Thursday, February 2, 2023

Viral Animated Video Of Former President Obama, Former President Clinton, Samuel L. Jackson, & Rev. Al Sharpton Doing The Cupid Shuffle

Aubrey Fisher, Dec. 7, 2022
This is a clip of one of the short YouTube video series that begins with "Obama and others" doing the Cupid Shuffle.
Statistics as of Feb. 2, 2023 as of 12:48 PM ET
Total # of views -1,699,094

Total # of comments - 3,899
Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams showcases a short animated video skit of former President Obama, Former President Clinton, civil rights activist Rev. Al Sharpton, and actor Samuel L. Jackson portrayed as bobblehead dolls doing the Cupid Shuffle dance.

Information about the Cupid Shuffle is included in this post along with selected comments from this video's discussion thread are included in this post.

The content of this post is presented for entertainment, linguistics, and socio-cultural purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to 
Aubrey Fisher, the creator and publisher* of this video. Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post.  
Several commenters thanked Aubrey Fisher by name for creating this video.

Aubrey Fisher wrote that someone had republished this video. That person's name isn't known as of the time of this publication. Also, if I correctly understand some of these comments, the original video was slightly different from the video that is showcased above.

Please share information if you know anything about that original animated video and who republished it. Thanks!

" "Cupid Shuffle" is a song by Cupid from his 2007 studio album Time for a Change. It has spawned a popular line dance and has drawn comparisons to DJ Casper's "Cha Cha Slide".

In the United States, the song peaked at number 66 on the Billboard Hot 100 and number 21 on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs the chart, both in the August 18, 2007 issue.


The Cupid Shuffle was a defining aspect of the early 2010s due to its meteoric popularity as an avant-garde exercise technique for elementary schools and bowling alleys, similar to DJ Casper's "Cha Cha Slide". When used at school dances, proms, weddings, or other festive occasions, the Cupid Shuffle and Cha Cha Slide are often played one right after the other."...
Click for the official 2007 YouTube video of the Cupid Shuffle.

This video is an 
video skit of former President Barack Obama, Former President Bill Clinton, civil rights activist Rev. Al Sharpton, and actor Samuel L. Jackson portrayed as bobblehead dolls doing the Cupid Shuffle dance. 

Bill Clinton is White. The other three men are Black (African American)

Each of these men are shown taking a turn dancing inthe middle of the floor to the 2007 record "The Cupid Shuffle". 


Numbers have been added to these comments for referencing purposes only. 

Some comments in that video's discussion thread were critical of some or all of the people "featured" in this video, usually for political reasons. I chose to focus on positive examples of comments in that discussion thread. I'm particularly interested in documenting some examples of comments from that video's discussion thread which include African American Vernacular English* (AAVE) to express that the commenters really like the video and comments that express why they like the video. 

*This post doesn't identify or give definitions for any of these examples of AAVE.   


1. Lana
"This is the funniest thing I've seen in a long time!!!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣"

2. Kat
I agree! I am gut laughing Lana, this is good for people that need a lift. 🤣😂🔥💥 Look at Obama, his facial expressions say he is really GETTIN' IT.

3. Lana
"@Kat  Oh God he's hilarious! When I watched this I screamed laughing. I just watched it again! 🤣🤣🤣🤣"

4. M. Chris
"Why they do Dat to Obama!🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣"

5. Monie Love
Obama is jamming!"

6. Loin Jackson
Loooooooooool gwone president"

7. Roy
Get Down Obama! Yeah 👍 man 🤣 lmfao."

8. Wanda brewer Wilhite
"SO COOL!!!!!"

9. "Hope Obama has seen this. His facial expressions are so on point!"

10. Carol Larremore
"So funny.  we need a good laugh.  Amen"

11. winiver77
"Al jumping with shoulders rising just cracks me up!"

12. Terri Allar
"This is so creative and so funny 🤣🤣 it's Great 👍👍👍"

13. Deborah Gregory
"I hope Presidents Obama seen this and. President Clinton too.  Because this is the bomb.

I do like !!!"

