Saturday, October 22, 2016

"Once In China There Lived A Great Man" (Sources, Text Examples, & Video Example)

Edited by Azizi Powell

Update: 10/23/2016 10:34 P.M.

This is Part I of a two part pancocojams series that traces the lightly competitive hand clapping game "Stella Ella Ola" (also known as "Quack Dilly Oso" and other titles) to the 1945 American novelty song "Chickery Chick" and that song's source - the 19th century or earlier song "Once In China There Lived A Great Man" (and other titles).

Part I provides source information, text examples, and video examples of "In China There Lived A Great Man" (and other titles).

Click for Part II of this series. Part II provides information, lyrics, and a video example of the 1945 hit novelty song "Chickery Chick". Part II also provides information, a few text examples, and two video examples of "Stella Ella Ola" and "Quack Dilly Oso".

The content of this post is presented for folkloric and cultural purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all who are quoted in this post and thanks to the publisher of the video that is included in this post.
I'm publishing this post on this blog because of my interest in English language folk songs. Pancocojams usually highlights music, dance, vernacular terms, and other cultural aspects of African Americans and other Black people around the world. Publishing this post here doesn't mean that "Once In China There Lived A Great Man" has anything directly to do with Black cultures.

It's my position (and the position of some other people) that, in spite of the nostalgic appeal that it has for many people, "Once In China There Lived A Great Man" (also known as "Chingery Chan" and other titles) is an example of many 19th century English language songs that ridicule Chinese people. For example, an early title for this song was "The China Man With His Monkey Nose". Furthermore, the nonsense words in the chorus and other lyrics in many versions of that song ridicule the way some non-Chinese people thought that Chinese talked. Also, knowingly or unknowingly, some versions of "Once In China There Lived A Great Man" conflate the native land of a Chinese man with Japan, thus reinforcing the view that all Asians are the same.

These quoted comments given below are from a discussion thread on the Mudcat folk music forum entitled "Lyrics requested ... Once in China There Lived A Great Man" That discussion thread began in 1998, but all but one of its comments are from 2005 to 2015. (as of the date & time of this post). Some of those comments trace this song to 19th century or earlier England. Note that this is just one of several Mudcat discussion threads on this song.

It should also be noted that these selected comments are just a small portion of the examples of "Once In China There Lived A Great Man" which knowingly or unknowingly contain racist references that were posted to that Mudcat discussion thread by that forum's members and guests.

Part II of this series focuses in part on the 1945 American hit novelty song "Chickery Chick" and in part on the hand clap (hand slap) rhyme "Stella Ella Ola"/"Quack Dilly Oso". I believe that "Chickery Chick" is a re-worked version of the 19th century or earlier anti-Chinese song "Chingery Chang" (also known as "Once In China There Lived A Great Man".) Not only does the title of "Chickery Chick" begin with the same letters as "Chingery Chan", but its chorus filled with nonsense words mimics the choruses of most versions of that 19th century song that I have read.

"Chingery Chan"/"Once In China There Lived A Great Man" and "Chickery Chick"(along with a great deal of folk processing) also appear to me to be sources of "Stella Ella Ola"/ "Quack Dilly Oso" hand clap rhymes.

A video rendition of "Once In China There Lived A Great Man" is given in this post and video examples of "Chickery Chick" and "Stella Ella Ola"/"Quack Diddley Oso" are given in Part II of this series. Hopefully those people who have a better ear for music than me can share if they detect any similarities between these the tunes for these songs/rhymes.

Pancocojams Editor:
All of these quotes are from "Lyr Req: 'Once in China there lived a great man..." There are a total of 261 posts (comments) to date in that discussion thread.

I've selected comments that present the purported original version of "Chingery Chan" ("Once In China There Lived A Great Man" and early versions of this song. I've also selected comments that present more recent (20th century) examples of this song. And I have included comments -including a comment that I wrote on this discussion thread in 2009 -that address the anti-Chinese nature of these songs.

These comments are given in chronological order based on their publishing dates in that particular Mudcat forum's discussion thread.

I've assigned numbers to these comments/examples for referencing purposes only, I've also added a few brief comments after the "snip" (end of quote) notation.

