Sunday, July 1, 2018

Five Examples Of The African American Religious Song "Jesus Is A Rock In A Weary Land"

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post showcases examples of the African American Spiritual/Gospel song "Jesus Is A Rock In A Weary Land".

I categorize these examples as gospelized* arrangements of a Spiritual.

Lyrics for this song are included in this post. The tune for many of these examples is the same tune that is used for "Joshua Fit the Battle Of Jericho". ("Fit" here means "fought.")

The content of this post is presented for religious and cultural purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to the composer/s and arrangers of this song and thanks to all those who are featured in these embedded examples. Thanks also to the publishers of these examples on YouTube.
*By "gospelized song" I mean a song that is based on an African American Spiritual and sung in an African American Gospel style.

Example #1:
Jesus is a rock in a weary land!
A weary land! A weary land!
Jesus is a rock in a weary land,
A shelter in the time of storm!

I would not be a sinner,
I’ll tell you the reason why
I’m afraid my Lord might call my name
And I wouldn’t be ready to die.


I would not be a backslider,
I’ll tell you the reason why
I’m afraid my Lord might call my name
And I wouldn’t be ready to die

He is a rock!
In a weary land!
He is a rock!
In a weary land!
He is a rock!
In a weary land!
A shelter in the time of storm!

Has He ever made a way, when you didn’t have a dime?
Has He ever stepped in just right on time?
Has He ever picked you up when you were down?
Has He ever placed your feet on solid ground?
Then you know He is a rock in a weary land!
Weary land! Weary land!
Then you know He is a rock in a weary land!
Shelter in the time of storm!
[repeat all as directed]


1. "Subject: ADD: My God He Is a Rock
From: Joe Offer
Date: 02 Feb 00 - 09:02 PM

Well, I was hoping somebody had this typed up already. Here's a transcription. Alison, did you say you can post a tune?
-Joe Offer-

(believed to be traditional)
My God, he is a rock in a weary land,
A weary land, a weary land.
My God, he is a rock in a weary land,
Shelter in a time of storm.

Stop! Let me tell you about Chapter One,
When the Lord God's work had just begun.

Stop! Let me tell you about Chapter Two,
When the Lord God read the Bible through.

Stop! Let me tell you about Chapter Three,
When the Lord my God died on Calvary.

Stop! Let me tell you about Chapter Four,
When the Lord God lived among the poor.

Stop! Let me tell you about Chapter Five,
When the Lord God brought the dead alive.

Stop! Let me tell you about Chapter Six,
When he went to Jerusalem, he healed the sick.

Stop! Let me tell you about Chapter Seven,
When the Lord God died and went to heaven.

Stop! Let me tell you about Chapter Eight,
When the Lord, he stood at the pearly gate.

Stop! Let me tell you about Chapter Nine,
When the Lord God changed the water to wine.

Stop! Let me tell you about Chapter Ten,
Well, the Lord my God, he's a-comin' again."

(transcribed from "Sara," an album by Sara Gray)

From: Nathan in Texas
Date: 11 Feb 00 - 10:31 PM

Here's a related hymn that I grew up with. You can hear the tune at the Cyberhymnal site.
A Shelter in the Time of Storm

Words: Vernon J. Charlesworth, circa 1880.
Music: Ira David Sankey, circa 1885

The Lord's our Rock, in Him we hide,
A Shelter in the time of storm;
Secure whatever ill betide,
A Shelter in the time of storm.

Oh, Jesus is a Rock in a weary land,
A weary land, a weary land;
Oh, Jesus is a Rock in a weary land,
A shelter in the time of storm.

A shade by day, defense by night,
A shelter in the time of storm;
No fears alarm, no foes afright,
A shelter in the time of storm.

The raging storms may round us beat,
A shelter in the time of storm
We'll never leave our safe retreat,
A shelter in the time of storm.

O Rock divine, O Refuge dear,
A Shelter in the time of storm;
Be Thou our helper ever near,
A Shelter in the time of storm.