14. carolyn vetsch
"Y'all crazy Lol, this is funny 😂."

15. Judy L
"Love Samuel & would like to see him dance, if he can. And Rev. Al needs to dance more & loosen up...too serious & stiff."

16. roberta johnson
"Obama doing his thing!  Straight GQ

17. Carmela Threatt
"Ha ha ha ha  oohI got stomach  cramps  from  laughing  ha ha ha ha ha"

18.Ann Crane
"The Samuel L .Jackson face through out the whole thing is what got me the face and all."

19. Charlotte Kelly
"And his tiny hands clap at the end...I hollered!!! 🤣🤣🤣😭😂😂😂"

20. Valerie Williams
The look on Obama's face is priceless  , I love this skit 😂👵🏽"

21. Theresa Tesfaselase
I think this i a keeper,!! This is just too darn cute I tell you,! Those little bodies are just too much child!!!"

22. Donna H Smile's
"Made my morning 😆

To funny 😂 had my A$$ cracking up 👍🏼"

23. Windsingerful
This was fantastic the first time! Even more so now….some sunshine and good cheer against the current landscape."

24. Patrice Silva
"Omg the face expression n the dance moves on point. The people that edit these videos are amazing"

25. Paula Lowery
"Ikr! Especially Barack!  And that's got to be Samuel Jackson screaming ya ya ya in the background..🤗"

26. Pauliana Andrews
"Right on love it"

27. Cookie I.
"Al's tie is swaggin'"

"I'm dead look at Bill faces 🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭😭😭"

29. Joanne Bannister
"Absolutely 💯 made my day. I so needed this !"

"Dang Ian heard this song in so long . So refreshing . Bringing back memories!"

31. Brenda Grant
Who ever took the time for this THANK YOU!!! 😂 I needed a good hardy laugh it was great!! Gone back and looked at it a couple times and still got a hearty laugh… 🎉"

32. Jacqueline Jones
"To the individuals who thought to share thier ingenious creativity with the world you have mastered the art of animation, laughter , brilliance, in real time. Look at laid back Al, and Bill movements and that swag of Barack."

33. Deborah McCoy
"This Video Clip Is Tripping Me Out ❤❤😂😂😂😂"

34. Jennifer Smith
"love it  it is creative and hilarious 😂"

35. Debra Geisler
"OMG, so funny, funny, funny and funny. So entertaining,. Luv Obamo, Clinton, Jackson  Rev. Sharpton❤️😄😇😌😃😁😀😍"

36, Love and Happiness
Al over there trying to keep it holy...🤣🤣🤣

Damn this was good....🙌🏽❤️🙏🏽"

37. Tee baby
I love Me some Clinton he had a smirk on his face and was getting down too"

38. Dianne King
"O my goodness!! I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time. That was brilliant! And the thing is I played it several time so I could concentrate on each character. Obama got me good though.🤣😂"

39. Shelia Beal
Just what the doctor ordered!!!!!!!"

"Sharpton in the cut, Obama shakin his butt, Jackson tryna see how low he can go while Clinton just goin wit the the flow!😂😂💃"

41. green house fun
"I  love this. Rev al is in the building"


42. . ࿐ꨄSwnsasyꨄ
ROFLOL not Big Bill!! 🤣🤣You know you wrong for this!"

Gloria Settles
"43. I love this one they getting it in"

44. Brenda Rewan
"I bet Mr. Obama is so cool that he could really do this dance. I KNOW Mrs. Obama can. 👍🏾"

45. Good Measure
"LOL. Him and the rest are  some bad mamma jammas lol."

46. A.M. Lindsay
"This is just too much, I will get off the floor as soon as I can stop laughing but I can't get off the floor for over fifteen minutes yet, OMG, someone please help me get to a chair 😂"

47. Leona Blackwell
"Are you still on the floor ? Lol"

48. Sam Franklin
"This is an exclusive look at the dance intermission at the cookout. 😆"

49. fdoctor
"Clinton will always have a plate at the barbecue and can participate in the line dances."

