
Friday, February 2, 2024

Black Greek Letter Fraternities & Sororities Were Patterned After White Greek Letter Fraternities & Sororities That Were Patterned After Free Masonry

Edited by Azizi Powell 

This pancocojams post presents an excerpt of a 2008 online article by Fahim A. Knight-EL that is entitled "Black Greek Letter Fraternities and Sororities: A Tradition of Mis-Education".

The content of this post is presented for historical and socio-educational purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to Fahim A. Knight-EL for his research and writing on this subject.
DISCLAIMER- My quoting this article excerpt doesn't mean that I agree with everything that is written in that article.

Click for a 2015 pancocojams post entitled "
Black Fraternities & Sororities Chants That Mention Crossing The Burning Sands"

Also, click for the 2024 closely related pancocojams post entitled "
Freemasonry and the Development of Greek-Letter Fraternities (pdf excerpt)".



Sunday, November 23, 2008

By Fahim A. Knight-EL
"Should African people join “Black Greek” Lettered Fraternities and Sororities? This question has always been raised by the conscious community when it comes to the relevance of “Black Greek” Letter Fraternities and Sororities on college life and outside of black college life. This article originated with a Prince Hall Masonic brother named Robert McClendon, Jr., from the PHAmily website who asked me to write an article on “Black Greek” Lettered Fraternities and Sororities. This writer must admit that this topic was not high on my visible radar screen and I personally did not have much interest in doing such a subject, but from time to time, I do take leads from others, relative to doing research topics. Although, I may have not chosen this one as a topic, but nevertheless, it is a legitimate conversation within the African American community. Brother McClendon stated: “when you get a chance, we need you to break down this "Greek fraternity and sorority stuff" for our people. I read your take on Masonry not having the courage, but please elaborate on this whole idea of black people wearing Greek Letters and stepping and whole concept of assimilation. Appreciate it. I don't feel like taking these folks back to school. It's draining. Not that white folks won't tell the truth, but black folks just don't want to get it.”

Thus, during the early 1900s African Americans who were considered bourgeoisie and had bought into this equation of class and status—viewed in terms of caste significance and of upward socio-economic mobility ranking, as it was being espoused and set by standards of the dominant culture; and more specifically by the Caucasian Elite and aristocratic societies who were part of a privileged world of academia. George G.M. James in his monumental book titled, “Stolen Legacy” explored the historical and cultural exchanges between ancient Egypt (Kemet) and ancient Greece, in which James dismantled the myths and misconceptions that Africa gave nothing to world civilization and intellectually challenged the Eurocentric worldview that had falsely proclaimed that Europe had culturally enlightened the entire world to the detriment of other civilizations. (Reference: George G.M. James; “Stolen Legacy”).

James research placed Kemet (Egypt) in Africa, as opposed to being suspended into outer-space and somehow landed within the Middle East, but his work redefined Egypt and Africa as the mother of civilization where philosophy, medicine, astronomy, engineering, mathematics, art, music, architecture, religion, etc., originated and Greek philosophy was stolen from Kemet (Egypt) and reclaimed by the Europeans as their own. This writer could have ended this discussion by simple stating that biologically and ethnically Blacks are not Greeks and to call themselves “Black Greeks” is an insult and a dishonor to their own African heritage and culture and it is culturally inexcusable. (Reference: Cheik Anta Diop; “The African Origin of Civilization: Myth or Reality”).

The establishment of the so-called “Black Greek Lettered” Fraternities and Sororities were imitations that modeled after Elitist Caucasian Greek Lettered societies in philosophical scope and organizational intent including adopting the cultural models of their counterparts. The majority of the “Black Greek” Lettered Societies were established after the 1896 infamous United States Supreme Court Decision of Plessy versus Ferguson, which ushered in Jim Crow Laws of segregation and institutionalize racism. These laws advocated the “separate but equal” doctrine and it allowed the practice of racial segregation and legal discrimination against African Americans in the United States. Blacks were prohibited and denied membership into white fraternities and sororities and this led to them establishing their own so-called “Black Greek” Lettered Societies such as: Alpha Phi Alpha (1906), Kappa Alpha Psi (1911), Omega Psi Phi (1911), Phi Beta Sigma (1914), Iota Phi Theta (1963), Alpha Kappa Alpha (1908), Delta Sigma Theta (1913), , Zeta Phi Beta(1920), Sigma Gamma Rho (1922)—better known as the “Divine Nine.” (Reference: Lawrence Ross, Jr.; “The Devine Nine: The History of African American Fraternities and Sororities”).

