Sunday, February 28, 2016

Seven Examples Of African American Church Of Christ Singing (videos & comments)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This is Part II of a three part series on African American Church of Christ music traditions.

Part II showcases several YouTube examples of African American Church of Christ a capella singing, song leader, and praise team singing. Selected comments from some of the discussion threads of these videos are also included in that post. This post doesn't include song lyrics.

Click for Part I of this series. Part I features an excerpt from Lamont Ali Francies' 2013 University of San Francisco, School of Education's doctoral dissertation entitled "An Exploration of Worship Practices at an African American Church of Christ." This excerpt focuses on church traditions and possibly changing attitudes regarding hand clapping, foot patting, and the display of emotions in African American Church of Christ congregations. This excerpt also addresses attitudes regarding the a cappella singing, praise and worship teams, and song leaders in African American Churches of Christ.

Click for Part III of this series. Part III provides an excerpt from a discussion of beatboxing and handclapping in Church of Christ congregations. That discussion also referenced two videos which are included in this pancocojams post. Part III also showcases two videos of African American Church of Christ praise singing which includes beatboxing. Selected comments about handclapping and beatboxing from those discussion threads are also included in that post.

Additional examples of Church of Christ singing will be showcased in other pancocojams posts. Click the "Church of Christ" tag below for those posts.

Note: The designations "Church of Christ" ("CoC" or "CofC") isn't the same as the designation "Church of God In Christ" (COGIC).

The content of this post is presented for cultural, religious, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to the composers of these songs and thanks to all those who are featured in the videos that are embedded in this post. Thanks also to all those who are quoted in this post and thanks to the publishers of these videos on YouTube.

Example #1: 77. Harold Robinson - Sing Hallelujah


pkteemaxUploaded on Sep 29, 2008

Harold Robinson-leading Sing Hallelujah
@ Harlem CoC [Church of Christ]
I think the numbers in front of the song leader's name for most of these featured examples indicates the number that this song is found in the hymnal.
Selected comments from this video's discussion thread:
DonnellBolton, 2009
"keep on singing brother :-)"

joe pit, 2013
"could some one share the words to this song with me please. its a sweet song it set my joy bells ringing"

Example #2: Paul Williams -I Am Resolved

pkteemax, Uploaded on Oct 2, 2008

Paul Williams leading COC singing at Northeastern Lectureship in Harlem Wednesday nite.

Example #3: 507. Oh I Want to See Him-Central coC and Curtis Williamson

pkteemax, Uploaded on May 10, 2009

Gospel Explosion weekend in Rochester, NY. Song leader is from Indianapolis, Indiana
Selected comments from this video's discussion thread:
Marcus Carter*
"i have a slight problem with this...while the coc does not believe in instruments (as they interpret the Pauline scripture)...I don't think Paul had in mind that we sound like guy sounded like a bass guitar! It's like the 7th Day Adventists who don't eat pork or some who are vegetarians will buy that fake pork or meat product...that 'tastes like' what they believe they should not eat? Harmony is one thing...but replicating instruments is another...just my harm."
*Replies to this comment suggest that Marcus Carte also used the name “The Methodist Preacher”

Phillip Simmons*
"To the "Methodist Preacher". That's what you call bass and a nice sound system with good acoustics.......The vocal chord is the original instrument. All instruments that came after are replicating sounds that man's vocal chords can produce.....just without being limited by breath. Do you not agree?"

quietnesswisdom [2011]
"The Methodist Preacher pointed out a valid problem. The man that "sounds like a bass guitar" is not singing. The Bible teaches that we should be "teaching and admonishing in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs." Each Christian is to obey that command. The man that "sounds like a bass guitar" is violating that scripture because no one is being taught or admonished by his bass sound. Lets keep looking at scripture and making sure that we are being obedient and not just following traditions."


cpink19 [2011]
"+quietnesswisdom @quietnesswisdom He may SOUND like a bass guitar, but I bet he's not trying to! He is using his voice, just in a deep pitch! And just a note for bass singers: most of the time, the man that's singing bass(at the time) is usually SINGING the words, just at a tad different speed, to keep the speed of the song! Point is COC members don't use instruments. It just so happens that the voice God gave us, gives us the creativity to SING and SING like the possible sound of an instrument!"

mrslowens1 [2011]
"@MethodistPreacher The Church of Christ does not having instruments during worship service because you (or anyone else) can not find New Testament scripture that charges the church to use them. the Church of christ follows New Testament scripture only.....Mr Preacher as you know (or should) the Mosaic law was killed when Jesus came to die for our sins. You can't pick and choose what you see fit to follow."

a1xluv [2011]
"I do AGREE with the MethodistPreacher on that...We should sing melody and make music in our hearts to the Lord. Edifying with our words...And sounding like an instrument is not edification. We should sing our hearts out to the Lord! BTW David NEVER came into the temple with his harp...He always played outside in the courts...And if you study you would understand that we were commanded in the New Testament to "sing" not Play musical instruments. Man "added" and brought that in on their own accord"

TJ Braggs
"The bible says that we should sing with melody from our hearts. That is why we do not use instruments. We don't need them look how great they sound. God Bless!"