50. Spiritual Strength
"I love this and it's uplifting, I hope no one is offended, we all need a little laughter!"

51. Patricia Martin
"These cats Walk it out Obama on it but look at Sam's knees they killing,!💜💜💜"

52. Happy Heart
"Billy boy in the back killing it too😂😂😂"

53. SumaAminah Shaheed
"I'm over here in Stitches.....OH GAWD! I've watched this about 50 times and it just gets better....Obama the ring leader 🔥🔥🔥🔥"

54. Marquis Bean
"When Samuel Jackson came in I died🤣🤣🤣"

55. Cynthia Phelps
"Wow this is cool as hell…love it"

56. Jude
This is wicked cool 💫 Well done 💫 I love it💫"

57. E E
"I wish this was a longer video 🤣🤣💙"

58. Sherri Tyrrell

OH How I Miss U Baarrack!!!"

59. Kimmie K Possible
Look @ Bil get his groove on. Love it ❤️"

60. Ethel Moore
"This is too cute oh my goodness that was a good idea the best😅👌👏👏"

61. Jeanette Peterson
"Barack is killing this ish,!   Sporty azz dancer. Thug Jackson love it"

62. Ana Carpenter
"Very clever adaptation I wish Barack Obama were still the USA World 🌎 Leader"

63. Luvetta Hayes
"They knocked it out of the Park"

64. Spiritual Strength
I love this and it's uplifting, I hope no one is offended, we all need a little laughter!"

65. Shonell Bacon
"I have watched this video SO many times, and I die laughing each time. Obama's face is a dead-on match to the dancer, and Clinton's expressions freaking slay me. I can NOT deal. LOL"

66. Rai S
"Why is Samuel L just vibing with these political figures?! I can't 🤣🤣🤣"

67. Blucation
"Look at Sharpton, he didn’t smile once. Love this😄😄😄"

68. Janet Thomas
"He's serious 😆🤣😂"

69. MAG 777
"Clinton in the background had me dyin 😂😂😂😂😂😂"

70. BK _C
"I like how they edit Bill Clinton our honorary pookie"

71. Mother of Love
Cthuuu!! This was perfect!!! I was cracking the heck up at Bill in the corner and Obama swag is on  a thousand!"

72. Rietta Richardson
"This is genius! All four of my favorite dudes breaking down to my favorite line dance song! Those big bobble heads tickle me; and, the dancing is amazing!"

73. Dwight Boxley
"That is off the chain 👍🤗🕺👉🥳"

74. Kathleen Landolt
"Glad it went viral again, cuz I never saw it the first time around!"

75. Cecilia B
"Love this,  made my day!!"

76. MAGICALfingers76
"Sweet 🎂"

77. Jane Dryden
"This sh-t* is hilarious!"
*This word is fully spelled out in this comment,

78. Patricia Martin
These cats Walk it out Obama on it but look at Sam's knees they killing,!💜💜💜"

79. Quintin A
This is too damn much. Top tier creativity.😂🤣😂😂🤣"

80. the promise man
Bill Clinton's got me rolling 😂😂😂😂 that looks he gives .. Samuel Jackson looks confused tho 😂😂😂🤣"

81. Tarot & Inspiration With Magickal Jones
"This hard 😄"

82. Curtis L Hill
"That’s what up 😂"

83. Susan Faulkner
"Go on with your bad self. I dig it!"

84. Deborah Lee
"Now this is cool 😎!"

85. Grateful..Ronald we are still here beloved
"\Bill ain’t no slouch either!"

86. Barbara Mozie
Obama is The MAN in this funny video!🤣👍🤣"

87. Karen White
"I watch this over and over again it made my day then I noticed Samuel Jackson looking at Bill Clinton like this white boy can't dance that cracked me up my stomach hurt 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤠"

88. SREI
"Bill Clinton,:  I got this I got this....🤣🤣🤣🤣"

"Clinton need to attend rehearsal next time... lol..

Now kick.. now kick.. now kick!

Love it! Come on Sam! Come on Sharp!"

