Friday, July 22, 2016

Witty & Snarky Comments From About Donald Trumps' RNC Acceptance Speech

Edited by Azizi Powell

This post presents selected comments from several discussion threads about Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump's acceptance speech (July 21, 2016). is a progressive Democratic discussion forum.

The content of this post is presented for political, cultural, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post.

These comments are given in chronological order with the oldest comments given first, except for replies. However, the comments may not be in consecutive order.

I've assigned numbers to these quotes numbers for referencing purposes only.

From Open thread #8 on Day 4 of the Republican Nat'l Convention By Meteor Blades,, 2016/07/21

1. Vita Brevis Jul 21 · 10:31:04 PM
"I think we tried Trump’s jobs plan for Black youth up until 1865."

2. Liberal Protestant Jul 21 · 10:31:43 PM
"Facts? Facts? We don’t need no stinkin’ facts!"

3. reesetheone Jul 21 · 10:33:04 PM
Again, I will tell you the plain facts that have been edited out of your nightly news and your morning newspaper: Nearly Four in 10 African-American children are living in poverty, while 58% of African American youth are not employed. 2 million more Latinos are in poverty today than when the President took his oath of office less than eight years ago. Another 14 million people have left the workforce entirely.

Household incomes are down more than $4,000 since the year 2000.
RUH ROH! if he wants to run on the economy and include blacks and hispanics, That clinton economy of the 1990s was AWESOME SAUCE for blacks and Hispanics. black unemployment hit a all time low of seven percent, and our income went up 7k during that time.

"Trump won't raise taxes, the minimum wage, recognize the Union in his Nevada Hotel, picked a running mate that support right to work...... I can go all day."

4. themis - reesetheone Jul 21 · 10:36:36 PM
"But see what he’s doing? He’s not comparing %s of the populations, just the #s. I’d lay odds that there are more than 2 million new Latino immigrants in the last 8 years, and the comparative %s is actually better."

5. smartone Jul 21 · 10:33:11 PM
"Here is the thing I think the majority of people know there is no crime wave in America. That most cities and communities are historically safe . There is a real disconnect between reality and his rhetoric whereas the .. The trade and jobs rhetoric resonated with people because there was some truth to it … but his solutions of cutting taxes is not what he was saying in Primaries."

6. cardinal - smartone Jul 21 · 10:35:08 PM
"Unfortunately, I just looked up those stats for a book I’m writing. People are more scared of crime than ever."

7. themis - cardinal Jul 21 · 10:37:39 PM
"Afraid, yes (availability heuristic, and all that). But isn’t crime at something like a 30 year low?"

8. Reply
cardinal - themis Jul 21 · 10:42:21 PM
"Yes. There has indeed been a spike this year, but nowhere close to where we were in the 80s or 90s."

9. DietCokeDem Jul 21 · 10:34:11 PM
"We have found the enemy and he is us."

10. bamajunky - DietCokeDem Jul 21 · 10:45:12 PM
"Did Melanie trump say that?"

11. scamperdo Jul 21 · 10:34:48 PM
"LMAO Middle East was just totally at PEACE when Obama took over. Oy lawd and his folks eat up this rewritten history."

12. DietCokeDem Jul 21 · 10:35:15 PM
"Absolutely nothing that Trump is saying about the Middle East is correct.


13. mtwentz Jul 21 · 10:35:30 PM
"I am listening on radio- seems to be falling flat. How does it look on TV?"

14. jwinIL14 - mtwentz Jul 21 · 10:36:20 PM

15. ApostleOfCarlin - mtwentz Jul 21 · 10:36:33 PM
"His speech was better in the original German."

16. smileycreek Jul 21 · 10:37:01 PM
Trump: Hillary is so weak that she controls the entire world."
10:35 PM - 21 Jul 2016

17. loblolly Jul 21 · 10:37:05 PM
"Poverty and violence! War and destruction! But Trump has a plan. USA!USA!"

18. ChadmanFL Jul 21 · 10:37:06 PM
"More meaningless platitudes, no solutions."

19. reesetheone Jul 21 · 10:37:35 PM
"black Unemployment was 12.7 January 2009

Now: 8.6

black unemployment January 1993: 14.1

when Bubba left office 8.2

Black unemployment ROSE under republican administrations."
"Bubba" = (President Bill Clinton)

20. RhodeIslandAspie reesetheone Jul 21 · 10:40:42 PM
"True. But President Trump will do something about that."

21. Alfalfa Bill Jul 21 · 10:37:39 PM
"Do you remember when your drunk uncle would try to read the Christmas story? This is kinda like that."

