
Monday, July 1, 2019

(South African Song) "Khona" by Mafikizolo featuring Uhuru & Discussion Thread Comments About Gays In South Africa

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post presents information about gay rights in South Africa. This post also showcases a 2013 YouTube video of the African House record "Khona" by Mafikizolo featuring Uhuru.

This post also presents a compilation of selected comments from that YouTube video about gay dancers that are featured in that videos in that video. Selected comments from that discussion thread about gays in South Africa, and gays in other African countries are also included in this compilation.

The content of this post is presented for historical and socio-cultural purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to Mafikizolo, Uhuru, and all others who are featured in this video. Thanks also to all those who are quoted in this post and thanks to the publisher of this video on at video on YouTube.
Click for a 2016 post on this same subject that showcases this same South African music video. That post contains additional comments about attitudes regarding homosexuality in Africa.

"Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people in South Africa have the same rights as non-LGBT people. South Africa has a complex and diverse history regarding the human rights of LGBT people. The legal and social status of between 400,000–over 2 million lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex South Africans has been influenced by a combination of traditional South African mores, colonialism, and the lingering effects of apartheid and the human rights movement that contributed to its abolition.[1]

South Africa's post-apartheid Constitution was the first in the world to outlaw discrimination based on sexual orientation, and South Africa was the fifth country in the world, and the first—and, to date, only—in Africa, to legalise same-sex marriage. Same-sex couples can also adopt children jointly, and also arrange IVF and surrogacy treatments. LGBT people enjoy constitutional and statutory protections from discrimination in employment, provision of goods and services and many other areas.

Nevertheless, LGBT South Africans, particularly those outside of the major cities, continue to face some challenges, including homophobic violence (particularly corrective rape), and high rates of HIV/AIDS infection."...


Kalawa Jazmee TV. Published on Apr 19, 2013

This compilation presents some of the comments about LGBTs (gays) that are found in the YouTube discussion thread for the 2013 official video of "Khona" by Mafikizolo featuring Uhuru.

Numbers are dded numbers for referencing purposes only.
1. battementtendu88, 2013

2. Korime K, 2013
"That gay thing is disgusting, let's take it out of our culture."

3. Victor 'Simar, 2013
"You're disgusting. What right do you have to annihilate a part of the population? Your hatred disgusts me"

4. Peterus wa Mumbi, 2013
"Gurrrl BYE!"

6. Willi Hoeseb, 2013
"I see you guys can serve it too, I see my Gays working that floor, you better Work!!! I am so proud of South Africa to be the first country in Africa to recognize Gay rights and feature their artist in stuff like this.I wish Mafikizolo could come out to USA and Bless us here with some of that lava from Home!!! This Singers are awesome, great song will promote it around here in the USA, Will have a friend play it at his club!!! Glad they moved into Tribal House then stick to Kwaito, either way they still Rock!!!"

7. papa yung, 2013
"SA is the first and last African country to legalize that sh&t*..Get that into your fa&&ot* head."
*These words are fully spelled out in this comment.

8. Flakka Goat, 2013
"@papa yung why so angry lol"

9. Khae74, 2014
"I hate this video they shouldnt include gay people its disgusting.."

10. Always Positive, 2014
"maybe not every culture is ignorant miserable and hateful as you are dummy"

11. James Kiawu, 2014
"This whole video is 65% Gay..Get this right..."

12. BluesInMySoul
"@James Kiawu RIGHT! I thought they frowned upon that sort of thing. It was HELLA gay!"

13. Taila McKenzie, 2014
"@BluesInMySoul clearly there is a lack of appreciation lurking here. Classy."

14. James Kiawu, 2015
"@Tai Kurosaki But who are you to tell someone to appreciate this kind of crap....this video is gay..take 8 or leave it.....
@Tai Kurosaki appears to have changed her name to "Taila McKenzie".

15. Quinton Mtyala, 2015
"@James Kiawu In South Africa you can be who you want to be, you are protected by the laws of the country. We have freedom of speech and dictates to you what you do in the privacy of your own home."

16. Taila McKenzie, 2015
"@James Kiawu If you read my comment carefully and with precision, you would have clearly seen that I did not tell anyone to appreciate anything. There is a distinct difference between stating a simple fact and forcing it upon another individual. Take 8 or leave it. "

17. James Kiawu, 2015
"Okay I got this Tai Kurosaki..You such a respectful person..some people will come back insulting and saying crappy things,but naaaah that not you..stay calm, be blezzzzz Gurl."

