Sunday, July 1, 2018

Chants From The June 30, 2018 Families Belong Together Marches & Rallies (videos, articles, and tweets)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post documents examples of chants from the June 30, 2018 Families Belong Together marches and rallies throughout the United States.

The content of this post is presented for historical, socio-cultural, and political purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who participated in these "Families Belong Together" marches and rallies.
This post is part of pancocojams' ongoing series on American protest chants, including African American protest chants. Click the protest chants tab below to find more posts in this series.

This articles are given in no particular order and are numbered for referencing purposes only.

Excerpt #1:
From Marches around the nation protest 'zero-tolerance' immigration policy
By M.L. NESTEL Jul 1, 2018, 12:23 AM ET
"Thousands of people marched in cities across the United States protesting the separation migrant at the Mexican border as part of the administration's "zero-tolerance" policy on unauthorized immigration.

From Raleigh, North Carolina, to Anchorage, Alaska, there were approximately 700 marches under the banner of "Families Belong Together," decrying the separation of children from parents, who had been detained after crossing the border. Some marchers held handmade signs with messages such as "Cruelty = Kids in cages" and "Deport Racism."

In Washington D.C., Lin-Manuel Miranda, the creator of the Broadway musical hit "Hamilton," sang a lullaby dedicated to parents weren't around to sing to their children.

Singer-songwriter Alicia Keys was at the rally with her 7-year-old son Egypt and recited a letter written by a woman whose child had been taken away from her at the border.

"If it can happen to any child, it can happen to my child, and your child, and all of our children," she said.

And a 12-year-old migrant daughter named Lea stood tall in front of a crowd assembled in Lafayette Square -- across the street from the White House -- pleading for "change."

For his part, President Donald Trump was spending the weekend at the Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey.


In downtown Chicago, thousands of marchers bearing signs and chanting together against the Trump administration's policies.

"What's next? Concentration Camps?" one marcher's sign read, according to Chicago ABC station WLS.

"I care, do you?" read another, a dig at First Lady Melania Trump who sported a beige coat that retailed at $39, with the screed "I really don't care. Do U?" on its back before heading to McAllen, Texas, for a visit to the Upbring New Hope Children's Center, which houses 55 migrant children.

"We care!" was the chorus heard outside city hall in Dallas, Texas.

Marchers there carried signs that read: "Compassion not cruelty" and "November is coming."*


In New York City, thousands were spotted in a sea of white marching downtown denouncing Trump as they marched across the Brooklyn Bridge chanting: "Shame!" and singing "Shut detention down!" and "Donald Trump must go!"


Rep. John Lewis, D-Ga., was part of a march in Atlanta to praise attendees causing "good trouble, necessary trouble" in trying to keep the pressure on the administration's immigration policy.

"The world is crying with us," Lewis told the crowd. "We must show the world that we are better than what is going on in America today."
*"November is coming" refers to the national Congressional mid-term election in November.

Excerpt #2:
From [All tweets are from June 30, 2018]
Together we rise ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ
"Hey hey, ho ho, Donald Trump has got to go" -- thousands march in solidarity with immigrant communities in Washington, DC

This is what democracy looks like. ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿพ

Replying to @Matsamon @teka21bat
"Sacramento Lucha! Unite! Rise! Vote! Thousands have shown up in Sacramento for #FamiliesBelongTogether"

pamela lund
Replying to @Matsamon
๐ŸŽถAre we going to vote them out?๐ŸŽถ

๐ŸŽถYes, we're going to vote them out!๐ŸŽถ

This is what democracy and action look like. Protests and marches have worked throughout history. This isn’t any different from the worker strikes in the 1900s to the women marches for suffrage, the march on Washington and Vietnam protests to occupy Wall Street.

Auilox ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ ๐Ÿ’œ ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ
"Last time I checked, that's the way democracy works. You march against policies you don't believe in. You vote for the people you do believe in. #SaveDemocracy"

Excerpt #3:
From 06/30/2018 09:31 am ET Updated 15 hours ago By Sara Boboltz
‘Families Belong Together’ Rallies Protest Trump Immigration Policies Nationwide
"Families Belong Together rallies drew crowds dressed in white to cities big and small across the United States on Saturday to protest the Trump administration’s zero tolerance immigration policy.

The policy has led to thousands of children being separated from their families at the U.S.-Mexico border and inspired bipartisan criticism. President Donald Trump partially addressed the issue of family separation in an executive order signed June 20, but the problem is far from solved.


Protesters showed up in places ranging from Farmington, Maine, to Lansing, Michigan, to Eugene, Oregon, where they chanted things like, “No hate! No fear! Immigrants are welcome here!”


Protesters demonstrate at what was, from 1942 to 1946, the Tule Lake Japanese internment camp in Northern California. They chant: "Kodomo no tame ni. They're our children. Set them free!" (The first part means "for the sake of the children" in Japanese.)

