Monday, February 29, 2016

Handclapping & Beatboxing In Church Of Christ Worship Services (videos & comments)

Edited by Azizi Powell

This is Part III of a three part series on African American Church of Christ music traditions.

Part III provides information about beatboxing and excerpts from a 2014 discussion about the subject of beatboxing in Church of Christ worship services. (No indication was made in that discussion about the race of the people attending the churches mentioned.) That discussion also referred to two videos of religious beatboxing. Those two videos are also included in this post.

This post also showcases two examples of beatboxing (b-boxing) during African American and during Anglo-American Church of Christ praise singing. Selected discussion thread comments about handclapping during the worship service and religious beatboxing are also included in this post.

Click for Part II showcases several YouTube examples of African American Church of Christ a capella singing, song leader, and praise team singing. Selected comments from some of the discussion threads of these videos are also included in that post. This post doesn't include song lyrics.

Click for Part I of this series. Part I features an excerpt from Lamont Ali Francies' 2013 University of San Francisco, School of Education's doctoral dissertation entitled "An Exploration of Worship Practices at an African American Church of Christ." This excerpt focuses on church traditions and possibly changing attitudes regarding hand clapping, foot patting, and the display of emotions in African American Church of Christ congregations. This excerpt also addresses attitudes regarding the a cappella singing, praise and worship teams, and song leaders in African American Churches of Christ.

Additional examples of Church of Christ singing will be showcased in other pancocojams posts. Click the "Church of Christ" tag below for those posts.

Note: The designation "Church of Christ" (CoC) isn't the same as the designation "Church of God In Christ" (COGIC).

The content of this post is presented for cultural, religious, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to the composers of these songs and thanks to all those who are featured in the videos that are embedded in this post. Thanks also to all those who are quoted in this post and thanks to the publishers of these videos on YouTube.

"Beatboxing (also beat boxing or b-boxing) is a form of vocal percussion primarily involving the art of mimicking drum beats using one's mouth, lips, tongue, and voice. It may also involve vocal imitation of turntablism, and other musical instruments. Beatboxing today is connected with hip-hop culture, often referred to as "the fifth element" of hip-hop, although it is not limited to hip-hop music.[1][2] The term "beatboxing" is sometimes used to refer to vocal percussion in general...


...Techniques similar to beatboxing have been present in many American musical genres since the 19th century, such as early rural music, both black and white, religious songs, blues, ragtime, vaudeville, and hokum. Few examples are the Appalachian technique of eefing and the blues song Bye bye bird written and performed by the harmonica player Alex or Aleck Miller aka Sonny Boy Williamson II...

Origins in hip hop

The term "beatboxing" is derived from the mimicry of the first generation of drum machines, then known as beatboxes. "Human beatboxing" in hip-hop originated in 1980s. Its early pioneers include Doug E. Fresh, the self-proclaimed first "human beatbox"...

EXCERPT FROM REDDIT.COM DISCUSSION THREAD (including two video examples)
From Church of Christ goers where instruments are forbidden, would beat boxing be allowed? submitted, 2014 by kutNpaste
"There was a thread here recently where a few CoC people were talking about how strict their Church's views on baptism and instruments in the church are and how those views sometimes drive younger people away. While it may seem tasteless, or in bad form, is there anything Biblically forbidding beat boxing in the church? Could beatboxing replace the instrumentals in traditional hymns?
Here’s that video:
Hannah and Curtis- "I Have Decided to Follow Jesus" Beatbox Style

wingsofwaxonhannah, Uploaded on Nov 10, 2009

Bryn Athyn College Chapel with a new twist on music. Classic Hymn meets Beat Box style (and check out our Charity in Action Shirts!) in praise and worship.

[anonymous represented by a hypen], 2014
"So, this answer is cross-denominational and not really specific to CoC:

Depending on the church, music's style can sometimes work against its intended function. For example, in some worship services, the content is special or unusual in various ways, and that characteristic helps underscore the sense that church is sacred, that it is separate from the everyday.

... you're likely to encounter two objections to beatboxing in many churches, not just CoC: (1) it falls outside of the usual characteristics of what they would consider appropriate music for church, and (2) it means a whole set of other things that don't fit into their view of church, either."

ThunderCrab, 2014
"I spent the first 18 years of my life in the church of Christ and going to a church of Christ high school, so here's what I have experienced. Because each church is self governing, it will really depend on which church you are at. For example, my grandparents go to a very traditional CoC, and because they have been singing the same hymns for the last 50 years, so they would see beatboxing as an attempt to bring the secular world into the church, and may even see it as immature. My school and church at home, on the other hand, tend to lean towards the "non-denominational" churches of Christ (meaning they tend to use newer worship songs over the old hymns, and are less strict on the instrument rules"), and used beat boxing. For example, at my school, we had a "varsity" choir who used beat boxing at many events.

Personally, I'm not a fan of beatboxing. I say if you are going to imitate the sounds of instruments, I say just bring in the instruments because it will always sound better, and I'm quite biased cause I grew up loving loving the old hymns and I am not a fan of some of the new "pop" worship songs."

