Saturday, January 21, 2023

More Changes To "I'm A Little Dutch Girl (As Pretty As Can Be)" Rhymes: "I'm A Pretty Little First Grader"

Edited by Azizi Powell

Latest revision- including a title change for this post - January 24, 2023

This pancocojams post presents some information about and one examples of the children's rhyme 'I Am A Pretty Little Dutch Girl (As pretty as can be)." 

This pancocojams post also documents some information about and several examples of  changes to that rhyme. Those changes include the "I Am A Little First Grader" title and the words [I saw my boyfriend talking to] "the ugliest girl in the whole wide world" instead of the words [I saw my boyfriend talking to] the prettiest girl in the world".

The content of this post is presented for folkloric, recreational, and socio-cultural purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post.
Click for the 2019 pancocojams post entitled "
Some Changes In The Rhyme "I'm A Pretty Little First Grader" From Their Rhyme Source "I Am A Pretty Little Dutch Girl".

Also, click for the closely related 2013 pancocojams post "I Am A Pretty Little First Grader (a variant form of "I'm A Pretty Little Dutch Girl").

Excerpt #1
From retrieved January 21, 2023
" "Pretty Little Dutch Girl" is a children's nursery rhyme, clapping game and jump-rope rhyme. It has a Roud Folk Song Index number of 12986.


The lyrics of the song vary considerably. British versions of this rhyme differ significantly, perhaps because many of the allusions in the rhyme were unknown to British children at the time."
That Wikipedia page continues with "common" examples of "I Am A Pretty Little Dutch Girl" that are described as being "common" in the United States and the United Kingdom. [A few of these examples include notes for where that particular example came from.]

That Wikipedia page alludes to the fact that "I Am A Pretty Little Dutch Girl" rhyme originated in the United States. That page doesn't mention the "I Am A First Grader" variant rhymes.

2011 is the earliest date that I've come across for "I Am A First Grader" rhymes.

These rhymes usually appear to be chanted by primary school age girls (around 6-10 years old) while performing partner hand clap routines. The grade that is mentioned in examples of the rhyme is the school grade the chanter/s are in.

As documented in that Wikipedia page, there are LOTS of examples of "I Am A Pretty Little Dutch Girl" (as pretty as can be), Most of the versions of that rhyme that are included on that Wikipedia page include verses from one or more stand alone rhymes.

The  "I Am A Little First Grader" rhymes (also) variant forms of "I Am A Pretty Little Dutch Girl".

As is the case with the "standard" "I Am A Pretty Little Dutch Girl" rhymes, in the "I Am Pretty Little First Grader", the "pretty girl" has a boyfriend whose physical appearance is "different" (for instance, he has "25 toes and a pickle for a nose.")

In one subset of the "I Am Pretty Little First Grader" rhymes, the "pretty girl" sees her boyfriend talking to a pretty girl with strawberry curls" (or a similar description of a "pretty girl".

In a later subset of "I Am Pretty Little First Grader" rhymes, the "pretty girl" sees her boyfriend talking to "the ugliest girl in the world".

In either one of these subsets, the rhyme continues with one or more verses from other stand alone rhymes. These rhymes that are combined with "I Am Pretty Little First Grader" rhymes usually aren't the same verses that were/are combined with "I Am A Pretty Little Dutch Girl" rhymes.

*There are other British examples of children's rhymes with the title "I Am A Dutch Girl" (such as "I Am A Dutch Girl" (dressed in blue) and "I Am A Little Dutch Girl (Far across the sea.)

Excerpt #2
" "I Am A Pretty Little Dutch Girl" is a children's nursery rhyme, jump rope rhyme, and a fun clapping game originating from America.  The earliest record of the song is from 1940 in New York, from there it spread across the US, soon becoming one of the most popular jump rope rhymes among girls and reaching Britain by 1959".. 



I am a pretty little Dutch girl
As pretty as pretty can be
And all the boys around my block
Go crazy over me!
I had a boyfriend, Patty
Who comes from Cincinnati
With 48 toes and a pickle on his nose
And this is the way my story goes
One day when I was walkin'
I heard my boyfriend talkin'
To a pretty little girl with a strawberry curls
And this is what he said to her...
I L-O-V-E, love you
to K-I-S-S, kiss you
yes K-I-S-S, kiss you in
the D-A-R-K dark boom boom!
Variation 6 of examples of "I Am A Pretty Little Dutch Girl" on

Based on examples of this rhyme that I've read, the earliest examples of this rhyme may have only consisted of one verse that is similar to the first verse that is given above.

"I Am A Little First Grader" rhymes are examples of how children's recreational rhymes can change over time and within certain populations.

