signature Alpha chant (Alpha Phi Alpha, Inc.). The "black and gold" refers to that fraternity's colors. Vanilla Ice recorded "Ice Ice Baby" in 1989 and that record became a hit in 1990. However, the Alpha's "Ice Ice Baby" chant definitely predates that Vanilla Ice song as demonstrated by the fact that an Alpha step team chanted "Ice Ice Baby" in the 1988 Spike Lee movie School Daze.

Other references to this chant can be found in Keyes, Cheryl L (2004). "Blending and Shaping Styles: Rap and Other Musical Voices". Rap Music and Street Consciousness. University of Illinois Press. p. 107. ISBN 0252072014 and Fine, Elizabeth Calvert (2003). "The Cultural Politics of Step Shows". Soulstepping: African American Step Shows. University of Illinois Press. p. 145. ISBN 0252024753.

Also, read the related example entitled "We Are The Ice Cold Brothers From APHIA" in the "W" page for a chant from that same video which includes the "ice ice baby" phrase.
I received the following email on October 8, 2012 from [Alpha Phi Alpha member] Charles K. that indicated that Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.'s "Ice Ice, baby" has its origin in the poem "Excelsior" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow.

Here's what Charles K sent me:
"Excelsior! (poem)

"ICE, ICE, BABY..." | "Ever Higher", "Onward and Upward"

The shades of night were falling fast,
As through an Alpine village passed
A youth, who bore,
'mid snow and ice,
A banner with the strange device,Excelsior!

Tribute to the Divine Nine

APA (1906)
I'm glad to have received this information. But I'm hoping that Charles or someone else would share when [what decade] the "snow and ice" phrase became the "ice ice baby/too cold too cold" saying. Thanks in advance!
Here's a portion of an email that I received on July 27, 2014 from Lawrence C. Ross, Jr.
author: The Divine Nine: The History of African American Fraternities and Sororities
"You asked if the "Ice Ice Baby" predated 1989 ... and it most certainly did. Way before. It comes from our founder Vertner Woodson Tandy talking about Alphas needing to fight, and even if hell freezes over, "We'll fight on the ice." And from there, you get the evolution to Ice Ice Baby."
Thanks, Lawrence!
For those who aren't aware of this book, The Divine Nine: The History of African American Fraternities and Sororities is a must reading for anyone interested in the history of historical Black Greek lettered organizations.
The chant "Brr It's Cold In Here" that is performed in the first Bring It On! cheerleading movies is based in part on the Alphas "Ice Ice Too Cold Too Cold" chant.

I DIDN'T KNOW (Example #1)
I was looking for the name of this but I kouldn't find it. This is the chant a Brother from "O.G." gave us:

Brothers.....I don't know,
I don't know if I can make it into Kappa Alpha Psi....
Big Brother said we couldn't make it, Huhhh....
but we got a big surprise....
We're gonna cross those burning sands,
We're gonna make into Kappa Alpha Psi....
-K_I_A NUPE (Tampa, FL); http://www.greekchat.com/gcforums/showthread.php?t=99226&page=2"
Kappa Stroller Chants; 1/8/2009
*I used that phrase as the title, but I don't know if that is the real title of this chant.

I DIDN'T KNOW (Example #2)
[In response to another blogger's comment that he didn't know that that was a national chant]

We did the same chant as scrollers down here @GL with a few substituted words. (Gamma Lamda) Huston-Tillotson University.

Scrollers..I don't know,
I don't know if we can make it over...
Scrollers, I don't know if we can make it into Kappa Alpha Psi..
OHHHHHHHH, if we can make it into Kappa Alpha Psi...
Big Brother said, we wouldn't make it but we got a big suprise..
we're going to cross those burning sands alive,
we're going to make it into Kappa Alpha Psi"
-Kappachino3Klub; http://www.greekchat.com/gcforums/showthread.php?t=99226&page=2,Kappa Stroller Chants; 1/8/2009
Notice the use of "K" in this blogger's screen name instead of the "c".

"Stroller songs" are songs that Kappa "pledges" sing before they "cross the burning sands" and become actual members of that faternity or sorority.

