
Friday, September 29, 2023

Tweeday -"Tag Me In" (A Popular 2015/2016 Jigg Song With Lyrics & Explanations About What Those Words Mean)

TweeVo, November 26, 2015
WARNING -  The lyrics for this song includes a short line in which the four letter "f" word is chanted two times. This song doesn't include any other curse words and it also doesn't include the pejorative referent that is commonly known as "the n word"

Edited by Azizi Powell

Latest revision - October 3, 2023

This pancocojams post showcases two examples of the popular 2015 Jigg song "Tag Me In" by Louisiana rapper Tweeday.

This post also includes information about Jiggin(g) and the lyrics for that song. My notes about the meaning of some of those lyrics are also including in this pancocojams post.  

The content of this post is presented for historical, cultural, and entertainment purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to Tweeday for his cultural contributions. Thanks also to all those who are quoted in this post.
Click for the closely related pancocojams post entitled "Louisiana Jiggin(g) - YouTube Dance Videos, Information, & Comments".

SHOWCASE VIDEO -  SU Homecoming Jiggfest ft Danrue, Tweeday & GeezyAllStar

Couch Potateaux, Dec 10, 2016
Southern University is a historically Black university in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Definition from Pancocojams Editor (Azizi Powell, 2023)
"Jigg" is a Hip Hop style of social dancing that originated among African Americans in Louisiana around 2002. The spelling of the word "jigg" differentiates it from the much older jig dance forms that are always spelled with one "g".

The contemporary word "jigg" and "jiggin(g)" are nouns that refer to the dance and/or the music that is used for that dance. The word "Jigg" and "jiggin(g) are also verbs that means to do that type of dance. The word "jigger" refers to people who "jigg". 

Jiggin(g) consists of dancers shaking their arms, bending their knees, wiggling their body and doing footwork and/or other movements to the rhythm of a Jigg record, 
Jiggin(g)  performances are usually freestyle. Jiggers often battle other dancers so that onlookers can judge who is the best jigger. 

Almost all of the YouTube videos about jiggin(g) and its related forms (including Mississippi Mohead Swagg) show teenagers or young adult African American males doing these dances indoors or outdoors. Females and non-Black people are rarely shown in these jiggin(g). videos although some comments in YouTube discussion threads about this dance document that anyone who wants to can jigg (or at least) try to jigg. 

Jigg is uptempo, percussive music with rapping. There are different types of Jigg records. Read about the style of Jigg music that includes Tweeday's "Tag Me In" in the "Explanation" section below.




If you wanna jigg clap two times
If you ready to jigg clap two times
If you ready to jigg clap two times

I make em jigg
Gone jigg
Let me in

Tag me in
Tag me in
Tag me in
Tag me in
Tag me in

Now bu-- bu-- bu-- bu --bu--bu-- buss it
Bu-- bu-- bu-- bu --bu--bu-- buss it
Bu-- bu-- bu-- bu --bu--bu-- buss it
Let me in, tag me in and watch me buss it

Now cut up with that cut up
Cut up with that cut up
Cut up with that cut up, mane
Cut up with that cut up
Cut up with that cut up
Got me f--ked* up with that f--k* up
Tag me in, let me in and watch me turn up

Now get you one
Now get you one
Now get you one
Now get you one
It's really dumb
It's really dumb
Now get you two
It's really up

Say bow bow bow
Say bow bow bow

Right leg, left leg, yeah with that yea yea
Right leg, left leg, yeah with that yea yea
Right leg, left leg, yeah with that yea yea
Right leg, left leg, yeah with that yea yea
Right leg, left leg, yeah with that yea yea
Right leg, left leg, yeah with that yea yea

Jigg with ya boy like hopscotch

Now jigg acapella
Jigg acapella
Jigg acapella
Who can do it better
Jigg acapella
Jigg acapella
Jigg acapella
Who can do it better

Break ya back back
Do it for the Snapchat
Break ya back back
Do it for the Snapchat
Break ya back back
Do it for the Snapchat
Break ya back back
Do it for the Snapchat


If you wanna jigg clap two times
If you ready to jigg clap two times
If you ready to jigg clap two times

I make em jigg
Gone jigg

Let me in
Tag me in
Tag me in
Tag me in
Tag me in
Tag me in


*These words are fully spelled out in those lyrics.

That website also gives this "Overall meaning" for that song.
"Tweeday's song Tag Me In" is a dance track that promotes dancing and encourages listeners to join in. The chorus speaks to this message by calling on listeners to tag Tweeday in on the dance floor. The repetition of the words "tag me in" serves as an invitation to join in and dance together."
-end of quote-
I don't entirely agree with this interpretation of the song. Read my notes in the next section of this post.