22. secret asian man Jul 21 · 10:38:58 PM
"My heart breaks. This is not the America I know."

23. grover Jul 21 · 10:39:25 PM
"Here’s his plan of action:

vague statements, no details, unicorns, ponies and fairy dust..."

24. dlbvet grover Jul 21 · 10:40:35 PM
"Don’t forget the rainbows also too."

25. AaronInSanDiego - cardinal Jul 21 · 10:43:19 PM
"I've read that violent crime has increased since 2014 in some cities, but don't know how widespread that is or how reliable the information is."

26. cardinal - AaronInSanDiego Jul 21 · 10:54:08 PM
"It has. The ones he named — Baltimore and Chicago — have been among the worst hit.

But they’re still MUCH safer than during the Reagan era."

27. GeorgeBurnsWasRight - smartone Jul 21 · 10:41:13 PM
"Most Republicans live in rural areas and suburbs and are literally convinced that if they ever step foot into a major city they’ll be raped by a Mexican and shot by a Black within minutes."

28. nicteis - reesetheone Jul 21 · 10:44:18 PM
"So much fact checking to do, so little time. And with American media what they are, so little inclination."

29. flavor411 Jul 21 · 10:44:06 PM
"This is unlike any convention I’ve ever seen. It has hints of a Nuremberg rally."

30. emaz Jul 21 · 10:44:38 PM
"The pouty, practiced “I’m so tough” look on his face… the fervor of the crowd…. the way you can tell he is getting drunk on power (or perceived power)… in some weird way this feels like a very scary, historical, FACIST moment. Chills."

31. Blunt Force Karma Jul 21 · 10:45:41 PM
"So, when does he get to the part about outlining how he is gonna make everything better?"

32. Miscweant Jul 21 · 10:56:00 PM
"Oh he just made kissy time with the gays… <3" ** 33. Miscweant Jul 21 · 10:56:57 PM "Going to protect them from “hateful foreign ideology” — but not his bigoted supporters" ** 34. imanoldcoot Jul 21 · 11:03:40 PM "does he even know he is talking to republicans, you know the ones who wanted the war in Iraq, hate the gays and do not want to fix our infrastructure… he is really confused about now." **** From Open thread #9 on Day 4 of the Republican Nat'l Convention By Meteor Blades

35. Churchill Jul 21 · 10:41:22 PM
"Law & Order, Law & Order, Law & Order, Law & Order, Law & Order"

36. socrates shoes - Churchill Jul 21 · 10:46:22 PM
Hey, it worked for NBC...
This is a reference to the American television show Law & Order.

37. northcountry21st - socrates shoes Jul 21 · 10:50:43 PM
"I liked the old L&O shows — great character actors. This one — not so much."

38. Gertie Green - Churchill Jul 21 · 10:49:41 PM
"Code for: Put the POC back in their places..."
POC = People of Color

39. flavor411 - Churchill Jul 21 · 10:56:28 PM
"Meanwhile the national crime rate is about down to the level of 1962 and he’s talking the the crime rate is going through the roof. He’s talking about bleak inner cities now, many inner cities are swarming with trust fund kids living in $600,000 lofts ( He lives in NYC, he surely must know this).

It’s like he stealing Nixon’s playbook, but it’s a very different nation than 1968 or 1972."

40. The Marti Jul 21 · 10:41:52 PM
"I AM YOUR VOICE….I’ll do your thinking for you."

41. ChadmanFL Jul 21 · 10:41:54 PM
"No Donald, you are not my voice. You’re the voice of an America long since past it’s expiration." date.

42. VictorLaszlo Jul 21 · 10:43:33 PM
" "I have embraced crying mothers..."

Oh, kee-rist. Who buys this sh&t?*"
*This word is fully spelled out in that comment.

44. Gertie Green - VictorLaszlo Jul 21 · 10:56:53 PM
"Well, why do you think they were crying?!!"

45. TraderVance Jul 21 · 10:45:36 PM
"Corruption has reached a level never seen in this country....has he heard of Watergate? Teapot Dome? Iran-Contra?"

46. Dartagnan - TraderVance Jul 21 · 10:49:32 PM
"Maybe he’s referring to Trump University?"

47. Baby Seal Jul 21 · 10:46:14 PM
"I wonder how long it will be after this “terrific” speech that he messes it up by posting another stupid racist tweet."

48. cardinal Jul 21 · 10:49:50 PM
"He’s only halfway through the script. It was clearly written for a much faster delivery rather than his sing-songy, sentence-at-a-time yelling."