[anonymous represented by a hyphen], 2014
..."Beatboxing at the churches I grew up would have gotten you side eyed during service and probably admonished afterwards."

Mozen, 2014
"How is your voice not an instrument already? And how do you deal with versus like Psalm 150:5 "praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals." or other versus talking about using instruments to praise God?"

ThunderCrab, 2014
"To answer that you have to go back to the beliefs that the Church of Christ and other churches that emerged from American Restoration movement were founded on. Basically, the founders of the Church of Christ looked around and came to the belief that all these different creeds that all these different churches had were unbiblical and did nothing but distorted Christ's vision of the church. So they decided the only way to restore the early church was to only look at what is described in the New Testament. There is no mention of the use of instruments in the New Testament, therefore to use them is unbiblical."

havearemotecontrol, 2014
"Technically, yes. I grew up in very strict Churches of Christ, and this was generally acceptable at youth rallies that featured acapella music groups. However, in my experience, it was something that there were just unspoken rules about (clapping also fell into this category). These were things that were totally cool in youth-oriented events and perhaps in special, non-Sunday worship events, but no one ever seemed to even consider in normal church services. I never heard anyone talk about the principles behind this. It was just the way things were.

More than anything, though, you NEED to see this wonderful gem from the 80s/early 90s.

It has beatboxing.

It has mullets.

It has baggy pants with elastic waistbands.
Here’s that video:
AVB - A Song In My Soul

The Acappella Company, Uploaded on Jan 24, 2009

Wes McKenzie - Bass Jarel Jay Smith - Baritone and Vocal Percussion Danny Elliot - 2nd Tenor Bret Testerman - Baritone Terry Cheatman - 1st Tenor In this place where Acappella sings Well On My Way.

Church of ChristHUmarWhitill, 2014
"I a youth minister in a CofC. Typically beatboxing is "ok" but not really done at any of the churches I've been at. Like no one will complain if it was done at a youth thing but would not be a fan of it happening all the time or in Sunday morning service. As mentioned by u/a_p_carter_year_b there isnt a desire for it on a typical sunday worship because it doesn't "fit" in most older members characteristics of church songs. While I personally have no problem with instruments our "traditional hymns" don't have anything that really needs replaced with beatboxing especailly since most CofC only have one person leading and no one mic'd to hear if they were beatboxing."

Church of ChristLucasWG, 2014
"Just like a lot of others have mentioned, it's most likely going to depend on which church you are at. I know for example a lot of CoC don't typically clap during worship services, but at mine we have always clapped after a baptism. I think most members of my church believe, at least in part, that instruments could be distracting from the meaning of the hymns. If beatboxing could be seen as having that same effect, then there would most likely be at least a few people that wouldn't feel comfortable with it. I think it'd be interesting to hear, but I don't know that I would personally want to listen to it a lot anyways, especially during worship service haha." ...

Example #1: Chris Turner - Let The Spirit of The Lord

humbleisdaway Uploaded on Dec 18, 2011

must see tv. chris performing let it rise at the newark church of christ during the easternaires annual end of the year concert.
Selected comments from this video's discussion thread. These comments are given in relative chronological order based on the year that they were published with the oldest dated comment by year given first. However, these comments may not be in consecutive order. I've assigned numbers for referencing purposes only.
1. alibjohn
"saaang Bro.!!!"

2. msdonna2008
"It was mentioned in a comment that someone remembered him from St. Augustine COGIC. Being a COC member myself, this is definitely COC singing. I wonder if the person meant COC and not COGIC."
COC= Church Of Christ; COGIC= Church Of God In Christ
Chris Turner is a Church Of Christ song leader.

3. patientz430
"I'm just curious, but did the Lord authorize clapping in his church?"

4. Clark Raulerson

5. Ayanna Ayeni
"+patientz430 Psalms 47!!"

6. ShaMyiah Langston
"+Ayanna Ayeni Dont get me wrong, its a beautiful song, but thats an old testament scripture. Hebrews 8:8;13 and 9:15-18"

7. Ayanna Ayeni
"+ShaMyiah Langston I still love the song and the clapping is not a sin!"

8. edthorn24
"I can't believe people are still arguing whether or not you can clap or not. Please grow up spiritually. Too much Jesus to be preached. Too many souls to be saved to be that concerned by an expression of excitement. I laugh at people these days."

9. TheEmanram
"Why laugh??? Many people feel strongly about that situation of clapping or beat boxing in the worship. Its not the place to do things like that. Sing from the heart and give HIM praise, honor, and the glory that he deserves."

10. TheEmanram
"Honestly what do you get out of clapping and beatbox??? This is such a beautiful song that is sung to praise him. Voice is being drowned out with all the other stuff going on. The saints gather to sing and hear his word. We praise him everyday by being obedient to his word and his teachings. When we gather, we should give HIM the upmost respect. That's praise."

11. Quentin Scott
"So what you are saying is clapping our hands is not praising or respecting God? That doesn't really make much sense."

