Tuesday, October 5, 2021

The REAL Conga Music And Dance: Videos Of Conga In Santiago de Cuba

Germán López,Oct 12, 2013

Edited by Azizi Powell

This pancocojams post presents information, videos, and comments about Conga music, dance, and processions (parades).

The music and dances in these videos contrasts with the Conga line novelty dance that became popular in the United States in the 1930s and the 1950s. The "Conga line" is derived from the dance that was Afro-Cubans performed to the Conga music that they played.

The content of this post is presented for cultural, entertainment, and aesthetic purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who are featured in these videos. Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post and thanks to all the publishers of these videos on YouTube.
Click http://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2019/05/article-excerpt-about-history-of-conga.html  "Article Excerpt About The History Of The Conga Line Dance & Five YouTube Videos Of The Conga Line".

As shown in the videos that are featured in that post, including a clip of the 1989 American movie Weekend At Bernie's, the Conga Line novelty dance is performed quite different from the Cuban Conga dance..  



CUBAN CHILLOUT, Aug 12, 2016
Here's a comment exchange from this video's discussion thread:

Stephanie Judah, 2018
"I love the music in this video. What is the name of it?"


"It's a Conga Chill, which is a very popular style in the eastern area of Cuba and played to much in Carnivals on the street with many people back."

Video #3: Carnaval Santiago de Cuba 2010,Conga San Agustin

Namchebal, Aug 13, 2010

Conga Los Hoyos, subiendo la calle Reloj en Santiago de Cuba, carnaval 2010
Google translate from Spanish to English

Conga Los Hoyos going up Clock Street in Santiago de Cuba, carnival 2010

Video #4: La Conga Cubana - Santiago - Cuba - 014v02

Cubaism, Nov 29, 2011

"La Conga" is one of the most authentic cuban musical traditions, one that makes everyone move. Santiago de Cuba is where the biggest, best and hosttest congas are found, they all gathers in the Santiago the Cuba Carnivals for the best Conga show in the world.

In this video the conga is performed by childrens as a practice for the later Santiago´s Carnival opening that same day. Original music by Yaso. More Cuba videos at cubavideos.com

Video #5: La Conga de los Hoyos Santiago d e Cuba a cura di pasquale pachi chiurazzi

Pasquale Chiurazzi, Jan 22, 2020



Comments From The Discussion Thread For Video #1  In This Pancocojams Post

Numbers given for referencing purposes only. The English translation for the Spanish comments are given after that comment (from Google translate).

1. cadizcuba, 2015
"Hola German si lees esto ahora me gustaria que me dijeras cómo se llama el hierro redondo que se toca en la conga que no lo encuentro por Internet y nunca lo supe. Mañana tengo que hablar en la Universidad sobre la conga santiaguera. Yo soy de Santiago.
"Hello German, if you read this now, I would like you to tell me the name of the round iron that is played on the conga that I cannot find on the Internet and I never knew. Tomorrow I have to speak at the University about the Santiago conga. I'm from Santiago."

2. cadizcuba, 2015
"Muchas gracias Germán. Me ha valido mucho tu respuesta y una amiga cubana también me explicó que era el tambor de freno de un coche antiguo y está dentro de los instrumentos llamados Campana o cencerro."
"Thank you very much Germán. Your answer has been very useful to me and a Cuban friend also explained to me that it was the brake drum of an old car and it is inside the instruments called Bell or cowbell."

3. Alexander Vazquez, 2018
"cadizcuba se le dice Campana y es de la parte donde va la goma de un carro
"Cadizcuba is called Campana and it is from the part where the rubber of a car goes"

4. Juan Carlos Reina Leal, 2019
"Es parte de un tambor de freno de carro o motocicleta"
It is part of a car or motorcycle brake drum

5. Wall.Street.AV., 2015
"esta Buena la cconga es. aqui en el yankee no se ve eso."
"the conga is good. here in the yankee you don't see that."

6. Lis Crespo, 2017
"Gente sumida en la pobreza total sin ropa, sin zapatos, quizás con hambre..... tampoco he visto celulares????  La  policía reprimiendo  todo el tiempo.... aún así transmite alegría.... increíble!"
"People mired in total poverty without clothes, without shoes, perhaps hungry ... I have not seen cell phones either ???? The police repressing all the time .... still transmits joy .... incredible!"

7. Ana Sanchez, 2018
"Soy de la habana, pero las mejores congas de cuba estan en santiago viva cubaaaaaaa!!!!!!!"
"I'm from Havana, but the best congas in Cuba are in Santiago, viva cubaaaaaaa !!!!!!!"

