Saturday, July 14, 2018

"Ronald McDonald A Biscuit" & Other Children's Rhymes That Include The Word"Biscuit" (Information, Comments, & Examples)

Edited by Azizi Powell

Latest revision - June 23, 2023

This pancocojams post provides information about the words "a biscuit" or the word "biscuit" in certain African American originating children's recreational rhymes.

This post also showcases examples of playground rhymes that include the words "a biscuit".

The content of this post is presented for folkloric and recreational purposes.

Thanks to all who are quoted in this post.
This post is a revision of the 2014 cocojams2 post "A Biscuit" Phrase In Playground Rhymes (Examples & Its Possible Source)" "A Biscuit" Phrase In Playground Rhymes (Examples & What It Probably Means)

Content that is found in this post was also included in the deleted 2014 pancocojams post entitled "The "A Biscuit" Refrain In "Down Down Baby" & Certain Other Playground Rhymes"

"A biscuit rhymes" is my term for playground rhymes that include the words "a biscuit" or a similarly spelled word as a refrain or include a folk processed form of those words. The word "a" is usually pronounced "ah" in this rhyme, which is the way that many African Americans (at least informally) pronounce "a".

My position is that the word "biscuit" refers to the baked product with that name, as does the word "triscuit". American children are familiar with "biscuits" and may also be familiar with "triscuits"* which are a brand name for "a snack cracker, made by Nabisco, which takes the form of square baked whole wheat wafers. It was invented in 1900, a patent was granted in 1902"...

I used to think that the word "triscuit" was related to the song "tisket" in the 19th century rhyme and 20th century Jazz song "A Tiskit A Tasket"*. I now believe that the "A Biscuit" rhymes and songs that are sampled in this pancocojams post may not have anything to do with those older "A Tisket A Tasket rhymes and that song except that those words may have reminded people about those two largely retired words. The word "triscuit" may be found in some "Down Down Baby" and some other contemporary children's recreational rhymes because it rhymes with "biscuit" and because the "Triscuits" cracker product is sold in the United States (if not elsewhere).

For the folkloric record, information about "A Tiscuit A Tasket" is provided in the Addendum to this post.

*According to a commenter on "[a tisket a tasket] "doesn't mean anything - these are nonsense words that rhyme with basket.". This conclusion is found on other websites.

The "ah biscuit" refrains are part of "I have a boyfriend" rhymes which are chanted by themselves or combined with rhymes like "Down Down Baby". In those rhymes, after the girl states that she "has a boyfriend", she describes him as being "so sweet". "Sweetness" ties into the "a biscuit" refrain, since one way of eating biscuits is with jelly or jam on top. Furthermore, I believe that "He's so sweet- a biscuit" is a shortened form of saying "He's as sweet as a biscuit" or "He's sweet like a biscuit".

Here's one example, given below as #5 that conveys the analogy between a boyfriend being sweet and biscuits with jelly or jam being sweet:
"I've got a boyfriend, a-biskit,
He's as sweet as a-biskit,
Ice-cream sugar with a cherry on the top,
Ice-cream sugar with a cherry on the bottom,"...
Note that in African American Vernacular English, the word "sweet" can have a negative connotation for homosexuality when used to describe a male. However, that connotation isn't meant or implied in these children's recreational rhymes.

The examples of "a biscuit refrain rhymes" that I have found thus far date from 1967 on, with the clip given in the Pizza Pizza Daddy-O film [a clip of which is embedded below] being the earliest example that I've found of those rhymes.

Many of these examples also mention "Ronald McDonald",the mascot for McDonald's fast food franchises. Because that mascot was first created in 1963*, rhymes that include the name "Ronald McDonald can't be older than that date. I'd love to know if anyone remembers chanting a rhyme with "a biscuit" used as a refrain prior to the 1970s.

"Down Down Baby" rhymes, "I've Got A Boyfriend", and the other verses that are featured in this his post [except the 19th century rhyme given in Wikipedia] are probably of African American origin. This origin is suggested by contributor demographics for the earliest collected examples, and is reflected in the structure, vernacular English, word pronunciation**, topical references, and other content of those examples as well as in the rhymes' performance activities. These statements don't mean that all of the versions of the rhymes that are showcased in this post were composed by African Americans.)

