
Friday, December 20, 2024

Who Else Considers "8" Their Favorite Number? (My Comment & Other Comments From A YouTube Discussion Thread)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post quotes an excerpt from a video* of the YouTube channel for "Ellie Dreams Down Under". Ellie is an Australian woman who shares tarot card readings about political subjects and other subjects).**

In this transcript excerpt, Ellie shares that 8 is her favorite number and presents some information about the metaphysical meanings of the number 8.

This post also presents all of the comments as  of the time of this post's publication from that video's discussion thread-from people who also consider the number 8 to be their favorite number. I  wrote one of those comments.

This compilation also includes comments about the meanings of the number 8 and comments about other numbers.

The content of this post is presented for informational and metaphysical purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners,
*I chose not to embed this video as its primary subject and the tarot card reading aren't the focus of this pancocojams post.

**This is the first time that I've watched this YouTube channel. Here's a quote from that channel's "About" page:
" Ellie uses tarot and dream interpretation to examine a variety of topics from an intuitive perspective.

Politics and World affairs

The unexplained

UFOs and extraterrestrials

Spirituality and religion


Personal issues"...  

AUTO-GENERATED TRANCRIPT EXCERPT "Is it just me? Or is some kind of coup taking place RIGHT NOW???" from Ellie Dreams Down Under, December 20, 2024

This excerpt includes my unofficial additions of punctuations and capitalizations and words in brackets that are what I believe to be corrections to that transcript. Additions and corrections are welcome.

time stamps: 16:39 - 17:58
..."we've got the Eight of Cups. Now you'll notice that the strength card is an eight card. This Eight of Cups is an eight card.

Eight is my favorite number. It's been my favorite number since I was four. I didn't know why it was my favorite number when I was four.  All I know is that I thought about [this].when I was four. I [can] even remember where I was standing when I decided this. I was in the on the back patio of this house that I used to live in with my folks, one of the first houses that they had and and I was looking out towards the backyard. I was thinking "Oh well. I'm four. I need to have a favorite number. What is that? I guess it should be four, but I don't like four. So I think I'm going to make my favorite number eight."

I really like eight and eight has been my favorite number ever since. I know I've said this a few times but it's very important to me. Eight. And, as it turns out, eight is also considered to be (and in particularly in Chinese numerology) eight is the ultimate Good Fortune”…

These are all of the comments as of December 20, 2o24 from around 5:00 PM that refer to numbers (other than the comments about Donald Trump's and his #45).

All of these comments are from December 20, 2023 and are given in relative chronological order starting with the oldest comment. The comment that I wrote is the last comment in this compilation.

Some of these comments are the same or very similar.

Numbers are added for referencing purposes only. "Is it just me? Or is some kind of coup taking place RIGHT NOW???" from Ellie Dreams Down Under, December 20, 2024

1. @janelleespinosa6247
"Me too, favorite Number...8

"Seeing all those 8 s , all that power and strength bordering unexpected turn of events; failed negotiation; lies and identity crisis ,,makes me think of the richest man in the world .  

The 8; th commandment is about stealing

The 8 th sign is about other peoples $"

3. @ToddSavoian-s1z
"7 is generally considered the luckiest number. Not in all cultures or traditions, but it shows up the most often across the spectrum. That's why we have the phrase...lucky number 7, and why seven comes up often in the way we mark and count important life elements and aspects."

4. @BlindSquirrel425
"Not in Asia. 8 is very lucky. Play some poker."

5. @BognaZone
"All numbers are lucky"

6. @pamelamanning99
"Number 8 turned sideways is the infinity symbol. Perhaps this was a subconscious attraction factor for you."

7. @merrihalma
"Last night as I drifted off to sleep, one of my spirit guides gave me the number 9. A sign of completion. Something is finishing up and making way for something new to unfold. They said not to worry and to sit back and watch."

"@merrihalma  I have been seeing this on various channels, that this is a 9 in a cycle which is ending"

9. @sherrybirchall8677
"Ellie, since you mentioned 8 being good fortune,  I couldn't help but be intrigued by my birth date, 8/13. So I have 13, traditionally considered an unlucky number, paired with 8. Lucky 8. I have, actually,  always thought of 13 as a wonderful number, although misunderstood.  Anyway, lovely and interesting reading here. Thanks Elliie. ❤"

10. @MusiclyricsByECDaleyC
"Funny! I was born on he 8th and my favorite number seems to change from time to time, it was 7 a long time? Not sure at the moment though!"

"The 8 is also an infinity symbol. I condider that a symbol for source."

12. @lauchlanguddy1004
"8 is money."

13. @Edu_Kate
"8 is one of MY favorite numbers! πŸ˜„

It's also infinity."

14. @janicethompson7880
Mine is 7!"

"My birthday is 4/8"

16. @kimberlydanner4355
"Hi Ellie!  My son was born on 8-8-88, even though his due date was closer to 7-8-88, I was induced on 8-4-88, and he finally had to be removed forcibly via C-section.  So definitely my favorite number! 

Also, I am so happy that I have your book.  It is really helping me along in my Tarot journey!"

