Friday, February 10, 2023

Video Of A Late 1970s Soul Train Line With Comments About The Dancers' Fashions

steve3, Sept. 5, 2012

Edited by Azizi Powell This pancocojams post showcases a YouTube film clip of a 1976 (?) Soul Train line dancing to Stevie Wonder's 1976 song entitled "I Wish". Information about Soul Train is included in this post along with selected comments from that video's discussion thread are included in this pancocojams post. Most of these comments refer to those Soul Train dancers' clothing or hair fashions. A few commenters wrote about how people became dancers on the syndicated Soul Train television series.
The content of this post in presented for historical, socio-cultural, entertainment, and aesthetic purposes. All copyrights remain with their owners. Thanks to Don Cornelius, the developer of and usual host of the Soul Train television series. Thanks also to Stevie Wonder for his musical legacy and thanks to all of the Soul Train line dancers that are featured in this film clip. Thanks also to all those who are quoted in this post and thanks to the publisher of this video on YouTube. -snip- Click for a 2016 pancocojams post on this subject. The title of that post is "Fly Fashions Worn By Soul Train Line Dancers (1970s)" includes comments from another YouTube video of a 1970s Soul Train Line. 

From "Soul Train, American music variety television show, the first to prominently feature African American musical acts and dancers. Broadcast nationally from 1971 to 2006, it was one of the longest-running syndicated programs in American television history.

Soul Train was the brainchild of Chicago radio announcer Don Cornelius. It initially aired in 1970 on Chicago television station WCIU-TV. The show was produced in hour-long segments five afternoons a week and became a local television hit. It duplicated the environment of a dance club and featured a variety of noted musical performers as well as both professional and amateur dancers.

Soon Soul Train drew the interest of George Johnson, founder and president of Johnson Products Company (a Black-owned hair-product manufacturer), whose support enabled the program to move into national syndication in 1971. The success of Soul Train reflected the rise and popularity of soul music and funk artists on recordings and radio programs.

By presenting an image of Black culture as upbeat, exciting, and vibrant, Soul Train attracted many viewers of other ethnicities and contributed to the growing prestige of African Americans and Black culture in mainstream America. Cornelius maintained control of the Soul Train brand until his death and produced several successful annual specials, including the ongoing Soul Train Music Awards.

Excerpt #2
"Soul Train was a music program in the vein of American Bandstand that ran in First-Run Syndication from 1971-2006.

Conceived and hosted by Chicago newscaster Don Cornelius, the 60-minute show was both a showcase and a trend setter for black music, fashion and dance for generations of black youth. As such, the show's main focus was on black artists; non-black performers did appear as early as 1972, many of whom (including David Bowie, Tom Tom Club, and a pre-breakthrough Robin Thicke, among others) were strongly influenced by and/or paid homage to black music, but these were comparatively rare.

 Along with this were its signature elements, the Soul Train Scrambleboard (where a man and woman had 60 seconds to arrange letters on a magnetic board to spell out the name of a current celebrity) and the Soul Train Line (where dancers show off their best moves while moving down two columns of fellow dancers), the show is a pop cultural icon to this day. Along the way, it spawned its own record label (Soul Train Records ) and its own awards show (which actually survives the show itself)."...


Excerpt #3
..."Soul Train line

There was also the popular "Soul Train Line" (a variant of the 1950s fad then known as The Stroll), in which all the dancers form two lines with a space in the middle for dancers to strut down and dance in consecutive order. Originally, this consisted of a couple—with men on one side and women on the other. In later years, men and women had their own individual lineups. Sometimes, new dance styles or moves were featured or introduced by particular dancers.”….


This compilation documents SOME of the comments in this discussion thread about the Soul Train line dancers' clothing and/or hair fashions.

Numbers are added for referencing purposes only. 2015

1. Our Lord And Savior George Carlin

2. godiegogo_88, 2019
Bring back the 70s fashion too"

3. Katie Osborn, 2020
Got my vote 🗳 👍 💘"

4. naviv wilkins, 2020
It’s been back though"

5. Enrique Santos,2021
Ikr I don't understand why they went out of fashion"



1. Curtis McElroy
"I love the way how they dressed back then"

2. Raymond Oflaherty
"Real talk especially the Woman them"

3. J Jones, 2018
"Curtis McElroy The style back then was absolutely better than today."

4. Derail07, 2018
"@1:38 won't find a clean brother like that these days lol except Andre 3000"
"Clean" here means dressed in a "GQ" (Gentlemen's Quarterly magazine) classy style that Hip Hop/R&B singer Andre 3000 (part of the duo Outkast) is known for. 

5 Jem Pros, 2019
"The attire, smooth dance moves, classy and proud."

6. Ray Baca, 2020
"U can get this at goodwill"

7. Dawn Mawhirter, 2020
"Agreed. Pretty cool the men wore shoes.... with heels!"


8. Hacked By Bentey
"Not only could these folks dance, they really knew how to throw an outfit together.   Too bad people don't take pride on how they look, especially on television"



9. Big MB
"I’m in love with her at 1:27, love her look, swag, shape, hair, color. Her dance was so cool and fun!"

10. Aisisha Kennedy

11, Big MB
"The redbone with the Beige pants and reddish brown boots"
"Redbone" = informal referent for a person with some Black ancestry whose skin tone has reddish hues.