"I Am A Little First Grader" rhymes are variant examples of "I Am A Little Dutch Girl" (As pretty as I can be" . Another grade level can replace the words "first grader" in these rhymes (for example, "I Am A Pretty Little Third Grader".. "I Am A Pretty Little Sixth Grader". My guess is that these variant examples of "I Am A Little First Grader" rhymes came from African Americans, in part because of the use of introductory words for a number of these rhyme 
such as "Sea sea sea at the bottom of the sea" and "swing swing swing at the bottom of the sea". Those introductory words or other similar introductory words are also found in some other African American originated rhymes such as "Tweeleelee" and "I Don't Want To Go To To Mexico No More". The introductory words "Shame Shame Shame" have been used so often for "I Don't Want To Go To Mexico" rhymes that it has become the title for that rhyme among many African American girls.

sub set of "I Am A Little First Grader" rhymes include the words [I saw my boyfriend talking] "to the ugliest girl in the world", the examples completely turn around the "prettiest girl with the strawberry curls" description that are standard to many of the "I Am A Little Dutch Girl" rhymes. Those words may have been changed because the  chanter can't believe that there's another girl in world who is prettier than she is, and the chanter believes the ugliest girl in the world is no threat to her.

Examples of "I Am A Pretty Little First Grader" that I've come across Dutch Girl" are combined with verses of one or more stand alone rhymes (rhymes that can be chanted by themselves or in combination with other recreational rhymes.)

The earliest example of "I Am A Little First Grader that I've come across was in 2000 (African American girls, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.). T
he first example has the words [I saw my boyfriend talking] "to to a very pretty girl with strawberry curls.  I collected another example of "I Am A First Grader" in person in 2000 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and another in 2004 Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. That second example has the words [I saw my boyfriend talking] "to a very pretty girl with cherry pie curls". Both of those examples were from African American girls from Fort Pitt Elementary School in the Garfield section of Pittsburgh. Click to read those two examples.

In April 2010, I collected the same rhyme from two 9 year old African American girls (Takeya and Alexus) who live in the same neighborhood as Fort Pitt Elementary School (then titled Fort Pitt Accelerated Learning Academy. That Pittsburgh Public school has since been closed.) When the rhyme called for the girls to give their grades, one girl chanted "I am a second grader" and the other girl chanted "I am a third grader". Both girls said the "get your black hands off of me" line.

I also heard the beginning of this same rhyme chanted by a third grade African American girl in the lunchroom of the same school in May 2010 when I was substitute teaching there. That girl said "I am a third grader"/as pretty as can be be be". Unfortunately, I wasn't able to hear the rest of the rhyme.

In the rhyme examples showcased in this pancocojams post have the words [I saw my boyfriend talking to] "the ugliest girl in the whole wide world and this is how my story goes" (or "this is what I said to her" or a similar ending.)

The title "I Am A Little First Grader (or similar titles*) replaces the "original" title "I Am A Pretty Little Dutch Girl". The words "the ugliest girl in the whole wide world" replace the original words "the prettiest girl in the whole wide world".

Wooble Wooble Wooble
And ah 1, 2, 3
I am a lit tle first grader
as pretty as can be be.
and all the boys around my house
go crazy over me me.

My boyfriend's name is Yel low.
He comes from Ala ba ma
with 25 toes
and a pickle on his nose
and this is how the story goes

One day I was ah walk ing
I saw my boyfriend talk ing
to a very pretty girl
with strawberry curls.
And this is what she said

"I l. o. ve love you."
"I k. i. ss kiss you"
"I a d.ore adore you"
So s .t .o .p. STOP!
-female first grade students Tarea, Kayla, Kaylin (African American), and Ha and Hung (Vietnamese, ages 5-7 years old); Fort Pitt Elementary School {Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, 2000}; collected by Azizi Powell, 2000
This rhyme was performed as a competitive hand slap rhyme (similarly to the hand slap activity that is performed while chanting "Down By The Banks Of The Hanky Panky".



These examples are given in no particular order. 

Numbers have been added for referencing purposes only.

1. I am a pretty __ first grader

As pretty as can___ be be.
My boyfriend's name is__ Chris Brown
He lives in Ala__bama.
One day when I was___walking
I saw my boyfriend __ talking
To the ugliest girl in the whole wide world.
And this is what he said.
I M-I-S-S miss you.
I L-O-V-E love you.
Get your black hands off of me.
I K-I-S-S Kiss you!
-Naijah S.; (African American female, 9 years old; Hazelwood section of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; January 14, 2011; Collected by Azizi Powell 1/14/2011
The dash indicates that the chanter pauses one beat before saying the next word or the next syllable.

Here's some information about African American performer Chris Brown from
"Chris Brown, in full Christopher Maurice Brown, (born May 5, 1989, Tappahannock, Virginia, U.S.), American rhythm-and-blues (R&B) singer, songwriter, and actor whose melodic voice and skilled dancing propelled him to fame"...