1. Subject: RE: Lyrics requested ... Once in China
From: Joe Offer
Date: 26 Apr 05 - 03:13 PM

"I'm guessing it's one of those songs from the late 19th century that made fun of Chinese immigrants to the U.S. You'll find a number of songs like that if you use our Filter and look for "china" (set the age back) - or click here*

I did find this on a Google search: [hyperlinked site no longer active]
once long ago, there lived a funny man.
his name was icka rocka icka rocka ran.
his legs were long as his feet were small.
and he couldn't walk at all.

The word "here" is hyperlinked. The link leads to a list of Mudcat discussion threads for English language songs that make fun of Chinese people"
My guess is this is a mid 20th century folk processed example of "Once In China There Lived A Great Man". The chorus in that example is very similar to a rhyme found on "Eeny meeny miney moe, eeny meeny macka racka" by Kevan Bundell, October 22, 2014. The author of that article describes "eenie meenie macka racka" as "Chinese counting" (i.e. mimicking the words or sounds that non-Chinese people thought that Chinese people made when they counted)

"Eeny meeny macka racka
Ooray dominacker
Dominacker chikaracker
Om pom push!"

2. From: Joe Offer
Date: 26 Apr 05 - 03:29 PM

"It also comes up in the writings of Louisa May Alcott, from Under the Lilacs, Chapter 21:*

Few of the children had ever seen the immortal Punch and Judy, so this was a most agreeable novelty, and before they could make out what it meant, a voice began to sing, so distinctly that every word was heard,--

"In China there lived a little man,
His name was Chingery Wangery Chan."
The title "Under The Lilacs" is given as a hyperlink. That hyperlink eventually leads to Project Gutenberg edition of Louisa May Alcott's 1878.

3. From: Q (Frank Staplin)
Date: 19 Jun 07 - 10:30 PM

"Jim Dixon posted the first verse of this old Amherst song. Here is the entire song. Many versions and additions since it first appeared in the 1860's.


In China there lived a little man,
His name was Chingery-ri-chan-chan;
His feet were large and his head was small,
And this little man had no brains at all.

Ekel-tekel. Happy man!

Miss Sky-high she was short and squat;
She had money, which he had not;
To her he then resolved to go,
And play her a tune on his little banjo.


Miss Sky-high heard his notes of love;
She held his wash-bowl up above;
She poured it on the little man,
And that was the end of Chingery-chan.

Ekel-tekel. Injured man!

From the section on Songs of Amherst (E. C. Brayton), p. 178-179. No author cited.
H. R. Waite, Coll. and Ed., 1868, "Carmina Collegensia: A Complete Collection of the Songs of the American Colleges, with Piano-Forte Accompaniment. To Which Is Added a Compendium of College History." Oliver Ditson & Co. New York:-C. H. Ditson & Co."

4. From: Q (Frank Staplin)
Date: 19 Jun 07 - 10:41 PM

"The song was reprinted, without change, in the enlarged "Carmina Collegensia" of 1876."

5. From: Charley Noble
Date: 23 Aug 07 - 11:38 AM

"I do hope that "The Fish Cheer & I-Feel-Like-I'm-Fixin'-To-Die Rag" by Country Joe & the Fish has an equally long life as this politically incorrect ditty. The "Fish" song, in my opinion, has some redeeming value.

I would still hesitate to sing "Once in China there lived a man" to any general audience unless I first characterized it as an anti-Chinese song. And, yes, I can understand why it's so much fun to sing within the family but it is still a song of ethnic if not racial ridicule.

At least mull that over before passing it on to another generation.

Charley Noble"

6. From: GUEST
Date: 10 Sep 07 - 06:08 PM

"In Chinatown there lived a man
His name was Chickety-Chickety Chan
His feet were long and his toes were short
And this is the way the poor Chinamen talked

Ooooh, chickety-chee chi-ly chi-lo
chickety-rummo inna-banana-wallya
wallya chi-na-key

This chinaman had plenty of wealth and
lived in a mansion all by himself the
people got good and bought him a boat
and sent the poor china man off to float

Ooooh, chickety-chee chi-ly chi-lo
chickety-rummo inna-banana-wallya
wallya chi-na-key

This Chinaman, finely died
and in his coffin he deny
they shipped him back to old Japan
and that was the end of the poor Chinaman"

7. From: GUEST,Steve Gardham
Date: 17 Mar 08 - 06:44 PM
This thread has been running for 3 years now and nobody has bothered to post the original. What a wonderful collection of variants though!