I didn't want to be no AKA
I didn't want an affiliation with A Phi A
And if you look at me, I aint no DST
I didn't want Omega Psi Phi to be barking at me
Don't need no Kappa boy looking cuter than me
And KKI aint no sorority
Iota Phi Theta came a little too late
And Sigma Gamma Rho, what can we say
I need a Phi Beta Sigma who can handle me
Cos only blue and white is a TRUE FAMILY

Z-Phi! By Spring '06 Unbreakable Line Copyright KE©

Zeta Phi Beta and Phi Beta Sigma are the only official, constitutionally bound, brother/sister organizations in the Pan-hellenic Council. A little information: 1.A member of Phi Beta Sigma helped found Zeta Phi Beta 2.We share the same colors of Royal Blue and Pure White, and symbol - the dove 3.Our letters together form Zeta Phi Beta Sigma 4.When Sigma's "Blue Phi" Zeta's "So Sweet" in reply 5.We call each other Frat and Soror 6.Don't be fooled by other who imitate the first and ONLY family!
-Nikki ZKA ExquiZite #3 - Spring 2003 ; 5/4/2007
AKA = Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc ; A Phi A = Alpha Phi Alphi Fraternity, Inc ; Kappa = Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, Inc, and Iota = Iota Phi Theta Fraternity, Inc. These organizations along with Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity and Zeta Phi Beta Sorority are the nine historically Black Greek letter (college/university based) organizations that are comprise the National Pan-Hellenic Council. These BGLO (Black Greek letter organizations) are colloquially referred to as "the Divine Nine".

This chant references the images, customs, and opinions that this sorority (and others) have about the various sororities and fraternities mentioned. Omega Psi Phi's members call themselves "Que Dogs", their signature call is a dog's barl (Woof Woof!); Kappas promote the image of themselves as handsome men; "KKI aint no sorority" ?? (I'm not familiar with this organization); "Iota Phi Theta came a little too late" refers to the fact that this organization was just newly founded; and "Sigma Gamma Rho, what can we say" means that that Zetas don't have anything good to say about the Sigma Gamma Rho sorority or its members.

I don’t mind
bein on line.
I just want to be
a little sister to the Qs.
[someone in the background or a member of the little sister pledge group yells out] Q!

(repeat as many times as you are directed to)
-a member of Q Pearl, {East Coast, USA}
1990s; posted by Azizi, 12/05
I collected this chant/song from an African American woman who attended an East Coast university that had mostly White students. During her attendance at that university, there were two different little sister groups, a few members of two Black Greek letter fraternities and two Black Greek letter sororities. Another African American woman who attended that same university five years after the first woman said that while she was at that school, the same fraternities and sororities were active on campus, but no little sister groups were active there at all.

This song was sung by Q Pearl pledges. "Q Pearl" is one name for the little sister group to the Omega Psi Phi fraternity, Inc. Another name for this little sister group is "Q Essense". "Q" ("Ques") is an informal referent for members of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc.

“Bein[g] on line” is a term that was used to describe the pledge process that hopefully will end with you being accepted as a member of the organization. A new member of a sorority, fraternity, or little sister group is called a “neo”, short for “neophyte”.

Note: since 1990 pledging/hazing (being on line) is considered to be illegal for Black Greek Letter Organizations. instead, new members of these organizations are supposed to only go through a membership process which largely consists of learning the history of the organization, and being involved in community projects. However, many members of BGLO indicate that pledging still occurs "underground". There can be very serious consequences to individuals and chapters who pledge underground.

I heard the word
The word was grand
Right now you're standing on IOTA LAND

I saw the light
It blinded me

A THETA MAN is what I've got to be

WHO'S Ever-Lovin' PHI?


Weeeellll, if you love it like a Theta Man
Say it like a Theta Man

-Guest Ill IOTA (Upsilon Chapter "THE U" at Southern Illinois University); 5/11/2009;
http://mudcat.org/thread.cfm?threadid=103135&messages=46 "Fraternity & Sorority Chants"

(Gamma Iota Chapter Traditional Song, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.)

I know I've been changed
I know I've been changed
I know I've been changed
The big brothers done changed my name.

On this Alpha train
On this Alpha train
I've been pledgin and I'll never be the same
Sons of Alpha are we
One in love and charity
Let our thought of sadness fly
For our own, our Alpha Phi.
Courage brothers banded we
All through life 'till eternity.
Let our hearts in* joyous praise
Sing of Alpha through endless days.

