Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Online Comments About How African Americans Play The Card Game Spades

Edited by Azizi Powell

This is Part II of a three part pancocojams series about the card game "Spades".

This pancocojams post presents selected comments from several online articles and from one YouTube video about how Black people play the card game "Spades". 

Click https://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2021/09/how-african-americans-play-card-game.html for Part I of this pancocojams series. The title for that post is "How African Americans Play The Card Game Spades (article excerpts)."

Also, click https://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2021/09/anthony-spice-adams-unk-king-of-spades.html for Part III of this pancocojams series entitled "Anthony "Spice" Adams - "Unk: The King Of Spades" & "When An Oldhead Takes Control of a Spades Game" (YouTube videos & comments)."

The content of this post is presented for cultural purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all those who are quoted in this post.


The articles that are referenced in this post are excerpted in Part I of this pancocojams series on the card game Spades. 

Numbers are added for referencing purposes only.    

WARNING: The video that is referenced in this pancocojams post and the articles that are referenced in this post contain profanity and the word that is commonly referred to as "the n word". Those words in this pancocojams post are given with abbreviated spelling.

Discussion thread #1
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J2472vPF0qU&ab_channel=CrankLucas "WHEN YOUR PARTNER CANT PLAY SPADES (2018)" by Crank Lucas, September 21, 2018 
Summary statement: "
HoodSportz presents SPADES

Here's an example of some of the things spades players deal with when their partner is a below par player."

1. K
"I usually don't comment until after I've watched the video but please crank don't do this

Spades creates more problems than it solves

I love Spades I wish there was a rule that said only people who know how to play Spades are allowed to play

please don't give people a reason to try Spades out who don't know what the f*** they're doing
This is the way this comment is written in that YouTube video's discussion thread.

2. Geo Mag
"Lol playing with a non spade player is very frustrating"

3. Just stuff
Spades will break families apart lol"

4. Low Key
Iv seen spades ruin relationships and even marriages. This sh-t* is not a game"
*This word is fully spelled out in this comment.

5. Robby Ivy
Never been a card player. I'm telling you I have seen guns, knives, and cast iron skillets  pulled out.....When they break out the cards at the barbeque I'm out."

6. gary funderburk
"itsallaboutlove 24-7-365 That's why you check them at the cook out before playing. Also no talking while playing. And last but not least. Let someone who you know and neutral hold the cash. Cuz nobody wants problems lol 👊😂"

7. Clayton Phillips, 2021
"😳😳😳 that's why i don't care for learning how to play because black people literally take that game way to serious"

8. K3nny
I only play spades when I'm locked up. Prison spades has a lot of differences (at least where I've done time). There is no sandbagging rule. They don't play deuces high or jokers. Spades don't have to be broken. The minimum bet is board (4), so there is no nil. Most people don't do blind bids for double points. The scoring system is different. Each counted book is 1 point and you play to 35. Talking across the table is automatic 3 book penalty just like getting caught renegging. If you bid a wheel and get it, it is 20 points. If you bid a Boston and get it, it is automatic win. Spades is one of the best ways to pass time. We always played for hours on end. Sometimes we changed it up and played dirty hearts for water or push-ups."

9. yung souichi
"I can already tell I'm too dumb for this game."

10. K3nny
"That's okay, so is 90% of the people who play it. Once you find a good partner, you better stick with them.

Jokes aside, it really isn't a hard game to learn. Bad players are just people who don't pay attention to what has been played already or have a habit of cutting their partner."

11. yung souichi
"Well, hopefully I won't have to go to prison to learn. It seems like dominoes was more prevalent where my father was (he's still locked up), at least that's what we always played when we visited. I can still play bones pretty well."

12. K3nny
" @yung souichi  Dominoes is just as common as spades where I was. I played sometimes, but preferred cards. What sucks is when they keep slamming the hard plastic dominoes on the steel tables at 2am when people are trying to sleep."