I'd be interested to know if they all go to the same tune. My parents sang their version to the ubiquitous first strain of 'In and out the windows'/'So early in the morning'/'Blue-tail fly' etc.
I'd say it dates at least from 1840 if not earlier as the earliest printer on broadside I have record of is John Pitts of 7 Dials London and he was in business before 1800. The usual title is 'Chinaman with a/the/his Monkey Nose'

This is the version printed by Bebbington of Manchester c1850

In China once there dwelt a great man
His name was Chick-a-chack-tan-ran-tan,
His legs were long and his feet so small
this Chinaman couldn't walk at all,
His servants used to carry him out,
Upon their backs, and the folks would shout,
O, lookee here comes!'--oh, dere he goes!
'The Chinaman with a Monkey Nose.

So Chickara-Choo-Chi-Cho-Chut-La
Chokolo roonee, ning o ping nang,
Padoger was dusta canta kee,
Gunnee po hutto pi China coo!

There are 4 more double verses

Looking at line 7 above I would guess it originated as an early solo minstrel-type song. It predates the Virginia Minstrels but there were plenty of solo blackface performers in Britain even back as far as the 18thc."
I've added italics to highlight this sentence.

8. From: Jim Dixon
Date: 19 Mar 08 - 08:13 AM

"Nobody has bothered to post the original"! Please, Mr. Gardham, you do us an injustice! You imply that we knew where to find the original, or that the original would have been easily found! I assure you, there is no lack of diligent searchers at Mudcat, but once in a while, we search and we fail to find.

I see now that The Bodleian Library collection of ballads has 7 versions of songs beginning "In China once there dwelt a great man" but none of them was printed by Bebbington of Manchester. Where did you find yours?

Here's the Pitts version, catalogued as Harding B 11(1415):


In China once there dwelt a great man.
His name was Chick-chack-tan-a-ran-tan.
His legs were long and his feet so small,
This China man couldn't walk at all.
His servants used to carry him out,
Upon their backs, and the folks would shout,
'O, lookee here comes'--'Oh, dere he goes!
The China man with his Monkey Nose.

So Chickara-Choo-Chi-Cho-Chut-la
Chockolo roonee, ning o ping nang,
Padoger wa dusta canta kee,
Gunnee po hottee pi China coo.'

This China man had plenty of pelf.
He liv'd in a mansion by himself,
And next door was his servant's abode.
Now was not that a singular mode?
Two men he hired to carry him out,
But they turn'd out to be robbers stout.
He paid them well, and gave them clothes,
The China man with his Monkey Nose.
So Chickara, &c.

One day this China man fell in love,
And fancied, he said, miss Telto Dove;
So one of his servants carried him quick.
The other bent forward with a stick.
On a two legg'd horse, he look'd such a gill.
They took him some miles and stopt on a hill,
Then into a ditch the robber throws
The China man with his Monkey Nose.
So Chickara, &c.

Some China ladies then from the town
Ran up the hill and roll'd him down
From top to bottom. They then began
To tickle and play with the China man.
From him they most took all his breath,
For they nearly kissed this man to death.
At any rate, they all stopp'd his woes,
The China man with his Monkey Nose.
So Chickara, &c.

These Chinese ladies, so fine and gay,
Resolv'd to carry him home next day;
So safe at his house they reach'd once more
With all the ladies, and lock'd the door.
The robbers plunder'd his house entire,
Then set the ladies and him on fire.
All in the house had a fire repose,
The China man and his Monkey Nose.
So Chickara, &c."

