
Sunday, April 19, 2020

Shared Aesthetics: Ivory Coast Mask Dances, Chicago Juke (Footwork), And Detroit Jit (Footwork) (Jittin')

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post focuses on the similarities between the fast footwork of the Ivory Coast (Wes Africa) Djoanigbe & Zaouli masking tradition dances and the African American dances called "Chicago footwork". [Chicago, Illinois] and Detroit jit (jitting). [Detroit, Michigan].

The information and videos in this post are presented for their historical, folkloric, and aesthetic values.

All copyright remain with their owners

Thanks to all thanks to those featured in the videos, to those who published these videos, and all those quoted in this post. Special thanks to Juliana Azoubel, the author of a journal paper about these traditions from which I have quoted. It's my hope by sharing these excerpts, I will raise awareness about that paper, and will encourage others to read the entire paper.

A lot of the content of this 2020 pancocojams post was included in a 2012 pancocojams post entitled "Shared Aesthetics: Ivory Coast Mask Dances & Chicago Footwork. Information about and videos of Detroit jittin' has been added to this 2020 post along with some other information and videos.

The 2012 post also has seven comments, four of them from visitors who read that post. Click*
Journal of Undergraduate Research University Of Florida
Volume 1, Issue 6 - March 2000
Juliana Azoubel
"The Cote d'Ivoire Mask Tradition from the Viewpoint of Dance Ethnology: Dancing the Gap between Spirit and Human Worlds

The Cote d'Ivoire (the Ivory Coast) is the origin of several of the most important and interesting masking traditions in Africa. In the West, these masks have been viewed primarily as art objects. Through their embodiment in dance, however, masks are the way many Ivorians communicate with supernatural forces and bring power to the community...

...Djoanigbe is a very important mask among the people from the Cote d'Ivoire and, fortunately, it is one that I had the opportunity to see perform...

The movements of Djoanigbe show speed and power. They are grounded low to the earth and there is a sense of mystery in the performance juxtaposed by moments of surprise that shock and startle. Since most of the steps are designed to imitate the running of a panther-the sacred or totem animal-the performance requires a great deal of space. In his November 18, 1999 performance on the stage of the Center for Performing Arts, the Djoanigbe mask completely covered the space, pacing with quick stops and direction changes.... The movement fully embodies the awe-inspiring power of Djoanigbe, and the black mask decorated with cowrie shells creates an imposing presence...

According to the Guros, the masks that did not originate from the animal spirits are entertainment masks, and among them are Sauli (Zaouli), Flali and Wali. The essential dance activity for the Zaouli mask is rapid-fire movement of the feet. Dictated by the rhythm of the drums for both the Zaouli figure and the head movements of the forest dancers, this dance is high speed and very dynamic (Poynor). "Saouli masks are topped by multi-figured compositions, the subjects of which often have nothing to do with the dance itself. The purpose of the superstructure seems to be to introduce an element of surprise into the entertainment and to increase its attractiveness"(Poynor 173)...

Zaouli is female yet the Zaouli performer is always male. The cross-gender mask performs on many different occasions to amuse people: during holidays, for entertainment of visitors to the community, to collect food from the community members during the initiation process, and also in some funeral ceremonies. Zaouli has a young sister called Flali. This mask, also performed exclusively by men, shares many characteristics of Zaouli, including the actual mask. It is entirely the dance activity that distinguishes Flali from her sister, Zaouli. Flali shows more charm and flirting in her performance. She uses a high proportion of upper back articulation in her dance, contrasting the forceful footwork-based that characterizes Zaouli. The performance of Flali is a deep play on movement characteristics of a woman and the dance becomes exaggeratedly feminine and more delicate than a female dancer's, and of Zaouli's for that matter."
*The link for this paper no longer works (when I checked it on April 19, 2020).

I received a comment from Juliana Azoubel in 2012 thanking me for including her paper in that pancocojams post. I also received a comment from other people who noticed and who are researching these similarities. Click the link given above to the 2012 post to read those comments.