13. Israel Turner
"Everything you said is 100% correct. And we played for zoos and water too"

14. gary funderburk
"K3nny Hell yeah bro. When i was locked up with ol dude i was teamed with we knew each other game after two hands. Our record if i remember correct was 58-5. Only reason we lost cuz of 10s we couldn't stop. Its about the teamwork my dude."...

15. Cody Guthrie, 2021
That's how they play in county jails in Tennessee"

[Pancocojams Editor's Note: This comment refers to the partner in the video comment when he forgot that the Joker was  considered a spade according to the rules the players were using for that game.]

16. Paul Price
"The joker ain't a spade, it's homeless. That was funny"

In his defense some people don’t play with jokers though lol"

18. K
"Yes I have seen that happen but it is more common that the new player will renege by using a 2 of diamonds and say that's not a spade it's a diamond...😠"

19. Gifted Ent
"I don’t play spades with jokers... 👀"

20. Bobby Stallworth
"Real players take the jokers out"

21. The Grain
"Can't play baby spades bruh Ace high no jokers no kitty"

22. Manny Stylz
"🤣🤣 So true. Amateurs play joker joker deuce. Serious players Ace high only. And you BETTER not mess up OR ELSE"

23. Quique
"I've never played Spades w/ Jokers. How does that work? I mean their are 13 cards per person which make up a total of 52 but if you add 2 jokers wouldn't you have to take out 2 cards to make it even? If so which? Pinochle on the other hand is a better & more complex game."

24. Ceej hundo
"Quique u take out the 2 of hearts and diamonds fam"

25. Daryl Carr, 2019
"Okay, first of all, texting your spades partner is the same "violation" as actually talking to him/her across the table! I know Crank had to do this for the video, but still..."

26. Eric Callahan, 2020
"you cant text during the game  lol!"

Discussion Thread #2
From https://www.theroot.com/how-to-play-black-spades-part-1-1842460153 "How to Play Black Spades, Part 1" by Michael Harriot, 3/25/20 

1. Dave replies to Michael Harriot [the article's author], 3/25/20  9:34am
'"I learned the High Art of Spades from the military. The rules are much the same, probably due to the integration of the military and white folks penchant for lifting cool things and calling it ours. I suspect the biggest difference between the two forms is the number of fist fights that end the games. (You play Spades for 12 hours straight and see if you don’t punch your partner when they get you Set for the third time.)"

2. MrNails replies to Dave, 3/25/20 10:24am
"White dude here, and same. I learned from my black friends in the military, who had also proclaimed that spades is a game played in prisons and the military. I didn’t know so didn’t argue. 95% of the rules here applied to the game I played. Though to be perfectly honest, I prefer the Ace-high game. I don’t need all those trump cards!....

3. The Ghost of James Madison's Rage Boner reply to Dave, 
3/25/20, 12:02pm
"Same. I played so much godd---ned* Spades in the Navy. Navy Spades, because the enlisted ranks are often minority-majority, is a weird hybrid of Black and White Spades. We usually played Ace High because people were always losing the jokers or playing with decks where someone who’d used them for other games had thrown the jokers out, but the sh-t*-talking was endless and intense and most of the reason we played. But no liquor, obviously.
This word is fully spelled out in this comment.

4. Non Sleeping Giant reply to Michael Harriot, 3/25/20 10:44am
"After having a decidedly non-black education up to that point, I decided to go to an HBCU out of high school. I had to rethink everything about the black experience once I got my first cussing out by my spade partner for dropping a book. I remember that loud proclamation of my deficiencies more vividly than the time I ran a Boston."
HBCU = Historically Black Colleges And Universities

5. John Hascall reply to Michael Harriot, 3/25/20 10:58am
"Excuse my dumbassitude, but having only ever played Ace High, how the F do you play with the Jokers -- I have to assume you toss out two other cards -- which ones?

