
Monday, November 21, 2022

Videos & Comments About South African High School "Flashes" (spelling with blazers during sport war cries performances)

PinPro Media,  Feb 15, 2020

5. Ryan -McBain
"Yo watch Michaelhouse  or Hilton spelling, not on the same level but its before school rugby matches and its lit"

6. Carl Behm
"BRO I am in stellenberg the ones who did the first flashes"

7. Chamu Chamurorwa
"This is fantastic. I recommend you search these mass displays performed by North Koreans."

8. Ashleigh Deyzel
"3:31 Green is the colour of the girls dresses (school uniform)"

9. We_love_Brooklyn
"If you look carefully they doing it mostly just with there school jackets that’s it"

Lize-May Gade
"Yup! They are only allowed to use the uniform - so shirts, blasers and the jade school dress"

"It takes us 3 weeks to learn the flashes. Check out Stellenberg 2011 and 2012 flashes. They lit"
"It's lit" is That Fire LA's catch phrase. Consequently, a lot of his commenters use that phrase. It's lit means "It's really great"("Lit" is an expansion of  the slang use of "fire", "smoking","hot". "the bomb" etc to mean that something is really done well.)

12, Xander Groenewald
"WATCH DF MALAN THEY WON 2020 MTBS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Vicky Augustus
"Go watch the smaller version of flashes with 350 people like Schools like Nico Malan mtbs is pretty much just a name for an annual sports event"

14. Manqona Masidale
"Am South African never seen such thing wow"

15. Vesh N
"Schools like Hilton, DHS ect. also do this for rugby games just not as good as this."

"These are usually done at rugby games,we used to do them to compete with other schools,we called it "The Big Brag",which school is better,we'd flex etc"

17.Thabi Anzeel
"In S.A. Sports tournaments is taken very seriously AT schools..We go all out in different ways πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦πŸ‡ΏπŸ‡¦"

Busi Mathe
"What province is this done in??? I'm gonna guess and say western cape  because that province is literally it own country πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚"


19. kindra's korner
"It takes months of preparation and practice. Long tiring hours but after you do it you feel this sensation. There are multiple years of this, Stellenbergs 2018 and 2013 ones are my favorites"

20. Hilke Minnie
"Heyyy from South Africa. I am one of the 8 cheerleaders who created and help with the flashes. The rest of us would love to answer all the questions you have regarding the MTBS flashes or even more🀩"



21. Hilke Minnie
"Ooh and I am in Stellenberg High school, the school you reacted to. Thank you sooo much for the feedbackπŸ’šπŸ’š"

Betty Ndaba
"Hey @Hilke Minnie how long does it take to get the choreographer right?"

23. bronwyn leah
"Betty Ndaba Hi! fellow Stellenberg High School student, also participated in the MTBS, it takes MONTHS, out first 3 months of school is basically dedicated to this, we practice about 5 days a week, 3/5 hours during school time and 3/4 hours a day after school!"

24. Frank, the girl.
"I remember practicing for these flashes at high school. It was the best time ever"

25. Sifiso Dimmock
"I'm South African and I've never seen such in my entire life......Wow"


26. DJ Nasion
"haha private school things"

27.Somisa Mhangwana
"@DJ Nasion  we also go to private schools but this is one of those 10k per month schoolsπŸ‘€"

28. ChristiaanDB1
"Somisa Mhangwana this is actually a government school πŸ˜‚ completely public"


29. Lize-May Gade
"DJ Nasion not at all! All 4 schools are government schools in Cape Town Northern Suburbs!"

Lize-May Gade
"Somisa Mhangwana nope! Government schools!"

31. Amunition Manyaga

I ddnt even know there were public schools for white folks lol. Thought it was a kasi thing."
"Kasi" is a South African slang word meaning "hood" / "ghetto".

["Kasi" doesn't appear to be a negative referent.] 