Tule Lake Pilgrimage
Japanese American survivors & descendants rallied today at the Tule Lake WWII prison camp. We have a message for those who jail children, whether now or in 1942:

Kodomo no tame ni. They're our children. Set them free! #FamiliesBelongTogether #NoCampsNoCages #EndFamilyDetention

4:27 PM - Jun 30, 2018


"Immigrants make America great," reads a sign held by a protester in Montgomery, Alabama, near the historic bus stop where Rosa Parks sparked a boycott for civil rights.


Here in #LA chants of #WhereAreTheKids. #FamiliesBelongTogetherMarch

1:50 PM - Jun 30, 2018


In D.C., the crowd chants, "No more I.C.E.!"

Anthony Wilson
“Families belong together,” chant the people at a rally in Raleigh to reunite #detained #immigrantchildren with their families, one of 100s of multiethnic marches happening in the US. More today on #abc11

11:25 AM - Jun 30, 2018 · Wake County Courthouse"...

In New York, protesters are gathered in Foley Square outside 26 Federal Plaza, where I.C.E. operates. "Shame!" they shouted.

In D.C., protesters chant: “No hate, no fear, immigrants are welcome here!” "
"I.C.E." = "Immigration and Customs Enforcement" (US Department of Homeland Security; formerly parts of Immigration & Naturalization Service and US Customs).

Excerpt #4
POLITICS 06/30/2018 12:45 pm ET
Here Are The Best ‘Families Belong Together’ March Signs
“Don’t jail toddlers” seems like a pretty reasonable request.

By Sebastian Murdock
"Thousands of people who attended the national ‘Families Belong Together’ rallies on Saturday marched in solidarity with parents who have been separated from their children at the U.S.-Mexico border. And they brought some pretty powerful signs with them.

More than 600 protests were planned across the country for those fighting back against President Donald Trump’s zero tolerance policy, which allows officials to separate children from their parents and detain them at shadowy facilities across the U.S.

Dozens of activist organizations, including the American Civil Liberties Union, MoveOn and the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, came together to organize the protests."...
This article continues with photographs of signs from this protest.

The embedded video that begins this article starts with a woman leading this call & response chant:
lead - "Families belong"
response- "Together"

Excerpt #5:
From Actually, we do care: hundreds of thousands attend Families Belong Together rallies around the world
Jessica Sutherland, Daily Kos Staff. Saturday June 30, 2018 · 8:33 PM EDT
"Rational human beings living in America’s largest cities, tiniest towns, and more than 700 burgs in between came together Saturday in a nationwide day of action. The Families Belong Together rallies—some put together in less than 24 hours—were held in all 50 states, and united 16 countries across three continents.


Still, the protests were fantastically attended, despite extreme temperatures plaguing much of the United States.


Speakers focused both on the direct impact of this humanitarian crisis, and also approached it through an intersectional lens. Local issue explainers and voter registration drives mingled with hoarse cries to organize and chants of “Vote Them Out!”

There’s so much more that happened today, and so much more to be discussed, and left to do, but let’s finish with this.

Immigrant advocacy groups say they’re thrilled — and surprised — to see the issue gaining traction among those not tied to immigration.

“Honestly, I am blown away. I have literally never seen Americans show up for immigrants like this,” said Jess Morales Rocketto, political director at the National Domestic Workers Alliance, which represents nannies, housekeepers and caregivers, many of whom are immigrants. “We just kept hearing over and over again, if it was my child, I would want someone to do something.”

Let’s keep showing up."...
This is primarily a photo article with comments.

Example #1: Hundreds Of ‘Families Belong Together’ Rallies Held Across The Country | NBC Nightly News

NBC News, Published on Jun 30, 2018

Hundreds of thousands marched in more than 700 ‘Families Belong Together’ events around the country to protest the nearly 2,000 migrant children separated from their families at the U.S.-Mexico border.
This video is close captioned.

Example #2: `Families Belong Together` rallies denounce Trump immigration policies

PIX11 News, Published on Jun 30, 2018

Americans young and old took to the streets of US cities Saturday to say "Families Belong Together" nearly two months after the Trump administration implemented its "zero tolerance" policy toward undocumented immigrants, prompting the separation of thousands of children from their parents.

Example #3: Bay Area joins nationwide 'Families Belong Together' rallies

Mercury News, Published on Jun 30, 2018

Bay Area residents came together in cities including San Francisco, Oakland, San Jose and Concord to protest the immigration policies of President Donald Trump during the nationwide "Families Belong Together" rallies.
This unison chant occurs at the beginning of this video: "Families united should never be divided."

That chant is an adaptation of the unison chant which was heard during the January 2016 national Women's March and other previous marches/rallies: "A nation united will never be defeated".

Example #4: Families Belong Together' Rallies Underway Across Country | AM Joy | MSNBC

MSNBC, Published on Jun 30, 2018
As part of the "Families Belong Together" rallies, thousands of demonstrators have gathered across the country to protest the Trump administration's "zero tolerance" immigration policy.
This video is close captioned

A reporter mentions this unison chant: "Vote them out". ["Them” presumably refers to politicians who are in favor of policies and laws that result in such things as “zero tolerance” immigration policies].

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