6. Dragonflyness reply to 
John Hascall, 3/25/20 2:44pm
"Usually the red 2's."

7. HoustonDude2016 reply to Michael Harriot, 3/25/20 11:12am
"I found a great spades partner. With other partners, we were OK, but together, we could practically read each other’s mind.

My wife hated him.

I’m going to miss her."

8. Mimi reply to Michael Harriot, 
3/25/20 1:15pm
"I’ve been playing spades since about 6 or 7 years old and have never ended a game because someone had a bad hand (no trump, spades, etc.) or because someone had a “run” (we didn’t call it a Boston - I’m guessing that’s an East coast thing). If you had no trumps you had to play smart, hope your partner had something better and try to set your opponents. If you lost, you just take the next. Gotta play with the hand you’re dealt."

9. HuskyBro reply to Michael Harriot, 3/25/20 3:28pm
"running a Boston

 I’ve lived in WisCANsin, Chicago, Alabama, Mississippi, Arizona and Ohio. I have never heard any one mention that term in a game of spades. My cousin, who lived in Brookline once said he had to “run to Boston” but I think that’s different."

10. Blaquestarr reply to Michael Harriot, 
3/27/20 1:15pm
"Thank you for this. I need to have my partner read these tutorials, because he refuses to let me teach him or play with me. He also leaves the room whenever I’m hanging with his college friends and I break out a deck of cards to play. They all went to a PWI, so they are scared to play spades with me... which means I’m doing it right.

I grew up in a religious household and wasn’t allowed to own any cards that weren’t skip or Uno because playing cards mean gambling. However, I learned still learned how to play spades at church. They taught me how to do score so they wouldn’t have to do it. After a couple of years of being the numbers girl, they eventually let me on the table. I became a spades player in college where I learned that every region has different house rules and found my trash-talking art. I always had a razor tongue and wit, but there are some words you can’t use in the sanctuary (or at a church picnic). My HBCU spades experience refined my playing style til now, these youngins can’t even come to the table. *sigh* I want a real game of spades soooo bad...."
PWI= Predominately White Institution [university/college]

Discussion Thread #3
From https://www.theroot.com/how-to-play-black-spades-part-2-the-glossary-1842513840 "How to Play Black Spades, Part 2: The Glossary" by Michael Harriot, 3/26/20 

1. DarkSabreX to Michael Harriot, 3/26/20 4:41pm
"Why is there no mention of “Running a yard”? I logged my Spades time in Chicago, and ain’t nobody there calling it a Boston. I get 10+ books, I just ran a yard on that ass."
Here's the definition that Michael Harriot gave for "Boston" in that article:
"Boston: When one team wins all 13 books.

A Boston is significant because it means a team won every possible book in the hand. It requires a great hand, remarkable skill and flawless execution. As we discussed earlier, some house rules dictate that a team that bids and makes a Boston automatically wins the game."

2. BedandBreakfastMan reply to Michael Harriot, 3/26/20 7:10pm
"Man, this brings back memories. Horrible, horrible memories. I remember going out to a bar as a “youngster” (translation - anyone in their twenties to a black person 40 or older) and while there was drinking and dancing going on in the bar, there was also a table in the corner where there was ALWAYS a spades game going on. Me and my equally drunk friend not only made the mistake of calling “next” but got our collective asses so thoroughly kicked that we had to leave the bar. Have you ever had your sh-t* handed to you by a 60 year old woman who not only beat you but talked sh-t* about you while she did it? I DID!"
*This word is fully spelled out in this comment.

3. Enkidu reply to Michael Harriot, 3/26/20 8:38pm
" “In white spades, books are called “tricks.” No one knows why, but I suspect they find it hard to believe that black people can make books. They probably thought it was a trick.” *

Back from when I was but a wee whiteling I can remember my parents playing spades with friends, and books vs. tricks was an issue. Now I understand that they must have been playing by white rules and tricks at our house and black rules and books at the Garrets’ house."
*This is a quote from Nichael Harriot's article.

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