Nursery Rhymes TV, Nov 30, 2014 #rudolph #christmassong #christmas
Nursery Rhymes TV!
Quality Kids Songs, Music & Animation, all made in the
UK :-)
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
Had a very shiny nose- LIKE A LIGHTBULB
and if you ever saw it,
You would even say it glows- LIKE A LIGHTBULB
All of the other reindeer you to laugh and call him names- LIKE PINOCCHIO
Then one foggy Christmas Eve Santa came to say- HO HO HO
"Rudolph with your nose so bright, why don't you guide the sleigh tonight?"
Then all the reindeers loved him and they shouted out with glee- YIPPEE
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer you'll go down in history..
This pancocojams post showcases a YouTube video of a version of the song "Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer" with added lyrics.
This post also includes a compilation of online comments about versions of "Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer" with added lyrics. That compilation includes some of the comments from the discussion thread of a 2017 pancocojams post about that song.
The content of this post is presented for folkloric, cultural, and entertainment purposes.
All copyrights remain with their owners.
Thanks to Johnny Marks, the composer of the standard lyrics for "Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer" in 1949. Also, thanks to the unknown composers of the add on lyrics for this song. Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post and thanks to the publishers of this post on YouTube.
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Also, click for a 2021 pancocojams post entitled "More Examples Of "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" (with extra lyrics)". (That post doesn't have any comments in its discussion thread as of December 24, 2024.)
These comments are numbered for referencing purposes only. These numbers don't always correspond with the numbers on the site where the comments were originally published. "Singing Extra Lyrics For "Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer"
1.Azizi Powell, December 20, 2017
"Here's an example of an extra lyrics version of"Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer" from Ireland:
"Old 12-22-2011
Location: Belfast, Ireland.
"Glows (like a Glow-worm)
Reindeer (like Blitzen)
Names (like Pinocchio)
Games (like Monopoly)
History (like Napoleon)"
I think The GW/Columbus versions didn't make it across the
"GW" = George Washington
2. Roes, November 16, 2019
"Australia in the 80's myself and my friends added page 93 to
the end of you'll go down in history most of the rest is mostly the same extras
we never used flash light it was always like a light bulb"
3. John Templar, December 28, 2021
"I grew up during the mid 60s around Seattle, WA and
Nose (like a Light Bulb)
Names (like Dumbo)
Games (like Soccer)
Glee (like toothpaste)
History (like Lincoln)"
4. Anonymous, October 19, 2022
"I'm so happy to find somewhere people also added "LIKE
THE TOOTHPASTE"! I sang this version now as an adult a few years back with
my children. My husband swears I'm insane. Now I have proof!
I grew up in the 80s near Chicago"
Rudolph the red nosed reindeer add-on lyrics by SpiritDragon
December 16, 2015 in General Discussion
"Hey guys I`m interested in broadening my horizons even
In Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer Song I`ve heard a variety
of different add-ons echoed at the end of lines over the years. Certainly some
are more common than others, I`m curious what renditions you`ve heard and
Rudolph the red nosed reindeer (sometimes echoed reindeer)
Had a very shiny nose (Sometimes like a light bulb follows
here or line 4 or both) (also heard flashlight)
and if you ever saw it (echo saw it)
you would even say it glows (see line 2)
All of the other reindeer (echo)
used to laugh and call him names (most commonly pinocchio
for some reason, but I`ve heard others)
they never let poor Rudolph (echo)
Join in any Reindeer games (most commonly Monopoly, I`ve
also heard parcheesy and poker)
Then one foggy Christmas eve
Santa came to say (Ho Ho Ho)
Rudolph with your nose so bright
won`t you guide my sleigh tonight
Then all the reindeer loved him
and they shouted out with glee (Yippie)
Rudolph the red nosed reindeer
you`ll go down in history (like Washington, Columbus and
most recently Charlie Brown - I`d never heard that one before this year that I
can remember)
The other night at a staff party everyone was singing
Rudolph impromptu and all used the same add-ons magically - My wife claimed
they were the only ones she`s ever heard and thinks I`m crazy for thinking
there are different versions. I think it must be somewhat regional - Is there
an "authorized" version that standardizes the bonus lyrics that any
one is aware of? Any ideas on the source of these echoing words?
What words have you heard echoed? Do you have preferences?
Any idea on the sources and a standardized version?"
1. Jamie123
Location: UK
Posted December 16, 2015 (edited)
"If I remember rightly, the Simpsons' "add-ons"
My daughter and I always sing "Attila the Hun" at
the end, though my wife always tries to drown us out with "George
(I think "Attila the Hun" scans
2. NeuroTypical
Posted December 16, 2015
"On 12/16/2015 at
7:47 AM, Vort said:
Where as we prefer to sing "like a light bulb"
after every verse.
3. Old school
Posted November 24, 2022
4. Pigsrcute
Posted December 17, 2024
"I’ve heard this version:
Rudolph the red nosed reindeer (reindeer)
had a very shiny nose (like a light bulb)
and if you ever saw him (saw him)
you would even say it glows (like a flash light)
all the other reindeer (reindeer)
would laugh and call him names (like Pinocchio)
they never let poor Rudolph (Rudolph)
join in any reindeer games (like monopoly)
then one foggy Christmas Eve
Santa came to say (in his underwear)
Rudolph won’t you guide my sleigh tonight
then how the reindeer loved him (loved him)
as they shouted out with glee (yippee)
Rudolph the Red Nosed Riendeer
You’ll go done in history (like Michael Bublé)"
Did you sing or do you still sing "Rudolph The Red Nose Reindeer" with extra words? Please share your version in the discussion thread below. Also, for the folkloric record, please share where (the geographic location (city, state, nation) you learned that version and when (the decade) you first sang it. Thanks!
Thanks for visiting pancocojams.
Visitor comments are welcome.
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