Way down in the jungle deep
Burning sands scorching my feet
Pyramids touching the sky
I'm pledgin' Alpha till the day I die
Been on line pledgin' for days
Put aside my selfish ways
Feel it deep down in my soul
My butt is burnin' and I want to be ice cold.
Own my life, and take my pride
Wood me up on my backside
Pledge me anyway you can
For when I cross I'll be an Alpha man.
-Brian A. Jackson Alpha Phi Alpha collection; posted 4/18/2010
Because I was aware that "I Know I've Been Changed" is the title & chorus of an African American religious song, I contacted Brian A. Jackson to ask him if the song posted above was actually three different songs that were sung one right after the other. Mr. Jackson responded to my email with the following comments:
"I have not heard it nor sung it, but I believe that is the full song. Its a song that is sung while they are Sphinxmen so "On this Alpha train" refers to them being on the way to Alpha

Read it as - Let our Hearts, and joyous praise - (2 collective entities, our hearts and our joyous praise - both of them singing Alpha through endless days)

That is how I read it. It makes sense to me."
-end of quote-
In a previous email, in response to my question about the sources of these Alpha chants, Brian A. Jackson wrote that "Some of the "older" ones probably did come from other sources. I know many of them came from old Negro spirituals as well. Some came from the military also. We even had one called Beat #122. Where each section of the line had a different beat or chant.

For example: (on my line there were 16 of us)
#1 - #4 - had the cymbal part
#5 - #8 - would scream "This is BETA"
#9 - #12 - would scream "Pledge Alpha All Night Long"
#13 - #16 - would keep the baseline
I'm interested in knowing whether any members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. sung these words given above as three separate songs.


Zeta Phi Beta- Long Island Tribute

Uploaded on Dec 22, 2006

A tribute to my SOOO SWEEEEET Sorors of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, Long Island Undergraduate Chapters. "I'm not just a Zeta, I'm a LONG ISLAND Zeta!"
This sound file includes a series of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. songs including that a version of that sorority's "I Know I've Been Changed" (at .19 - 1.20)

An adapted version of "I Know I've Been Changed" is often sung as part of a sorority's or fraternity's probate (program). In the context of fraternities and sororities a "probate" (noun) is a program in which new members of that organization are first introduced to other members of the organization and to the general public. For instance, here's a comment from that Zeta Phi Beta sound file's viewer comment thread:
lover7gurl, 2011
"I Know I've Been Changed" is the song we came out on at my probate! I bleed blue and white!!! Z Phi to all of my sophisticated sorors!!!

Spr. 2010
Tre Club
Sigma Mu
Columbus, MS

I'll say it twice so you know what I mean,
I'm just too pretty for that pink and green,

cuz I ain't no acka-ack girrl
I ain't no acka-ack girl

Didn't want a line of 63,
so i couldn't settle for the crimson and creme,

cuz I ain't no DST girrl,
I ain't no DST girrl

I choose kittens over dogs,
so i can't get down with those yippin' broads,

cuz i ain't no sgRho girrl,
I ain't no sgRho girrl

ooooooh oooh

ooooooh oooh
-LejaLaMorena, http://www.stophazing.org/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=7;t=000243 , 09-29-2005
This is a Zeta Phi Beta sorority chant. "acka acka" refers to Alpha Kappa Alpha, DST refers to Delta Sigma Theta, and sgRho refers to Sigma Gamma Rho sororities.

I always liked...

I looked over Jordan, and what did I see
I saw Kappa Alpha Psi looking up at me
I said, "Tell me Nupe, what do you say?"
He said "Damn I shoulda pledged that A Phi A"
I looked over Jordan, and what did I see
I saw Omega Psi Phi looking up at me
I said tell me Que, to save your soul,
Why did you steal the PHI and Old Gold
I looked over Jordan, and what did I see
I saw Phi Beta Sigma looking up at me
I said "Tell me Blue, what do you see?"
"I see Alpha Phi Alpha shining brighter than me"
Cause we're the ICE COLD brothers of A Phi A
And pledging our frat is the only way!
-ColdFront06, http://www.stophazing.org/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=7;t=000243, Frat/Soror Chants, 9/28/2005