This is how Lawrence C. Ross who authored the book titled, "The Devine Nine” and who is an authority on “Black Greek” Lettered fraternities and sororities describes these societies in this manner: “America's black fraternities and sororities are a unique and vital part of 20th century African American history. Since the creation of the first fraternity in 1906 at Cornell University, they have provided young black achievers with opportunities to support each other, while serving their communities and the nation. From pioneering work in the suffragette movement to extraordinary strides during the Civil Rights era to life-changing inner-city mentoring programs in the 1990s, members of these organizations share a proud and vital history of brotherhood, sisterhood, and service.” (Reference: Lawrence Ross, Jr.; “The Devine Nine: The History of African American Fraternities and Sororities” inside cover flap).

Ross continues: “Today, America's nine black fraternities and sororities are two-and-one-half million members strong and among the most powerful and influential groups in African American society-with chapters at major universities and colleges across the country, including Stanford University, Howard University, and University of Chicago. Many of America's most prominent business leaders, scientists, politicians, entertainers, and athletes took their first steps toward making a difference in the world in a fraternity or sorority.” (Reference: Lawrence Ross, Jr.; “The Devine Nine: The History of African American Fraternities and Sororities” inside cover flap).

George G.M. James advocated that the study of history and humanities needed to be intellectually revamped and there is perhaps no other source (Stolen Legacy) written by an African American scholar which has led to such a critical evaluation and assessment of Greek and Roman culture than this book. Thus, most critics and pundits of “Black Greek” Lettered Societies, almost always uses James’ research as a legitimate point of argument to show forth the greatness in African Kemetic people who taught all the Greek philosophers directly or either indirectly in the Egyptian Mystery Schools. African people have no justification in the 21st Century to still be calling themselves “Black Greeks” when it was the Nubian- Egyptians who enlightened humanity and not the other way around. Yes, there comes a time in history that we must demonstrate courage and the moral intestinal fortitude to depart and breakaway from tradition; in particular if new information has arisen, which renders past information and ideas as being obsolete, outdated and irreverent in spite of how painful the process may be, it becomes necessary to make the transitions—correct the wrong and allow these organizations to move forward within the proper cultural context. (Reference: Asa G. Hilliard, III; “The Reawakening of the African Mind).


The crossing of the hot burning sands—this is symbolic and geographically talking about the rugged and difficulty of those who we forced to walk 2,200 miles across the hot Arabian Desert (years ago before hazing was outlawed it was mentally and physically challenging for a Neophyte to cross the hot burning sands into a “Black Greek” Lettered Fraternities and Sororities , but today they are just certificate card carrying members who paid money to join and was required to remember the history of the organization; when I came along years ago that paddle made pledging a very difficult task) and this no more evident than in the ritual of the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (Shriners) which they acquire the knowledge of this process and then play these silly games with the Islamic religion. But it was taught more fully and given a complete explanation by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad and the Nation of Islam. The “Black Greek” Lettered Fraternities and Sororities have failed to understand just as the Freemasons, which is their parent organization of the “Black Greek” Lettered Fraternities and Sororities; which they both failed to understand that all this history and culture belongs to the original man. The five schools of architecture style that is relished in the Fellowcraft degree of Freemasonry (Second degree Middle Chamber lecture)—Doric, Ionic, Corinthian, Tuscan and Composite did not originate in Greece and Roman. But in Kemet who gave enlightenment to the entire world.

Yes, the Seven Liberal Arts—Grammar, Rhetoric, logic, Arithmetic, Geometry, Astronomy and Music had its origin’s also in Kemet (Egypt); European scholars such as Albert Churchward in his monumental book titled, "Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man" verify and substantiate that Kemet (Egypt) had fed the entire world civilization. Also, Gerald Massey in his book titled, "Ancient Egypt The Light of the World" he to took the cradle of knowledge and civilization back to Kemet (Egypt), Manly P. Hall who authored the book titled, "The Secret Teachings of All Ages" and he also pointed the ancient wisdom back to Kemet (Egypt) and lastly, Sir Godfrey Higgins in his book titled, “Anacalypsis: An Attempt to Draw Aside the Veil of the Saitic or an Inquiry into the Origin of Languages.” Therefore this is nothing that we made up, but from Kemet (Egypt) sprung world civilization and most of these scholars of antiquity have written treatise that documents the complexity and majesty of a society that is unduplicated in their contribution towards humanity. All knowledge and wisdom originated in the East and to the East lies the answers to solving our cultural dilemmas and stagnation. (John G. Jackson; “Introduction to African Civilization’).

