Monday, September 19, 2016

Kumu Hula (Hula Master) Patrick Makuakāne - "Birth Certificate Hula" (video, lyrics, comments)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This post showcases the song & hula dance "Birth Certificate Hula" that was composed in 2012 by Patrick Makuakāne. Hat tip to dailykos blogger neonomad for publishing an article about that song. A large portion of that article is presented below (with its hyperlink).

The content of this post is presented for cultural, entertainment, and political purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to Patrick Makuakāne for composing this song and choreographing this dance. Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post and thanks to the publisher of this video on YouTube.

From The Birth Certificate Hula – Hawaiians Destroy Trump! By neonomad, 9/19/2016

While the Birther conspiracy is obviously a huge insult to President Obama, I'm not sure how many people have considered that it's also an affront to all the people of Hawai‘i. If you call Hawai‘i home, the fact that the president of the United States comes from your beautiful but remote and rather politically insigificant archipelago in the middle of the ocean can be a great source of pride. And having some two-bit racist real estate huckster turned demagogue try to challenge that plain reality so that he can have a few more minutes of celebrity has caused considerable annoyance, as well as some amusement.

So in 2012, Kumu Hula (hula master) Patrick Makuakāne created a response to the Birther nonsense in the form of a song he composed and choreographed for his stellar San Francisco-based Hawaiian dance troupe, Nā Lei Hulu I Ka Wēkiu. And it's odd, but for some reason, back in 2012 when Birtherism was fresh, Kumu Patrick neglected to mention that it was Hillary who started the lie. He dumps on Trump instead! Weird, huh?

As you may already know, the movements of hula are never improvised, but are carefully choreographed to reflect and emphasize the meaning of the lyrics. (And although hula is most often danced to songs composed in ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i, the Hawaiian language, this song is in English.) I particularly enjoy the hand movements for the certifying rubber stamp on the birth certificate, the Tea Party tea cup, and my favorite – the hand flapping over the top of the head for Donald Trump's "hair". I should point out that the majority of Kumu Patrick's work is seriously traditional and seriously beautiful – but when he goes to the humorous side, he kills....


Birth Certificate Hula
Lyrics by Kumu Hula Patrick Makuakāne (to the tune of “Aloha Week Hula” by Jack Pitman)

Weʼre a long way from Africa Honolulu doesnʼt look like Kenya So you have to do the Birth Certificate Hula

Itʼs a Tea Party conspiracy started by a drunk in a taxi So you have to do the Birth Certificate Hula

Itʼs a long form paper you can document with the state of Hawai‘iʼs certified judgment Wanna bet, hes not from Tibet Donald Trump is crazy and heʼs full of sh-- hey!

Beat that drum, dum dee-dum Wiggle in the middle, itʼs a lot of fun So you have to do the Birth Certificate Hula

Is it a forgery or sorcery Did his mother steal him from another nursery So you have to do the Birth Certificate Hula

Oh, Obamaʼs a Hawai‘i boy He eats Spam sushi and he likes his poi Born in Kapi‘olani maternity, Heʼs not the baby of a scary terrorist daddy

Itʼs a long form paper you can document with the state of Hawai‘iʼs certified judgment Wanna bet, heʼs not from Tibet Donald Trump is crazy and heʼs full of sh-- hey!

Itʼll never be enough, you see, if youʼre a birther or on Fox TV So you have to do the Birth Certificate Hula"

SHOWCASE VIDEO: Birth Certificate Hula

NaLeiHuluIKaWekiuPublished on May 4, 2014

Lyrics by Kumu Hula Patrick Makuakāne (to the tune of "Aloha Week Hula" by Jack Pitman)

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