Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Chris Chris - "Hallelujah Roll Call" ("If the disciples made music") video & lyrics

Chris Chris, Jan 28, 2023

If the disciples made music πŸ˜‚ #christiancomedy #biblecomedy #biblehumor #chrischris

Edited by Azizi Powell 

This pancocojams post showcases Chris Chris' Christian comedy video "If The Disciples Made Music". This post also includes the lyrics to that song.
Chris Chris' video started the TikTok "Hallelujah Roll Call" Challenge and is usually featured in compilation videos of that TikTok challenge such as, "Shabboya (Hallelujah) Roll Call, published by TikTok Compilation, Jan 31, 2023.
These "Hallelujah Roll Call" raps are loosely based on the "Shabooya Roll Call" chant/cheer.*

The content of this post is presented for cultural, religious, and entertainment purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to Chris Chris for this video and for starting the Hallelujah Roll Call trend.  
*Click for a 2012 pancocojams post about the "Shabooya Roll Call" cheer. Also, read my comment about that cheer in the comment section for this pancocojams post.

In addition, click for the closely related pancocojams post entitled "
A Timeline of "Shabooya Roll Call" Chants & Sayings (In Movies, Television, TikTok, YouTube & Other Social Media Sites) - Part II (2022-2023)".

Excerpt #1
From retrieved March 8, 2023
"Christian comedy is a subgenre of comedy where the material presented is aimed towards a Christian audience. The performances are typically held on church grounds or at off-site, church-sponsored venues.

The material often contains Christian references, although this is not a requirement. From 2006 notable performers like Victoria Jackson, Tim Conway, Sinbad and Patricia Heaton appeared on a DVD series for the Christian market entitled, Thou Shalt Laugh.[1]

Christian comedy is increasingly being used as an outreach, with the idea that a comedy show is an effective method to bring people into church who may have never thought about coming.[2] Christian comedy is also used as a method to renew and refresh the spirit of church members, based on the Bible passage that says laughter does a heart good, like medicine.[3]

Excerpt #2
From "Comedy- "If the disciples made music" by Blessing Akinyode (no publishing date given.) 
Gospel comedy is a unique form of entertainment that combines clean, family friendly humor with a Christian perspective, using personal experiences and stories from the Bible to convey positive messages of faith, hope, and love. If you are looking for a fun and uplifting form of entertainment, gospel comedy is definitely worth checking out!"

(composed and performed by Chris Chris)

Ha Ha
Hallelujah. Roll call

[first disciple]
My name is Paul
I used to be Saul
Had those scales on my eyes
Couldn’t see at all
But now I’m saved
Sa Saved by grace
I wrote ah letter to your church
It's on the way
(on the way)

[second disciple]
My name is Matthew
Used to do taxes
Now I’m breakin bread
Puttin fish in baskets
(Yummy Yummy)
I’m not your treasurer
But I am treasured
Cause my blessings comin back
beyond measure
(beyond measure)

(third disciple)
My name is John
Who Jesus loves
He sent His Son to save us
He came from above
(from above)
But like this dove
I’m spreading out my wings
(my wings)
‘Cause you know who I am
John 3-16

(fourth disciple)
My name is Peter
I’ll cuss you out
But I’m saved now
So I’ll just shout
But if you ever run up on Jesus
and I’m near
(and I’m near)
Best believe
that I’m cuttin off your ear

 (fifth disciple)
My name is Andrew
Peter is my brother
(Um hum)
I was catchin fish
I caught ’em like no other
(Um hum)
One day I was on the boat
to fish again
(Um hum)
When Jesus said You should be fishers of men
(Um hum)

(sixth disciple)
My name is Thomas
(Um hum)
I be pouting
(Um hum)
I don’t believe it till I see it
I be doubting
(Um hum)
Jesus came back He told us in advance
(Um hum)
I needed proof
So I asked to see his hands
(Um hum)

(seven disciple)
My name is James
I’m Thomas’ brother
If you know Salome
That’s my mother
My dad’s name Zebedee
Jesus calls us Boanerges

If you wondering I’m a son of thundering
[inserted sound of thunder]

(eigth disciple)
My name is James too
I’m low-key

[switches from rapping to talking
Actually, they don’t really say too much about me.

[one or more disciples talking to the second James]

You got a few verses in there don’t you?

“No, he got three”.

(first James?) I thought it was four

(second James?) Me too I thought it was four.

(first James?) Oh well. We kinda need more]

(first James?) “Let the beat play.

(ninth disciple)
My name is Phillip
John the Baptist came to me
I’m from Bethesda
Near Galilee
I followed Jesus
‘Cause I heard He was the one.
And Jesus told my friend Nathaniel
Then asked him to come

(tenth disciple)
It's Bartholomew
Also called Nathaniel
My boy Phillip came by
with some sandals
He said he found the one that Moses said was near
But He from Nazareth
What good can come from there?