Click for the pancocojams post entitled "The "Get Your Black Hands Off Of Me" Line In African American Children's Recreational Rhymes"

im a pretty little first grader as pretty as can be be my boyfreinds name is je-llo he lives in ala-bamo with a pickle up his nose and 25 toes this is how my story goes one day i was walking i saw my boyfreind talking to the ugliest girl in the whole wide world and this is what he said to her k-i-s-s kiss you l-o-v-e love you d-u-m-p dump you m-i-s-s miss you.
-Anonymous, May 17, 2018,

3. Sea sea sea at the bottom of the sea
I'm a little first grader
Pretty as can be be
And all the boys around my block
Is fighting over me me
My boyfriend name is jello
He lives in alabamo
With 65 toes
And a big fat nose
And this is how my story goes
One day I walking
I saw my boyfriend talking
To the ugliest girl in the whole wide world
And this is what I said to her
See my pinky see my thumb see my fist you better run
Peanut butter reesce cup you mess With me Ill jack you up
Wait come back you need a tik tak not One not two but the whole 6 pack
Sorry to be mean
But you need some Listerine
Not a sip not a swallow but he whole dang bottle
-unknown, August 9, 2019,

Well this is the one I always used-

Sea sea sea at the bottom of the sea!
I am a little__First grader!
Who is pretty as can, be be
and all the boys around my block are fighting over, me me!
My boyfriends name is Jell-o,
He comes from alabam-o,
With 24 toes and a pocket full of gold and this is how my story goes:
I saw my boyfriend, talk-ing to the ugliest girl in the whole wide world and this is how my story goes:
Kawala-wala, A! Kawala-wala B!
Chi-bang-bag C! hi-bang bang D!
See my pinkie see my thumb, see my fist, you better run!
Wait, come back. You need a Tic-Tac. Not one, not two, but the whole six pack!
And, Sorry to be mean, but you need some Listerine.
-Unknown, September 27, 2021,

'The one we used to sing all the time was

I am a little first grader. As pretty as can be be. And all the boys around my block go crazy over me me. My boyfriend name is Jello. He lives in Alabamo. With a big fat nose and 35 toes and this is how my story goes. One day I was walking. I saw my boyfriend talking to the the ugliest girl named (insert ugly girl name) in the world and this is what he said to her. M-I-S-S miss you. K-I-S-S kiss you. L-O-V-E love you and this is what I said to her.

See my pinkie. see my thumb. See my fist you better run. Recesse's Recesse's Coco Puff mess with my man I'll mess you up."

-Cidnei Gregory, 2019;  "Let's Discuss: Black Girl Childhood Hand Games and Sing Songs"
This commenter wrote that this example is from Chicago.

6. Growing up we sang ours a little different too:

I'm a little first grader,
 pretty as can be be
& all the boys around my block go crazy over over me me
my boyfriend name is johnny, he lives in California
with 25 toes & a big fat nose & this is how my story go
one day I was walking, I saw my boyfriend talking, to the ugliest girl in the whole wide world & this is how my story go
I K I S S kiss you, I M I S S miss you, I L O V E love you, but ABCD get your broke hands off of me
-Sydney Plunkett, 2020, 90's hands games!!!Part 1, published by Geneas, Nov. 4, 2018
the second.version we be like “im a little first grader pretty as can be be & all the boys  around my block are fighting over me me , my boyfriend name is jello but he live in Alabama with 25 toes & a big fat nose & this is how my story go , one day i was walking i saw my boyfriend talking to the ugliest girl in the whole wide world & this is what i said to her see my pinky see my thumb see my fist you better run whole up wait come back you need a tic tac not a one not a two but the whole dang thing “ lol alot😭😭😭
-prettyL365, 2020; 90's hands games!!!II, Part 1, published by Geneas, Nov. 4, 2018
This commenter didn't share anything about "the first version."

There’s a another version of swing when it goes swing swing swing at the bottom of the sea I’m a little 5thgrader pretty as can be be and all the boys around my block are fighting over me me my boyfriend name is Jell-O and he lives in Alabama with 25 toes and a big red nose & this is how the story goes One day I was walking and I saw my boyfriend talking to the ugliest girl in the whole wide world and this is what I said to her See my pinky see my thumb see my fist you better run peanut butter Reese cup you mess with me a jack you up wait come back you need a TicTac not a one not a two but the whole six pack sorry to be mean but you need some Listerine not a sip not a swallow but the whole damn bottle πŸ˜‚
- OmgitsGrace, 2021, 90’s hands games !!!!! Part 1 published by Geneas, Nov 4, 2018