9. From: GUEST,Steve Gardham
Date: 20 Mar 08 - 06:58 PM

"Sorry, Jim.
Didn't mean to be rude or clever.
The Bebbington/Pearson version is In Manchester Central Library.
I didn't bother noting down the Bodl versions cos I already had lots of versions. I have records of the following printers printing it in addition to Bebbington/Pearson no386 which is also in the Baring Gould BL collection.
Sanderson, Edinburgh
Poet's Box, Glasgow.
Hodges/Ryle/Such, London probably all derived from your Pitts version
Booth, Hyde

The Roud Index probably gives more."

10. From: GUEST,Mad
Date: 08 Jun 08 - 04:05 PM

"The version I learned from my grandmother goes like this:

Once there was a Chineseman
His name was Chikka Rakka Chi Chai Cho
His feet were long and his arms were short
This Chinese man couldn't walk nor talk

Chikka Rakka Chi Chai Cho chikalera
Bungalera piggy wiggy waggle
Ogo pogo anna banna coco
Cheraby cheraby chi chai cho

This Chinese man, he had a wife
And oh, they lived a terrible life
She cut off his pigtail, it was too long
And sold it for a Chinese song

Chikka Rakka Chi Chai Cho chikalera
Bungalera piggy wiggy waggle
Ogo pogo ana bana coco
Cheraby cheraby chi chai cho

It was always accompanied by a lot of clapping. I always thought she had made it up, so I'm happy to know that there are other people out there with their own versions of it. Makes me feel less crazy somehow :)"

11. From: GUEST,Bess
Date: 18 Jul 08 - 11:54 AM

"Holy cow, I had no idea that there were so many versions of this song. I learned this from my Quaker Liberal relatives who are now embarrassed to sing it because of it's racist overtones!

Chinkety Chinkety Chan

In Chinatown there lived a man
His name was Chinkety Chinkety Chan
His feet were long and his toes were short
And this is the way the poor Chinaman talked:

Chinkety-chee Cha-lye Cha-lo
Chinkety Romeo in a banana-ga
Wallika wallika chanikee
In a bannana-ga

12. From: GUEST,Guest33
Date: 16 Nov 08 - 11:00 PM

"I'm glad I found this thread! I've had this song stuck in my head. My mom was from Hammond/Chicago, and grew up in the 1930s. She sang a lot of silly war songs (The coffee in the Army...) and ethnic ditties of a sort that is not considered funny today (Snowball). Another Guest gave us a variant that is very close to what she would sing. I remember the tune, by the way, which doesn't seem to be part of the discussion. The glaring ignorance of geography was part of the joke.

Anyway, here's what our earlier Guest posted, with my mom's variant in CAPS:


and this is the way the Chinaman floats:

Chingaling chee, chi li, chi lo,
chingaling wallaga, in the bananaga,
wallaga, wallaga, CHAN OF THE SEA,

AT LENGTH Chinaman did die,
and in his coffin he did lie;
they sent him back to Old Japan,
and this is the way his epitaph ran..."

13. Azizi
Date: 31 Aug 09 - 07:50 PM

"For those who may be interested, here is an excerpt from a comment from another Mudcat thread about these types of songs:

Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Ching Chong Chinaman Song
From: GUEST,A proud Asian American - PM
Date: 07 Apr 09 - 08:01 PM

"Why would anyone want to continue a tradition such as this, a tradition that degrades an entire race of people? For what point and purpose? How would you feel if your people were subjected to such vile degradation, disrespect and hatred?

You really should think things through before you decide to pursue a topic.

And anyone who has ever uttered such filthy words for fun and amusement needs to do some serious soul-searching..."


I realize that singing this song is a family tradition for some people. I also realize that a number of people are nostalgic about this songs because it reminds them of their childhood and of their parents and grandparents who may be gone.

I believe that there is some merit in documenting the variants and engaging in other folkloric study of these songs. However, I'm concerned about passing on to another generation this song and other songs like it because it ridicules a race or a nationality of people.

These comments may not make any difference to those who think these songs are just fun. But I hope people think about these points before they teach these songs to their children and to other children."

14. Subject: RE: Lyr Req: 'Once in China there lived a great ma
From: GUEST,Chris Brierley
Date: 09 Sep 09 - 02:40 PM

"A few thoughts for Azizi

This is a song about an anonymous person. It was probably fiction at the time. I think you are an idiot berating people for recalling their memories on this forum.