** In these a biscuit" rhymes, the word "a" in the phrase "ah biscuit" is pronounced "ah" which is the way that many African Americans generally pronounced that word in our informal conversations.

These examples are published in chronological order based on their publication date online, their publication date in the books from which I retrieved them, or the date that I collected them from face to face contacts. The oldest dated examples are presented first. The rhyme example from the movie Big is presented based on the date of that movie's release.

I've assigned numbers to these rhymes for referencing purposes only. These examples are given as they were found online or in books, or as I transcribed them from my direct collection sources. [Note: A few of these examples are different from the examples given in the cocojams2 post whose link is given above.]

These examples are given without any text analysis.

All of these examples are probably "hand games" (hand clap rhymes), although the performance activity isn't always noted.

This is not meant to be a comprehensive listing of what I refer to as "ah biscuit" (refrain) rhymes.

Doeminique, Doeminique
Doemenique a biscuit
Ooh chee chee wah wah
A biscuit

How do you like your lover?
A biscuit

He’s so fine oh.
Like as cherry wine oh
A biscuit.

How do you know it isn’t so
Ice cream
ice cream
Soda pop
soda pop
Now it’s time to do your thing,
Now freeze!
-Eleanor Fulton and Pat Smith [editors]: Let's Slice the Ice: A Collection of Black Children's Ring Games and Chants (Magnamusic, June 1, 1978; no page number given)
Here are the directions for the clap pattern that is provided in that book. I apologize for not knowing how to re-type clap pattern with the words as it was is given that book, but here's the text of that pattern:

Words of chant Doeme-nique, doeme-nique, doeme-nique a biscuit

One child has one palm facing up (toward the ceiling) and one palm facing downward (toward the floor); the other child turns the opposite palms up and down to strike his partner’s (hand) in the clap.

Each partner reverses the position of his palms

Point the right thumb back over the shoulder

Point the left thumb over the shoulder

On “a biscuit” point the right thumb back and then the left thumb back. The clap pattern described above is repeated for five times. Then continue the “palm up-palm down” pattern through the rest of the chant. Freeze in place on the last word!


Here's a pretty innocuous version. Clapping rhyme, Atlantic City NJ, late 70's:

Down Down Baby, down by the roller coaster
Sweet Sweet Baby, my heart's in love
Ooh, che-chihuahua
I solemnly love her
She is so sweet
Like a cherry treat
Touche Turtle, pull down your girdle
-Ruth Archer, 10 April 07, Down Baby-Race in Kid's Rhymes;

For the record, although I was an active blogger on this same Mudcat internet folk music forum. I wasn't aware that Ruth Archer was from my hometown of Atlantic City, New Jersey until I received an email from her with this example and a cheer example given under the name "joan c".

Ronald McDonald, how do you like my lover?
A-biscuit, a-biscuit.
Ooh chi chi awa-wa-a-biscuit.
How do you love my lover?
He's so fine Just like cherry wine.
Take a smoooth shot Take a smoooth shot.
Don't show your dirty teeth You could roll your eye You can suck your tea Now, Puerto Rican, you don't beat me.
Marisol, quoted in "Girls Love To While Away Hours With Slap-Clap Games And Rhymes, by Susan Campbell, June 9, 1993.
The "You can roll your eyes" portion of this rhyme is a rephrasing of the rather common African American saying "You can roll your eyes and stomp your feet, but this Black girl can not be beat".

4, DOWN DOWN BABY [From the movie Big]
....Ooh! The spades go, Down! Down! Baby!

Down! Down the roller coaster!
Sweet, sweet baby!
Sweet, sweet delectable!
Shimmy, shimmy cocoa pop!
Shimmy, shimmy rock!
Shimmy, shimmy cocoa pop!
Shimmy, shimmy rock!
I met a girlfriend a triscuit!
She said a triscuit a biscuit!
Ice cream, soda pop,
vanilla on the top!
Ooh Shelly, walking down the street,
ten times a week!
I met it! I said it!
I stole my mother's credit!
I'm cool! I'm hot!
Sock me in the stomach three more times!

The Big movie was released in 1988.
Click "Sources Of The Movie Big's Rap Shimmy Shimmy Cocoa Pop [Part 1]"

Also, click "The REAL Meaning Of "The Spades Go" & "The Space Go" In Playground Rhymes".