I love my A
I love my K
I love my AKA
Skee wee, Skee wee

I tell no lie
I tell you why
I didn't pledge Delta
Cuz Im overqualified

I tell no lie
I tell the truth
I didn't pledge Zeta
Cuz I'm to dayum cute
Oww Oww Oww, Skee wee
- Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Epsilon Sigma chapter http://orgs.tamu-commerce.edu/esig1908/chants.htm, Retrieved 3/7/2010

First soror: I like my "D"
In front of my "S".
Second soror: My "S" in front of my "T".
Third soror: In front.
First soror: In front.
It's the natural order of things.
It sounds SO good to me.
I love my DST.
Second soror: I like my "D" in front of my "S",
My "S" in front of my "T".
It sounds so good to me.
I love my "D".
Third & fourth soror: I like my "D" in front of my "S",
My "S" in front of my "T".
It looks so good to me.
I like I like I like my "S".
First soror:
I like my "S" in front of my "T"
No matter what you think,
It looks so good on me.
I like, I like, I like, I like my "T".

[clap routine]

Group: I like, I like, I like, I like.
I love, I love, I love, I love.
Gotta have, gotta have
my "D" in front of my "S",
My "S" in front of my "T".
It sounds so good to me.
I love my D.S.T.
I transcribed this from the video found below for the historical and folkloric record.
*"First soror", "second soror" refers to the order of speakers.
Additions and corrections are welcome for the historical record.

Here's that video:

I love my DST!!!

-BaDST07, Uploaded on Feb 8, 2008

The Tau Eta Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. represented their chapter very well during Brenau University's Winter Weekend Greek Sing. Sit back and relax while we tell you why we love DST!!!

Click http://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2013/01/delta-sigma-theta-sorority-i-love-my.html for a pancocojams post about this chant.

I love my S in front of my G
I love my G in front of my Rho
I love my S-G-Rho
I love it, I love it, I love it
- http://ms_quiet.tripod.com/chants.html, retrieved 12/8/2012
This is a Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. chant.

I Love my S in front of my G
My G in front of my RHO
I love it, I love it, I love it
I love my SGRHO
- EspeRHO, http://www.greekchat.com/gcforums/showthread.php?t=6876 , 02-22-2001,

I love my S in front of my G!
I love my G in front of my Rho!
I love my S-G-Rho!
Alright, Alright!
-Paragon1922 http://www.greekchat.com/gcforums/showthread.php?t=6876, 03-09-2001

i love my S in fronta my I
that G-M-A until i die
that GAMMA (pause)
- prettypoodle6, http://www.greekchat.com/gcforums/showthread.php?t=6876 , 02-25-2001
"Poodles" are the animal symbol (mascots) for Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. Members of that sorority often refer to themselves as "pretty poodles".

When I was just a little girl
My mama said to me
Listen to me daughter
A Zeta you will be

I said oh no mama
That ain't the way
Because Alpha Kappa Alpha is the only way
AKA, I'm going AKA
AKA, I'm going AKA

When I ws just a little girl
My mama said to me
Listen to me daughter
A Delta you will be

I said oh no mama
That ain't the way
Because Alpha Kappa Alpha is the only way
AKA, I'm going AKA
AKA, I'm going AKA

When I ws just a little girl
My mama said to me
Listen to me daughter
A Sigma you will be

I said oh no mama
That ain't the way
Because Alpha Kappa Alpha is the only way
AKA, I'm going AKA
AKA, I'm going AKA

When I ws just a little girl
My mama said to me
Listen to me daughter
An Alpha you will be

I said right on mama that's the way
AKA, I'm going AKA
AKA, I'm going AKA
- http://orgs.tamu-commerce.edu/esig1908/chants.html, Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Chants, Poems, and Songs Retrieved 4/18/2010

Are you really worthy
of the land of the purple and the gold?
Will you succeed?
Will you cross the burning sands?
Are you worthy?
It’s a long hard road to Omega.
Impress me.
- Anonymous, a note in a Q Pearl song book, Edinboro University, 1991, posted by Azizi Powell
This example, written as a note in a Q Pearl song book, suggest that pledges to Omega Psi Phi's little sister group, the Q Pearls (also known as Q Essense or other names elsewhere) learned at least some of the same songs & chants as pledges to Omega Psi Phi.