12. mssolo78
"I promise the fashions were EVERYTHING❤❤...I still get my fashion inspiration from old Soul Train shows..."

13. behindthethrone
"Back then lingerie was worn BENEATH your clothing, and belts kept slacks snug at the waistline."

14. Valerie Vanden Bosch, 2020
"Everyones replies are so jaded, I honestly just think it's a lack of fashion sense nowadays. Not all 70s  clothes, but I feel for men especially, it was form fitting and accentuated the better qualities of your people were more fit lol."

** 15. rebecca | レベッカ
0:30 Aww! I can't describe how cute her outfit is to me!"

16. Pamela Johnson, 2021


17. rebecca | レベッカ
So much natural beauty and charm... I'd wear any of these ladies' outfits today (though I doubt I could pull it off with the same finesse)"

** 18. Mike Brown
I so amazed how young people back in the day use to dress classy"

19. David B
People in these comments don't seem to understand that Soul Train had an ensemble cast. Meaning, this isn't some random sample of the population at the time; it's a group of people who have taken up dance as a profession. Of course they are fit!

And their look/dance was regulated. Don Cornelius meticulously controlled every aspect of Soul Train and he did his best to exclude Hip Hop on the show despite its rising popularity from the late 70's to the 80's and 90's."
That word was written in bold font in that 
discussion thread.

20. Jeffrey Hancock
Brothers dressed to the nines! Fros' looking primped and good....and what is most amazing is the fact that not one is wearing sagging pants! Those WERE the GOOD days!"

21. Kymberlyn Reed
"I loved the clothes and the music back then, but let's not put on rose-tinted glasses and act like everything was hunky dory while shaming other Black folks. Respectability politics never saved us then or now. Nixon was in still in office with his "law and order" crackdowns on protests, a lot of young Black men back from Vietnam were hooked on heroin and we still had ghettoes. What we need to remember is no matter the era, Black people were and are resilient and have always created art and have been cultural touchstones for ages. By the way, I'm 53 years old so I know what I'm talking about."


22. SabersGrrl Channel
"I love how each couple is so co-ordinated in clothing style, dance style, while still having mad rhythm.  Each couple shown are meant to be in every sense."

23. R. Frolic
"Their outfits are INSPIRATIONAL! I love how well their clothes complement their moves."

24. Katie Osborn
"I love their hair!! No fake wigs and extensions. No braids and fancy barbershop artistry. Just natural and beautiful!! 💘

25. dreamweaver1603
These people look like they fell out of a fall catalog for a department store.  I wonder if they were allowed to wear clothes for advertising.  There was such a variety of styles."

26. Ice Bird, 2021
" @YM Troncoso  100% agree! Style in those decades was impeccable and so sharp. Everyone looked great.

27. SBella, 2021
@dreamweaver1603  right! And name brand clothes were unheard of, people created their own style"

28. 8luvbug, 2021
@Katie Osborn  what's wrong with braids?"

29. Beth Bartlett
"🏆 @ 1:11 Stellar Outfit she has on, Timeless!"
This comment is written in bold font in that discussion thread.

30. Katie Brown
"Love the guy with the sweater tied around his neck with the black pants and white shirt he was getting down. Reminds me of my Uncle Leroy during family functions. He was always up dancing."


31. Nancy Arellano 
"Our clothes were the bomb back then!

We had it goin on for sure! Glad to be a Babyboomer"

** 32. Ms. Jae
Wow! back then everyone was dressed so nice!!  look at the guys Fros!. The ladies didn't wear all those long fake weaves, some wore their Beautiful Naturals too!   Yaaassss!!  thanks for sharing Steve"

 33. 𝓓𝓲𝓷𝓪 𝓓𝓪𝓻𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰
So nice to see the pants all pulled up. The good old days."

34. C A
"Wow!  Decked out and looking sharp!  👍🏻😊. And fros!"

35. sarahdown4JC
"Love the outfits!!! Both men and women👏🏻"

36. michael byrne
Not only did Soul Train, hip you to the new steps! It also educated you to the new look! A body shirt, baggies and a pair of nice kicks! Gave you the Lenny the hip dude look! Loved Soul Train! Don, the Artist and all the dancers! Beside what other show could you see Al Green sing Stay in a Maroon pimp hat fedora, wife beater t shirt, hot pants, purse and a pair of kicks! And Don coming out after song and telling Al only you Brother could wear that outfit! SOUL TRAIN WAS THE BOMB!"

37. Walter Pewen
This is really how people looked and dressed in Los Angeles, 1976.   Not just for the show.   To work, everywhere."

38. Marcos Ricardo Santos
70s new York fashion Club. Pure people happy. No stress no coronavirus. I was there. Time to think about Friends and be happy."