9. Our swing swing sing game went like “ swing swing swing, at the bottom of the swing,I am a little 8th grader as cute as I can be be and all the boys around my house go crazy over me me. My boyfriend name is Jello he lives in Alabama, with 25 toes and a big fat nose and this is how our story goes... one day I was walk-in, I saw my boyfriend talk-in, to the ugliest girl in the whole wide world and this is what I said to her...” I forgot the rest but it go sum like get away from my boyfriend and I’ll punch u in da face or sumπŸ˜‚πŸ˜­
-TINKK LUV, 2021,
  90’s hands games !!!!! Part 1 published by Geneas, Nov 4, 2018

10. imma little six grader
as pretty as can be be
my boyfriend name is bow wow
he lives in ohio
and this is how my story goes
one day I was walking
I saw my boyfriend talking
to the ugliest girl
in the whole wide world
and this is how my story goes
k-i-s-s kiss you l-o-v-e
love you m-i-s-s miss you
and this is how my story goes
a b c d
so keep yo hands away from me.
-  3/21/2005
Here's information about Bow Wow: 
"Shad Gregory Moss (born March 9, 1987), better known by his stage name Bow Wow (formerly Lil' Bow Wow), is an American rapper and actor.",

Swing swing swing on a summary day hey hey I’m a little first grade as pretty as a meme and all the boys around my school go crazy over me me my boyfriend name in bowwow and he lives in Alabama with a tik tak toe and 3 in a row and this is how my story goes one day I was walking and I saw my boyfriend talking to the ugliest girl in the whole wide world and this is what he said to her

L-O-V-E love you with a K-I-S-S kiss you with a S-T-O-P

STOP! now don’t stop till your hands get hot.
-Laterri Ward, 2021,

then theres-sea sea sea at the bottom of the sea i am a lil (say ur grade) 6th grader as pretty as can be be and all the boys around my house go crazy over me me my boyfriends name is jell-o he lives in ala-bama with a pickle on his nose and 25 toes this is how my story goes 1 day i wuz walkin i saw my bf talkin to the ugliest girl in the whole wide world an this is wut he said to her l-o-v-e love you k-i-s-s kiss you l-o-v-e k-i-s-s keep your fat hands off of me
 the11yearoldknowz, "Those Clapping Games 

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  1. Here's a link to a YouTube video example of "I'm A First Grader": ."swing swing" fun published by KSquared, Dec 13, 2014.

    Here's my transcription of the words to this version of this rhyme:
    Swing Swing Swing
    On a summer day
    Hey, Hey.
    I'm a little
    First Grader
    As pretty as can
    Be Be
    And all the boys around my house
    They're chasin after
    Me Me
    My boyfriend's name is
    He came from Ala
    With a pickle up his nose
    And twenty-five toes
    And this is how my story goes
    One day I was
    And saw my boyfriend
    To an itty bitty girl
    With strawberry clothes
    And this is what he said to her
    I K.I.S.S. kiss you
    I M.I.S.S. miss you
    I L.O.V.E. love you
    Transcription from the video by Azizi Powell. The word "clothes" [after the word "strawberry"] is usually given as "curls".

    The words "swing swing on a summer day" that begin that rhyme is a variant form of "swing swing to the bottom of the sea" or similar words. Those words serve as an introductory phrase that I've come across in a number of different children's rhymes.

    It's likely that commenters had posted other examples of that rhyme on that video's discussion thread. If so, those examples have been deleted because of YouTube's decision to disallow comments on children's videos.

    1. As of January 21, 2023, the only online posts that are specifically about "I Am A First Grader" rhymes (with or without the words "the ugliest girl in the whole wide" are those that I published on pancocojams or on my other Google blog cocojams2.

      As documented in this pancocojams post, a few other examples of "I Am A First Grader" are found elsewhere online. I've documented some of those rhymes in various pancocojams post as well as in a cocojams2 posts (cocojams 2 is a blog about children's rhymes that I voluntarily curate.)

    2. As of Feb. 28, 2018, most YouTube children's videos had their discussion threads deleted and disabled because of concerns about predatory comments being posted on those discussion threads.

      I understand the need to protect children from online predators and inappropriate comments. However, as a self-described folklorist, I deeply regret the lost of folkloric and socio-cultural content that had already been posted and may have been posted to those videos' discussion threads.

      The examples that are included in this post from a YouTube discussion thread are available because that YouTube video/vlog features two young women and not any children.

  2. There are a number of children's rhymes that end with the words "keep your __ hands off of me". Examples of those rhymes in this post about "I Am A Little First Grader" are
    #1. "Keep your black hands off of me"
    #6. "get your broke hands off of me"
    #10. "keep yo hands away from me."
    #11. "keep your fat hands off of me"
    My guess is that "keep your black hands off of me" was the earliest version of that line and that it originated from Black children.
    I believe that other versions of that line knowingly or unknowingly replaced the "black hands" version because that line was socially unacceptable.

    Click for a pancocojams post entitled The "Get Your Black Hands Off Of Me" Line In African American Playground Rhymes.