I'm pretty one time
I'm pretty twice
Those AKAs ain't nothin' nice

I'm pretty three times
I'm pretty four
I'll have your man beating down my door

I'm pretty five times
I'm pretty six
No other sorority can imitate this

I'm pretty seven times
I'm pretty eight
Even in my sleep I look great

I'm pretty nine times
I'm pretty ten.
You love me once, you'll love me again
- http://orgs.tamu-commerce.edu/esig1908/chants.html Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Chants, Poems, and Songs [Retrieved 4/18/2013)
Visit that site to read a number of examples of originally composed and "standard" Alpha Kappa Alpha, Inc songs, poems, and chants.

IN 1908 (Version #1)
In 1908 you thought you were the best
But my 22 founders wouldn’t settle for less.
In 1913 they envisioned something greater
YOUR president walked out
And founded DELTA SIGMA THETA!!!
-REDalert05 ; http://www.stophazing.org/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=7;t=000243, posted 09-30-2005
This is a Delta Sigma Theta chant. This chant refers to the fact that twenty-two members of AKA left that sorority to start Delta Sigma Theta. This is the bases for much of the contention that occurs between these two Black Greek lettered sororities.

IN 1908 (Version #2)
In 1908,
you started it true.
Deltas were AKA's just like you.
But 22 ladies made a deal to be
cute sisters and plain ol' REAL
No ivy, no mirror, no pink no green.
The real sorority started in 1913.
So it's cool AKA, do what u do.
We can skee-wee, but u can never oo-oop.
-REDalert05 ; http://www.stophazing.org/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=7;t=000243, 10-04-2005
This is another version of the Delta Sigma Theta chant dissing the AKAs. The ivy is the AKA plant. That sorority's colors are pink and green. The AKA's signature call is "skee-wee". The Deltas' signature call is "oo-oop".

A characteristic AKA pose that is done during step shows is to pretend to hold a mirror in front of their face. The "mirror in front of the face" stance is a way that sorors (members) of AKA took a put down of their organization (that they are conceited) and turned it into a positive (that they are very confident in their outer appearance).

Intensity AHH AHH (the sound you make after you quench your thirst)
Intensity AHH
I - N, T-E-N, S-I-T-Y
the nupes of K A PsI
Its like Thunder BOOM
its like lightning AHHH
when the nupes in the room.... its FRIGHTENING, FRIGHTENING, FRIGHTENING
-Aktor1911, http://www.greekchat.com/gcforums/showthread.php?t=99226&page=5 , December 16, 2009

In the Beginning
Yes, in the beginning there were only two.
Yes, Eve was Delta and Yes Adam was a Que.
But they messed up and what do you know
To fix it-was KAPsi and SGRho.
I don't know what you been told
But the streets of heaven are rhoyal blue and gold.
And if you get to heaven and can't get in
That's because Peter and Paul are Kappa men.
- http://ms_quiet.tripod.com/chants.html, retrieved 12/8/2012
This is a Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc. chant.

"I don't know what you been told/But the streets of heaven are rhoyal blue and gold" is an adaptation of the floating verse "I don't know but I been told/the streets of heaven are paved with gold". That verse can be found in some songs from a number of different genres, including Spirituals such as "”Morning Train” (also known as “I’m Goin Home On The Morning train” [Click http://mudcat.org/detail_pf.cfm?messages__Message_ID=1015202 to find the lyrics to a Peter, Paul, and Mary version of that song. That verse can also be found in some versions of (railroad) work songs such as “Linin Track http://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2012/10/gandy-dancers-linin-track-sound-files.html Example #5. An adaptation of "I don't know but I been told/the streets of heaven are paved with gold" can also be found in military cadences such as "I don't know, but I've been told: Navy wings are made of gold" and some other x rated verses.

Members of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity and Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority sometimes form an unofficial alliance (referred to as "Indiana Love") because those organizations were both founded in colleges/universities in the state of Indiana. Click http://www.blackgreek.com/divinenine/ for a list of when & where the Divine Nine were founded.

...There's another chant that you attribute to SGRho that's an Alpha chant. It goes..

In the beginning, there were just two.
Eve was a Delta, and Adam was a Que
But there's just one thing'
They didn't understand
Is that the man up above
Is an Alpha man!
A-Phi My Brothers, A-Phi!
-Lawrence C. Ross, Jr., author: The Divine Nine: The History of African American Fraternities and Sororities; July 27, 2014 [sent to cocojams.com]

Ladies and Gentlemen. (the squad is in a pyramid formation with one member on the top)
We know that you have been waiting with great anticipation.
But the wait is finally over.
The ivy has landed (the pyramid abruptly collapses on purpose.)

