Saturday, July 25, 2020

Comments About Sufism, Brujas, Mysticism, & Romani In The Discussion Thread For Jidenna's Video "Sufi Woman"

Edited by Azizi Powell

This is Part II of a three part pancocojams series on the 2019 song "Sufi Woman" by Nigerian-American rapper/singer Jidenna.

Part II presents selected comments about Sufism, and other mystical religious beliefs and practices from the discussion thread of Jidenna's official YouTube video "Sufi Woman". This post also includes examples of comments about the referent "Gypsy". 

Click for Part I of this pancocojams series. Part I presents partial lyrics for Jidenna's song "Sufi Woman: and showcases the official YouTube video of that song. Part I also presents selected general comments about that singer/rapper and that song/video from the discussion thread of that video's official YouTube video.

Click for Part III of this pancocojams series. Part III presents selected comments from Nigerians and other Africans from the discussion thread of Jidenna's official YouTube video of "Sufi Woman"

The content of this post is presented for cultural, educational, and religious purposes. All copyrights remain with their owners. Thanks to Jidenna for his musical legacy. Thanks also to all those who were associated with this music and this video. Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post. **** SELECTED COMMENTS ABOUT RELIGION AND MYSTICISM IN THE DISCUSSION THREAD OF JIDENNA'S SONG "SUFI WOMAN"

Numbers are added for referencing purposes only.

1.Issa Sesay
"This is so brilliant. This album is literally an expo of African culture and our belief systems especially in regards to spirituality. Sufism is a section of Islam that is more spiritual and gives leeway to self-discovery. It's mostly practiced in the middle east, east Africa and West Africa. Some tribes merge it with voodoo and hoodoo."
2. Harun Shields
"MY brother this is an inaccurate representation of sufism"

3. mujtaba aliomer

"Sufism, mystical Islamic belief and practice in which Muslims seek to find the truth of divine love and knowledge through direct personal experience of God.. most African countries from Sudan to Morocco believe on Sufism as well as me ."

4. Porousha Al-Sayyad

"We hav always n still n forever will practice our Persian sufi culture"
** 5. Kirk Taurean
"Shout outs to all the Brujas out there"

6. Lala Lady VK
"I recently found out that my great grandmother was a bruja. I found out after slowly finding myself head in that general direction on my way to finding out who I am(what I enjoy, what I understand about the world, how I understand it, how I want to grow and work on myself). My parents let themselves be whitewashed so I didnt grow up speaking my grandparents language and I grew up in a church which taught me to be ashamed of myself and ruined my younger years of having an exciting, fun, and healthy sex life. I am still healing from all of that and still figuring out who I am. This video is beautiful. Jidenna is amazing for reminding everyone about these parts of the culture that have been forced away."

7. Raya Cotton
"This song is for our culture 🙌🏾 our Majik is real and original 👁💃🏿🧚🏾‍♀️✨"

8. Madeline A. Green

"la hija de la diaspora! bless evry bruja and daughters of yemoya and osun."
Google translate from Spanish to English
"la hija de la diaspora" = The daughter of the diaspora"...

"Yemoja" and "Osun" are female orisas (orisha) in the traditional Yoruba religion (Ifa) and its offshoots Santeria, Candomble, etc.


9. afrochica

10.  Shin

11. Conscious Wave
"BIG thanks to Jidenna for showcasing the magick of indigenous spiritualism! BIG UPS TO ALL THE INTUITIVES OUT THERE WORKING THAT MAGICK BY JUST BEING YOU! Brujas y Brujos! ASE'"

12. Brooke Danielle King
"This is soooo HOT! Thank you for showing positive vibes toward spirituality! This is awesome for my Ifa and Santería brothers and sisters! Ase! Love you Jidenna you should be more popular though your music is better than drake!! Frfr!!"
A number of comments in this discussion thread were the single word "Ase" (pronounced ah-SHAY" by people in the United States). Here's some information about Ase from,things%20happen%20and%20produce%20change.
"Ase or ashe (from Yoruba àṣẹ)[1] is a West African philosophical concept through which the Yoruba of Nigeria Nigeria conceive the power to make things happen and produce change. It is given by Olodumare to everything — gods, ancestors, spirits, humans, animals, plants, rocks, rivers, and voiced words such as songs, prayers, praises, curses, or even everyday conversation. Existence, according to Yoruba thought, is dependent upon it.[2]
In addition to its sacred characteristics, ase also has important social ramifications, reflected in its translation as "power, authority, command."
13. Fatima Haneef
"Is this not an insult to sufis??"

14. _HairFairyGodMother
"Soy la bruja an proud this shyt is the dopest mi gitana baila conmigo"
My translation of this comment from Spanish to English
I'm a witch and proud. This shyt is the dopest. [the very best]. My Gypsies dance with me.
15. Foster Ukah
"I dont believe in juju but I love the fact that because ethnic women are being represented well in this video.  Big ups Jidenna."

