
Thursday, August 8, 2024

"This Is What Democracy Looks Like" - Luke Beasley Podcast Video, Transcript, & Comments About The Harris/Walz Campaign Rallies (August 6 & 7, 2024)

Luke Beasley, Aug 7, 2024

Luke discusses the shocking Harris campaign surge amid Trump’s panic.

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post showcases an August 8, 2024 video, transcript excerpt, and selected comments from a Luke Beasley political podcast entitled "Trump Suddenly Hit With NIGHTMARE SURPRISE, TOTAL PANIC!".

This content is presented to demonstrate what I believe are signs that the 
Kamala Harris/Tim Walz Democratic campaign for 2024 United States President and Vice President is a sign of the dawning of the Age of Aquarius.

The content of this post is presented for historical, socio-cultural, and political purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to Vice President and Democratic Presidential nominee Kamala Harris and Democratic Vice-Presidential nominee Governor Tim Walz (Minnesota). Thanks also to podcaster Luke Beasley, and   and thanks to all those who are quoted in this post.
for the related pancocojams post entitled "The 5th Dimension -"Age of Aquarius"/"Let The Sunshine" (Video, Song Information, & Article Excerpt About The Age Of Aquarius)"


From screen titles/close captions:

I haven’t been covering politics for a long time. But even all the time I’ve kept up with politics
and history that I’ve read about politics informs me that what we’re seeing right now is near unprecedented, is historic
and something you rarely get to see in politics, a momentum shift, as we continue to talk about. The surge of a movement
that is, that is unifying around a super hopeful and bright and forward thinking message.

So often explosive, energized movements rally around really negative causes-the MAGA movement, for example.  And there’s a lot of
enthusiasm in that population.  But what we’re seeing now in the pro-democracy movement rallying behind the Harris/Walz ticket is something to behold. And it’s so exciting to see.

And yesterday we covered the rally uh in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where Walz was first shown off as the VP pick for Kamala Harris.  They had their first
joint rally together and it was packed.  And I’ll show you some trolling that was done by Trump about the differences in crowd sizes, something he’s obsessed with.  But, given that his value, his strength comes from those sorts of aesthetic things like big rallies, like big crowds, that’s why he lies about his crowd sizes constantly.  The excitement that we’re now seeing manifesting into huge crowds for the Harris/Walz campaign is Trump’s nightmare.  And it’s not just rallies, it’s not just enthusiastic small groups of people.  This is a broader thing we’ll look at in polling in this segment.

But look at this-as this crowd waits for Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Governor Tim Walz to appear at the rally, they’re chanting

[A video is shown of the crowd chanting in a call and response pattern (call) -“This is what Democracy looks like”. (response) “This is what Democracy looks like.”.(call) “Show me what Democracy looks like”. (response) “This is what Democracy looks like.” .(call) “Show me what Democracy looks like”. (response) “This is what Democracy looks like.” etc.]


Wow! Uh, and then in Philadelphia both Vice President Kamala Harris and Donald Trump held a rally at the exact same and look at the differences between the attendance [two split screen photographs are shown of the packed Harris rally-shown with blue banners and a much emptier Trump rally with red banners]
A whole empty section for Trump that is jam packed for Harris.

Now, I will continue to say- which is why we’re going to look at the date in a second-crowd size isn’t a direct indicator, it’s not a perfect indicator of support. Trump often got bigger crowds than Biden. Part of that was the pandemic, but even I’ve been willing to concede I’m sure that-often that was the case. Going to a rally, is not the same participation in our Democratic process as voting.  Some people just go vote and they never will show up to a rally.

So crowd sizes is something that is fun to observe, especially whenever the person that you support is getting huge crowds.  But, the reason why I’m fixating on it here is because Trump is obsessed with it.  And this is his absolute nightmare, the one thing that he thought made him appear so supported he’s losing on.  As you can see by this photo that-by the way this split screen was posted on Truth Social by the Harris campaign so that Trump supporters could see it and possibly Trump itself.