8. mario aguero, 2019
"Bueno, el ritmo de la conga sigue igual, pero parece una parada de indigentes. Que mal vestida la gente, que condiciones mas deplorables las calles. El dano del regimen es tan visible!

Aparte, NADIE sonrie. Todo el mundo luce deprimido, triste. Caramba, una conga es la cosa mas alegre del mundo! Tienen cara de luto, cara de hambre."
"Well, the rhythm of the conga remains the same, but it seems like a homeless stop. How poorly dressed people, what more deplorable conditions in the streets. The damage of the regime is so visible!

Besides, NOBODY smiles. Everyone looks depressed, sad. Gee, a conga is the happiest thing in the world! They have a mourning face, a hungry face."

9. Jose Manuel de la Rosa Perez, 2019
original y sin copias  jajajajajajajaja."
"original and without copies hahahahahahaha."

10. Brianna F. Jones, 2020
Cómo se llama el instrumento que toca el hombre a 10-15 segundos?"
"What is the name of the instrument that the man plays at 10-15 seconds?"

11. Josseph L'Gall, 2021
"trompeta china, La corneta china (también conocida como trompeta china), instrumento de viento usado en la música tradicional cubana, es en realidad el suona chino. El suona fue introducido en Cuba por inmigrantes chinos durante el período de la colonia española. A partir de 1848 llegaron numerosos culíes chinos a Cuba,

El uso de la corneta china en la conga de los carnavales de Santiago, comenzó con la llegada de los primeros inmigrantes chinos a la isla. La corneta china se constituyó en parte integral y obligatoria de la comparsa santiaguera, en la que todo el pueblo baila por las calles,"
"Chinese trumpet, The Chinese cornet (also known as the Chinese trumpet), a wind instrument used in traditional Cuban music, is actually the Chinese suona. Suona was introduced to Cuba by Chinese immigrants during the period of the Spanish colony. Beginning in 1848, many Chinese coolies arrived in Cuba,

 The use of the Chinese cornet in the conga of the carnivals of Santiago, began with the arrival of the first Chinese immigrants to the island. The Chinese cornet became an integral and obligatory part of the comparsa from Santiago, in which all the people dance through the streets,"

"La comparsa no tiene hora y cuando baja, todos dejan lo que sea y se suman. Hay anécdotas que cuando asaltaron el Cuartel Moncada, estos aprovecharon a la policía entretenida en custodiar la hora de la comparsa con todos arroyando. Le ronca las costumbres. Arriba mi Cuba"
"The troupe has no time and when it comes down, everyone leaves whatever and joins. There are anecdotes that when they attacked the Moncada Barracks, they took advantage of the entertaining police in guarding the time of the comparsa with everyone running. Habits snore him. Up my Cuba."
Explanation for the portion of this comment that refers to the attack on the Moncada Barracks:
From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moncada_Barracks
"The Moncada Barracks was a military barracks in Santiago de Cuba, named after the General Guillermón Moncada, a hero of the Cuban War of Independence. On 26 July 1953, the barracks was the site of an armed attack by a small group of revolutionaries led by Fidel Castro. The attack failed and the surviving revolutionaries were imprisoned. This armed attack is widely accepted as the beginning of the Cuban Revolution. The date on which the attack took place, 26 July, was adopted by Castro as the name for his revolutionary movement (Movimiento 26 Julio or M 26-7) which eventually toppled the dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista on 12 January 1959.”…

13. meuswe, 2021
I have seen this live. This video although very nice does not do it justice."

Comments From the Discussion Thread For Video #3 In This Pancocojams Post


Numbers given for referencing purposes only. The English translation for the Spanish comments are given after that comment (from Google translate).

1. Elidiamys P.Oliva, 2001
"asì me gusta ver mi cuba..no importa si es en oriente o occidente,todos somos hermanos...y esa sangre es unica.."
"that is how I like to see my Cuba..it does not matter if it is in the East or the West, we are all brothers ... and that blood is unique .."

2. Yanniet Figueroa, 2001
"Dios, q vivan los cubanos y bendiga a los Santiagueros, eso si es conga, Q RICO, por la esquina de mi casa, me encanto, quien se que tomo este video, SALUDO VECINO(A).....besos para todo mi paisanos....."
"God, long live the Cubans and bless the Santiagueros, that is conga, Q RICO, around the corner of my house, I loved it, who I know I took this video, GREETING NEIGHBOR (A) ..... kisses for everything my countrymen ....."

3. pablo moya, 2001
"Santiago de Cuba fue la cuna de la Revolucion...

Pero La Habana fue la Cuna de la traicion.

OHHH La Habana."
"Santiago de Cuba was the cradle of the Revolution ...

But Havana was the cradle of betrayal.