16. Gabby the Goddesss
"Where my fellow brujas? Like if you a bruja."
This comment had 400 likes & 37 comments as of 4/23/2020 at 11:50 PM EDT, including argumentative comments about "witchcraft" and Christianity which I didn't include in this compilation.

"One Badass Bruja here🙋🏾‍♀️"

Briante Jones
"La bruja ❤️"

19. REPLY 
Alexis Valeria Bolivar
"bien bruja AYE"

Maya Rego
"Hola 🌙"
The moon is a symbol of brujas.
21.  azareya19
"; ) IFa"

22. azareya19
"Ifa ; ) here"-snip-
"Ifá is a Yoruba religion and system of divination. Its literary corpus is the Odu Ifá. ...
Ifá is practiced throughout the Americas, West Africa, and the Canary Islands, in the form of a complex religious system, and plays a critical role in the traditions of SanteríaCandombléPaloUmbandaVodou, and other Afro-American faiths, as well as in some traditional African religions."
23. BrownSuga Babe
Asè sistars!"

REPLY24. Melanin Moet, 2020
"Squaaaaaad, Àseooo!
"Aseooo" is the Nigerian Yoruba word “Ase” + 3 “o’s” for emphasis

25. Joshima M
"But uhhhh Rumi was persian and so is the sufi culture. Turkey if we are tryinf to be real generous. Caribbean witchcraft has nothing in common with middle eastern mysticism"

26. Reina Teixeria
"I Love this music you are Amazing its about time that witches and Brujas get recognised and respected.  Coming from a Bruja much Love and Light."

27. Black Rose
"As a black Muslim woman who is from Afro-Caribbean descent, I didn't like him conflating Sufism/Islamic mysticism with brujería and even using the term "gypsy" for Roma/Sinti. I did like the part with the dark skinned West-African sister with the pretty earrings. His intentions probably were good but parts of the clip were problematic........."


28. M Hassan
"An actual Sufi Woman here! ❤️"

29. foxylady246
"Where are yall from?"

30. M Hassan

"foxylady246 Sufism is Islamic mysticism. I’m East African and come from a long line of Sufis."

31. Piper Marie

"I’m adopting this as MY anthem 💁🏾‍♀️"


32. Maryam•Ethereal Movement Productions, 2020
"Do you even know what a Sufi woman is? Please don't combine Sufism and brujas. They are not the same."


33. Lexusfelder, 2020
"Maryam - Master of Movement lol it can be her anthem regardless do not be negative"
**34. maria e
"sufism ...a nice reminder that its practiced all over the world, Asia and Africa! love it"
** 35. Thejujubaby
"Im so happy about this song. More and more people are embracing age old practices and im happy we have a song we can jam too. I cant wait till i hear this on the radio"

36. Khalilah G
"I get the song it's super cute but facts are that a SUFI is a Muslim ascetic and mystic. There is no muslim sufi  chick belly dancing in this video. GORGEOUS women yes but no sufis.... I'm a bit confused about the title of song. Why not call is Siempre Bruja since its embracing the Brujas que practica magia o Santeria (witches that practice magic or santeria )????? My brain hurts".

37. SyL 201
"Love this dude I just wish this song was about AFRICAN women instead of woman of Arab descent. No offense but I don’t see no one making songs about our beautiful woman...oh yeah they also enslaved our people. I’m not racist at all... I love all but when you go African you GO AFRICAN."

38. poot lovato
"its not about women of arab descent lol....sufism is a practice in west africa as well thats why there was both arab and african women in the video"

39. SyL 201
"poot lovato it’s an Arab creation adopted by African people like Christianity for example. Sufi is a Muslim term for mystic ...Sufi it’s self is not an African word so how could the practice be of African origin???
40. Djelem Djelem
Why do you not have real Roma women or the slur ”Gypsy” you say. We are not a free spirited lifestyle we are an ethnicity! Gypsy is a Word with a horrible history including holocaust and slavery not a Word for someone that does magic.
** 41. Carlzmatic
"This made the gypsy I am very happy :) I will be blasting this again later I just love you x"


42. Djelem Djelem
"Carlzmatic are you a Gypsy for real or our real Word romani or do you just think it is an lifestyle?"


43. Carlzmatic
"@Djelem Djelem I have it in my blood, I'm not going to give you my history but, I live it love it and I breath it.