This movement-by the way-that Trump deserves to go up against. It was so aggravating for so long to see Trump with how dangerous he is, how he exploits his
own followers and the power they give him such negative intentions even harming them, the fact that he’s not qualified to be President, has done horrific damage to our Democratic process, and still has such a solid shot at winning, was favored for the longest time.  It didn’t make sense.  And now we’re seeing the
energy on the other side, the energy for democracy surpassed that of the MAGA energy.  And that that is what Trump go up against, a movement that is strong and energized and can defeat him.

Here's an example of the crowd lining up for the Wisconsin event as Harris and Walz travel there. Just a time lapse I’ll describe for our podcast listeners just a stunning- I think the line got up to two miles long. Two miles of people waiting to get in to this event.  People are passionate and the Trump campaign is in shambles.  And they should be, they should be terrified.  And you have this [video of huge crowds at the Harris/Walz event in Wisconsin listening to music before the rally begins.] -Just another example of long before they appear, people are already ready to go*. And David Hogg posted a similar clip captioning it “This was a Harris/Walz campaign rally in Wisconsin today. Sending my deepest thoughts and prayers to the Trump team.

This is- I need to say it again-cuz it’s hard to really grasp it if I just say it in a normal voice and calmly- we really need to understand this moment and be excited about it, cuz we’re going to be telling people in the future about this turning point in American history.  That’s what this is- a turning point in American history where for too long, even after victory in 2020, the darkness and the hate and the division that came of the MAGA ideology was still so present.  And we knew Trump was going to come and run again and bring all that back.  And Fox news did everything it could to continue pushing these harmful ideas. But the relief I think we’re all feeling in seeing not just a movement and a campaign that has the right principles, but one that has the campaigning ability to lead the movement to victory for the sake of all Americans, is is truly relieving   And this is something that the Trump team is panicking about.

This portion of this podcast about poll results that show that Harris/Walz have a slight lead.]

So that’s no why I’m “Woo Hoo!!”  The thing is the trajectory that the campaign seems to be on and how-even as the Trump campaign tries to figure out the lines of attack against Harris, the American people aren’t buying it.  And what they are bought into is a pro-democracy, pro common sense governance, pro people movement. I’ll play this once again for you [plays the video of crowds at the Wisconsin rally chanting “This is what Democracy looks like.  Show me what democracy looks like.”]

[Podcaster asking for subscribers]

I could not have predicted this.  I didn’t predict it. But, regardless, I’ll just say I’m very very happy now.  And we have work ahead of us, but it seems the the panic in the Trump campaign is even causing Trump to now reconsider his hard stance on only debating Kamala Harris on Fox News.  And now he’s getting more desperate and seems more willing to to debate her in a different forum. And, if you add this current enthusiasm [to] a strong debate performance by Vice President Kamala Harris and as people get to know Tim Walz more. I really do feel confident and that confidence should be a motivator to work between now and November.

[Podcaster asking for subscribers and other support for his podcast.]"

*Pancocojams Editor’s note: in the context of this podcast, "They are ready to go" means "They were excited about the rally beginning, and are enjoying themselves before it begins."


These comments are given in relative chronological order with the oldest dates comments given before the newest comments, except for replies. Numbers are added for referencing purposes only.

August 7, 2024

1. @Josephine92371

"The energy and excitement is off the charts, I have hope again!"

"This is a turning point in American history, thank you Luke for keeping us informed of this moment of,hopefully, saving our democracy 🇺🇸️ Please Vote for Democracy 🇺🇸!!!!!!!!!!"

4. @kckc4955
"I’ve seen many campaigns over the years and this rivals the Obama years, maybe more excitement with this one. But you’re so right, this is history we are witnessing."

5. @cjenkins6587
"Inspiring chant. I played it at least six times and will do so again. I love being an american and I don't want to live under MAGA's Project 2025 plan to turn this country into a theocratic dictatorship.

6. @elizabethhuff3788
"Charge for our country and women's rights and our future vote blue "

7. @Lilmissrrt
"For years to come"

8. @effthegop
"The excitement around the Obama campaign was noticeable but he wasn't up against such a scourge as we are today."