Tweesday's popular 2015/2016 Jigg song "Tag Me In" as an example of a style of Jigg  rapping in which the rapper calls out different movements that he wants the dancers to perform. Dance records in which a caller informs or instructs groups of dancers to do certain movements are a very old part of American music and dance traditions that is exemplified in the Virginia Reel. The Hip Hop line dances "The Cha Cha Slide" and "The Cupid Shuffle" are contemporary examples of that "called movements" type of group dancing. However, jiggin isn't done in group formation horizontal lines like "The Cha Cha Slide" and "The Cupid Shuffle"are performed.

The ways that dancers perform those called movements reflect the creativity and skills of those dancers. Some of the YouTube videos of Jigg (such as the showcase video given as #2 in this pancocojams post) the jiggers are shown taking turns dancing in the center of a stage or dance floor. Some of those videos (such as the showcase video given as #2 above) also show each dancer's interpretation of the particular movements that are called out in that song. 

Here's what I believe are the meanings of the lyricsTweeday's "Tag Me In" song.

I've numbered these notes for referencing purposes only.

Additions and corrections are welcome.

1. Tag me in" - A statement that a dancer makes that it is his (or her) turn to dance (to be the dancer in the spotlight" in a dance battle or in a group dance performance. As other words of that song says, the dancer is declaring that the others "Let (him) in" so that he can show how well he dances. 

Background notes:
Tweesday's "Tag Me In" 2015 song (and its 2016 Remix) borrows elements from children's playground activities such as the preparation to play the running game "tag. you're it" and the jumping game "hopscotch"

I disagree with the conclusion reached by (given above) that the rapper (who I refer to as the caller) Tweeday is asking his listeners whether he can join them dancing. Instead, I believe that Tweeday is either using playground lingo to represent what a jigger (dancer) says when its his turn to dance in the spotlight or Tweeday is directing dancers (or the dancer in the spotlight) to do certain movements. 

2. "Touchdown"- a call for dancers to do a movement imitating how the referee raises both hands in the air to signal that a touchdown has been made.

3. "If you wanna jigg, clap two hands" = if you want to join in the dancing, clap two times; or if you want to be the spotlight dancer, clap two times. (This isn't meant to a true representation of how people doing this dance actually signal that they want to dance) 

4. "I make em jigg" = The rapper is saying that he produces songs that make people want to dance.

5. "Gone jigg" = go on and jigg 

6. "buss it"/"watch me buss it" = dance really well (show off your best dance moves)

7. "cut up" = (probably from the slang saying "cutting loose"), meaning to dance very well (show off your best dance moves)

8. got me "f--ked up with that f--ked up" = got me being unrestrained (because I'm either really drunk or I'm acting like people act when they are durnk.

In this context, "f up" doesn't have a negative meaning. Instead, it means that the person has gone beyond the usual societal limitations often because he is drunk. (The word "crunk" that was popular in 2015/2016 exemplifies the positive opinions of people going all out -or in African American Vernacular English "going all in") because they are drunk "Crunk =  crazy + drunk. Another vernacular way of saying that a person is drunk is that he or she is "f--ked up"). These words reflex the view that people who are no longer restrained by society's limitations, may be able to really show they can do certain things, such as dance. 

9.  "watch me turn up" - to act wild, overly excited, (probably because you are intoxicated)

10. "now you get one" = you get one turn (dancing in the spotlight)

11. "now you get two" = you get another turn (dancing in the spotlight)

12. "it's really dumb" = "Dumb" in the context of this song, the standard meaning for dumb (i.e. "stupid")  is flipped and something that is dumb is said to be really cool, something that is desirable to be).

13. "Say bow bow bow" = the caller imagens that the featured dancer says these words. That dancer is  encouraging people to applaud him and tell him to take a bow for how well he danced

14. "Right leg, left leg" = the caller is directing dancer/s to do some movement with their right leg and then their left leg.

15. "yea with that yea" = the caller congratulates the dancer/s

16."Hopscotch/Jigg with ya boy like hopscotch" = the caller directs the dancer/s to jump like kids jump playing the game of hopscotch

17. "Jigg acapella" = the caller directs the dancer/s to dance without any music playing

18. "Break ya back back" = the caller directs the dancer/s to do dance hard (forcefully, aggressively) 

19. "Do it for the Snapchat" - do that dance move so someone can take a photograph of it and put it on the social media app "Snapchat"  
Thanks for visiting pancocojams.

Visitor comments are welcome.

1 comment:

  1. Here are the only two responses to the question "What does tag me in mean" from
    1. "Deleted user, 24 Nov 2019
    Question about English (US)
    What does tag me in mean?
    My turn. Tag me in."

    2. "MissMinhee
    24 Nov 2019
    Featured answer
    English (US)
    Come touch me so I can play. "