18. Quinton Mtyala, 2015
"There's absolutely nothing wrong with gay people. They're part of our society, we should not discriminate against them or any social minority. In South Africa no one mentioned that the dancers could possibly be gay we just enjoyed the music video."

19. James Kiawu, 2015
"That up to you and your xenophobia people..are you gay?? If yes, then no quams....hope you have self-esteem doing it."

20. Quinton Mtyala, 2015
"Not gay but I don't like discrimination. This video has no relation to xenophobia. South Africa is always welcoming to foreignersunless they come here to commit crime. If your peaceful you should come and visit South Africa. Very beautiful and dynamic country. "

21. TheLoxionKasie, 2015
"+BluesInMySoul Who's "they"? This comment is HELLA ignorant."

22. Mohamad Gamal, 2015
"It's strong music as hell but what about gays"

23. Zintle Mvana, 2015
For everyone saying the video is gay, it's not. The dancers are however.South Africans will remember them from Step UP or step Out season 2, their name is VINTAGE

24. lil. Baily, 2016
"Great song BUT, in the words of Mugabe, "we are no gays".

25. Willi Hoeseb, 2016
"I see you guys can serve it too, I see my Gays working that floor, you better Work!!! I am so proud of South Africa to be the first country in Africa to recognize Gay rights and feature their artist in stuff like this.I wish Mafikizolo could come out to USA and Bless us here with some of that lava from Home!!! This Singers are awesome, great song will promote it around here in the USA, Will have a friend play it at his club!!! Glad they moved into Tribal House then stick to Kwaito, either way they still Rock!!!"

26. Victorine M., 2016
"I love the the dance moves that are in this video :) #TeamAfrica But what are those gay dancers doing in a African music video ?"

27. Whoonga Goat (ZeroChill), 2017
"the only thing sad here is you, what have gay people done to you? nothing, so leave them alone."

28. BluesInMySoul, 2017
"+Timi Goodluck Oh those dancers were GAY

29. Tai Tai, 2017
"+BluesInMySoul they're gay, so what? Your homophobic vibes are not appreciated here where people come to enjoy good music."
"Tai Tai" is apparently another screen name that is used by "Timi Goodluck".

30. AfricanSalt, 2017
"+kaza Yamba Let the gays be or just ignore them. Every one has an opportunity to pick who they want as life partners, why not them? They are not harming any one, its their body, it's their life. No need for all that hate."

31. Tai Tai, 2017
"+AfricanSalt preach, brother. "

32. Refilwe Steffen, 2017
"+Nubian Times John 8:7 “Let he who is without sin cast the 1st stone.” Let GOD be the judge. LIVE & LET LIVE... We need to focus first on cleaning our own homes. GOD will judge us all individually. NOT about our opinions of our neighbor or gays. HE instructs us to LOVE, so we can be at peace in hearts. That way we can have compassion for others, That mentality of seeing them a wicked people is dangerous - leads to hatred & violence. By the way you may not be aware that someone in your family or a relative of yours is gay.. Please don't hate."

33. Sibongile Ngoma, 2017
"+Nubian Times only fellow Africans see it as failure. Read your history. All of Africa was colonised that's why its under poverty. But SA was led by white folks now we are at power. We(blacks) have been at power for the past 21years. South Africa is fair and is all about equality. We know how it feels to be oppressed so we don't believe in oppressing other people because of them being different.judgement day will come and its between them and God. Stop hate Africa is tired of war.hate.powerful people because they think they lead a better life.
I always say SA is a country full of different people from different worlds and countries. We are welcoming that is why all Africans.Europeans.Americans stay here."

34. Whoonga Goat (ZeroChill), 2017
"no one is forcing anything down your throat, everyone has the right to exist. these guys/group are professional dancers with there own particular style of dancing which the director thought would fit this video that's why they where hired. if you have a problem with seeing gay people then don't complain when a racist has a problem with seeing black people on a music video."

35. Martin Tiema, 2019
"Supper dopa song save for the gay dancers..."

36. Gracie Luvs Taehyung And TAEter Tots, 2019
"The men look so gay"

37. ouzin sy, 2019
"We dont need these girly dancers in that song. I Mean if the song is about african culture it has no place in here.
Edit: Get your gay agenda out of our beautiful culture."

38. Nonya Bigness, 2019
"0:16 yasss huntyyy the African queens came through huntyyy and i don’t mean the women 👏🏾"

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