9. @kshafer6220
"Definitely. There was respect between him and Senator McCain, and the Senator was a man of integrity. The Donald wouldn't know integrity if it walked up and smacked him." ** Reply 10.@Morningstar.Unofficial,August 8, 2024 "@kshafer6220, Yup, McCain told a guy at one of his rallies in 08 that they didn’t need to fear an Obama presidency, he was an honest family man he just had disagreements with. He was booed. At his own rally. You could tell McCain hated the what the Republican voter base was becoming."

11. @julielevasseur7391
"Gotta say I love that chant. Show me what democracy looks like, this is what democracy looks like! Yes."

12. @GingerSnaps1368
"I know, I got the chills when they were singing that! "

13. @futurestoryteller
"It was part of one of the most pivotal scenes in Mr. Robot. I can't say it originated there, the show had a real "ripped from the headlines aesthetic" anyay. I think it comes from BLM, if not earlier." -snip- "Mr. Robot" was an American (Amazon Prime) television drama/techno-thriller series (2015-2019) "BLM" - Black Lives Matter movement ** 14. @theblah9316 "50,000 people in Detroit today. "


This comment refers to a Harris/Walz rally in Detroit, Michigan some hours after their rally in Wisconsin. (Both Wisconsin and Michigan are midwestern states as is Minnesota, the state that Democratic Vice President nominee Walz is governor of.

15. @xandrathemedium5935
"This is the proof of consciousness shifting"

16. @jimibify
"This thing is rolling now. The further behind they get, the more insults and racism and fear-mongering control freak nonsense he will spout, the more weird he will appear , and the more ordinary people will gravitate towards the normal candidate."

17. @LBurns420
"This is what democracy looks like. Vote ️ Blue 🇺🇸"

18. @suzyfarnham3165
"Am I the only one who replayed the chant over and over!!?? I also love the 'NOT GOING BACK" chant!! "

19. @kaypahl8876
"!suzyfarnham3165, I certainly did. I haven’t been this excited about our future in a very long time. We are going to get our country back." ** 20. @julieI9749 "nice to see the crowd like that! how powerful to hear the people for democracy! vote blue "

21. @YBNegative "A turning point in American history! is right. This is what Democracy looks like!"

** 22. @jessepinkman7349 "The Enthusiasm is Undeniable. True Positive Energy that MAGA Cannot Stand !!! Love it yo. Vote Blue All the Way. ️🇺🇸"

** 24. @foxopolos9681 "What I really love and appreciate about the Harris-Walz campaign is the the absolute joy and hope they generate. It is wonderful. "

** 25. @eddiemerribaker "I’ve been avidly following politics for 50 years and I’ve never seen anything like the Kamala phenomenon!

** 26. @issofsar "The post pandemic depression is lifting! I want this to be the new normal."

** 27. @fuxxnickers "I'm old, and that chant makes my heart so happy Keep up the awesome work everyone!!!"

** 28. @ronzundell7394 "The Democrats finally got two exciting nominees who don't hesitate calling out the outrageous lies and hate coming from the fascist party. Everyone I know has a new sense of optimism since Kamala Harris and Tim Walz became the official nominees"

** 29. @Blackblooded " "This is what democracy looks like"...Something that would never be said at a trump rally, partly because most MAGAt can't complete a full sentence."

** Reply 30. @christine61769 "They wouldn't be able to process that the host was shouting a question and it was up to them to shout the answer, so it would have sounded like a rumbled mess of incoherence. On top of all of that, most of them would be asking each other, "What is democracy?" " ** 31. @judragon "It's exhilarating to hear those American downunder finally feeling good about the election. "

** 32. @td4940 "WOW, that crowd chanting gave me chills of excitement." ** 33. @andrewschreiber112 "The momentum on our side is palpable, and I'm very optimistic that we can win this thing, but we must not take this for granted or let up even for a second on our energy and commitment to keeping that deranged, evil psychopath from EVER getting close to the White House again!" ** 34. @dereknight861 "TWO MILES!!! Two miles!! How often do you hear about people waiting in a TWO MILE LONG LINE?!?! You’d be laughed out if you were asked to wait in a long of a line for a theme park ride!

But this was a wait WORTH it for these people to support a REAL CANDIDATE"

** 35. @gloriarangott8803 "Joy and happiness is the way to go...I love the breath of fresh air around HARRIS-WALZ, and Im looking so foreward to voting for them..for freedom for democracy for a hopefilled future"

** 36. @RoquetSynce "Was so awesome to hear actual policy promises over Hannibal Lecture and shark attacks. And endless insults. The message of hope will CARRY. 5 x 5. Canadians for Kamala!!"