Down Down Baby
Down by the Roller Coaster
Ah Biscuit
Shimmy Shimmy Coco Pah
Ah Biscuit
Um Shar Shara
Uh she she ahwa
Ah Biscuit
I had ah boyfriend
Ah Biscuit
He’s so fine
Ah Biscuit
Like a cherry pie
AH Biscuit
Shimmy Shimmy Coco Pah
Um Shar Shara
Uh she she ahwa
I wanna tickle you.
-Diamond, Quala, Ashley, (African American females, under 10 years old); Quinton, Javonte (African American males, under 10 years old); 7/1999; Hand clap rhyme, collected by Azizi Powell, 7/1999 in Duquesne, Pennsylvania

I remember this version of Down Down Baby:

Down down baby
down down the roller coaster
sweet sweet baby
sweet sweet don't let me go
shimmy shimmy coco puff
shimmy shimmy riiight
shimmy shimmy coco puff
shimmy shimmy riiight
i have a boyfriend, (A BISCUIT!)
he's so cute (A BISCUIT)
apples on the table
peaches on the floor
step back baby I don't want you anymore!
to the front to the back
to the side side side
to the front
to the back
to the side side side
[comment] ZOMG! on February 04, 2012 

Domino, Domino, Domino biscuit
Ooh chi chi wa wa a biscuit 
Kisha’s gotta lover a biscuit 
He’s so sweet a biscuit 
Like a cherry tree a biscut 
Ice cream soda ginger ale pop 
Hop on the initial of your sweetheart


Kisha’s got a lover a biscuit
He’s so sour a biscuit
Needs to take a shower a biscuit
-Kisha, "Old School Chants, 04-02-2003
Posters to this blog thread were members of historically Black Greek letter sororities. I think that this example was performed as a hand clap rhyme.

Although no dates are given for most of their comments, from some other things that were mentioned, such as just completing university, my guess is that most of these "old school chants" are from the early 1980s to the mid 1980s. For instance, although one blogger gave a sub-heading for her post of "the 70s", three bloggers shared examples of a Coca Cola ad jingle ("Have A Coke And A Smile" that aired in 1981. Also, one blogger mentioned her age in 2003 as 23 years old, and another blogger indicated that she remembered the rhyme she shared "from the 1985-ish Houston [Texas]. However, another rhyme included the slang word "fly" which gained popularity because of the 1995 Boogie Boy's record "Fly Girl".

Ronald McDonald, a-biskit,
Ronald McDonald, a-biskit,
Ah, shoo-shoo-shoo-wa-wa a-biskit,
I've got a boyfriend, a-biskit,
He's as sweet as a-biskit,
Ice-cream sugar with a cherry on the top,
Ice-cream sugar with a cherry on the bottom,
Down, down, baby, down down the rollercoaster,
Sweet, sweet, baby, I'll never let you go.
Sugar sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar, pow!
Sugar sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar, sugar, pow! (Poke each other in tummy) , location: Victoria, Australia

Ronald McDonald
Functions: Clapping Game, Language Play and Physical Play
Ronald McDonald is a rhyme that accompanies a clapping game played by some girls.

Details: At School 05
Players: 2
Age: 11

Ronald Mcdonald
A biscuit
Ronald Mcdonald
A biscuit
Ah shimmy shimmy walla walla
I've got a boyfried a biscuit
He is as sweet as a biscuit
Ice cream soda with a cherry on the top
Ice cream soda with a cherry on the top
Down Down baby
Down down the rollercoaster
Sweet Sweet baby, I will never let you go
Shimmy Shimmy coco pop
Shimmy shimmy pow
Shimmy Shimmy coco pop
Shimmy shimmy POW!
-Pistachionut, "re: Do you remember those old rhymes you'd sing as a kid?", Wed Apr 23, 2008

I went downtown to see Charlie Brown
He gave me a nickle to buy a pickle
The pickle was sour so he gave me a flower
The flower was dead so this is what he said
Down Down Baby
Down Down The Roller Coaster
Sweet sweet baby sweet sweet I love you so
Shimmy Shimmy coco pop
Shimmy shimmy rah
Shimmy shimmy coco pop
shimmy shimmy rah
I had a boyfriend
a biscuit!
He's so cute...
a triscuit!
Apples on the table,
Peaches on the floor

Step out baby I dont love you anymore!