LeAndra Dozier
"Can't we put our differences aside and enjoy the song. It's so beautiful. Nothing else should matter."

"Rebecca Jean. In the new testament, which we are to live by says, we are to sing and make melodies in our hearts. They never included having instruments in that scripture. ephesians 5:19.
Hope I helped!"

phil mcmaken
"well they didn't have microphones and amps and overhead lights in the original Jersualem church either but we use them because it sounds and looks better.
coc is just being traditionalistic and afraid of "new things" Would you drive a car
with no A.C. just because Henry Ford didn't originally put it in his cars?"

Example #4: 723. I Know I've Been Changed- Earl Washington, song leader

pkteemax, Uploaded on Oct 19, 2009

Third Sunday singing at Harlem church of Christ
Selected comments from this video's discussion thread:
Luiz henrique Campos
"Wonderful Negro Spiritual Style !!!!"

Kenneth Morgan
"this song is not scriptural. i haven't read where the angels sign names. this is The Church Of Christ and we must watch what we say or sing".

roziejo [2011]
"+Kenneth Morgan @kennethamorgan
though the words may not be directly scriptural, they are still good and true and worthy, because they are sung from the spirits and souls of god's people. who are you to judge and dampen their voices, the beautiful voices of your brothers and sisters in christ? let satan not turn us against one another, but let the saved and the saints sing together with love for each other and love for our lord... amen."

PDemi [2012]
"+Kenneth Morgan Good point...we must be very careful! it's like me singing praises to my preacher for getting me to heaven...that's not scriptural at all. I'm not aware of angels adding to or taking away from the book of life! Song or not, this is during worship to God and should be 100% scriptural at all times! From another member of the Church of Christ"

StoneCampbellforLife [2012]
"+Kenneth Morgan This is the spirit that has destroyed the CofC. Thankfully this kind of thinking and hermeneutic is fizzling out. It's called poetic license. C'mon, brother."

Shakia Johnson
"i really like Ear Washington singing. I'm a member of Gary COC under the leadership of Robert L. Holt. Good singing from the heart and soul, the angels in heaven are rejoicing"

Example #5: Church of Christ regional singing 2010

tony cUploaded on Aug 20, 2010

SERSA regional singing 2010 preview video. Hosted by Sheldon Heights Church of Christ. Order your full DVD at 773-568-2929. The preview shows Sheldon Heights singing the theme song, "Give Me A Song" featuring Kamie Carter and Tony Carter and the Schrader Lane Acappella Chorus featuring Darwin Mason Sr. and Darwin Jr.
Selected comments from this video's discussion thread:
Caramel6Cutie9, 2011
"Sing it sister!! It's such a blessing to see acapella music at its finest...#BellfortCofCHouTx"

rachelmm05, 2012
"this is what i call Real singing! acapella singing leaves no wiggle room either you have the note or you dont! :) not hating on anyone who sings with music i do myself but this is jsut another level!"

tony c, 2012
"Mark 14:26 (KJV)
"And when they had sung an hymn, they went out into the mount of Olives."

I'm so glad many of you have been moved by this song. That's the sole purpose it was written and sung. Like Jesus chose to sing before facing His trial, persecution, and crucifixion, my prayer is that in your trial, you too will find comfort in a song. - Tony Carter"

Cheryl Christian, 2013
"Who wrote "Give Me A Song"? It's beautiful!"

tony c, 2013
"+Cheryl Christian Me, Tony Carter from Chicago, Il Thank you Cheryl!"

strivingat40, 2015
"where is this commanded in God's word? how are we suppose to be different from denominational churches if this is going on?"

Example #6: I'd Rather Have Jesus (Acapella Singing)

Wilsonrdcoc, Published on Jul 8, 2012

A few saints at Wilson Rd singing "Id rather have Jesus"

Church of Christ singing. There is no record of any Church of Christ in the New Testament scriptures that used instrumental music in their worship. In the Old testament God commanded David to ordain the Levites to use the instruments(1Chron15:16) (2Chron.29:30;30:21) (Neh.11:23) (Ezra.7:24-26). In God's word, God did not input Instruments in HIS CHURCH. If he would have wanted them HE WOULD HAVE PUT THEM, but Christ crucified the old law and ordinances to the cross. The Instrument that we use today is the Spirit and the Heart (Eph.5:19) (Col.3:16) (Heb.2:12) (James.5:13) (Matt.26:30) (Acts.16:25) (Rom.15:9) (1Cor.14:15) Humble, tx

Example #7: Acapella Singing at Suitland Road Church of Christ

Hamil Harris, Published on Apr 16, 2013

At the Suitland Road Church of Christ Melvin Shannon Jr leads "I'll be Somewhere," listening at church's 25th anniversary revival

This concludes Part II of this series.

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