OHHH Havana."

4. claudita86c, 2013
"Cuando se trata de Cuba no se pork la gente no pueden ver los videos como son simplemente. Esto es una conga santiaguera y punto. El k no ha cojido un carnaval cubano no sabe lo k es la vida."
"When it comes to Cuba, people can't see the videos as they simply are. This is a Santiago conga, period. He has not taken a Cuban carnival, he does not know what life is."

5. Mateo Morral, 2013
"Una pregunta, desde el respeto y el desconocimiento. ¿La población de Santiago es principalmente negra? ¿o a la Conga solo va gente de raza negra? repito que es una pregunta desde el respeto, porque no conozco la realidad de Cuba."
"A question, from respect and ignorance. Is the population of Santiago mainly black? Or do only black people go to the Conga? I repeat that it is a question from respect, because I do not know the reality of Cuba."

6. Luis Diaz, 2018
"ambas cosas a la vez, 80% de la poblacion de Santiago es de raza negra y a las Congas: manifestacion cultural muy autentica, q tiene su origen en el Carnaval (unico dia de fiesta autorizado a los esclavos en la epoca colonial) ...."
"Both things at the same time, 80% of the population of Santiago is black and the Congas: a very authentic cultural manifestation, which has its origin in Carnival (the only holiday authorized for slaves in colonial times) ... ."

7. chago javi, 2017
"santiago la primera capital de cuba luego puesta en la habana por la cercanía geográfica a florida comercio razones , una ciudad santiago de mezclas y raíces que por cierto fue la capital del caribe. 450 años atrás. donde los abuelos  tatarabuelos tritarabuelos vivieron primero hay en esa ciudad mencionónada tantas veces de negros dominada por reparto vista alegre y sueño muchos años cientos atrás los ricos hay estuvieron se regaron por toda la isla y muchos mulatos , negros y blancos quedaron es esa bella ciudad  la actual mente considerada no por gusto la ciudad del caribe  toda la isla hay personas negras u de todo y esta conga es raíz y algo de cultura africana la ciudad del son de la guaracha y chacha esto es cultura no política  arriba santiagueros sigan progresando que la ciudad está bella lo máximo 💪🏽"
"Santiago the first capital of Cuba then placed in Havana due to its geographical proximity to Florida Comercio, a Santiago city of mixtures and roots that was by the way the capital of the Caribbean. 450 years ago. where the great-great-great-great-great-grandparents first lived there is in that city mentioned so many times by blacks dominated by cast, happy sight and dream many years hundreds ago the rich people were spread all over the island and many mulattoes, blacks and whites remained in that beautiful city the Nowadays, the city of the Caribbean is not considered for pleasure, the whole island there are black people and everything and this conga is root and some African culture the city of the son of the guaracha and chacha this is non-political culture up Santiago continue to progress that the city She is beautiful as much as possible 💪🏽"

[Pancocojams Editor's Note: The comment given as #8 in this compilation was written in  response to a commenter who indicated that the conga was for [a form of the n word] and where was the conga for the whites?]
8. Naivit Rondón, 2017
"Albert Catalán Borrell la conga nunca será de blancos pues son desentiendes de Españoles y los españoles valga la redundancia eran Católicos, estás congas son y serán siempre de los NEGROS pues ellos son los que llevan en su sangre la Religión Yoruba. Ashe para toda mi gente bella,mi gente Afro-Cubana."
Albert Catalán Borrell the conga will never be white because they are misunderstandings of Spaniards and the Spaniards worth the redundancy were Catholic, these congas are and will always be of the BLACKS because they are the ones who carry the Yoruba Religion in their blood. Ashe for all my beautiful people, my Afro-Cuban people."

9. Jean Rafael, 2021
@Naivit Rondón  La conga viene d los africanos d origen bantu del Congo nada k ver con Yoruba, la gran mayoría d los esclavos k habían en oriente donde nace la conga eran del Congo."
"@Naivit Rondón The conga comes from Africans from the Congo Bantu origin, nothing to do with Yoruba, the vast majority of the slaves were in the East where the conga was born, they were from the Congo."

10. Gus Paret, 2017
"vengo de una familia mezclada mi abuela era negra y mi abuelo blanco de ojos azules y nunca nos dejo ir a las congas pero de que nos encanta y nos gusta si son divinas lo llevas en la sangre.Que bello mi santiago como lo extrano hjace 8 anos que no voy y no creo que pueda ir"
"I come from a mixed family, my grandmother was black and my grandfather was white with blue eyes and he never let us go to the congas but we love it and we like it if they are divine you carry it in your blood How beautiful my Santiago how I miss him 8 I haven't been going for years and I don't think I can go"

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