Sunday, October 3, 2021

Three Videos Of FAMU Fraternities & Sororities Strolling (2021) with comments About African Americans wearing masks or not wearing masks during the Covid-19 pandemic)

Everlasting Decisions, Aug 20, 2021
This video shows a social gathering by Florida A&M students.

Here's a listing of historically Black Greek letter organizations (BGLO) in this video in their oder of appearance in this video:

Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. 
Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Inc.
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc.
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.
I believe that this video doesn't mean to imply that those were the only BGLO on FAMU's  at FAMU.

I'm not sure which organization is represented by the men wearing black t-shirts with the blue capitol letter "P", a drawing of a yellow thunder bolt, and the blue capitol letter "R."

Notice that the organizations stroll through the other party goers who make way for that vertical line of strollers.

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post is part of an ongoing series on African Americans wearing masks during the Covid-19 pandemic. Click that tag below to find other pancocojams posts in this series.

This post showcases three 2021 videos of members of Florida A&M University's historically  Black fraternities and sororities strolling. These videos document whether or not people wore masks these events as protections against Covid-19.  Both of these videos also 
show large crowds of people who aren't social distancing as recommended by the United States Center for Disease Control (CDC).

This post also includes selected comments from the discussion thread for the first video that is showcased in this post.

The Addendum to this post provides a reprint of a Sept. 9, 2021 article by John Hammer about Covid protocals for a usually very large event at another historically Black university (North Carolina A&T's Greatest Homecoming On Earth (GHOE).  

The content of this post is presented for historical, socio-cultural, entertainment, and aesthetic purposes.

All ccopyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who are featured in these videos. Thanks to John Hammer and all those who are quoted in this post. Thanks also to 
Everlasting Decisions, the publisher of these videos on YouTube.
Read my note below about the differences between fraternity/sorority steppin[g] and fraternity/sorority strolling.  That note also provides the definition of a "stroll off". 

SHOWCASE VIDEO #2: FAMU First Fall Set Friday 2021

Everlasting Decisions, Aug 29, 2021

Set Friday is combined with the Crab Boil.

SHOWCASE VIDEO #3: FAMU Greek Stroll Off

Everlasting Decisions, Sep 25, 2021


written by Azizi Powell [revised 10/4/2021]

Fraternity/sorority steppin[g] is a synchronized, percussive performance art that originated with African Americans who were members of undergraduate university based historically Black Greek letter fraternities and sororities. Stepping is traditionally performed without any musical accompaniment excerpt for steppers' chanting, accapella singing, and/or the sounds of the steppers' foot stomps, (individual) hand claps, and body pats.

Each organization has their own unique styles of stepping. (One historically Black Greek letter fraternity Omega Psi Phi, Inc. uses the term "hopping" instead of stepping.) Since at least the 1990s, steppin has increasingly involved skits/themes for step performances. "Steppin[g]" also increasing has involved performing acrobatics during portions of the step routine. Props aren't used during step performances, except for some organizations twirling and/or throwing/catching canes (kanes) and some organizations wearing blindfolds during portions of 

"Step shows" are competitive performances between members of two or more organizations. Fraternities compete against other fraternities and sororities compete against other sororities.


"Stroll" is an English language word that means "to walk in a leisurely way".

"The Stroll" was a popular Rhythm and Blues (R&B) dance in the late 195os. "Strolls" may also be a term that some African Americans use for choreographed "line dances" that are performed by a group of unassociated people standing in horizontial lines. "The Electric Slide", "the Cha Cha Slide" and "The Wobble" are popular examples of such dances. However, members of historically Black Greek letter organizations, "strolls" have another meaning for the word "stroll".

In the context of historically Black Greek letter organizations (BGLO), "strolls" are processions that are performed by two or more people who are members of a specific Greek letter organization (or members of more than one Greek letter organization in the case of a "unity stroll".) 

Strollers form a vertical line and move forward while performing choreographed contemporary social dance steps, leg lifts, hops, and/or other movements to the beat of a specific R&B/Hip Hop record. The line moves forward in a single file "follow the leader" manner. According to YouTube videos that I've watched, fraternity/sorority stroll lines usually move in a circular manner. 