12. Chela Carter
"I know this one thing! Although this is something felt strongly about, I don't believe it's worth arguing about. If you don't believe in clapping, then don't clap. If you believe in clapping and you go somewhere where they don't, then I think common sense tells you not to clap as not to offend your brother in Christ. Let the Lord be the judge in the end. Until then, back to the worshipping!"

13. Paul Woodard [2016]
"+Chela Carter Said it perfect"

14. Calvin Bowe
"psalms 47:1,98:8,O clap your hands, All ye people;Shout unto GOD with the voice of Triumph.Let the floods clap their hands;let the hills be Joyful together.Are clear exhortation to Clap and Sing,But those pious people thought it was a sin.And whenever GOD gave a comand not tod o something,There is judgement behind it.There is not judgement behind what David did,Only the mention of him bringing music into the temple,Never did GOD condeem David for that.Example of judgement,eli's two sons were burning strange incense in the twmple and GOD consummed them,Uzziah touched the ark of the convent and was killed right then,But no where does GOD condeem music,It was their heart read Amos from chp 1til you get to the vs.they love to quote as GOD condeming music in Worship Be Bless by the way GOD speaks and what He speak about"

15. Ayanna Ayeni
"+Calvin Bowe Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love how u back that up with scriptures!! I was wondering what is all this talk about clapping hands? I will clap, jump, run, dance, sing for my loud and Praise his name!!"

16. Calvin Bowe
"Ayanna,Thanks for that they always have hit me over my head formsaying this lol,the believers whom i worship with don't even think to clap.All this is from wrong teachings.European stiffedneck people,who were scared of everything.Don't Quench my SPIRIT! or JOY! Because you don't know where i'm come from,just the past week,let alone years SO PRAISE HIM PRAISE in the morning PRAISE HIM in the Noon time PRAISE HIM in the Night Time PRAISE YE THE LORD!"

17. antwaniesha daniels
"Sing it brother"

18. 6153calme
"too much boom boom...would like to hear it as in the church...that is a capella... he sounds way to good...come on church of Christ, let's not bring secular beat boxing in the neither teaches or is an addition to the song...Let Chris sing he sounds so beautiful!!!"

19. Clifford Dotson
"+6153calme its all voice,, nothing wrong with that,, its still acapella and nothing secular about that,,, dont be against everything."

20. 6153calme
"+Clifford Dotson +Clifford Dotson it is not still a capella because a capella means, "as in the church." The bible says when we sing we are to speak to one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, TEACHING and ADMONISHING one another...the melody is supposed to come from the HEART...We are supposed to sing with the UNDERSTANDING....neither of which can be accomplished by bringing street performances into the house of's time we give God what HE desires not what feels good and entertains us....want entertainment get it at home"

21. Clark Raulerson
"Please LET the Spirit rise among us and not argue over petty matters, Ephesians 5 is about being filled with the Holy Spirit not exclusively meeting in a "church setting service."

22. pumpsumiron
"Yes, have the freedom to sing about the Spirit of God rise among us, clap your hands and let your voices rise!

24. Justin
"Sang church!!!"

25. LuJack Martinez
"Oh, oh, oh, oh, LET IT RISE!!! "Stand if you will???" How can you NOT STAND, SHOUT, CLAP, PRAISE, etc. when this brother leads a song??? "I don't mind, I don't mind, I don't mind!!!" YOU GO, CHRIS TURNER!!! We're gonna do this at our Global Leadership Conference this August!!! LJM "
Here are two other comments from this video - No1191. Let it Rise- Chris Turner-song leader [2011]

Greg Allmon, 2012
"Love the song, but hate the B-Boxing.."

jean19171, 2013
"+Greg Allmon Its their voice thats making the sound, didnt God say everything with breath praise him?anything livin its not a dead instrument its their voice, i love it i use to disagree til i had a deep thought thinking session with myself"

Example #2: Frank Melton III "Let The Spirit of the Lord Rise" @ [at] West Oak Grove C.O.C.

TheArchieB, Uploaded on Jan 24, 2011

Sunday Morning Going down in Mississippi!!!! This is how it goes down in the sipp!!!!! This is at West Oak Grove Church Of Christ!!!! Frank doing it!!!!!!
Selected comments from this video's discussion thread:
1. Arthur Howell BE A POET
"they are jamming in the house of the lord! did you hear those boys. they dont need any drums."

2. Adrianne Gibbs
"Praising the Lord COC style Go Frank III.....sang!!!"

3. LuJack Martinez
Psalm 47:1
"1 Clap your hands, all you nations; shout to God with cries of joy"

4. Stanley Adams
"Pentecostal church of Christ looks like it to me with their rhythm of machine, etc."

5. TheArchieB
"+Stanley Adams I love this you don't like it?"

6. Stanley Adams
"Hey Archie, these are great singers, and I am a member of the cofc. The issue is why must some of our black churches insist on making drum noises? Is this not the same as a drum?? That is my point, all it does is excite the spirit to the point of almost being a Pentecostal religion."

7. TheArchieB
"which came first the drum or the voice? and does it make it wrong because you don't like it? AS far as some our BLACK Churches insist on making???? Some of our WHITE Churches has went to instrument.... you do know that the culture is different from yours right?"

This concludes this pancocojams series.

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