Tuesday, September 20, 2016

N4-60 Valt - "Black Paradise" (Bougainville Island video & lyrics)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This post showcases a video of the dancehall rhythm song "Black Paradise" by N4-60 Valt, a band from Bougainville, an autonomous region in Papua New Guinea (PNG). Bougainville is slated to hold a referendum for independence from PNG in 2019.

Information about Bougainville, Papua New Guinea is included in this post along with my incomplete transcription of N4-60 Valt's "Black Paradise" song.

The content of this post is presented for cultural, entertainment, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to N4-60 Valt for their cultural contributions. Thanks also to all those who are quoted in this post and thanks to bsemoso, the publisher of this video on YouTube.

Click http://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2016/09/video-of-bougainville-island-bamboo.html for a related pancocojams post on Bougainville music and dance.

From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bougainville_Island
"Bougainville Island is the main island of the Autonomous Region of Bougainville of Papua New Guinea. This region is also known as Bougainville Province or the North Solomons. Its land area is 9,300 km2. The population of the province is 175,160 (2000 census), which includes the adjacent island of Buka and assorted outlying islands including the Carterets. Mount Balbi at 2,700 m is the highest point. Although Bougainville Island is geographically part of the Solomon Islands archipelago, it is not a part of the state of Solomon Islands...

Bougainville is the largest island in the Solomon Islands archipelago. It is part of the Solomon Islands rain forests ecoregion. Bougainville and the nearby island of Buka are a single landmass separated by a deep 300-metre-wide strait. The island is 9000 square kilometres, and there are several active, dormant or inactive volcanoes which rise to 2400m. Mount Bagana in the north central part of Bougainville is conspicuously active, spewing out smoke that is visible many kilometres distant. Earthquakes are frequent, but cause little damage."...

From http://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-05-23/bougainville-referendum-set-for-2019/7436566
"Bougainville is an autonomous part of PNG [Papua New Guinea] , and fought a decade-long civil war with the national government that ended in 1999.

The region must hold an independence vote by 2020 under the terms of the Bougainville Peace Agreement, but the new target date is not final.

I call now for full weapons disposal ... only then will Bougainville be able to be referendum ready.
John Momis, Bougainville President

President Momis said the decision had kickstarted the planning process ahead of the historic vote on June 15, 2019.

"With that date now agreed, we can plan the steps required to hold the referendum, and the time and the funding and personnel needed to carry out each step," he told PNG's Post Courier newspaper.

The PNG Government has also committed to funding referendum preparations, and it is hoped the decision will lead to full weapons disposal in Bougainville.

Some factions in Bougainville held onto their weapons after the conflict in case PNG would not allow the referendum to proceed, but President Momis said those suspicions could undermine the vote.

"I call now for full weapons disposal … only then will Bougainville be able to be referendum-ready. The Bougainville Peace Agreement requires that the referendum be free and fair," he said.

"There should no longer be any doubt among Bougainvilleans whether or not the referendum will be held."...

(N4-60 Valt)

Let me take you back in time
To the land of the endless sunshine
Let me take you back in allusions
To the land of the tropical beauty
Where the black ???

Come on my man break it down now
Oh now the beat break it down now

Ooh my island
Island in the sunshine
You’re my tropical paradise
Oh my island
the island of my dream
You’re my homeland
And I will never leave you
Oh, my black paradise.
Oh yes.

Let me take you back in years
To the shores of the tropical sunshine
And let me take you across the shores
To my black tropical island
Where you will get lost in allusions
Of your dreams

Oh my beautiful island
me never let you go
No matter what me say about you
Me coming with allusions
Me coming with allusions
Come on my man, let’s break it down now.
Hey I’m feelin in love, now

Oh my island
island in the sunshine
You’re my tropical paradise
Oh my island
the island of my dreams
I will never leave you
Oh, my black paradise
Oh, my black paradise.

Oh my island
Oh my island
Island in the sunshine
My tropical paradise

Oh my island
Island is the sunshine
You’re my homeland
I will never leave you
Oh, my black paradise
Oh, my black paradise.
Oh, my black paradise
This is my transcription of this song from that video. Please help with this transcription. Additions and corrections are welcome.

SHOWCASE VIDEO: Black Paradise (Bougainville)

bsemoso, Uploaded on Mar 24, 2011

N4-60 Valt is a band from the Nagovis Area of Bougainville - the land of the rising sun. This is a video of their hit song "Black Paradise" on their first album under the same name. The album was recorded under Panakatsu Studio, engineered by Emmanuel Muganaua. This video taken on location at 5Mile, Port Moresby and edited by yours truely. Credits go to all Youtube and Facebook friends from whom we got many memorable pictures and clips featured in this video. Watch it in HD and turn the knob up all the way !! Blessings !

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