Video #1: Zaouli de Manfla

Uploaded by KONAN947 on Feb 26, 2010

Zaouli of Manfla, center-west of Ivory Coast, filmed by Konan Kouakou David

Video #2: Zahouli fo Manfla 4

Uploaded by goninti on Jan 22, 2010

Rythmique exceptionnelle

Video #3: Zahouli of Manfla2.avi

Uploaded by goninti on Jan 22, 2010

Le jeune danseur de Manfla, très énergétique, a de l'avenir. Il lui reste à parfaire sa technique et à apprendre les nombreux pas de danse des devanciers !
Très bon !!! Courage jeune frère !
Google translate from French to English:
"The young dancer from Manfla, very energetic, has a future. He still has to perfect his technique and learn the many dance steps of the predecessors!
Very good !!! Courage young brother!"

From [retrieved April 19, 2020; content has changed from the quote that is used in the 2012 pancocojams post]
"Footwork is a style of house dance/street dance that originated in Chicago in the early 1990s.[2]

The dance involves fast movement of the feet with accompanying twists and turns, and usually takes place as part of a "battle".[3] The style was popularized outside Chicago by inclusion in the music video for Dude 'n Nem's 2007 single "Watch My Feet".[4]

The music style has evolved from the earlier, rapid rhythms of juke and ghetto house, a change pioneered by RP Boo.[3] It may draw from styles such as House music, Hip Hop, R&B.[5] Tracks also frequently feature heavily syncopated samples from rap, pop and other sources, and are often around 160 bpm.[6] Footwork also incorporates the club culture cultivated in disco, Jazz and Classical music."...
According to YouTube videos such as the last video embedded in this post which comparing Chicago foot work with Detroit foot work, Chicago fookwork is called "juke" and Detroit footwork is called "jit".

Video #1: Chicago Footwork

Uploaded by ghettotekz on Apr 24, 2010

no real battle, just some amazin footworkin. This was with MOB, TS, Wolf Pac, Litebulb, Deryon, Stepz, Manny, just a whole bunch of dope cats. ..

Video #2: Battlegroundz Battle 6: Tae Vs Dipset

uploaded by ghettotekz on Jan 28, 2010

Come to Battle Groundz at 87th/East End every sunday to join, or watch the hottest footworkers in Chicago.

Video #3: Ladies Of CHICAGO Footwork

Here's a comment from this video's discussion thread:
"At the tender age 50+ I recall as a child alone in my Granny's living room breaking out into a dance. I could feel the Spirit of my Ancestors take my feet and body. This dance was the same as y'all doing here and we share the same reason for the dance. My Beloved People of Chicago this Elder is proud of you👑 Believe who others know you are...KINGS & QUEENS👑 NEVER FORGET WHO YOU ARE💞"

A style of dance that originated in Detroit, MI over 75 years ago. This style consists of rapid foot movement and also has a genre of music associated with it.

word variation: Jittin'
Did you see Joe at the club last night? He was jitting up a storm!
#dance#detroit#foot movement#music#fun
by Elizabeth G. June 14, 2008"
As a point of information, the total driving time from Detroit, Michigan to Chicago, Illinois is 4 hours, 17 minutes.

I don't know which style of fast foot work- Detroit or Chicago- came first.

Video #1: Detroit Jit

stringz313, Sep 10, 2006

Video #2: Never Challenge Legendary Jitter (Blk Superman) Battle Random Guy In Crowd

AIM SHOOT, Oct 16, 2015

Video #3: Detroit Jitting ... 2016 they still got it

Shawnboi Smith, Dec 21, 2016

Detroit vs Chicago "jit vs juke" Clip 2

stringz313, Aug 14, 2012

1st ever Battle Showcase between the Jit vs the Juke Detroit vs Chicago Saint Andrews Hall Detroit 2007

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