Fraternity and sorority "strolls" were originally called "party walks" because they were (usually spontaneously) performed during parties. In contrast to stepping, strolls are performed to specific records (usually Hip Hop/R&B) and certain records are associated with specific fraternties or sororities 
such as "Atomic Dog" for Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc., "Set It Off" for Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc, and "She's A Bad Mama Jama" for Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.

Strollers usually wear their organization's colors with shirts that include their organization's Greek letters. paraphenelia. During their procession, strollers may also show the organization's hand sign, do the organization's signature call, and/or perform other moves that are associated with their organization. 

Except for "strolls offs" which are competitive events, fraternity and sorority strolls are performed to "represent" that Greek letter organization to the public and to other organizations. No judging or prizes are awarded outside of stroll offs.  However, every fraternity and sorority that is strolling strives to look better and get the best response than any other organization.

As documented by YouTube videos, during social events, strolls are performed in the middle of a wide circle of attendees or in the space between two crowds of attendees who stand (usually quite close) on either side of the procession. The attendees take videos with cell phones raised, cheer on the strollers, and otherwise enjoy those performances. 

"Unity strolls" are non-competitive strolls that are performed together by members of more than one fraternity or sorority. Some unity strolls are performed by some members of historically Black Greek letter organizations (the Divine Nine) along with members of other Black Greek or non-Greek fraternities/sororities. Other unity strolls may include members of BGLOs with members of non-Black Greek letter (or non-Greek) letter organizations. These configurations are similar to what occur for "Unity steps".

Based on some YouTube videos and some comments in YouTube discussion threads that (I believe) mislabel “strolls" as "steps” and vice versa, it appears that the "line" between these two fraternity/sorority performance arts is very murky and what is labeled a "stroll offs" may actually be referrin to a faternity/sorority "step show". What distinguishes fraternity/sorority strollin from fraternity/sorority steppin the most is that  strollin is performed by people moving forward in a single file to recorded music. 

"Stroll offs" is a newer term (first used in the early 2000s?) that (more accurately?) refers to competitions between two or more organizations performing strolls. 
 In contrast to strolls that are performed during social events, "stroll offs" are performed on a stage that is set up in front of groups of people who are seated.

"Traditionally" fraternities compete against fraternities and sororities compete against sororities. I think that custom is still operable today (in 2021).



Numbers are added for referencing purposes only.

Video #1: FAMU 25 Kickback

All of these commentsa are from 2021 

1.K Love
"COVID event"

2. Faith in all things W
"Super spreader ๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿพ๐Ÿฅด๐Ÿ˜ท"

3. elmer jones
Definitely super spreader"

4. Vickie Gaines
"I hope none of these carefree young adults are affected by the highly contagious virus!"

5. Rona Sykes
"These young adults don't get it these viruses will never go anywhere as long as you have people that are doing stuff like this and the schools should be ashamed of themselves because they know is never going to get better until you stop having all these people Gathering Together"

"I LOVE IT! but let's be more responsible! -- yal kno damn well this was waaaaaaaayyy to close for comfort ๐Ÿ˜ท๐Ÿ˜ท๐Ÿ˜ท๐Ÿ˜ท and to be doing some dang party walking  c'mon maaaannnnnn is it that serious ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐ŸคฃLIKE REALLY?๐Ÿคฃ(half the KAPPAS ain't got they mask on )๐Ÿฅด๐Ÿฅด๐Ÿฅด๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคข๐Ÿคข"

7. gotmypearls
Right!  Have a ball--but wear a mask!  Folks wanna go home mid semester, I guess."
“Folks wanna go home mid semester”… because in person classes are closed because of Covid.

8. Bernard Jackson
"Shucking and jiving with a virus, smart move people.๐Ÿคจ"

9. Carlendia Loftin
"No mask and overcrowding. I already know of 2 people in their 20’s that just passed away from the virus. Young people do not understand that they can die too. I just hope they are okay?"

