Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Black Tiktokers Go On Cultural Strike And White Tiktokers Are Panicking (Part II of the August 2021 TikTok Strike Update)

Murad Merali, June 24, 2021

Edited by Azizi Powell

This is Part II of a two part pancocojams series that provides an update and comments about t the Black dance creators' Tik Tok strike that began in June 2021.

This post showcases one YouTube vlog on this subject as well as selected comments from the discussion threads for that video.

Click https://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2021/08/black-tik-tok-dance-creators-strike.html for Part I of this pancocojams post. Part I showcases another YouTube vlog on the Black Tik Tok Dance Creator's strike and provides comments about that strike.  

The content of this post is presented for socio-cultural purposes.

All copyrights remain with their owners.

Thanks to all the Black Tik Tok dance creators who are named and unnamed in these comments. Thanks to the vlogger whose video is showcased in this post and thanks to all those who are quoted in this post.
Click https://pancocojams.blogspot.com/2021/07/black-tik-tok-dance-creators-on-strike.html for the July 2021 pancocojams article entitled "Black Tik Tok Dance Creators On Strike Since June 19, 2021 Demanding Credit For Their Work (article excerpts)".

SELECTED COMMENTS (from the discussion thread for this vlog)


(Numbers added for referencing purposes only.)

1. Alias Fakename, July 2021
"Literally proving American culture IS black culture. Rock and roll and country music originated from black people.


I left for a week and come back to 400+ replies. Go home, learn a hobby, hug your loved ones."
As of August 10, 2021 at 9:54 AM ET, this comment has 484 replies and 5.9 K likes. 

2. Darius Williams, July 2021
"Louder for the people in the back"

3. Sean Vanburen, July 2021
"Racists and ignorant people pretend that blacks didn't create anything. We are the cultural glue of the world right now."

4. Nesska Wytch, July 2021
"Agree fully with the first two thirds of your statement. Country music in the US was an immigrant carry over of Celtic music from the British Isles. Since its carry over, its been influenced by African rhythm since the mid 1600’s, and more recently by pop music. Black culture is American culture no doubt about it, and is highly visible in music: Rock and Roll, Blues, Rhythm and blues, Jazz, Rap, Hip Hop etc. ( this is not an exhaustive list). In short, Country music in the US originated from the Celts and made better with Black influence.

Loo Wee, July 2021
"@Sean Vanburen  literally every thing is started and based from the blks periodt"

6. J-remy, July 2021
" @Sean Vanburen  when it comes to mindless dance trends, a handful of land-based sports and couple of music genres...sure. When it comes to literally ANYTHING else, no."

7. Matt S., July 2021
"@J-remy  Not true. Black people have also invented some of the every day products and devices that you take for granted today. From peanut butter, gas masks, and the water gun, to traffic lights, automatic elevator doors, and the gamma-electric battery.

Many historic black inventions were also accredited to white people. How, you ask? In the exact same way how white tiktokers are being accredited for the innovation of black tiktokers."

8. Angelic TroubleMaker, July 2021

9. icoleman150, July 2021
"@J-remy  that is not accurate. There have also been a lot of scientific advancements and political movements made by black people. I could list those, like George Washington Carver who created various uses for peanuts (not peanut butter), Sarah Boone, who improved the ironing board… the list goes on and quality frankly, your earlier comment is insulting and dismissive."

10. Pink, July 2021
"@J-Remy Actually, Black Americans have invented many technological advancements in the 20th century and a Black woman made the COVID-19 vaccine. Pancake mix and most hair care products were invented by Black women. You wouldn't even have Caller ID on your phone without a Black American Women. πŸ€·πŸΎπŸ’…πŸΎ"

11, Denise Marcus, 2021
"@Sean Vanburen 

If you say "It's the real McCoy"  you are saying a black inventor for the lubricating device for rail road transferring tracks.  When you use a cell phone, a black invented, when you eat a POTATO  Chip , Crum a black investor.  When your phone goes to voice mail, black female investor, when your home is heated and cooled, black female inventor, when your security alarm is setup in your home, black female inventor, when you cut your lawn, improve on the smooth blades, black male investor, when you are not kill at a traffic light, the yellow caution, was a black investor just few more to add to the list.

12. Shanti Abdumumin, July 2021
"The issue isn't just the white tiktokkers benefitting, it's the REASON: the black tiktokkers who are originating the choreo AREN'T BEING CREDITED."