44. Sunkissed Mami
"The women he has in all his videos are so mesmerizing and beautiful 🥰 I love a gypsy vibe"

45. Djelem Djelem
"Sunkissed Mami this video is problematic. The Word ”Gypsy” is a slur made for us romani people in europe during slavery and holocaust. We are usually christians but you non romani stereotypes us being witches and having a ”Gypsy” vibe. Millions of us got killed for that ”Gypsy” vibe and non romani just take our culture and think it is an lifestyle.

46. Sunkissed Mami
"Djelem Djelem It’s funny you tell me about my own history as if I’m unaware. I still find the beauty in things that are problematic not every gypsy is assumed to be a witch although it is common to think so by most people. I still find beauty in slavery I find beauty in all of the terrible things that has happened in the world because through all of it you get to teach others on the history especially those who are not so open minded. You can take a word someone used for you to slander you and turn it into something beautiful with a beautiful meaning rather than it being something that hurts you or makes you feel terribly. Stop assuming other people aren’t like you I didn’t come to slander the word I clearly came to say polite heartfelt things I’m sorry you’re hurt by the word but I am not my family is full of voodoo witch doctors do you see me upset about people calling them names do you think it stopped them from having a life? Do you think they even give af about what other people call them no they don’t.

So I’m sorry this word still hurts you but coming from someone who is literally mixed with almost all the races that everyone bashes I could care less about a negative word because I’ll turn it into something positive. Being called a mutt all your life upon other things opens your eyes to not be so stuck up on the past. And no I’m not saying it’s a good thing other people take from the culture but all cultures are taken from and this artist comes from a line of this history so why not talk about it turn into something powerful rather than scum. And yes I liked your comment because I don’t slander others with the overwhelming feeling of past. My first 8 years I grew up in Europe as well and I had to deal with racism being called this and that I clearly overcame it. But as I was saying I find it beautiful that he is uplifting these women.
I reformatted this comment to enhance its readability.

47. guadalupe gonzales
"Lawd this whole time I didn’t know he was singing about witches"
** 48. Juju: The Web Series
"We love this song so much that we made a music/promo video to go with our web series that follows three Black witches and other Black and Brown supernaturals!

We would love for you to check it out.

** 49. Gbuddha10
"NGL I had to Google what a Sufi woman was when I first heard it. It's a catchy banger."
NGL= not gonna lie [gonna= going to]

50. cicelia corbin
"This song has such a mystical feel, i absolutely love it! jidenna neverrr disappoints

51. Porousha Al-Sayyad
"Because our muslim sufi religion is literaly a mystical religion"

52. Kasia Randall
"Okay -- first of all, as a tarot reader, I would like to know the name of the deck used in this video! That definitely adds a layer of mysticism to the video (that I am absolutely in love with!) 😍

And I cannot say enough about all of the beauties showcased in this video! So many shades of earth! I get the feeling that several African countries had a representative."

53. ashjaymak3
"I was thinking the same thing! Very interesting deck."

54. Selina Cooper
"She Wolfe deck 3rd edition"
55. Kiwi The Beauty
"The African Boho vibes in this video my scene! I love this and this is definitely one of my favorite songs off the album. You need any more black Boho chicks for your next video I’m your girl!!

I love the black carefree black girls in the videos we are on the rise (not just hot girls)."
"Boho" is short for "bohemian"

56. Suyama cole
"I love the boho fashion vibes too such a classic style

55. Djelem Djelem
"This video is still problematic for us real ”Gypsy” or romani people that was born with this ethnicity. This ”boho” style is my culture that we got killed for during our slavery and holocaust in europe, we are not an lifestyle we are a ethnicity!"

56. Porousha Al-Sayyad
"This is not boho its literaly called sufi women its our 5k yr old persian tradition it's our religion we are muslims"

57. aura nikole
"@Porousha Al-Sayyad  i agree with most of your comment...but romani people are from india originally..not europe. So..ope.
As a mixed romani/ethiopian who practices magick, has a lot of muslim beliefs, as well as beliefs in hinduism...this song speaks to me"

58. "@Djelem Djelem  i am also romani, but no one is stealing our style or culture in this video. We happen to have a lot of sufi influence in our culture due to the fact we traveled through places that practiced. The same way we picked up influence from christianity."

59. peachesandpoets
"@Djelem Djelem Hi, I'm african from a line of black spiritual healing women who have a lot of influence from persian and north african cultures and practice sufism.
This is literally not about you. Him saying gypsy doesn't make it about you. Don't do this."

60. peachesandpoets
"What the hell is african boho vibes? lol."

61. Djelem Djelem
"peachesandpoets so you mean i dont know my people and culture? Google gypsy. Theres only one type of Gypsy and thats us"

62. Djelem Djelem
"peachesandpoets we are the gypsys in persia and north Africa we are all over the world"

63. peachesandpoets
"@Djelem Djelem OK girl. Find a ridiculous reason to be a victim if you want to. Take care."