The song does not "degrade an entire race of people" however I could make a few comments about those funny yellow rice munchers if you like?"

15. From: GUEST,Patsy
Date: 07 Sep 10 - 11:05 AM

"My mum used to sing this playground clapping song when she was a little girl in the 30's in the playground or in the streets of Bristol when there was not much traffic and relatively safe!

In China once there lived a great man,
His name was chikerocka choo chi pan
His legs were long and his feet were small
This little Chinaman couldn't walk at all

Chickerocka chickerocka cho chiker orum
Condo romum acki paki wak
Oko koko hit him on the boko
Ikipie ikipie okoko

My mum's younger sister, although a few years younger had a slightly different version although basically the same. Funny how things alter in a few years. When I was a little girl I knew the Eenie Meenie one that is mentioned right at the top as a playground clapping song. Irish comedian Frank Carson did a version of Eenie Meenie Macarraca and it did get into the UK hit parade I think it was at the end of the 70's or early 80's."

16. From: GUEST,Interested Party
Date: 21 Sep 10 - 04:27 AM

"I thought it was a cheer. My father recited it as:

"Rah-rah chicorah, chicorah rooney.
Rooney, rooney, ping pang pooney--
Palla-walla wah,
sing Chinee Ching!"

(Not very P.C.!)

It sounds like a cheer for football games--it has a kind of rhythm, and "Rah-rah", after all."

Date: 08 Oct 10 - 06:36 PM

"My Mom's version was a little different but must be from the same original. It goes

Once in Japan there lived a man name Hiko-chiko-chickery-chan, Hiko Chiko chinaman, Wadame Kadame dusty-o willapy wallapy chineo.

One day the people of the town went up and brought the Chinaman down. Then the Chinaman he died and all the people for him cried.

And that was the end of Hiko-Chiko-Chickery-Chan, Hiko Chiko Chinaman, Wadame Kadame Dusty-o Willapy Wallapy Chineo."

18. From: GUEST,jhkinghill Reading UK
Date: 14 Nov 10 - 04:01 AM

"My Dad used to sing this--he learnt it from his mother and thinks she learnt it from her parents, so we are going back to mid-late 19thC Lancashire:
Once in China there lived a great man
and his name was Chicker-ricker-rookington
his legs were long but his feet were small
so that Chinaman couldn't walk at all
CHORUS: Soooooo--chicker-ricker-roo chy cho chucka-larum
Scandal-arum is a peg man
Cargo too-go is a giz gaz go
is a peg nay go
is a peg man
Cheero cheero chuck chucka largo is despatched in China
here he comes and here he goes
the Chinaman with a monkey's nose

Two smart men they carried him about
the people did laugh and the people did shout
they took him to the top of the hill
and rolled him down like a rolling pin (sometimes changed to 'beechams pill'by my mother, an English teacher and purist about rhyme
CHORUS repeated

I've never found anyone before outside of our family who had the remotest idea about this song, which we figured must have come into the family from trips to the old music halls--unless anyone knows of any sheet music for it?"

19. From: GUEST,canada
Date: 04 Jan 11 - 06:52 PM

"Hi, my dad who is from Lancashire and sang this song to us along with I'm a wee melody man but the way I remember is this way:

In China once there lived a man
His name was Chika-Racka-Chee-Chi-Chan
His head was big and his feet were small
And this poor Chinaman couldn't walk at all

Choo Cock-a-lorum
Cando, lorum, ninny pinny nap
Cat go, you go, etty cotty kitty ko
Ditty pie, Ditty pie, Chika-Rack-Chee-Chi

Talk about not being politically correct! But I'm in my early 60's and I remember this; that little golliwog from the jam jar lids and I had a book about ten little Ni***r boys sitting in the sun."
This comment is given as it was published in that discussion thread.

20.[added to this pancocojams post 10/23/2016 12:39 AM.]
Date: 06 Mar 12 - 12:14 PM

"What an interesting thread. I heard this song from my grandfather, though never was sure if he picked it up during the war or as a schoolboy in London.