90. James Harris
Yo it's the Obama face for me 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣"

91. Patricia Sloane
"Now that that is very smooth I dig it 😊"

92. Victoria Muniz
Love this video you brought laughter in my house thank you looking forward to more videos"

93. Roxie FAITHfulsGirl
"Now ya'll know this just Down-Right GOOD!!!🎶😔🎶🎵🎶"

94. David James
"This video is insane lmao"

95. Mississippi blues lady
"🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣I'm in knots,but William (Bill) Clinton, Barack Obama & Samuel Jackson got it going on Sharpton one of my favorite."

96. Pamela Butler
"This is AWESOME!! The creator deserves major props!"

97. Shaharazad Bah Dey
"This video is Absolutely Amazing and Fun as Heck. LMAO 🤣😆😆😂... President Obama looks so Comfortable and Relaxed and in with the Dance. So Natural, and My Man Samuel Jackson is Spot On. Just Plain Fun to watch. Made me Laugh 😂😂"

Thank You Creator Genius.

98. Lar Eh
"Yooooo.... bill's smirks are hilarious.  It's like he switches from being proud of Barack to being pleased in his own dance moves."

99. SIMONIE Hunter
"😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂Obama slick move in real black man life MOVES❤❤"

100. NinerNelly79 Fuego
"This was GREAT!! Ahhhhh the faces of expressions from Clinton and Sharpton… LMFAO!! This will be on repeat. 😵‍💫🙆🏽‍♀️🤣😆"

101. Jerome Berry
"I love this video.!! They put Obama's face on the right dude who is getting down. And the facial expressions are right on with his movements. Just great.!!"

102. Eileen Burton
"Off the hook hilarious and 😄😄😄😍😍"

103. Heriberto Rios
This video is tight work🤣😂"

104. Paula E Toussaint
"The King of the Swag...Mr. Obama"

105. Shelia McCullough
"OGS  doing The Cupid Shuffle😎💃🙂💯👍👌✌️🙂"

106. Aneice Harris
"I like the original but this one is the best."

107. Carla Shelton
"Work it out OBAMA!! You working those moves you a bad boy... I see your peeps...."

108. cncrissy555
"I hope all of them see this this is off the chain I absolutely love this LOL this is too cute"

109. Vanessa Whetstone
"I love bp❤😂"

110. Native American Swag
"I see Bill getting it in too! But Obama is the MVP!🤣🙏😭💪🔥💪❤️🤣"

111. Vikki Smith
"This is too hot 🔥 to  handle."

112. Jadine Simpson
It bad,loving it."

113. A Mullady
"😂😂😂😂😂😂Wicked 😍😍😍"

114. Herb Garden
"👀😅💕💯TOO COOL!!!"

115. Michael Bassett

The hype is on point🙌🙌"

Thanks for visiting pancocojams.

Visitor comments are welcome.


  1. I wrote that I wasn't presenting information in this post about the African American Vernacular English words that are found in some of the selected comments in that showcased discussion thread. However, I want to make an exception for the word "pookie" that is used in comment #70.
    "I like how they edit Bill Clinton our honorary "pookie".

    In the context of that comment, "Pookie" is a "pet" nickname (a term of endearment) that has often been associated with African American males although it has also been given to animals and to people who weren't (aren't) African American.

    Click for a 2017 pancocojams post about the nickname "Pookie".

    That post includes information about the British series of books about the animal named Pookie (which was first published in 1946). That post also includes information about a 2008 rally in which Barack Obama encouraging people to make sure that "Cousin Pookie" votes.

    In the context of the comment that is given from the discussion thread for that showcased animated video, the commenter notes that they like that the video included Bill Clinton, who- for one reason or another- is considered (by some African Americans) to be an honorary soul brother (Black man).

    1. Also, click for a closely related pancocojams post entitled "The Origins & Meaning Of The Term Of Endearment "Bookee" ("Bukie", "Bookie")". My guess is that those "pet" names (terms of endearment) influenced the creation of the nickname "pet" name "Pookie".