To the front
To the back
To the side side side
To the front
to the back
to the side side side
Abraham Lincoln sat on a bench
tried to make a dollor out of 50 cents
He missed
He missed
He missed like this !
- kaitlyn renee, "Blast From The Past :]" , Uploaded on May 3, 2009
These words to this rhyme are in the publisher’s summary statement for that video.

me and my friends do down down baby like this even when we are still 6 years old so it goes like this

down down baby
down down the rollacouster
sweet sweet baby
sweet sweet don't let me go
i have a boyfriend a BISQUIT
he so cute a BIQUIT
apples on the table petch in the frot [floor]
step on baby i don't love you any more
to the front to the back
to the side to the side
to the front to the back
to the side to the side and . . . FREEZE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-TIFFINILE,, July 2010
This example was given as a comment in that video's discussion thread. I reformatted this example from its run-on sentence form.

I can only remember the down down baby one, our version went like this

Ronald McDonald, ooh ahh a biscuit
Ronald McDonlad, ooh ahh a biscuit
A-shishi-wa-wa, a biscuit
I've got a boyfriend, a biscuit
He's so-oo sweet, a biscuit

Sweeter than an ice-cream, cherry on top
Sweeter than an ice-cream, cherry on top

Down down baby, down down the rollercoaster
Sweet sweet baby, I'll never let you go

Shimmy shimmy cocopop, shimmy shimmy wow!
Shimmy shimmy cocopop, shimmy shimmy pow!

I can't believe that I remember all that!!
mal'occhio, 18 November 2010

Me and my friends do a ronald mcdonald hand clapping game it goes like this.................?

Ronald Mcdonald [clap clap] a biscuit x2
a chooochoowaawaa a biscuit
i gotta boyfriend a biscuit
he's so sweet as a biscuit
i cant let u go [hug]
ice cream sundae with a cherry on the top
ice cream sundae with a cherry on the bottom
down down down down the rollercoaster
i i luuuv [whatever you like]
boom boom boom boom pow
boom boom boom moo cow
can u guys tell me any other ones
-Taiza,, 2011

Down down baby
Down by the rollorcoaster
Sweet sweet baby
Mama never lets you go
Shimmy shimmy cocoa puffs
Shimmy shimmy wow
Shimmy shimmy cocoa puffs
Shimmy shimmy break it down
I have a boyfriend
A biscuit
He is as sweet as
a biscuit
Down down baby
Down by the rollorcoaster
Sweet sweet baby
Mama never lets you go, GUEST, "Down Down Baby-Race in Kid's Rhymes", 02 Oct 13

-Kassandra Vasquez, [comment in the discussion thread for the video "Mcdonalds hand game", September 2014
This was written as a comment in this video's discussion thread. The rhyme that was chanted in the video is "Welcome To McDonalds" (That rhyme  doesn't include any "a biscuit" refrain).

Ronald McDonald, a biscuit (accompanied by thumbs pointing back over the shoulders, first one, then the other)

Ronald McDonald, a biscuit
oh shu shu wa wa a biscuit
ive got a girlfriend a biscuit
shes so sweet a biscuit
sweeter than a cherry treat a biscuit
icecream soda with a cherry on top
icecream soda with a cherry on top
Down, down, baby
Down, down the roller coaster (accompanied by the hand making a horizontal wave motion)
Sweet, sweet, baby (accompanied by both arms crossing the chest)
I'll never let you go
Shimmy, Shimmy cocoa pop
Shimmy, Shimmy POW! (accompanied by punching the air with a fist just below chest-level)
Shimmy, Shimmy cocoa pop
Shimmy, Shimmy POW!
- (Eastern Massachusetts Version), quote retrieved November 2, 2014

17. Ooh shishy wah wah ta biscuit*
I've got a boyfriend ta biscuit
He is the sweetest ta biscuit
Ice cream soda with a cherry on top
Ice ream soda with a cherry on bottom
Down down baby, down by the roller coaster
Sweet sweet baby I will never let you go
Just because I kissed you doesn't mean I love you
Ice cream soda with a cherry on top
Ice cream soda with a cherry on bottom
- , Southern New Hampshire version (late 70's), quote retrieved November 2, 2014
*This line may not be the beginning of this rhyme.