Unfortunately he used different verses that I don't see here.
There was one about 'combed his hair with a knife and fork' or something to that effect. The first verse ended with 'couldn't walk or talk' with 'talk' rhyming perfectly with short because of his accent.

The only verse I remember, which I always thought was the best, was the last one which I don't see here:

"They took him up in an aeroplane
And told him not too bash his brain
The word was said and he fell on his head
and that was the end of the Chineseman"

As far as the concerns on the board about the racist nature of this song goes, I don't think there is any risk that teaching this song will promote racist attitudes. It's just a fun look into the attitudes that prevailed back then.
Case in point: I heard that song all the time growing up, but it didn't stop me from learning Chinese, spending time in China, having Chinese friends, and dating Chinese women. It's a fantastic culture, that I greatly admire, but that doesn't prevent me from enjoying this ridiculous song."

21. From: GUEST,patchouliaison
Date: 14 Jun 14 - 11:06 AM

"My great grandfather used to sing this song, and it's been handed down in the family. I find it entirely racist and have asked my parents to stop singing it to my baby. They, of course, we're horrified I would make this request. Basically, I'm trying to prove them wrong, that it is a quite offensive song. Any ideas on where it came from? The version we learned goes like this:

Once in China there lived a little man.
His name was Ching-a-ling-Ching-a-ling-Ching.
His legs were short and his feet were small,
And this little man couldn't walk at all.

Ride all day oh happy man.
You no fishy-go, shorty-o.
He wept and he wept in Chin-e-o.

Thanks for any tips on its origin!"

22. From: GUEST,Fred McCormick
Date: 18 Jul 14 - 06:06 AM

"patchouliaison. I quite agree. I find this song racist and offensive and I woder why anyone would want to bother singing it.

Just for the record, there is a version on CD, but no, I'm not prepared to provide any details."

23. From: GUEST,Kittymama
Date: 01 May 15 - 06:07 PM

"It's racist and offensive (for those who are collecting support for that position, patchouliason). We sing it privately, because it makes us think of our late mother, but we know better than to sing it in front of people. Which makes it sound as though we have a private little racist club, but, sigh, it is what it is. At least we've protected succeeding generations."
This is the last comment to date in that Mudcat discussion thread.


keyshop41 Published on Nov 17, 2013

I was taught this song by my Mother when I was a child, she was taught this song by her Mother when she was a child. I have no idea how her mother learn it. I have always thought it was a fun song since I was a kid. I had decided to try to find out about it recently and found that many people knew about the song and were searching for it but were asking if anyone had a complete version. Some of the missing lyrics seemed to be be those which I know from my mother's version. Many people who searched for the song knew slightly different words than that which I knew but no one had posted a complete version of the song anywhere and no one had a video or sound bit posted to hear how their version of the words went. So, using my memory as best I could I decided to put the song onto a video and made up the chords to follow the tune that I was taught as a kid. I also decided to just do the lyrics that I was taught when I was a kid. When trying to find the song I discovered that many people knew the song as Once In China. The opening line of my version is, "In China once there lived a great man..." Maybe the opening line should be, "Once in China there lived a great man...." A little bit of a difference but since I was never told what the name of the song was by Mother maybe this is true? So,since so many people seem to be searching for a song named Once In China, this is my version of "Once In China."

I don't speak any dialect of Chinese so if I'm saying something offensive I apologize. This was not meant to be against anyone, I'm just doing a song that I was taught as a kid that it sounds like many other people have searched for.
This example documents the tune (or a tune?) for the song "In China There Lives A Great Man" (or other titles).

This concludes Part I of this two part series.

Thanks for visiting pancocojams.

Visitor comments are welcome.


  1. There's a theatrical song dating from 1791, 'Ching Chit Quaw', which certainly isn't the direct ancestor of 'In China There Lived A Great Man' but shares the feature of mimicking/ridiculing Chinese speech. It was a show song from 'the pantomime of the Mandarin' and was sung as a duet between two pretty 'Chinese girls' - English actresses - who ignore the efforts of an English-speaking 'Clown' to get their attention (or chat them up as we would say). His attempts to hit on them are thwarted because he can't understand their replies. In the end he gives up in frustration: 'The devil wou'dn't have such wives as you / With your chink-a-ching, chink-a-ching, ching chit quaw'.