32. Michael Parfitt
"I go to one of the school in this , bro its amazing"

Edrian Luyt
"I think It's mostly done by schools around Cape Town. And only for Interschool Athletics. Not Rugby matches. I might be wrong about only Cpt Schools, but I also n have not seen it outside Western Cape. (And it's normal public schools)"

34. Abakwe Ramafi
"Somisa Mhangwana nah fam my school is almost 10k a month and I can guarantee you we don’t do this at aaaaaallll"

35.  CornΓ© Verster
"@Amunition Manyaga  lmao al 4 schools here that took part are public schools mixed genders and races


36. Bonga Percival
"Where are from if you have never seen this"


37.  CornΓ© Verster
"@Bonga Percival  Ikr when these things happen its on the news , tv shows and newspapers πŸ“°"


38. Nelly T
"Me too...I've never experienced nor seen this before....This is AMAZING....WOW this country is full of great talent...WOW WOW WOW!!!!"

39.  Jojo Masipa
"Have you never been to a Inter schools athletic meet. They have a cup for the supporters also. It is stunning to watch - every school work so hard!!"

60. Alne Barnard
"@Amunition Manyaga  Hahaha no some private schools are way to expensive. There's hundreds of public schools where you can find any colour person."

61. Alne Barnard
" @Edrian Luyt  Having to move around a lot and going to  4 different high schools all in different provinces( Limpopo, Gauteng, Mpumalanga and Western Cape) I can say that  it is only the Western Cape Schools that does this. The other provinces does have interschools for athletics but they don't do the flashes like WC does."

• B L O O P •
"There were quite a lot of memes of Bellville and Tygerberg coping each other bc their endings were the sameπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚"


63. Tiisetso Shakwane
"I'm from SA my first time seeing this. Gotta say it's Lit πŸ™‚"

CJ Yung
"Damn that’s littty who else enjoying this"

65. Kolour Gen
"πŸ₯²This has me bawling my eyes out! To think of how much time and camaraderie our children in South Africa missed this year! My boys are at an all boys’ school and the inter-house singing competition is an annual event which they obviously missed in 2020. Every boy MUST sing and the team spirit is next level! ✨"
This comment refers to in-school learning halted and/or sports activities prohibited because of Covi-19.



Megan Church
"This takes me back 20 years! I took part in MTBS 1999 - 2003. Every year at the start of the school year, January for us, we would be at school after hours every night from say 5pm-8pm practicing, and every period at school during the day we didn't have class we would be practicing these moves and songs. I was in Malan, we were much smaller than the school featured (Stellies) - I will never forget how bone-chilling their cries were on the pavilion- they always sang lounger and with more force! Loved their songs! One year we stuck thumtags to the bottom of our shoes and did riverdancing- it was so much fun. A great way to participate"...


Broken and Unequal: The State of Education in South Africa calls on the government to urgently address a number of endemic failings in the system in order to guarantee the right to a decent education for every child in South Africa.


The report details how the education system continues to be dogged by stark inequalities and chronic underperformance that have deep roots in the legacy of apartheid, but which are also not being effectively tackled by the current government.

For example, it brings to the fore that many schools and the communities they serve continue to live with the consequences of the political and economic decisions made during the apartheid era where people were segregated according to their skin colour, with schools serving white communities properly resourced. The result of this modern-day South Africa is that a child’s experience of education still very much depends on where they are born, how wealthy they are, and the colour of their skin.


According to the Department’s own statistics for 2018, out of 23,471 public schools, 20,071 have no laboratory. Furthermore, 18,019 have no library, while 16,897 have no internet.

Almost 1,000 schools have no sports facilities, while 4,358 have only illegal plain pit latrines for sanitation; 1,027 have no perimeter fencing, essential for teacher and pupil safety, while 239 have no electricity, and 37 have no sanitation facilities at all.”…

This concludes Part II of this pancocojams series..

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Visitor comments are welcome. 


  1. Click St. Johns School War cries - Zimbabwe for a 2011 YouTube video of a Zimbabwe high school doing flashes.

  2. Here's a link to a Dec 10,2006 YouTube video of Hilton College (South Africa) students doing flashes. This is the earliest South African war cry video that I've found as of this date:
    YouTube started Feb. 14, 2005.