18. The train goes...
Down down baby,
Down down the rollercoaster,
Sweet sweet mama,
My hearts love.
Shimmy shimmy cola bottle,
Shimmy shimmy rock!
Shimmy shimmy cola bottle,

Shimmy shimmy rock!

I gotta best friend,

Likes some biscuits,

She gotta best friend,

Likes some biscuits,

Ice cream cone with a cherry on top,

Ice cream cone with a cherry on top,

T-O-P spells,

T-O-P spells,

T-O-P spells,

- (Eastern Massachusetts Version) (Heard in Liverpool, UK), quote retrieved November 2, 2014

the version i sing is:
Ronald Mcdonald, a biscuit, Ronald McDoanald, a biscuit, i got a boyfriend a biscuit he's so sweet as a biscuit, ice cream cherry with the cherry on the top, ice cream cherry with the cherry on the bottom, down down baby down by the roller coaster sweet sweet baby i'd never let u go, shimmy shimmy coconut shimmy shimmy up, shimmy shimmy coconut shimmy shimmy down, shimmy shimmy coconut shimmy shimmy bow wow whoop cow. PLUS i call it Ronald Mc Donald
-samantha fox, 2015, [comment from this video's discussion thread; [Note comments are no longer accepted for this video.]

Okay, this this Gary Ghetto Girl Version of this! :lol:

 *the way it sounded to me*

Shimmy shimmy cocoa pop! Shimmy shimmy doooown....
Bought 'im oh bought 'im oh...bought 'im oh biscuit!
Oooooooh Chi-Chi Wa Wa....A BISCUIT!
Sheeeeee's so sweeeeet......A BISCUIT!
Like a Cherry TreeeeEEE....A BISCUIT!
Two pounds of tur-tles, pull up your gir-dle,
Two pounds of tur-tles, pull DOWN your gir-dle!

I used to be sittin' there like: "What does this stuff MEAN?!" :xeye: :look:
-Ntelekt, location: Gary Indiana

Mr. Telephone Man (1975), Jul 26, 2006,

WARNING-  Some examples in this three page discussion thread include profanity and/or sexually explicit references.


Pizza Pizza Daddy-O


folkstreamer, Uploaded on Aug 3, 2006

A 1967 film by Bob Eberlein and Bess Lomax Hawes that looks at continuity and change in girls' playground games at a Los Angeles school
This clip shows only a very small portion of the "A Biscuit" rhyme [the first game shown] as well clips of other singing games. However, the film documents that a rhyme with an "a biscuit" refrain was performed as a circle game in 1967.

Here's my transcription of that "A Biscuit" rhyme which I think is part of an "I Have A Boyfriend" rhyme:
"Dum de dum
Dum de dum
A biscuit
Dum de dum
Dum de dum
A biscuit
Ooh she she wah wah
a biscuit"...

In contrast to the circle formation that is shown in this video, the "I Have A Boyfriend" rhymes that are found in this pancocojams post were probably chanted while performing two partner hand clap rhymes.

Here's information about the rhyme & song "A Tiscuit A Tasket"
From,_A-Tasket  [retrieved July 14, 2018]

"A Tisket A Tasket" is a nursery rhyme first recorded in America in the late nineteenth century.[1][2] It was used as the basis for a very successful and highly regarded 1938 recording by Ella Fitzgerald. It has a Roud Folk Song Index number of 13188.

Traditional lyrics
The rhyme was first noted in the United States in 1938[3] as a children's rhyming game. It was sung while children danced in a circle. One of the number ran on the outside of the circle and dropped a handkerchief. The nearest child would then pick it up and chase the dropper. If caught the dropper either was kissed, joined the circle, or had to tell the name of their sweetheart.[2] An early noted version had the lyrics:

A-tisket a-tasket
A green and yellow basket
I wrote a letter to my mom
And on the way I dropped it,
I dropped it, I dropped it,
And on the way I dropped it.
A little boy he picked it up
And put it in his pocket.[2]

In some variants, the second line is "I lost my yellow basket". In other variants, the last line is "A little girl picked it up and put it in her pocket".