    The words are by 'Mr Lonsdale'. I don't know who he was but I think he had heard Chinese spoken, because although what the girls speak is gibberish, unlike in the later songs it's clearly meant to imitate aspects of Chinese which would strike an English listener, such as rapid monosyllables and tone. It must have been popular too, because the sheet music is still for sale seven years later.

  2. Forgot my link!
    Ching Chit Quaw'

    Also, what I think is the sheet music for the same song, though the title is given as 'Chicka Ching', is advertised in The Times, 20 Feb 1798, P.2.

  3. 'Mr Lonsdale' is probably Mark Lonsdale, a playwright and stage manager. He was noted for pastiches of different accents - foreign, Irish, Scottish and regional English, apparently. They weren't all fanciful rubbish either. One character, 'Dennis O'Neall', sounds like any stage Irishman but includes some genuine Gaelic in his speech.

    1. Thanks for sharing that interesting historical/cultural information, slam2011.

      Ridiculing different accents is often an element of racism. In the 18th century until parts of the 20th century the Irish (and Scottish people?) weren't considered White.

      Unfortunately, the way Chinese talk and the way some other people such as Black Africans talk is still ridiculed in the 21st century. Racism is still often one reason for this.

  4. I am flattered and surprised, mostly surprised, that you included my video of me singing this song as an example (Am I getting any Royalties? Kidding). Thank You and I hope no one gets offended. It was a cute song that I heard as a child that my Mother sang to me as a Child that was taught to her by my Grandmother.

    1. Hello, Anonymous.

      Thanks for your comment and you're welcome. I know that you were joking about the royalties, but just so other people are clear about that point, pancocojams is a volunteer blog that I don't receive any money for or from. Therefore there are no royalties for anything that is posted on this site.

      I understand that this song is nostalgic for many people. However, my concern is that people have been and still are offended by its words, regardless of whether no offense was/is intended.

  5. My father's version of this told to me in the early 1940's is somewhat different and I can only remember two verses and the chorus as follows:

    In China there lived a very great man
    And his name was Chicaracka Chie Chi Pan
    His legs were short and his feet were small
    So that he couldn’t walk at all.

    Singing Chicaraka Chie Chi ochicalora
    Connemora, elaphinan
    Onego twogo idikidikidico
    Adapi adapi Chineco.

    The men that used to carry him about
    Were also small and very very stout
    And when they reached the top of a hill
    They rolled him down like a rolling pin

    Singing Chicaraka etc……..

  6. There is mention of racism in this thread, but perhaps people are too sensitive and it is not that at all. It may just be fun in the way that English are considered to be staid, Scots and Dutch are thought to be tight with their money, the Irish - well we all know about them, and so on. People need to lighten up and look at the funny side of life!

    1. Anonymous, thanks for sharing your memory of this song.

      Thanks also for your second comment although I disagree with it very much.

      I strongly believe that racial, ethnic, national, and/or religious stereotyping has negative consequences for those sterotyped and those doing the stereotyping.

    2. Sick of political correctness, strangling free speech, and preventing people opening their mouths. If you are offended, then it is YOUR problem, not ours.

    3. Thanks for sharing your opinion, Anonymous.

  7. My Mother had a version of this and we loved singing it in the car:
    Chickeraka chee chi, chum chikka lorum
    Conday lorum, modofee car
    Cargo toogo, itty kitty cattago
    Ishabye Chinaman, Chinese Boy

    Then there was another odd ditty
    Coyme narrow, kiltey karrow
    Coyme narrow coymee
    Im strim stommadiddle
    Arrabonny immadiddle
    Ring dom bulladin a coymee

    Those were the days (1950s)

    1. Nigel Perry, thanks for sharing this version of the "Once in China".... song. T hanks also for noting that this version is from the 1950s.

      I appreciate you adding of this version of that song to the folkloric record.

      Best wishes!