3. "Subject: RE: Lyr Req: My God He Is a Rock
From: Jerry Rasmussen
Date: 02 Dec 03 - 11:10 AM

Hey, Joe:

We sing this in our Men's Chorus... at least a version of it. except it is:

Jesus is a rock in a weary land, a weary land, a weary land
Jesus is a rock in a weary land, a shelter in the time of storm

And then there is a half spoken section:

Has he ever made a way when you didn't have a dime?
Has he ever stepped in just right on time?
Has he ever picked you up when you were down?
Has he ever placed your feet on solid ground

And then you go into:

Then you know he is a rock in a weary land....

The song ends with the choir singing parts and answering each other, basically singing:

Jesus is a rock, and he is my shelter in the time of storm
Yeah!, in a weary land, a shelter in the time of storm

Our Chorus Director grew up in Mississippi and many of the songs we do are remembered from his childhood. Most are different than any texts I find in books..

As a former blogger on this Mudcat forum, I can document from information shared on that forum that Jerry Rasmussen is/was the only White member of this Gospel group. The other members are/were African American.

These examples are presented based on their publishing date on YouTube with the oldest dated example given first. The example given as is the "traditional" rendition of this song.

Example #1: Jesus Is A Rock by The Georgia Mass Choir [sound file]

robbieatnsudotcom, Published on Jan 14, 2010

Hello everyone and Happy New Year. This video I've posted comes from down south, Georgia to be exact. I have The Georgia Mass Choir's "Jesus Is a Rock" from their CD "Greatest Hits" compiled back in 1996. This song is definitely a Southern Gospel song, made for those who like to have that good ol' fashioned church music. I do not own this music, nor am I seeking publicity or monetary gains. The lyrics are on the video for those who want to follow or learn the song. And if there are any requests, I will try to upload one for you. Take care and God Bless!!

Example #2: Jesus Is A Rock In A Weary Land

First United Tabernacle International Ministries, Published on Apr 7, 2016

Men's Conference 2016
Sunday Morning Divine Worship Service
March 20th
This video shows some members of First United Tabernacle International Ministries singing during a processional during the Sunday morning worship service. First United Tabernacle International Ministries is an Apostolic church in Orange, New Jersey. Orange is located in northern New Jersey, which is about 1/2 hour by car from New York City.

Based on other videos of this church, my guess is that this processional was during the church offering. Click the Black Church Processions for additional videos of this worship custom.

Unfortunately, as of this date, there are no comments in this video's discussion thread.
The choir/congregation sings the refrain to this song numerous times:

Jesus is a rock in a weary land,
a weary land, a weary land;
My Jesus is a rock in a weary land,
a shelter in the time of storm.

Example #3: Jesus is a Rock in a Weary Land (SATB) - Mark Hayes

The Lorenz Corporation, Published on Jun 2, 2016

Hang on tight, because once this one starts, it doesn’t stop! Appropriate for a wide variety of settings, Mark Hayes’s arrangement of the traditional spiritual is full of energy, drive, and varied call-and-response sections that will create and maintain excitement.

Example #4: Jesus Is A Rock In A Weary Land - David W. Carter Choir

Dallas ISD, Published on Jan 18, 2017

David W. Carter Choir directed by Demetrius Ethley including the Vocal Ensemble I, II, Men's Choir, Mixed Choir, and the Women's Choir.
"Jesus Is A Rock In A Weary Land" lyrics Vernon J. Charlesworth, circa 1880, music Ira D. Sankey, circa 1885.

Example #5: "Jesus Is A Rock In The Weary Land" Anthony Brown w/ Young Adult Choir (amazing)

Inside FBCG, Published on Feb 25, 2017

First Baptist Church of Glenarden,
Pastor John K. Jenkins Sr. @JKJenkins
In the introduction to this song, the choir director repeated used the phrase "brought us over" (as in "songs that brought us over"). I think that phrase means "brought us through"- helped us persevere.)

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