Now it’s time for you to be introduced to the ladies of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority
They are fine as wine.
In their movements
And goal
The first sorority for
ALLLL to behold.

All other sororities
want to be as serious as THIS sorority,
sweet as candy,
lovely to behold
Oh, one day, do you suppose
that one day when the other sororities
grow up
IF they grow up
(the video camera focuses on one soror silently mouthing this line in derision of the other sororities)
They can be just like US!
- from a video of a Meharry Medical College Step Show, 1996, posted by Azizi Powell

I PHI is so doggone fine
Send in chills up and down my spine

Its so fine
(its so fine)

(Its I-PHI)

*repeat until hoarse or someone passes out
-Guest Ill IOTA; 5/11/2009; Fraternity & Sorority Chants and Songs

Beta Phi Pi Fraternity Inc. is one of the newest African American Fraternity. We were found on the campus of Western Illinois University in April of 1986. We have expanded all across the nation, establishing chapters in many Undergraduate Universities. An example of our chant goes..

Hey Betas!! What!! I said Hey Betas!!!! Whaaattt!!
(UNISON) We decided to become the best in sight. That's why the baddest young brothas wear the black and white!! So forget the Black & gold, and...the blue and white! Forget the purple and gold and those...candy strips!!!
-Simon H., 3/23/2006
Thanks for that information, Simon H. I hadn't heard of Beta Phi Phi, Inc. before receiving your post.

"I Said Hey Betas" is an example of how chants weave praise for their organization with mild disses (insults) of other fraternities or of sororities which are not considered to be that particular fraternity's sister organization. . The colors mentioned in this chant are associated with the following Black Greek Letter fraternities: Black & Gold=Alpha Phi Alpha, Inc; "Blue & White"=Phi Beta Sigma, Inc.; "Purple & Gold"=Omega Psi Phi, Ince.; and "Candy Strips" (Red & White) = Kappa Alpha Psi, Inc.

i said deltas
what with the red and white
i know we lookin and havin fun 2night
akas thank they high and fine
look at these deltas
they ain't got nothin like mine
moocha moocha i step in
moocha moocha you step out
oop-ooop is what dst is all about
-poo-pooh; 4/25/2006

Examples of this chant are posted on the "T" page for "This Is A Serious Matter".

It's so hard pledging K-A-Psi
A konstant struggle each and every day....
But I'm gone accept,
That this is how its gone be.
not trying to skate in this fraternity..
I wanna be like Diggs, Big Brother Diggs,
The finest Kappa in this fraternity...
Phi Nu Pi The Diamond in the Sky...
Many have tried but were denied
Phi Nu PI The Diamond In The Sky.
I wanna be like Diggs, Big Brother Diggs,
The finest Kappa in this fraternity!!!!!!!
K-A-Psi None greater..
All men were kreated equal....
Some just look
-Yo Endless Klimaxx ; 5/7/2007

it takes a B. I. S. O. N to do wat we do
it takes a mighty bison to shake like we shake
so why would yu wildcats try to imitate
because a Howard bison is all that it takes
-posted by several commenters on 


Howard University "Bison" Cheerleaders

Oct 19, 2006

I 've been working hard for iota
Gotta get that iota shield
I've been working hard for iota
because it is my will
(hold that line)
hold that line
and we will be together
pledging now and pledging forever
I've been working, working striving. striving but i still gotta long way to (Go oh oh oh)x2
-jamere t.; 6/7/2006
The musical inspiration for this chant is the song "Chain Gang" sung by Otis Redding and by Sam Cooke.

I want to be a Kappa,
I want to be a Kappaman,
I want to be a Kappa,
I want to be a Kappa as soon as I kan.

Don't wanna be an Alpha,
Don't wanna be an Alpha monkey,
I don't want to be an Alpha,
Want to be a Kappa as soon as I kan.

I don't want to be a Sigma,
Don't want to be a Sigma sissy,
Don't want to be a Sigma,
Wanna Be A Kappa as soon as I kan..

Don't wanna be Omega,
Don't want to be a Que Psi puppy,
Don't wanna be Omega,
wanna be a Kappa as soon as I kan...