64. Kelly Walker - CDLE
"This is a gorgeous ode to all the women who practice their magic with grace and love. We are out here and we will take care of you if you honor us."

**** 2020
65. Thani Moinamkou
"Tho Sufi are Muslim, Sufism has nothing to do with witchcraft and magical thing. It's about spirituality, but there's no witchcraft in it. I love the song but as a Muslim knowing that witchcraft is a big sin and suffi are Muslim I'm confused by this video."

66. shataura duncan
"Sufism  mystical Islamic belief and practice in which Muslims seek to find the truth of divine love and knowledge through direct personal experience of God."

67. Maryam•Ethereal Movement Productions


Sufism is getting closer TO ONE GOD, FINDING LOVE THROUGH ONE GOD. Worshipping other spirit is considered "shirk" in Islam. So I don't know who wrote this dumb ass song, but I don't like that they throw around "Sufi woman" as if a Sufi woman is a witch."

68.  J-Lynn
"Maryam - Master of Movement thanks for saying this cuz I was wondering what it is about.

But maybe if you would teach with love instead of caps and cussing?! I think that people would appreciate the knowledge?"

69. Lovebug
"@J-Lynn yeah he is mixing a few cultures here... sufi, bruja voodoo he mentioned gypsies... but we get the gist."

70. Lovebug
"@J-Lynn would have been better If he named the song voodoo woman"

71. Maryam•Ethereal Movement Productions
"Idk where you got that last part of the info, but hoodoo is different than voodoo, and Sufism is way different than voodoo, Sufism is the inward search of or the getting closer to ONE God. Combining Voodoo and Sufism would be totally shirk and haram. It would just be going against and/or contradicting Islam and Sufi teachings."

72. Issa Sesay
"@Voracious Child I come from a line of sufis and I have just recently started practicing it and in line with my ancestral connection( african spirituality).

73. Issa Sesay
"@Maryam•Ethereal Movement Productions They do seek for protection and guidance in both dear. Voodoo and Hoodoo is not evil, it is the intention of the individual."

74. H A
"There is no voodoo in Sufi 😂 that’s shrik , Sufism does not exist outside the realm of Islam"

75. Hak Clk
"@Issa Sesay it is still shirk, and committing shirk excludes you from being a Muslim/Believer immediately. When one neglects the pillars of Islam and starts interpreting/mixing other cultural aspects into it, he/she excludes themselves from the Ummah of our beloved Prophet s.a.v. Sufism is not that magical/superspiritual thing most people think it is. It merely is a Philosophy about the love towards Allah. Thats it."

76. Mercedes Brixton
"She’s right. There is many Islamic witchcraft with Sufi philosophy"

77. [REC] - Reserva Espiritual de Corvus
"@Maryam•Ethereal Movement Productions Not everybody seeks Orthodoxy in Spirituality 🤷🏻‍♂️

If I recall correctly, Sufism made an impact in Al-Andalus back in the days in the Iberian Peninsula, where I am from."

78. Maryam•Ethereal Movement Productions
"@[REC] - Reserva Espiritual de Corvus huh? Sufism may not be all orthodox and it has more spirituality but we still believe in one God. It's not voodoo or witchcraft."

79. Maryam•Ethereal Movement Productions
"@H A exactly I'm trying to tell these poor people"

80. Maryam•Ethereal Movement Productions
"@Issa Sesay what?? Since when? Idk if you're thinking of a different cultural but it's totally Haram to mix those two. It would go against it all. I repeat, voodoo and Sufism are not the same! As a Sufi myself, you just sound ignorant, I'm sorry! I did see you say you are "reclaiming" your African ancestory, but you really should learn more about Sufism."

81. Ariana Omnomnom
@Maryam•Ethereal Movement Productions She never said they were the same thing. She said that some tribes incorporate it. Meaning regardless of how you as an individual practice Sufism there are others who practice it alongside hoodoo and voodoo practices.


82. A. Adeze

83. Diana Muniz
Es hijo de Shango definitivamente 🤍❤️ la primer mujer de amarillo “Oshun” la morena que sale después 1:27 podría ser “Oyá” me enamoré de este video y el cantante está guapísimo 🤤
Google Translate from Spanish to English
"He is the son of Shango definitely 🤍❤️ the first woman in yellow
"Oshun" the brunette that comes out after 1:27 could be "Oyá" I fell in love with this video and the singer is beautiful 🤤 -snip-
“guapísimo”= Standard English correction= “very handsome”

84. Kevin
"Thanks bruh for teaching, sharing and spreading knowledge that was written millennia ago, our ancestors knew the importance of being a holistic human being - spiritually, mentally, physically.
Proud to see Jidenna reaching out to these ancient truths."

**** This concludes Part II of this three part pancocojams series.

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