Delta Sigma Theta and Alpha Phi Alpha and other “Black Greek” Lettered Fraternities and Sororities do have Egyptian symbols and language in their ritual, which they reference Kemet (Egypt). Shahid M. Allah stated: “The Greek letter of Delta, with the sorority’s symbols, resembles a triangle. This is the same shape that this organization’s members use as a sign, which is formed by making a pyramid (triangle) with the pointers and thumbs of both hands. We need to take a second look at the sign made by the Deltas because there is much significance below the surface value of it. . . Some of the Supreme Wisdom of the Great Pyramid has been incorporated into the esoteric orders like the Order of the Eastern Star (O.E.S.). The Eastern Stars are the female auxiliary to the Masons. This women recognize the above mentioned hand gesture of the Delta's as the "Sister's Sign," or "The Sign of Martha." It is done by raising the triangular shape (made with the fingertips) to a parallel position with your eyes. This sign represents Martha's appealing to Jesus Christ, after the death of her brother Lazarus. "Believest thou this?" is the question asked when an Eastern Star sees a woman holding up this sign. Hence, there is a resurrective value in the pyramid sign that the sorors of Delta Sigma Theta hold up.” (Reference: Shahid M. Allah; “Take A Second Look”) and also reference Paula Giddings book titled, “ In Search of Sisterhood: Delta Sigma Theta and the Challenge of the Black Sorority Movement”.

Sherrod N. Gresham in his book titled, “Prominent Prince Hall Masons on the Philatelic Materials: Stamps, First Day Covers, and Post Cards” stated, “On March 2, 1784, African Lodge #1 petitioned the Grand Lodge of England, the Premier or Mother Grand Lodge of the world, for a warrant (ort character), to organize a regular Masonic lodge, with all the rights and privileges thereunto prescribed. The Grand Lodge of England issued a character on September 29, 1784, to African Lodge # 459, the first lodge of blacks in America.” (Reference: Joseph A. Walkes; “Black Square and Compass: 200 years of Prince Hall Freemasonry).

Prince Hall, a free black man of Boston, Massachusetts was initiated and raised as a master mason by a traveling British Military lodge in 1775 along with fifteen other free black men. In addition, Prince Hall received an official and legitimate Masonic Charter from the Grand lodge of England on September 29, 1784, which led to the establishing of African lodge Number 459. This was perhaps the first black fraternity in America and all the Black Greek Lettered Societies owe their ritual (Reference: Walter M. Kimbrough’ “Black Greek 101: The Culture, Customs, and Challenges of Black Fraternities and Sororities”).

Dr. Carter G. Woodson (a Omega Psi Phi member) the father of Black History Month, which was originally Black History week, wrote a profound little book in 1933 titled the “Mis-education of the Negro” and Woodson wrote about how African Americans were mis-educated and taught to admire and appreciate all other people’s culture and history but themselves. This of course was systematically done to instill self-hatred and foster a disconnection to one of the oldest and luscious histories to be found any place in the world. Thus, black people during the Transatlantic slave trade and the Middle Passage Africans were systematically stripped of their religion, names, values, folkways, mores, etc., and most of all denied the right to their own culture and heritage for 310 years (1555-1865). Some Africans resisted this forcible enculturation process, but out of survival many became inculcated within a system of white supremacy. (Reference: Carter G. Woodson the “Mis-Education of the Negro”).