In nineteenth-century England, the rhyme used in the same game had somewhat different but evidently related words:

I lost my supper, last night,
And the night before,
And if I do this night,
I never will no more.
I sent a letter to my love,
I carried water in my glove,
And by the way I dropped it, I did so, I did so:
I had a little dog that said bow-wow!
I had a little cat that said meow-meow!
Shan't bite you, shan't bite you,
Shall bite you.
I dropt it, I dropt it,
And by the way I lost it.[4]

Lyrics by Ella Fitzgerald

Ella Fitzgerald, in conjunction with Al Feldman (later known as Van Alexander), extended and embellished the rhyme into a jazz piece that was her breakthrough hit with the Chick Webb Orchestra in 1938. It has since become a jazz standard."...
Click for a pancocojams post entitled ""A Tisket A Tasket" (information, lyrics, and video)".
[Added June 23, 2023] I wonder if the phrase "a tisket a tasket" evolved into the words "a biscuit" after those words and the once popular song with that title were largely forgotten.

Click for a post about "a biscuits" in "Down Down Baby" and certain other playground rhymes. That post also includes a video of the now classic "Sesame Street" clip of girls playing "Down Down Baby". It also includes a clip of Ella Fitzgerald singing "A Tisket A Tasket" in the 1942 movie Ride 'Em Cowboy.

Thanks for visiting pancocojams.

Visitor comments are welcome.


  1. Here's a comment that was sent to my blog cocojams2 about the rhyme Dominique Dominique A Biscuit:

    "We are not familiar with Doeminque rhyme and why would children ask about a lover.... NO! this is how we said that same rhyme for years: Pamela, Pamela, Pamela, A biscuit Ooh chee chee wah wah A biscuit I met a boy, A Biscuit He’s so sweet, A Biscuit Like a cherry treat, A biscuit. Ice cream Soda pop Gingerale POP! Hit it- Oooh Sha-wally wally Oooh Sha-wally wally Now freeze! (Repeat)! You are welcomed" - Ms. Peaches, on 8/24/16

  2. Note that I unfortunately had to disable the comment feature to my cocojams2 blog (and to all other blogs that I curate except pancocojams) because of too much spam.

    However, here are three more comments that were sent to that cocojams2 blog's post on "a biscuit" rhymes:

    I just tried to teach my daughter the version of the rhyme I learnt in school. It was in the eighties, and I forgot a few words, so looked them up. Think it's a mix of Down Down Baby and no. 12s Ronald Macdonald. In 1984 approximately ie I was in year 3 in rural school in NSW Australia and we clapped Ronald MacDonald , a- bisket Ronald MacDonald, ( clap with partner one palm down, and one up, one hand up in air one down low. Then two of your own hands only 'handclaps' at midline waist ), a-bisket ( thumbs stuck out backwards over the shoulder twice and simultaneously) REPEAT Oh shu shu, ...shu wao-wao ( singing and clapping as per Ronald) A- bisket ( thumb over shoulder thing again) I've got a boyfriend, ( clapping the same as per Ronald) a-trisket ( thumb thing) He's as sweet as (clapping) a-biskit, Ice-cream sundae with a cherry on the top, ( put a cherry on top of head no thumbs) Ice-cream sundae with a cherry on the top ( ditto, some people do bottom) Down, down, baby, ( on "A Biscuit" Phrase In Playground Rhymes (Examples & Its Possible Source), Samantha Gerada, 5/4/2016


    1. Actually there must be more Shus in the soprano singing part ie Oh shu shu, shu shu, shu Wao...Wao Just tried singing it and it didn't sound right.., that's Been thirty years plus, since I sang it, but it's amazing that It comes back after such a long time. It must get stored in that amgydala part of the brain because of trying to concncetrate in two things together ( which is harder for me than most people since I have a little bit of dyspraxia and had hard time just learning to smile and talk, let alone shoelaces and clapping games, so I always had to work on my coordination and end up visualising doing things outside my body, then practise them slowly before I can then do them). So I'm amazed I remembered that as it took me so much concentration to get it right just so as not to appear unco. on "A Biscuit" Phrase In Playground Rhymes (Examples & Its Possible Source), Samantha Gerada, 5/4/2016