** 37. @smoocher "We are all experiencing the lead-up to the first female US president!!! I never thought this would happen in my lifetime. So incredibly excited, happy, and optimistic!!"

**** August 8, 2024
38. @tommytunes303
"The faster we get past the Trump era the better off this Country and the World will be."

** 39.@abbykeister5322
"I've never felt the need to get into politics until about a year ago. It’s critical that all adults in America learn all they can, listen to the truth, & speak out as much as possible. MAGA is so full of hate that it's hard for me, personally, to feel safe & I don't like feeling unsafe in this country."

** 40. @dominod7415
"I am 70 years plus. The last time I have seen  this type of excitement  towards a person running for president was when John F Kennedy ran for the office. Obama was close but Kennedy run was at another level."

41. @RuthLopez-tn3uv
"I remember. Camelot was real. JFK & Jackie had IT. They were stars. Obama too. Remember Obama in Berlin?"


42. @hugoo1549
For freedom's sake. For democracy's sake. For decency's sake. For sanity's sake. For our future's sake. For our planet's sake. Vote blue across the board Kamala Harris 2024 1000%

43. @alexvelazques8514
t's been years since my level of hope and excitement for this country has been so high like it is now . WE ARE NOT GOING BACK !!!"

44. @bridgetdrummond1721
"I was four years old in 1968. That election year was dramatic, historic, and unprecedented. Being a historian, I was always nostalgic about that era, wondering if there would ever be another eventful, monumental, and historic election cycle like that ever again. These are the times that will go down in the history books once again. Let's just pray it goes our way. Vote blue, everyone!"

45. @HarleyDrummer1
"The Harris/Walz campaign and movement has been as magical as the Obama/Biden campaign was. So much energy."


46. @Will0wiso_
"I got so hopeful this morning after learning more about Kamala. After a long time of doom and gloom, I’m hoping this spirit continues vote blue"

47. @JohnDoe-jh5yr
" "This is what democracy looks like" from a crowd like that hits different."

48. @blizz2795
"Yes! People from all walks of life!"

49. @alexamderdantonip8999
"I just watched a part of tim walz speech where he said trump took the JOY out of our country. It didnt even hit me til he said that. Just what a Dark Dark place he put us into. F trump for that and many more things..."

50. @joelowery7300
"I was 6 years old in 1976. I really felt as a child that we were unified in our pride in this country. The whole year felt like the 4th of July. We've got another big anniversary coming up next year. For the first time in a long time I feel like we can get that back. We're all American and we all love this country. It's my hope that we can celebrate together the way we use to."

** Reply 51. @karenharrison5935 "I remember that & I was 12. I agree, we were a unified country "

** 52. @Intelligencia
"Oh my God, "This is what democracy looks like" blew me away. Yes, people, this is what democracy looks like. What a heart-warming call-and-response there. Fantastic."

** 53. @GulfShoresVacationGuide "Young man, I want to compliment you on the great work you are doing here. I’m almost 60 years old now and I’ve been involved in political communications for many of those years. You give us old folks hope for the future of our nation. If the young people of this country follow your example and get involved and vote for the leaders who will best shape the future you all want, this country will never see the likes of Trump or the MAGA movement ever again. Keep it up! Never take anything for granted, and I wish you well. "

** 54. @azizip171 "@GulfShoresVacationGuide, I'm a 76 year old African American woman and I agree with everything you said directed to podcaster Luke Beasley.