10. Alishia McDonald
"Lawd, we ain't every gonna get over the COVID curve..."

11. Michelle 1Lady
This disturbs me when our healthcare system is breaking.  It’s just not worth it. Please step and get your vaccinations and step to a table and get your mask"

12. Lamar A
"Sure won't...."

13. Herbert Pearson
"Delta Kappa Variant is stepping too, Ignorance is bliss."

14. April Allen
Masks? What is this foolishness? Too close and no masks. I'm worried about our children."

15. aseifa77
"This is why I'm only seeing students via Zoom. They're too carefree to realize that they can be affected by this virus. Carelessness abounds."


16. Dexter Hobbs
"Oh just wait until homecoming ๐Ÿ™ƒ"

17, itsbritt91
Yup . They act like we’re not still in a pandemic .  Ppl so eager to get back to regular life not realizing we’ll never get back to regular life due to reasons like this . Ppl forget the virus can be asymptomatic, so your dumb ass can have it , not even know it and spread it, god forbid it be to someone who actually shows symptoms and possibly dies. Numbers are deff rising , I know a 9 yr old who just caught it , he was attending multiple events with gatherings of groups, just like this, parents told him to wear his mask and turns out he would take it off .it’s effecting ppl younger and younger ."

18. Nickey Pleasant
"This is in Florida right the cesspool state Praying for the young and irresponsible"

19. BadLt58
"Just embarrassing...."

20. Divine Appointment
"Glad to see my beautiful sorors strolling deep and MASKED to the MAX!   Sending love to the BADST!"
This comment refers to Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc. [DST]. All of the strollers in that  sorority wore masks [and wore them the right way.]

21. BadLt58
"I expect more leadership from the Nine especially when service to the community is allegedly a pillar. Shame"

22. Tracie Ace
I’m glad to see my sorority too mask up!"

23. Erica Kierulf
"But what about everybody else? They all need masks. They're so close to each other."

24. Karen Haugabrook
"I agree all should have mask and spacing could have been better."

25. Trycar2

26. RaChica Conyers
Like do we have a death wish, for heavens sake are we even paying attention to what's going on around us with the virus in the black community.๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ.

27. Todd Bryant
"All I see is Covid cases rising, lol...real shyt"

28. Phil Phillips
"Shoutout to the ones wearing masks, but the others were Delta Phi Covid STUPID!!"

29. Michelle 1Lady
"The HBCUs leadership can help stop most of this negligence.  But unless they cancel GHOE at NCAT,,,guess it will be looking just like this if NOT worse."
HBCU = Historically Black Colleges & Universities
GHOE= is a acronym for "the Greatest Homecoming On Earth"
NCAT= the historically Black university North Carolina A&T (located in Greensboro, North Carolina) 

Read about Covid protocals for NC A&T's GHOE 2021 in the Addendum to this post.

30. Aaron's Channel
"it's the common cold stupid cnn liberal yroll

31. TheProject
"How do we know these kids aren’t vaccinated…."

32. Trudy Jackson
ccinated or not mask MUST be worn

33. Cherl Lowe-johnson
"Now, those who are vaccinated should be required to sit through a Zoom meeting with local hospital workers who are seeing the numbers rise due to negligence like THIS!! 90% of these students not wearing masks & not social distancing. The Medical personnel, you may shortly meet, are burnt out & under staffed due to close crowd events like this. We, as Black people, have to do better to stay Safe. Too many of us are bring COVID home & endangering the children and grandparents. ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿ‘Ž๐ŸฟSad!!
This commenter probably meant “those who aren’t vaccinated.

34. Portia P
WHY is the crowd so close to the steppers/performers?  I pray that they are protected by Covid vaccination."

35. Hello bubu
"Them AKAs said come rain or sun shine we wearing masks"
All of the strollers in this sorority wore mask (and wore them the right way.)


[This reprint was prompted by comment #29 in this pancocojams compilation of the discussion thread for the YouTube video entitled "FAMU 25 Kickback" :

"The HBCUs leadership can help stop most of this negligence.  But unless they cancel GHOE at NCAT,,,guess it will be looking just like this if NOT worse."- Michelle 1Lady, 2021 "
NC A&T Announces GHOE COVID Protocols And Cancellations"
posted by John Hammer, Sept. 9, 2021

Visitor comments are welcome.

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