17. @ReneeCrenshaw-cm7ll
"While I  listened today, you talked about the #8 card with the lady and lion,  i was giided to look up Avril Haines birth month, she wad born in August, which is an 8. Hmmmm....."
Here's some information about Avril Haines
'Avril Danica Haines (born August 27, 1969) is an American lawyer currently serving as the director of national intelligence in the Biden administration.[1] She is the first woman to serve in this role."...
This example alludes to comments such as this one in the comment section for a YouTube video short published by Jennifer Lisa Vest who is an African American/Indigenous psychic::
@fedgirl7318 Dec. 20, 2024
"The Director of National Intelligence, Avril Haines is supposed to release her report on election interference 45 days after the election, which falls on December 20th. ****

18. @vjvousden
"8 is also infinity on it's side!"

19. @O-Cynna
"Eight is also the number of Death, according to many numerologists. And in astrology, the House of death is the 8th.

Happy holidays, everybody!!  πŸ˜…"

20. @kathleendamiani8833
"#8 meanings: “because of its shape is associated with the two interlacing serpents of the caduceus signifying the pattern of movement of creative energy. .. eg, kundalini.. Nearly all symbols having the shape of the eight convey the idea of evolution, i.e., the transmission of the force of one cycle or form into the next higher expression -eight is the number of evolution and is connected with the spiral motion of cycles. It symbolizes regeneration and the entrance into a new state or condition of the soul - … the number eight is the perfect symbol of balance or cause-and-effect..” mostly from Edgar Cayce"

"I love your 4 year old memory of your favorite #8 Ellie.  πŸ˜ŠπŸ™‹πŸ‘‹πŸ’–πŸ’šπŸ’–"

22. @peggieodea7231
"8 is also The symbol of infinity"

23. @pattipierce6367
"My favorite number has always been 8 too!"

24. @beckyeagle8786
"You were aware enough to decide that at 4? You're amazing!"

25. @EllieDreamsDownUnder
"I didn’t understand, I guess maybe I just felt something about 8. Still feel that way lol"

26. @azizip171
"@EllieDreamsDownUnder , I'm a new subscriber. I look forward to watching and reading comments in your past and future videos. I feel compelled to share that 8 is also my number. I'm an African American woman. (I'm mentioning my race because it factors into the story I'm telling.) I was told that I was born "around midnight" on December 16th. Although those numbers add up to a 7, it seems that I've always preferred the  number 8 to number 7. When I was in college, I was a member of an afro-centric organization which at one point in time had a ritual that included the leader's wife giving each individual member their own special number. I was given the number 8. Fast  forward to about two years later. At that time (55 years ago) I moved to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, a city that I had never been before and where I knew no one. Shortly after I moved there, feeling lonely, I went for a walk. When I was returning to the house where I was temporarily staying, I saw a group of children playing outside. As I walked past them,  one little girl called out to me  "Hello, soul sister #8". I stopped in my tracks and asked her why she had said that. She may have been shy because she ran into her house, but the other children talked to me. That meant a great deal to me then and now. I believe that experience presaged my involvement with children's play (such as collecting children's rhymes/cheers, founding/leading children's sessions in my area for the performances of rhymes and cheers among other projects) that has been part of my life's work and interests.

I also want to note that I've gravitated most strongly to a certain formation  of 8: "1+7" rather than to other formations of the number 8. The numbers in my original screen name reflect this, but when I got locked out of my account or for some other reason, and had to create another screen name and added another 1 at the end of number 17. In spite of the numbers in my screen name adding up to number 9, I still prefer #8.

Thanks again,  Elle. Ase

*"Ase" is a Yoruba language Nigerian word for that "represents the power that makes things happen and produces change. In African American culture "Ase" is very much like the saying "More Power to you". "

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1 comment:

  1. When I assigned numbers to the comments for this pancocojams post, I noticed that the person who wrote comment #6 (@pamelamanning99) has the same last name as my maiden name "Manning").

    The last name "Manning" wasn't common in Atlantic City, New Jersey where I was born and lived until going to college in 1965. Besides my family, there was only one other Black family we were
    aware of with that last name. I remember that family included a boy who was a few year older than my sisters and me. I have a vague recollection of asking my mother if he was my cousin, and she said no.

    Here's some information that I found at confirms that "Manning" isn't a common last name in the United States:
    "In 2000, Manning was ranked as the 402nd most popular surname in the U.S., with approximately 72,069 individuals bearing that name. However, by 2010, it had slipped to the 434th position, despite an increase in the overall count to 74,949"

    That same site indicates that "While the largest group identifying with this surname remains predominantly white (decreased from 76.64% in 2000 to 73.90% in 2010), there have been notable increases in other ethnic identities....The African American population with the Manning surname saw an increase of 6.27%, moving from 19.14% to 20.34%. "...

    Given this information, I believe that the inclusion of my maiden name in selected comments about the number "8" in a YouTube discussion thread for a video that doesn't pertain to last names is significant for me . It reinforces the idea that there is more in the universe than physical reality i.e. there are also spiritual realities that can and do interact with and impact everyday life.

    This type of synchronicity (or whatever it's called) is an example of a metaphysical experience that can be significant to an individual, but has little to no significance to other people.

    I've had a number of personal metaphysical experiences in this category. They reinforce my belief in the existence of God, angels or spirits (whatever people call them) and these experiences-that periodically come to mind, reinforce the fact that the Spiritual realms can and do positively interact with the physical realm.

    I've never written all of these experiences down, but I think it would be something worthwhile to do.