    2. Some of my Australian friends also did the Shimmy Shimmy part, and I remember doing that as well a few times, as I had to ask what Shimmy was and my mum said that it was a type of jazz dance from the twenties that they did with the Charleston, but we dropped That part as some kids shook too long, it stuffed up the clapping rhythm and Other kids were teasing us, because we looked silly shaking and equated if with involuntary fits that some kids have. I also remember there was an argument over whether it should be Coca Cola or Coca Pop, because Australians don't call 'soft drink' soda, or pop, like Americans do. Some people call their Grandpas Pop, or Poppy, and there were sherbets called Candy Pops, and Pop Corn, but Soda Pop never seemed to take off here. We usually call it soft drink, ( as opposed to the hard stuff, which is alcohol) and reserve soda to soda water, ie carbonated water which you mix with spirits such as Scotch Whiskey, if you are trying to conserve your alcohol, or on "A Biscuit" Phrase In Playground Rhymes (Examples & Its Possible Source), Samantha Gerada, 5/4/2016

      I'm sorry Samantha Gerada and Ms. Peaches for being two years late in thanking you for these comments.

      One love!

    3. By the way, your mother is correct that Shimmy is a type of Jazz dance. However, I don't recall actually doing the Shimmy when I chanted this rhyme and I don't recall seeing anyone else do any movement when they chanted they said those particular words.

      Also, the terms for carbonated drinks differ across the USA. In Atlantic City, New Jersey where I grew up, people said "soda". The same term was used in nearby Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. However, six hours away in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where I've lived for some time, the term for carbonated drinks is "pop". And in other parts of the USA, the term could be "soda pop".

      Best wishes!

    4. I'm re-reading the comments for this post (and for that cocojams2 post about "Shimmy Shimmy Co Co Pop" and I realize that some people think (thought) that the "Co Co Pop" is (was) a referent for carbonated soft drink. Some people (in different states and different cities within the United States States and some people in other parts of the world) refer to carbonated soft drinks as "pop", "soda pop", or "soda".

      In her comment given above Australian commenter Samantha Gerada wrote that she and her friends thought that the "Co Co Pop" referred to "Coca Cola".

      I'm from Atlantic City, New Jersey and people there refer to carbonated soft drinks as "soda". In Philadelphia, Pennsylvania which is two hours away from Atlantic City and six hours away from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, those drinks are also referred to as "soda". When I moved to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, I learned that those drinks were referred to as "pop".

      When I lived in Atlantic City, New Jersey I chanted a version of "I Love Coffee I Love Tea" rhyme that included some "Shimmy Shimmy Co Co Pop" lines. (This was in the 1950s and/or early to mid 1960s.) However, I didn't think that "Co Co Pop" referred to soda or pop. If I thought about it at all, I probably equated the "Co Co" words with meaningless rhythmic sounds and I thought the word "Pop" was the sound that occurs when a balloon burst or what is meant when people say "Pop goes the weasel" (not that I knew what a weasel was") I think I believed those "Pop goes the weasel" words referred to the sudden appearance of the Jack in the box toy.)

    5. Furthermore, I've come across the end word "puff", "puffs", and "pow" instead of the word "pop" in online examples of that rhyme. And when I was a child, I may have chanted those words as "Shimmy Shimmy Co Co pa". However, the word "pop" is the most often used end word that I've come across for versions of those lines.

    6. Also, I'll add that when I chanted the word "shimmy" in that "I Love Coffee I Love Tea" * rhyme, I didn't think that the words "co co" meant the hot or cold chocolate drink called "cocoa".

      Also, I didn't know that "Shimmy" was the name of a hip or butt shaking dance or that chanting that word meant that children should do that dance. I don't remember thinking about what that word "shimmy" meant. It was probably chanted from rote memory, and I definitely don't remember doing any butt or hip shaking dance while chanting it. I would have remembered that since it would have been kinda risque for children to do that way back then.

    7. I meant to add this note after the asterisk in that last comment:
      The version of "I Love Coffee I Love Tea"/Shimmy Shimmy Co Co Pop" that I remember from my childhood didn't include the words "Down down baby/down by the rollercoaster".

  3. I just noticed that the example #3 includes the ethnic reference "Puerto Rican". I've only come across a few children's recreational rhymes that have reference.

    1. That rhyme motivated me to collect other examples of children rhymes and songs that include a reference to nationality or ethnic groups. Click for a pancocojams post on this subject.