Don't want to be Iota.
Don't want to be Iota period!!!
Don't want to be Iota,
Gotta be a Kappa as soon as I kan.

I wanna be A Kappa.
I want to be a Kappaman,
I want to be a Kappa,
Gotta be a Kappa as soon as I kan.
-Yo Rokk Hard Kumklusion; 7/5/2007
Notice the use of the letter "K" instead of the letter "C". This is a signature characteristic of the historically Black Greek lettered fraternity] Kappas.

I went to the river and started to drown
I thought about a Sigma and I couldn't go down
so I ripped the "S" off of superman's chest
and put it on a SIGMA cuz he's the best
I said Go! Go! Go! G.O.M.A.B.!!!
- http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:3hmPQ4Qtk7wJ:pbsthe ; retrieved on September 30, 2010
The line "I ripped the "S" off of Superman's chest" is probably from a version of Reggae singer Barrington Levy's song "Murderer".

J. E. M. S. Jem boobs
Working for a goal.
Don't mind it.
Working for a goal.
We'll find it.
[repeat a number of times]
This is a song that my AKA pledge line sung (Gamma Zeta chapter, 1967). I forgot about this song until I found it 5/31/2013 among old papers that I had stored away. I also had forgotten pledges being called "jem boobs". I suppose that put down [?] term refers to the AKA pearls (gems) & the fact that females have boobs (breast). Now that my memory of this song has been refreshed by finding these words that I wrote down, I remember my line sisters and I strutted [stepped?] in a vertical line while singing this song. If that was stepping, we didn't refer to it by that name.

I remember my line performing for two different groups of graduate chapter sorors - one in New Jersey and a larger group in New York City. If my memory is correct, we were the only group performing for the New Jersey audience*, but were one of a number of groups who performed for a convention (?), or some other kind of formal gathering in New York City. For both of these occasions the line members wore the same pink and green knee length dresses that we had to pay to have made. I equated our routines to singing and doing R&B Supremes-like choreography, strutting out in a straight vertical line and then standing facing our audience in horizontal lines.

*Gamma Zeta was a state wide chapter, the only one that was active in New Jersey at that time. If I remember correctly, we pledged for two or three months, but only met on the weekends (and maybe not all of those weekends.) Luckily, we met in Newark, New Jersey which is very near where I went to college (Upsala College in East Orange, New Jersey). I think that a few of the other members of my line -which I think was ten or twelve women) were from much farther away in that state. I had to do some other pledging things during the week since a soror attended my college. But she was my friend before she was my Big Sister, so pledging during those weekdays wasn't difficult.

Ice-Cold water runnin through my veins
My body's all wracked in pain
Just a few more days and I'll be an ALPHAMAN
Just a few more days and I'll be an ALPHAMAN...
-ENewton; http://www.stophazing.org/ubb/ultimatebb.php?ubb=get_topic;f=7;t=000243;...

Editor: At the end of this chant the poster wrote: "I had to take it back to the Sphinxman days." "The Sphinxman" is a referent for brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha. This is probably a clip of a longer chant. See "Go Down" and other examples of chants on this page from the Brian A. Jackson Alpha Phi Alpha collection.

Lead-Did you wanna to pledge Alpha Kappa Alpha?
Group- No.
Lead-Did you wanna to pledge Zeta Phi Beta?
Group- No.
Lead-Did you want to pledge Delta Sigma Theta?
Group- No. NoNoNoNo.
Just the Rhos baby.
The blue and gold, baby.

Knew that I was led**
Knew that I had surely died
Only to see the rhoyal blue light
And the golden Sigma sun shining bright
Just the Rhos baby.
The blue and gold, baby.
[repeat last verse several times]
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ibp7M9PHlUM 2011 Sigma Gamma Rho Probate Spring Part 1 of 4, Apr 5, 2011
* This may not be the actual title of this song.
** I’m not sure if “led” is the word that the group is singing.
Note: I added a "h" to the word "royal", following the custom that I've seen for Sigma Gamma Rho spelling of that word.

Here's that video:
2011 Sigma Gamma Rho Probate Spring Part 1 of 4

brownleetube, Uploaded on Apr 5, 2011

SGRho Probate Lambda Rho Chapter University of Florida on 4/3/2011
One of the commenters on this video's discussion thread wrote:
"eee-yip soRHOrs"
"eee-yip" is the signature call for this sorority.

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