13. Agnes Philips, July 2021
"They need to sue. Carlton has sued Fortnite over theft of his signature dance  moves"

14. Annisa Arthur-Castro, July 2021
"Or financially compensated. They don't only want oral recognition but to share in the profits if their product."

15. Q Machado, July 2021
"Nobody ever mentioned that Little Richard, James Brown and a few other Soul and Rock Artists were complaining the white people stole their dance moves. Elvis Presley stole and  took credit for a lot of black dances and music."

16. Chrissie C, July 2021
"YES ! The issue of Charli D’Amelio and her sister, Dixie, getting so much more rewards for “Renegade” than Jalaiah Harmon, who made the dance, makes me sick with fury every time I remember. To this day, I see Charli and Dixie reaping the benefits much more than Jalaiah— scoring a deal with Morphe,  and Charli having a partnership with Dunkin’ Donuts and having 42M+ and 119M+ followers on Instagram and TikTok respectively while Jalaiah has 671k and 2.9M followers. Just sickening I say."

17. STeresa, July 2021
"Gen Z are really out here making waves. Glad black people are learning the best way to make a statement is to move in silence and hit people in their pockets."

18. SaBr 417, July 2021
"White Gen Z tik tokers are the ones taking most of these dances tho."

19. Glockiana18, July 2021
"@SaBr 417  it's stoopid they basically want segregation... people support black artists and black businesses and now it's "oh they're thieving and claiming it as their own idea" WTF?? People are taking this waayy too far, if they want segregation out there in America? GWAAN cause that's essentially what they're asking for, black clothes black music black food and if a white person goes anywhere NEAR LIKING IT??? all hell breaks loose."

20. COMPILATION, July 2021
" @Glockiana18  No we want our MONEY you know what tf we talking about, and you know we don't care about non black people taking our dances but we sure are gonna make fun of it anyways."

21. mo et, July 2021
"@Glockiana18  no hunny. Thats not it. Its one thing if they take someones moves and say. Hey. This is from Mo. White tiktok creators dont do that. Its about stealing. Has nothing to do with segregation. Imagine you making a video. Then someone makes another video using your routine but gives you no credit. Dosent stop there....they get invited to a tv show to do this dance that they didnt even come up with. And get paid for it while claiming it as their own. This has happened to black folks in this country for years.. Black girls wear cornrows and its ghetto or not acceptable. White women wear boxer braids( cornrows) and its innovating and amazing. Now black people as a whole have decided not to share their talents. And it shows by whats coming out right now. At the end of the day. Its about giving credit when credit is due. Dont take my recipe,, add some raisins and say its your potato salad. Lol"

22. Hello Again, July 2021
"@mo et  "black people as a whole decided not to share their talents"


there are countless amounts on the Internet everyday doing it. You cannot stop it. Stop talking without thinking.

The dances and all that are out in the ether. You will never ever ever stop it now. Stop moaning, especially given the fact that you don't have all the historic knowledge of every single thing you engage with. Stop the silly acting."

23. mo et, July 2021
"@Hello Again  Wow thats awesome. Im so glad you finally admit that it happens. Too often black creativity is stolen by others. And used for monetary gain. Not many people would admit that. Takes courage. I love my racists, thieves and everything in between out in the open. And not hiding behind bad faith arguments and deflections. Maybe, if they had any sense of coordination or originality, then they wouldnt have to wait until someone does something creative to steal it. Just a suggestion. And you were trying to tell me this dosent happen....smh if you let someone talk long enough their true colors always show. Even if this was just a week long protest. It made a big enough impact for people to see a difference And you felt compelled to hop in the comment section and comment. When you could of just kept scrolling. But here we are. 😊 im here for it whether its 2 days or 2 months. Its the principal."

24. A None, July 2021
" @Hello Again  it's definitely a color thing ...of course you'd say its not to push the agenda of "why can't we share?" Naw not day..."

25. Alex Fleming, July 2021
"The people who created cancel culture are mad at the people who created the culture and decided to cancel. They love everything about blk people except the people. Keep that strike going."

26. L Sanders, July 2021
"Rice ppl want black ppl's [r]hythm but not their blues."

27. Carbon 6, July 2021
"Well, Professor Phillip Valentine (metaphysicist) said years ago if black people disappeared off the Earth 30 years ago, white people would still be doing the Running Man and the Cabbage Patch to this day."

28. Eunice obi, July 2021
"About time black content creators keep their talent close to their chest. Maybe those thieves will give credit, respect and rewards where it’s due - the original creators. I pray they keep this strike or boycott going. I’m here for it!πŸ™πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎπŸ‘πŸΎ"

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