39. The-Dark-Lord-Hussie
"Just bought a 70s parasuit from a thrift shop, you can find some good vintage stuff if you look. Start dressing like you just stepped out of time machine man live your best life"
"parasuit" = typo for "pantsuit"

40. IMBwildrd
Wow, even the men are wearing wedge heeled shoes!  Gotta love the fashion of the early 70's."

41. Stormy Hayes, 2021
Its funny how that whole style is Popular again!"

42. elsa blue
"I know bell bottom jumpsuits I had a few!"


43. Stiff Peeter
BEAUTIFUL women! No weaves, wigs or those ridiculous looking eye lashes. The guys wore their pants on their waistline. Why did those days have to go, cause I loved them so."

44. Dena Alabama-girl,2021
Eyelashes was very popular in the 70s with the fro"

45. Stiff Peeter, 2021
@Dena Alabama-girl  Do you see that on this video?"

46. Fortuna Major, 2021
@Stiff Peeter  this video doesn't represent the entire 1970s though which is what you were implying lol. it's great to look back on the unique parts of the past but it's silly to act like weaves wigs and heavy makeup weren't popular until the 21st century. diana ross and all the greats wore dramatic makeup and wigs."

** 47. CCS, 2021
Fake eyelashes were very popular in the 1970s fool."

** 48. eering Kendrick
I wish I had a pair of those silver platform shoes that brother is sporting at 1:23."

49. Dano Noveh
You gotta love dem big naturals 👍😊"
"naturals"= afros ('fros")

50. wolverine Baller
Everyone asking why everyone was so fit. However it was known if you didn’t wear a size 1 men and women you didn’t get in the show PERIOD."

51. futureisyours
Only the good looking were allowed in such dance 💃 groups. These were the few selected individuals. The ugly,  fat and poor were kept out.   One can't just have a linear perception"

52. curli-lettey
"I want some of those outfits, they dont make them like that anymore and if they do it's cheaper quality."

53. Ify M
The women's dressing is on point. You can wear most if not all the outfits that they are wearing now.  They did not come to play."

54. Traslen Patterson
"When you take in the style of dress,  the fashion, the bell bottoms, along with the dance moves, that's made soul train what it was.  PURE GOLD!"

55. ozbdguy
So many great dancers here. I think my favourite is the lady grooving out at 0:54 and her outfit is just the best. This is what a real dance floor looks, and feels like"

56. T Hyslop
Look at the grooves on those Soul Sistas when wearing flammable polyester was all the rage."

2021 57. tr54 Natural
"This is my favorite Soul Train line video. Between the outfits and the dance steps—it’s awesome 😃"

"You could wear every one of those outfits...even today...timeless.   Love watching these old ST clips...reminds me of how wonderfully alive this world used to be."

59. John Nix
"Aah yes,... The mid 70s! Huge afros, and platform shoes.  Everything said in comments

are right.  I was 17 when this cut ( album ) came out, and we couldn't stop having fun!!

I wish those things would come back once more!    😎"

Oualid Trabelsi
"So much style, so much swag, so much fun..."

61. carolyn thompson
"Watching this, you notice the fashion of the 70s.  The ladies are wearing "gaucho" pants and boots and rocking the look.  The gentlemen are wearing coordinating slacks and dress shirts.  It's a classy and dressy look.  Also, I love how these Soul Train dancers had their own unique choreographed style of dance.  This is special."

** 62. huascar66
"Elegance, grace and class personified!"

** 63. D Griffin
"Everyone was slim and well dressed. Great to watch!"

64. Babe van
"I watched American bandstand but I switch to see best dancers  soul train and outfits too!  Best part of my teen years Saturday mornings!"

** 65. gemini rose
"look at that bro with the suit and carnation   wowwww  i love it  class 🥰   everyone looked SO GOOD  AND DANCE PHENOMENAL !"

Laurel B
"1:24 orange sherbet pants and gold boots I’m in love 😻"

67.Chanel Griffith
Okay if this isn't proof that there is NOTHING  new in fashion..."

68. gemini rose
beautiful   oh man the lady in the black sheer dress and flower in her hair  ✨💫✨💛😘"

69. Fortuna Major
i love the fact that all these old soul train videos are archived but i hate how brain dead so many of y'all get in the comments. the weird revisionist history some of you like to create ... there were fat people in the 70s, there were weaves and wigs in the 70s, there was racism in the 70s. just because you don't see those things represented on a curated music tv show doesnt meant they didn't exist 💀 soul train def needs to be revived because it's iconic but society isn't gonna magically heal itself if the show comes back  Lol"

70. Edith Piaf



71. wdym100
The clothes are so immaculately tailored ❤️"

72. SBella
A lot of the clothes were homemade. Lots of young women sewed their own clothes"

**** 2023
73. 80s guy
"When Americans had a fashion sense beyond tees, shorts and denim that we see today."

**** Thanks for visiting pancocojams. Visitor comments are welcome.

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