49. RenaRF Jul 21 · 10:51:28 PM
"Pretty sure he’s gonna overshoot prime time. He’s only just now barely halfway through this dull, flat, fact-less, plan-less debacle of a speech."

50. AKALib Jul 21 · 10:51:33 PM
"Law and order == protect the police !"

51. Juleeblake Jul 21 · 10:51:53 PM
"Lawn order. No weeds or dandelions."

52. NostroDanus Jul 21 · 10:51:49 PM
"He’s got that Mussolini head bob down pat."

53. zbob Jul 21 · 10:52:42 PM
"I made the face-body language Mussolini connection some time ago. If he was some fringe, 10 percent candidate this might be laughable; but he is the candidate of one of the two major parties in this country.

Trump scares me enough. What scares me (and I think the rest of us) even more is the number of “ditto-head” followers who care not what he says. Or does. Wanna know how Nazi Germany got started? We often think of them as odd, an anomaly, abnormal. Well, look no further than your acquaintance next door, or down the block, who would be ready to carry-out Trump’s dicatates without question.

Until it’s too late."

54. paintitblue Jul 21 · 10:59:09 PM
"He’s growling. It’s the full moon. Is he about to turn into a werewolf?"

55. barskin paintitblue Jul 21 · 11:00:27 PM
"Don’t you notice. He already has."

56. Peter Doubt Jul 21 · 11:00:36 PM

There, I said it. Now go away!"

57. NorthCountryNY Jul 21 · 11:02:06 PM
"So day one, he eliminates violence in America. Day two, the economy booms. Day three, he wins all the wars. Day four, no more illegal immigration. That is his ‘plan’. What will he do with the rest of his times."

58. NostroDanus - NorthCountryNY Jul 21 · 11:02:57 PM
"On day 7 he rests."

59. annieli Jul 21 · 11:02:06 PM
"love it or leave it!

I only want to admit individuals into our country who will support our values and love our people.

boriskamite Jul 21 · 11:02:41 PM
"What about all our citizens who endorse hatred and oppression?"

60. JNSD Jul 21 · 11:16:40 PM
"Good grief I just tuned in to see if as bad as you all say. Orange man yells."

From Open thread #13 on Day 4 of the Republican Nat'l Convention By Meteor Blades

61. northleft Jul 21 · 11:27:18 PM
"When will he take off his shirt and wrestle a bear?"

62. Liberal Protestant - northleft Jul 21 · 11:29:27 PM
"Maybe he’ll just ride horseback"

63. lagerstina Jul 21 · 11:27:18 PM
"God help us."

64. lagerstina - lagerstina Jul 21 · 11:28:07 PM
"And I'm an atheist."

65. themis - lagerstina Jul 21 · 11:30:14 PM
"I’m right there with you. I’m praying to all of them."

66. Alfalfa Bill Jul 21 · 11:27:25 PM
"Look buddy, you’re going to actually have to be a dictator before you make me listen to a speech this long."

67. The Marti Alfalfa Bill Jul 21 · 11:28:13 PM
"Word" here means the same as "Amen; I agree with what you said".

68. txdoubledd - Alfalfa Bill Jul 21 · 11:29:06 PM
"Alfalfa, that is his plan."

69. CanisMaximus Alfalfa Bill Jul 21 · 11:31:25 PM
"You win the internet."

70. growingMajorityMN - qazplm Jul 21 · 11:49:26 PM
"Hitler defeated some small countries in less time than this speech took."

71. derleider growingMajorityMN Jul 22 · 12:11:16 AM
"C’mon France isnt that small"

72. The Marti Jul 21 · 11:29:09 PM
"Now we’re back to DADDY WORSHIP.

What would his dad say tonight?? Seig Heil. More or less."

73. CathyM Jul 21 · 11:30:15 PM
"Now he’s doing the Academy Awards acceptance speech..."

74. DietCokeDem Jul 21 · 11:30:15 PM
"Please stop. *whimpers and rocks back and forth in corner*"

75. Noweasels Jul 21 · 11:30:24 PM
"Worst. Speech. Ever"

76. Olympus Mons Jul 21 · 11:30:43 PM
"When is Mussolini…….. I mean Trump gonna wrap this thing up?"

77. gf120581 Jul 21 · 11:30:55 PM
"This is the speech that never ends, it just goes on and on my friends..."

78. The Marti Jul 21 · 11:31:20 PM
"Who wrote this damn speech...the Marquis De Sade??? Jesus, man shut it DOWN!"

79. Phoenix Rising - The Marti Jul 21 · 11:34:24 PM
"Republicans in the convention hall are starting to realize that they were Left Behind..."