The BOULE (Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity) is perhaps one of the first black Greek letter fraternities that was founded in 1904, but most of its founders were Prince Hall Masons and/or had strong Masonic affiliations. The term BOULE means “advisor to the king”. Steve Cokley is considered the authority on the BOULE, he has a video series titled, “Boule Buster: The Plot To Destroy Black Education”. Frontline Magazine did an article titled, “Boule” stated, “We know the Illuminati (Rhodes/Rothschild secret society) also goes by the name, the ROUND TABLE GROUP the Boule, which created the 8 black fraternities and sororities (now known as the Divine Nine). Rockefeller is a subdivision of the Rhodes/Rothschild or New World Order regime.” Charles H. Wesley who was a prominent Prince Hall Mason wrote the definitive history of the Boule (Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity) titled, Reference: Charles H. Wesley; “History of Sigma Pi Phi, first of the Negro-American Greek-letter fraternities”).

This African-American secret society is a “powerful” fraternity and sorority known as the BOULE which is a Freemasonic type organization that attracts some of the top black politicians, intellectuals, business persons, etc, and those who are considered influential and part of the black bourgeoisie.

W.E.B. Dubois preached and advocated that blacks should pursue a classical and/or Liberal Arts education, as opposed to Booker T. Washington espousing technical training. Dubois model was geared towards sending 10% of the black population to the universities and colleges of higher learning with an objective of attaining liberal arts education and coming back to the black community and help to elevate the race. Dubois and historians called this theory the “Talented Tenth” theory (Reference: W.E.B. Dubois “The Souls of Black Folk”). Also, there is an interesting book written by Charles H. Wesley, titled, “The History of Alpha Phi Alpha: A Development in College Life” that deals African American race, class and the pursuit of education.

The Boule has been known for attracting the African American Talented Tenth for now over a century; it was described this way “the quintessential brotherhood for African-American men." The incoming Grand Sire Archon, New Orleans banker and financier Charles Teamer, says the Boule "is unique because no other organization brings together so many talented leaders--sometimes you have in the same room the mayor and the biggest educational and economic leaders in town--and no other organization provides such an unparalleled opportunity to mentor, change structures, and build bridges." He says his administration will concentrate on mentoring, creating new international connections and moving networking to another level.

The BOULE was originally styled after the Skull Bones Fraternity conceived as an organization that would contain the "best of Skull and Bones of Yale and of Phi Beta Kappa," In the keynote address, Archon Vernon Jordan Jr. (former aid to Bill Clinton and Civil Right leader) presented a 12-point program for personal and collective renewal, saying, among other things, that "we must create a new sense of community among our own ... bridge the growing economic gap within the Black community [and] re-Brown Brown to counter the long slide back into de facto segregation." We must also, he said, "constantly remind the new entrants into the Talented Tenth that their exciting jobs in corporate America and investment banking and in law firms are not the result of their grades and their ability and their school all by themselves. They did not get there by themselves ... and they have to know it."


On most of the white college campus throughout America; they had white only Greek lettered societies and organizations, in which their existed a long tradition of social and academic prosperity and social networking that ventured far beyond college life into the social, political, and economic lives of its members, as far as politically maneuvering and stationing its members in key positions through out society. The undergraduate mission statement for most Greek Letter Fraternities on the white college campus was getting drunk and partying and having a good social time, but many of these students were third and fourth generation Greek Letter Oath Takers and their parents were getting them prepared for the task of leading humanity (once they sobered up). The Skull and Bones was founded on the campus of Yale University in the year of 1832 and is perhaps the most powerful and influential college fraternity in America. Black Greek Lettered Fraternities and Sororities are miniature Skull and Bones organizations, but lack the real Elite networking, which is reserved for those individuals who will eventually be initiated in the REAL ORDERS (many are call, few chosen) such as the Bilderberger, Council on Foreign Relations, and the Trilateral Commission this is the real brotherhood and sisterhood that rule over humanity and their membership is not based on race or ethnicity, but on an ideology that is rooted in the principles of GLOBALIZATION AND A ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. (Reference: Gary Allen and Larry Abraham; “None Dare Call it Conspiracy”):
Here is the Information about the author that is given after this article:

"Fahim A. Knight-EL Chief Researcher for KEEPING IT REAL THINK TANK located in Durham, NC; our mission is to inform African Americans and all people of good will of the pending dangers that lie ahead; as well as decode the symbolisms and reinterpret the hidden meanings behind those who operate as invisible forces, but covertly rules the world. We are of the belief that an enlighten world will be better prepared to throw off the shackles of ignorance and not be willing participants for the slaughter. Our MOTTO is speaking truth to power.”
This article also includes comments from some of its readers.

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