(eleventh disciple)
My name is Thaddeus
I be real confused
(real confused)
Jesus said He had to go
I said “You do?”
(You do?)
And then I said
“Why You only telling only us?
(only us?)
And then He said
“I’m only telling those I trust.
(those I trust)

(twelfth disciple)
My name is Simon
So do what Simon says
(Simon says)
I’m a zealot
So you know I’m passionate
The ancient Romans
I think they all UGLY
But Jesus working on my heart
So its above me
(it’s above me)

(thirteenth disciple)
My name is Judas
I be stealing
I was robbin’ Jesus
was He was healin’
Your favorite scammer

So now I’m not a giver
‘Cause I turned Jesus in
for thirty pieces of silver.
(un un un)

(first disciple?)
Song over
It's a wrap
You ruined it!
We can’t have nothing.

*I heavily relied on the captions that are given in this video for this transcription. Those captions didn't include the "responses" to the disciple's words. 

I'm not sure which disciples were talking in part of the section for the second James.  

Addition and corrections are welcome for that portion and for this entire transcript. 

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Visitor comments are welcome.


  1. Chris Chriss "If the disciples made music" rap is loosely based on the Shabooya Roll Call cheer that was popularized in the 2006 Bring It On: All Or Nothing" cheerleader movie.

    I emphasize that that 2023 rap is loosely based on Shabooya Roll Call in part because the purpose for these compositions are different
    (Shabooya Roll Call" is chanted in part to introduce yourself to others and in part to brag up yourself and diss (insult) another person or group (such as another cheer squad). In contrast, the purpose of the Hallelujah Roll Call raps is largely to introduce the Biblical characters who are featured in that rap, and have fun while doing so.

    Furthermore, the "If Disciples Made Music" and other "Hallelujah Roll Call" raps don't have the right (correct) rhyming pattern for that cheer (as I discuss at length in my 2012 pancocojams post entitled "The Right Rhyming Pattern For Shabooya Roll Call Verses"

    One difference between the lyrics that fit the beats for the "Shabooya Roll Call" cheer and Chris Chris' Christian rap is that in Shabooya Roll Call cheers the responses don't change. Notice in the Chris Chris's rap the responses include "Yeah", "Um Um", the name of the disciple, parts of what they've said, and other words such as "Slice Slice" and "Thief!" in reaction to what a particular disciple says.

    Unlike some early "Shabooya Roll Call" cheers, these "Hallelujah Roll Call" raps aren't meant to be chanted as accompaniment to physical movements such as a choreographed, synchronized foot stomping cheer routine (that was shown in an exaggerated way in that Bring It On All Or Nothing movie. So it's cool if the beat for that If The Disciples Made Music" and other "Hallelujah Roll Call" raps aren't consistent.

    I'm glad that Chris Chris and others are reminding people of "Shaboojah Roll Call" in such creative ways.

    1. That said, I believe that it's unfortunate that Chris Chris' rap has the disciple Simon saying that all Romans are ugly.

      That wasn't necessary.

      Also, I wish that Chris Chris hadn't chosen to have Judas wearing a black rope (while the other disciples wore brown). That black rope feeds into/reinforces the negative connotations that the color Black has in Western societies.

      Also, why was Judas' hair noticeable dread locs compared to the other disciples and why was it the color white?

  2. Here's a comment that features a verse from a TikTok Hallelujah Roll Call compilation video that features Chris Chris's video as well as some clips of other men and some clips of women rapping as Biblical characters:

    JanRay2020, 2023
    ..."My name is Ruth, tell you the truth, I've was plotting to make Boaz my boo. πŸ˜…And now my man own all this land, in the kitchen we got 50 frying pansπŸ˜πŸ˜…πŸ˜‚πŸ‘πŸ”₯❤️"

  3. The 2022 and 2023 versions of "Shabooya Roll Call were probably first inspired by that chant being featured in an episode of the animated television series The Proud Family: Louder And Prouder which first aired on April 20, 2022.

    The "Shabooya Roll Call" chant was adapted in September 30, 2022 by four African American female rappers Aleza, Gloss Up, Slimeroni, & K Carbon . An audio clip of that record is used in a number of TikTok compilations. This record and those TikTok clips probably greatly influenced the 2023 Christian comedy Shabooya Roll Call trend and other Shabooya Roll Call trends such as Shabooya Teachers' Editions.

    WARNING- The 2022 rap record “Shabooya” and the TikTok clips that feature audio from that record include profanity and sexually explicit references.