80. Observerinvancouver - Phoenix Rising Jul 22 · 12:17:01 AM
"That is simply brilliant! Yowza!"

81. Flowergirl77 Jul 21 · 11:31:05 PM
"OK — if he’s talking about his family and winning that means he’s almost done, right? Can we do the balloon drop now and bring an end to this pathetic rodeo?"

82. Tardisgal Jul 21 · 11:32:31 PM
"Half crowd just wants the bar now!"

83. edrie - Tardisgal Jul 21 · 11:34:02 PM
"the other ¼ is asleep — the ¼ left are trump and pence family members."

84. The Lone Apple Jul 21 · 11:32:54 PM
"I feel like I’m watching a dramatization of Rise and Fall of the Third Reich."

85. Navy Vet Terp - The Lone Apple Jul 21 · 11:43:35 PM
"We’re only on page 50 or so."

86. The Lone Apple - Navy Vet Terp Jul 21 · 11:55:22 PM
"I’ve heard it doesn’t end well."

87. coigue Jul 21 · 11:33:50 PM
"There are more false endings here than in Lord of the Rings"

88. vassmer Jul 21 · 11:33:51 PM
" “History is watching us now.” No, the world is watching in horror."

89. grover Jul 21 · 11:34:02 PM

90. GimmeAFBreak Jul 21 · 11:34:15 PM
"Drumpf the motivational speaker is full of crap. The fact checkers are going to eat his breakfast tomorrow."

91. felixxx Jul 21 · 11:34:18 PM
"Everything I do I do it for you"

92. growingMajorityMN - felixxx Jul 22 · 12:08:53 AM
"And I’ll never give you up, or let you down."

93. edrie Jul 21 · 11:34:23 PM
"YAY YAY YAY YAY _ it is finally OVER!!!!!!"

94. BWilson Jul 21 · 11:34:27 PM
"HE’S DONE!!!"

95. growingMajorityMN BWilson Jul 22 · 12:10:20 AM
"That’s what the polls said!"

96. dansk47 Jul 21 · 11:34:31 PM
"They cheer only because he is FINALLY done."

97. cosette - WalterNeff Jul 21 · 11:39:57 PM
"Balloons are coming down slow and’s like his hot air got to them.

TERRIBLE Balloon Drop.

Worst Balloon Drop Ever!"

98. Crashing Vor Jul 21 · 11:36:16 PM
"Balloon FAIL!"

99. D in Northern Virginia - Crashing Vor Jul 21 · 11:37:32 PM
"That’s a crying-ass shame."

100. tumnus123 Jul 21 · 11:37:37 PM
"Nobody got fired for plagiarizing Michelle, but if the balloon machine is broken... oh wait, here comes a little confetti... and finally, some balloons... god, the timing was awful, real buzzkill for the crowd."

101. doomsdayshark Jul 21 · 11:40:29 PM


102. nicteis - doomsdayshark Jul 21 · 11:42:12 PM
"Why? It’s the first honest moment of the night."

103. Fatherflot Jul 21 · 11:41:10 PM
"Gary Kasparov has tweet of the night:

“I’ve heard this sort of speech a lot in the last 15 years and trust me, it doesn’t sound any better in Russian.” "

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1 comment:

  1. Witty & snarky comments aside, it is terrifying that so many White Americans are supportive of a Donald Trump presidency since Trump is so blatantly racist against Black and Latino people.

    But what Trunp's campaign is pointing out is that many White people in the USA are still racist. And that includes White police officers. Here's another example of that:

    CBS/AP July 22, 2016, 6:01 AM
    Video shows white cop in violent confrontation with black motorist

    "AUSTIN, Texas -- Patrol car video publicly released Thursday shows a white Austin, Texas, police officer violently throwing a black woman to the ground during a traffic stop, followed by another white officer telling her black people have "violent tendencies" and whites are justifiably afraid.

    Austin Police Chief Art Acevedo condemned both officers' actions. He called the officer's comments on the video "disturbing" and said a criminal investigation has been opened against the officer who arrested Breaion King.

    ...In one of two videos, Officer Patrick Spradlin is heard talking to King, who was pulled over for speeding, about race while driving her to jail.

    "Why are so many people afraid of black people?" Spradlin asks.

    King replies that she is also trying to figure that out.

    "I can give you a really good idea why it might be that way," he said. "Violent tendencies."

    Spradlin goes on to say that "I don't blame" white people for being afraid because of violence in the black community. "Some of them, because of their appearance and whatnot, some of them are very intimidating," he says."...