I also want to add that I believe it should be noted that almost all of the attendees at that Wisconsin rally were White (given that 86% of the population of Wisconsin is White and only 7% is Black). That these White women and men are supporting Kamala Harris, a Black/South Asian (Indian) woman for President of the United States fills me with hope - not that this nation and the world will be color blind, but that eventually-when it comes to race & ethnicity-color won't matter."
** Reply
55. @GulfShoresVacationGu­ide "@azizip171 Awesome! I saw today that a brand new PBS poll has Harris up NINE (9) POINTS over Trump among Independents. That's getting into Obama-level numbers :)"
** 56. @azizip17
​ @GulfShoresVacationGuide I love learning that good news. But, as I'm sure you know, we can't get complacent and not vote in for them because Kamala and Tim are leading in the polls. And, speaking of governor and Democratic Vice Presidential nominee Tim Walz, I'm sure that having a popular White Governor who was born & raised in rural Nebraska and worked and lives in neighboring Minnesota helps sway Wisconsin voters toward the Democratic ticket. But there was a time when White people wouldn't support a non-White person over someone who was White. Thank goodness to a large extent (that was surprising to me and to a number of other Black people). that wasn't the case either time that Barack Obama was campaigning for President ,and thank goodness that appears not to be the case now with Kamala Harris' campaign for President.

** 57. @HybridMiranda "Last night I went to a Kamala-Walz volunteer signup event at a local brewery in Pittsburgh. They were expecting 20-40 people. There were *over 100*. The brewery ran out of beer glasses and started having to ask people to bring theirs back so they could wash and re-use them. The food ran out and pizza had to be ordered. The mayor of Sharpsburg was there. It was incredible. This Movement has POWER."

** 58. @jasonsmouse6570
"I'm 51 and a month ago I was totally deflated and resigned to the fact that we were going to get Trump again. Fast forward to today and I'm high as a kite on "Hopeium""

59. @issacreign3862
"Im a brit. To all you supporting kamala, thank you. Thank you for preventing the madness of trump being inflicted on us all. It is you who will make America a better place."

60. @alexlamuraglia8739


61. @michelebella677
"Watching that huge crowd chant "this is what democracy looks like!" makes me tear up a little. I've been feeling apathetic and filled with anxiety thinking about losing to Trump and worrying what that means for the rights of marginalized communities. Watching this overwhelming surge of passion for the progressive movement makes me incredibly hopeful for the future. Let's keep this up! Harris/Walz 2024!!!"

62. Lesliecamping
"I’m an European, but I will be buying an American Flag and if Harris wins this election, I will put it up! Just imagine, the first woman to become an US president and the second black president! Vote "

63. @angiemillar2726
"OMG- I love the chanting " this is what democracy looks like" so encouraging and joyful!"

64. @Starrrgazer
"This is what democracy looks like

Wow …I‘m not American, but Swiss … and that just gave me the chills, even tears! "

65. @pattywhitlock7941
"Together we stand! Vote Blue! Harris/Walz All the way to the White House!! They are a great team. Team Blue I love you!! 2024"

66. @LurkingInTheGrey
"The joy and enthusiasm from the Harris/Walz ticket is infectious and will lift up the nation." ** 67. @krystianpa1982
"I am from germany .born in poland and i really really hope harris win this ..i think the whole democratic world hope for this .. ** 68. @juliettebobcat704
"My son and his wife are both 27. We were together on vacation and trying not to plug into news, but they were not planning on voting at all, mainly because of Gaza and Biden being old. They were in Berlin when they knew he was stepping down and supporting Harris. They rejoiced, and are now very psyched voters."

** 69.@suzyfarnham3165 "These rallies just make me smile.After weeks of worry and compete sadness.. I am so excited for America!! I am Aussie and IF I COULD would be for Kamala and Tim! What a dynamic pair. I NOW have hope for America coming out the other end. America YOU GOT THIS!!!

FINALLY ......"Donald .....We The People...are taking our country back!!" #Aussie4America #KamalaKarma #MakeTrumpCry #WeirdoDonald I have never cried during a political rally in my life...until the first Harris/Walz rally. I was just so relieved that these 2 people melded so well, the crowd roared and cheered. It was PURE JOY!! #NotGoingBack Go America ... vote ........"Too big to rig...Too real to steal" #BooyahYanks! #lockHIMupFOREVER"

70. @Sparkiesgal
"I’m feeling the love and that our country will be ok with Kamala and Tim. I feel like they are hugging the USA."

71. Rizzorat60
"Thank you Luke for your positive energy and diligence to factual detail in your reporting of breaking political news. Thank you for your effort each and every day. Vote all Democrats with JOYOUS tsunami . "We Are Not Going Back!""


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